《Round Two》Chapter 25 - Giving In


“So thanks to you fucking around, I now have a date this weekend.” John says with a heavy voice.

Sweat continues to drip from Leo's face. “Ugh, you're welcome?” He tries to say, hoping to spin it.

John lets out a chuckle. “You know this could very well ruin my marriage, don't you? This could destroy the life I've built. You realize that, don't you?” He says half-jokingly.

“Ugh…” Leo says as he looks away. Is it me or is he mad? He's mad, right? He certainly has reason to be. Leo thinks nervously.

John lets out a sigh. “But I should thank you. I couldn’t pull the trigger; for the life of me, I couldn’t pull the trigger myself. But my obsession with it continued to build; I mean you noticed it. Fuck, how transparent was I?” He says with a shake of his head. “Anyways… Those feelings had to go somewhere… If they continued to build, it would have consumed me and shat me out, leaving me to rot… Fuck, I dread to think of it. But yeah, like a bro, you pulled the trigger for me. And now… Now I have the chance to fuck it up like a man. God, I hope she’s trash. That way I won’t feel too bad if I have to throw her away.” He says before letting out an oh so bitter laugh.

Leo lets out an awkward laughter. Fuck, this seems like a charged subject. He thinks, continuing to sweat.

John waves a hand. “Whatever, enough with that. Just wanted to let you know that you’re getting a raise. Couldn’t really promote you cause you haven’t even been here two months yet. But yeah, expect a nice money boost.” He says with a bitter smile.


Leo immediately waves his hand. “Ah, that’s not necessary. I don’t really think it’s deserving of that.” He says, hoping to refuse.

John lets out a smirk. “You’re right. It doesn’t deserve that. But I’ve always been the sort of man who maintains the situation, and the devil should know by now; that I always pay my dues. Now get out of my office.” He says with a wave of his hand.

Leo stands up and exits the office, closing the door behind him. Immediately, he takes a deep breath. Holy shit. That was stressful. He thinks, sweat still dripping down his face.

Suddenly, Leo’s phone received a notification.

Leo takes out his phone to take a look.

Help fulfill a fantasy. 10,000 work points.

Leo breathes the cigarette in deeply. He knew that he said he would stop, but this… This moment very much needed a cigarette…

Leo exhales a cloud of smoke. Fuck man. I’m walking the dark side and I don’t like it. How much more of this crap is in store for me? He thinks with heavy bitterness. He didn’t even have the right to complain. No one asked him to pull the trigger, but he still did it. So he could only feel bitter, almost as an offering to the crazy story he helped push along. If Leo could plead for mercy he would, but no one needed that, and no one was asking for it.

Leo takes another deep breath of smoke, hearing the cigarette paper crackle as the burn climbs all the way to the butt. Leo exhales another large cloud of smoke before throwing the cigarette on the ground. Fuck… He thinks.

Leo’s phone begins to ring, and lifelessly, Leo answers the call. “Hello?” He says.

“Hey, Leo. I got a job for us. We’re going to have to fly to the Old Kingdom. You’ll have to buy a second identity from the reward store. You should also buy a few guns; we’re working as bodyguards.” Sal says quickly, hoping for a quick answer while expecting rejection.


Leo lets out a sigh. “Yeah. Sure. Whatever. I’ll get prepped and call you in a bit.” He says before ending the call. Leo grabs onto his forehead. He was undead but for some reason he still felt a headache coming on. Might as well work… He thinks, giving in.

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