《Psychotic Death Online》Chapter 2: Killing in the Tutorial
Author's Corner: More stuff learned about the game and the combat system as well as how the stats work and how gear looks.
" " = people talking
italics = people thinking
* * = sounds
' ' = people talking within telepathy
CAPS = Power usage
Chapter 2: Killing in the Tutorial
“Wait wait wait! What do you mean time to fight? I’m not done hitting the dummy!” –Me
“Muuuu, you just gained a ranged skill as a melee class, what else do you need?” –Faefae
“Hold on, I have no mastery of my combat abilities yet! Let me whack this dummy a few more times please!” –Me
“Fine, but be quick about it! You may have all day, but this is boring and you promised you wouldn’t be boring!” –Faefae
“Sure sure, I’ll get right on that.” –Me
Phew, dodged a bullet there! I don’t have enough intel on my abilities yet! I see their descriptions but nowhere can I tell what their costs are for some reason, maybe because they are self made abilities and I have to figure it out on my own!
Okay I’ll just use my [Qi Blade] on this dummy until I’m out of qi then it will be easy to tell how many I can use before I run out.
Huh? Why did nothing happen? Oh, the skill must have a cooldown. I guess that makes sense or else it would be cheatlike. But how do I check the cooldown? And damn my qi is already full again, what type of ridiculous regen is this?
“Um… What is my qi regen and how do I tell how much qi an ability uses and its cooldown?” –Me
“Oh, so you finally noticed that huh? Well I simply forgot! Normally the system gives you the necessary skill in the tutorial but since I’m doing it manually it slipped my mind.” –Faefae
Innate skill Identify has been upgraded to Analyze
“Okay now try.” –Faefae
“Okay let’s check some of my skills to see if they changed. Show details quick steps.” –Me
Quick StepsSkill Type:PassiveSkill Rank:SSSkill Level:1Exp:0%Description: Allows one to use qi to move 10% faster.
Cost: None, Cooldown: None
“Cool it shows more details now! Show details qi blade.” –Me
Qi BladeSkill Type:ActiveSkill Rank:BSkill Level:1Exp:0%Description: Uses Qi to send a blade of qi at your target for 110% weapon damage.
Cost: 10 Qi, Cooldown: 10 seconds.
I then went and checked all my other skills and noticed that none of the others had a cost. This meant that only when I use qi outside of my body do I actually lose it. I guess this makes sense as otherwise the qi is just circulating throughout my body without any loss.
I’m so glad this is a video game that focuses more on the game than the reality portion of virtual reality. I mean I don’t have to eat or sleep, nor do I run out of stamina! Just like an mmo! Luckily, my capsule keeps me in a sleep state and feeds my body or I’d be in trouble! But none of these skills show why my qi seemed to regen so quickly, very curious that.
“So what determines qi regen?” –Me
“Casters and Healers get meditation during the tutorial and when they use it, they feel their qi circulating through their body and it regens super fast during this time. Fighters and Rogues are out of luck, but you have two abilities that circulate qi throughout your body so your regen is probably fast since qi circulation is realistic as if this were real life.” –Faefae
Wow, so the two passive skills that I have that circulate my qi through my body help with my regen since the skill makes it run all the time. So if I didn’t have the skill I would not have a high regen unless I manually circulated my qi. No wonder the movement skill I made was so high ranked, it came with qi regen! Speaking of ranks, they don’t make any sense, why is flight skill the highest rank possible and body strengthening is average rank.
“Okay I think I’m ready to fight monsters, but can you explain the skill ranks? They don’t make sense to me. Why does the flight skill have the highest rank but body strengthening is only rank B?” –Me
“Easy, ranks start at F and go down to A then S, SS and finally SSS. But the key is there are two types of skills, utility and attack skills. Utility skills are ranked based upon how much they can help you in a fight and since your movement skill will make you able to run away from anyone, it was ranked very high. Qi blade is categorized as attack since it is an attack skill, and the small amount of damage only puts it in the B category, where body strengthening is both utility and attack, and it also helps with your qi regen has you found out which makes it SS rank.” –Faefae
“Yes but why is manual flight SSS rank? Isn’t that the legendary rank that nothing should ever reach?” –Me
“Yes, but unfortunately you are too new to the game to realize how game breaking your flight skill is. Just know it is the ONLY possible way to fly above 50 meters during the first half of the game before evolution. You can also jump off any cliff and survive, no one else will be able to do this unless they first learn how to circulate their qi and gain this skill. This skill isn’t even a hidden skill, which is why you didn’t get a system wide notification for it. It is a standard skill that anyone can learn and is pretty obvious one that is learnable, but it almost took you 24 hours to learn it and no one else is going to go through that hell to learn it making it as of now the only SSS ranked skill in the game.” –Faefae
Wow that’s crazy, that means I definitely need to practice using it in combat because of my movement skill is considered so good because of an ability to run away from a fight, a free flight skill is at least 100 times better skill.
“Okay where are the monsters?” –Me
“Fufufufu, you are in luck as it is now dark and monsters become 50% stronger at night!” –Faefae
“Wait what do you mean by that? I thought levels determined everything?” –Me
“Well they do, but what if a monster is above the normal rank? Then it will be much stronger! Monsters can be Elite or Boss but that doesn’t determine their tier, tiered bosses can drop loot of that tier, at level 1 the best you might see is a Black Iron tiered item, but even they are better than the normal unranked gear your current armor and dagger is.” –Faefae
“So um… what are the ranks again?” –Me
“There is a rank for each 10 levels, also a new class ever 10 levels that correspond to it. At level 10 you will become a Blademaster but at level 20 you will become a Bronze Blademaster. The ranks are Black Iron, Green, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Purple, Emperor, Valkyrie, Saint, Divine, and finally God which is level 100, a peak you will most likely never reach!” –Faefae
“Okay whatever, let’s get to killing, I’m not afraid of a night time mob, even if it’s elite, no a boss even!” –Me
“We’ll see.” –Faefae
And like that the dummy disappeared and what stood in front of me was an ugly green creature. What is this?
Goblin Level 5
H: 600, A: 13-26, D: 10
“Um... before I attack that, what determines defense for monsters?” –Me
“Well since he is naked it is same as you, 2 times your speed coefficient which for a goblin is 1.0 and not the 1.3 that you have.” –Faefae
“But why does he have so much health?” –Me
“To make things interesting and keep fights longer! Or so I was told teehee.” –Faefae
Fishy! Oh well, time to fight. Let’s test the dmg with my qi blade first.
Oh shit he is running at me now! Well he only has a club and though he is a tiny bit faster than I am, he is clumsy and has no clue how to wield it.
Soon the goblin was in range and swung his club right at my head, so I dodged to his right side and did my 13 hit combo on his heart area.
Fuck! My gear sucks! How am I supposed to hurt him if I can’t break through his natural defense???
Wait! Does it matter where I attack him? I mean the game just gave me attack numbers and defense numbers, no critical hits even for hitting his heart, I’ll ask Faefae while I dodge.
“So does it matter where I attack him at? Even his heart didn’t give me a crit.” –Me
“Sorry, crit chance is base 0% until you get some gear or skills that improve it.” –Faefae
Lame, well if that’s the case then I’m going MMA on his ass!
On his next swing to my head I dodge again to his right but this time I grabbed his hands and twisted his body around and grappled him to the floor by putting both my legs on his chest and putting his hand in an arm lock.
Now normally I would just break his arm but since there are no critical hits I’m just going to hold him in place!
Good he can’t move it seems, guess weight matters in this game! Time to attack his wrist to see what happens.
Well that is as expected. Time to keep repeating this over and over, it seems I have to wait 1 second between each 13 hit combo which is still faster than real life as the oxygen leaves my hand normally. Maybe that is because of the Qi circulation!
It took nearly 2 minutes to kill him this way but it was worth it!
Level Up!
“Yay I leveled up! He even dropped copper and the club he was wielding yay!” –Me
That… felt… WONDERFUL! The thrill of the hunt, the feel of the dying goblin in my hands! Amazing! I love this game!!! Now I’ll never have the empty feeling in my stomach telling me to kill anymore as my thirst will be quenched over and over again in this game! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no fear of jail now bitches! Err umm… let’s check the stats on this club.
Worn ClubAttack:2-4Durability:100%
And he dropped 2 copper, wonder how much money that is.
“How does currency work?” –Me
“I’m glad you asked as this part of the tutorial is over! 100 copper is 1 silver, 100 silver is 1 gold, and there are no larger currencies as money does not drop upon death and there is no weight limit on what you can carry in this game. Well there actually isn’t even an inventory limit, perfect game for hoarders!” –Faefae
“Wow the developers really made this a game and took out all the stupid shit that every other VRMMO has. I mean who plays a game to work, sleep, eat, or even shit? Also who wants to get tired or sweat? Those things have no place in a game! Games are supposed to be fun! If I want to work, I’d log off and get a job!” –Me
“Exactly! Now you get to entertain me instead! Oh and btw, you have to kill a bunch more goblins until level 4 then a boss will spawn, good luck!” –Faefae
“Wait what?”- Me
And just like that goblins kept spawning one at a time, fortunately they started to die faster as my damage kept getting higher each level. This whole thing took 3 hours until I was level 4 mindlessly killing these goblins, but fortunately a couple of them dropped worn daggers and now I have two of them in my hands and I keep switching them out as durability gets low as I cannot repair at all and there isn’t a town to be seen!
“Okay I’m level 4, now what?” –Me
“Now you find the mini-boss and somehow survive!” –Faefae
Ahh fuck this guy looks bigger than the rest!
Hobgoblin Level 7 (Elite)
H: 4200, A: 23-35, D: 34
“What the fuck? How am I supposed to kill him with worn daggers? And to make things worse he’s a rogue! And what is with that defense and health?” –Me
“He has armor and better weapons, obviously his stats will be better *SNICKERS*.” –Faefae
“Fine, I got this! Even at 1 damage a hit I only have to hit him 4200 times!” –Me
Fuck even with my self made combo it will take at least 11 minutes to kill him, and that’s only if I can trap him like the others and get free attacks off.
What the fuck? He disappeared!
Ouch! One attack while invisible and I already lost hp, leaving me with 324 left! Well it’s time to use my sensing abilities from back when I did martial arts to find him!
Oh that’s right, I have stealth too!
Now it’s an even battle, I just have to find him first and then think of a plan.
After 15 minutes of trying to detect him with my eyes closed I finally felt his killing intent!
Skill Unlocked: Sense Intent
Yay I can finally sense this guy. Oh I wonder if I can still talk to Faefae without talking out loud.
‘Can you hear me Faefae?’ –Me
‘Yes, I can use telepathy to talk to you at any time you want, no need to talk out loud.’ –Faefae
‘Great, well watch me kill this bastard now!’ –Me
Not able to see him clearly but still able to sense him I wait for him to get into a good position.
Finally he gets near a bush and I sneak behind him and trip him over it with a shove. I then put him in a Boston Crab so he cannot use his hands and go to work!
11 fucking minutes later and boom, he dies in a bunch of pixels and loot! I see armor and two daggers! And even a gold coin wow!
Level Up!
“Yay I’m level 5! Time to pick up the loot!” –Me
“Be sure to check the stats and then equip them… if you can that is.” –Faefae
I feel like she slipped there for a second. Probably just my imagination, women do things different anyways. Now to check my gear, let’s see, two identical daggers and a full set of leather armor, jackpot!
Goblin Chief’s Dagger (Black Iron)Attack:20-30Durability:100%Speed: 5
Requirements: Level 5
Goblin Chief’s Leather Helmet(Black Iron)Defense:4Durability:100%Speed: 4
Requirements: Level 5
Goblin Chief’s Leather Chestpiece(Black Iron)Defense:4Durability:100%Speed: 4
Requirements: Level 5
Goblin Chief’s Leather Leggings(Black Iron)Defense:4Durability:100%Speed: 4
Requirements: Level 5
Goblin Chief’s Leather Boots(Black Iron)Defense:4Durability:100%Speed: 4
Requirements: Level 5
Goblin Chief’s Leather Gloves(Black Iron)Defense:4Durability:100%Speed: 4
Requirements: Level 5
“Wow this set is amazing, two identical daggers too and tons of speed boosts!” –Me
“Yes, black iron gear is amazing, especially at this level *COUGH* I mean congratulations for finishing this part of the tutorial. Now we do it all again since the sun is coming back up but this time it will be level 10 bandits as you are going to be a PK king and must have experience killing people!” –Faefae
“Wait, let me check my stats now that I put all this new gear on! Show status.” –Me
STATUS WINDOW!Name:Psychotic DeathRace:DemonClass:RogueLevel:5Health:450Qi:450Power:65Speed:65 (+30)Intellect:45Stamina:45Attack:M. 40-51, O. 28-36Defense:33[tr]Currency:1g, 2s, 50c
Sorry no huge skill list this chapter, that will be next chapter which will also be the last chapter of the cheating tutorial! Please tell me of any plot holes I may have missed, typing today has been rough on me with my hands cramping up. I guess typing 10k+ words a day is too much on the hands... who knew?
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