《A Glimmer in the Dark》Chapter 24
In Clain's hands were two fist-sized chunks of metallic ore. They were craggy and jagged, not exactly crystalline but reflected a bit of light when hit at the right angles. Both had a good partly lustrous dark bronze shine with red veins snaking through them.
“Orichalcium ore!” Glen exclaimed in surprise, not loud enough to be a shout, as Clain handed both pieces to the older smith.
“Well lad seems you're quite full of surprises. It's been a while since I've seen ore like that.” it wasn't as though there were no pieces made of orichalcium in the shop. On the contrary, there were a few, and even had mithril and various alloys of both exceptionally rare metals. It was simply that the Dale seldom ever handeled the ores of both and more often had ingots, coins or old, broken shards from armor, weapons or jewelry to use. The most he got to interact with were from back when his friend had brought him the hoarded pickings through the years and processing.
“Something I acquired after a long series of missions while still in Rothram's northern border. A surprise after processing the contents of the bowels of a Rock Eater which caved in part of an abandoned iron mine. We were sent to confirm the cause of the cave in as there was the possible threat of other creatures nesting in the area.” Clain recounted as he remembered his other party members received similar chunks of different metals, gems or materials from the beast and the strangely satisfying feast the seven of them had with the flesh afterwards.
The Rock Eater that they took down was about as long as three average men placed end on end and was as thick as a barrel. It was quite small considering that the average was about three standard military carriage lengths and almost as wide as one was. The largest of these creatures ever encountered was described and respected as akin to a limbless dragon as it was just as dangerous as the legendary creatures and the death of this beast helped found and fund one of the Elven States for nearly two millennia, but that is a tale for another time.
“I take it you want it as an alloy with steel? I can stretch this out enough for a whole arm harness and breastplate while still providing a moderately low enhancing effect or have it as pure as it is now and get about a vambrace's worth with a little left over.” The old smith voiced his estimations.
“Here's a little more to help you with the combining.” Clain produced two mangled panels of what looked like plate that could have either been on arms or shins. “Those used to be mine, saved from quite a few pinches but got mangled from a post-quest mishap. Both are about a fifth orichalcium with trace amounts of mithril mixed with the steel.”
“This would do nicely. Let's get back to the front counter, for some measurements and get a good sketch for what you need.” Dale said as he led the way back out.
Back at the counter, Dale took out an old book, some coarse paper, a stick of charcoal, and a measuring string. Stretching out Clain's hand, some measurements made, a few scratches on the coarse paper and a look through drawings of armor pieces in the book the commission was decided.
Dale ducked back through the door with the pieces in hand leaving the two to discuss other details
“Come back the same day next week for fixing the fittings and are there any particulars you wish to add or change?” Glen asked in a friendly and professional manner.
“Yes I will and it would be around the same time of day too. No, everything we had decided is fine.” with a content smile and curt bow Clain exited the Long Ears Forge and began to make his way towards his next destination, an enchanter's workshop, specifically, an Erun enchanter's workshop. A curious thought though was that the instructions given to him stated that he presented the letter to the vice captain of the city guard which made him turn back towards the Academy as the Barracks of the city guard was just beside it.
He made his way back towards the direction of the Academy though stopping by a few food stalls for a few quick bites to have as he thought it would be the best time to catch the officers of the guard while they were to have lunch at the Barracks’ mess hall. Clain did so under the assumption of it being similar to how those back in Rothram's guard officials practice of having their meals.
The gatehouse to the City Guard compound was manned by one guard facing outward and another one facing inward. Both were standing at attention and wore the same set of armor which was a mix of padding, mail and plate. A barbute which was open at the face, covering the cheeks and having a perforations around the area of the ears. Chest and shoulders covered in plate and sleeves of mail extending into vambraces with articulated fingered gauntlets. An armored skirt of mail hung from the breastplate and covered half the thighs which were encased in trousers of mail and had a supplements of plates on the knees, fronts of the shins and tops of the feet.
He showed his identification as an adventurer, then the letter and promptly asked for directions towards the officer's stations and then the mess hall. The Barracks was the first building he saw after entering and to the side of it was the Armory and behind both was the Mess Hall, Kitchen and Forge, though not much was made in there and was more for making quick fixes or refittings to armor and weapons as the City Guard was had a contracted relationship with most of the smithies in the city which both ensured a quality to their items with the competitive relationship between the smithies.
He made his way towards the back of the large building, which was equally just as large as the main school building in the Academy at four stories tall and two hundred meters long. As it had quarters on the middle two floors, offices on the bottom and top floors, a judiciary hall was on the first to entertain various civil complaints and an aviary/messenger roost on the top.
Upon circling the building, as he wasn't too keen on moving through it, he had seen the connected structure of mess hall, kitchen and smithy. Clain beheld an interesting sight of a myriad kind of forms of the different guards, as exemplified by the mix of peoples and races living in Trask. There were humans and elves of different shades of skin and hair colour, at least several kinds of beastkin and the lizardmen variations and the occasional smaller goblin and beastkin. As the shades of fur, skin, scale and pummage differed, the sizes and shapes were also a differing matter, as there stood an orc of at least 2 meters in height of sculpted muscle and strength, almost as wide as the orc was tall with a portly but powerful boar tribe beastkin, lean and built kinds of elf, human, feline, canine, bovine and even avian beastkins that ranged from sleek and slender to ripped and solid. There were also a few examples of the Lizardmen and Erun and even a Troll which stood at 3 meters. But in general, the average in height and weight would land just as much as he was at a meter and three fifths and around 67 kilograms.
He was only able observe these things as near all of the the guardsmen which were either heading out or just arrived were helping each other out in undoing or gearing up their outer layers of armor as some were getting down to their shirts or padded jacks or putting back on mail and plate. Some of the guardsmen though simply ate their meals in full gear with only their helms taken off.
Currently, there were at least two hundred people there with a dozen or so in the process of either going back out or coming in. This number accounted for about a tenth of all the city guards. A small thing compared to back in Rothram where their city watch was at twice this size at 5000 and the various house guards put together reached a thousand, a third of that was the King's own guard.
Clain did learn though that even in a theoretical war, Trask was more than able to defend itself against the whole of the Human kingdom's total military might of around a hundred thousand strong force. This was due to the nature of Adventuring under Trask where they can be contracted into military service, the people having a fierce love for their city and the fact that over three fourths those of age were trained reservists and support, and even counting the potently educated students and staff of the academy. All of those brought up the numbers of the Free City's Defense Force to just shy of fifty thousand and if the situation and position allowed for it, in theory, to be able to fend off a force five times it's number.
Such thoughts though we're never truly proven as there has yet to be a power to have beset Trask since its founding. Yet the nature of the forests around the city have kept its guards sharp as the occasional wave of monsters and Mana-Twisted beasts would pop up and ravage the lands and settlements around Trask. These occurrences have become a valuable factor in keeping the Defense forces sharp and also provide an economic incentive to the defenders as the materials the slain beasts can be utilized for making a multitude of essential and luxury goods.
Clain was thinking about the last mana-twisted creature that was put down just days before when his thoughts were returned to the here and now as he stepped aside to let 3-meter tall guardsman through as he, or was it she, be able to access the armor racks which were to either side of the wide entrance of the Mess hall.
He then asked another person which was just leaving to the specific officer that he might present this letter to. He was promptly pointer to a group of more finely dressed and finished guardsmen on a far table and to introduce himself to all of them while then showing the letter, and so he did.
He crossed the rows of long chairs and long tables, confident and swiftly and reached the table where four distinct persons were sitting as one of them was talking as two ate while listening and the last was just there contemplating the words with closed eyes.
The one speaking dropped his train of thought as to address Clain. Her fierce gaze was juxtaposed by her welcoming voice. “Hello there sir. To what may the Guardsmen of Trask help you with.” A toothy smile was both inviting and a smidge frightening with her predatory feline features.
Clain addressed all the armored personnel which were now looking at him. “Good day ma'am, well met and good day to you all.” He responded as he gave a bow with his right fist closed and resting on the center of his chest and the back of his left fist on the small of his back. “I am Clain Crispin, an assistant instructor and researcher of the Academy and I was sent here by the Headmistress with this.” he straightened quickly as his statement came to an end while holding out the letter.
“Well met mister Crispin. This one is called Treena Girin Captain of the First Watch and Head of Training” the dirty blond, panther beastkin introduced herself then continued to name the others. “This one is Goran Norag, my vice captain and first Trainor.” She pointed across her to the green mountain of muscle with soft brown eyes and a dark head of short cropped hair responded with a bow and soft and deep rumble. “This one Ernst Elm, vice captain of the Second Watch and second Trainor.” A man of medium build light brown complexion and hazel eyes said a “hello” towards Clain. “That one is Sir Stenka Ilya, Captain of the Third Watch and Head of Arms.” the bald elf with a grayish complexion opened his eyes to regard Clain with a gaze filled with wisdom beyond all of Clain's years and effortlessly and gracefully gave a bow even though he was still seated.
“Enough of that Sten. The good man was sent here by the Lady and it seems he is also the current assistant to the Magus.” Treena's words only getting the gray elf to smile.
“Uhm. May I ask how do you know I am the Lady Magus’ assistant?” Clain interjected as he was not even wearing the identifying pin all staff receive upon becoming regular to their positions.
He was answered with the four of them pulling down their shirt collars down a bit and then a snaking pattern ran halfway up the sides of their necks. Treena had thin lines connecting to swirling spots, Goran's were curving in some and straight in others and ended with sharp points, Ernst was similar to Goran but were less curvy with rounded ends and Stenka had the same vine-like pattern to that of the Magus but looked more like those that climbed over stone than a violently barbed plant with arcane blossoms.
Clain reciprocated by pulling up his left sleeve and let his own tattoo move down and a feeling similar to that of a kind of close kinship was spreading throughout him. He took each hand that was extended to him in turn and at the end of it he could feel that they can also sense where he is.
“Don't be too shocked sir, that's one more feature to it.” Like how the rumbling of thunder would sound if it were turned into a voice said. “I believe it is me that letter is partly directed to.” Goran Norag was the one to speak.
“Ah yes. Thank you sir.” Clain responded as the vice captain was opening the letter with a deftness unexpected from his frame and was reading through it.
A tingling sensation was pulling on Clain's consciousness and he turned to the general direction it was coming from and saw Sten's tattoo was “active”, and like it was planned the others took turns at pulling his attention. He had already been familiar to this feeling but it was a new thing as it came from a few different people as in the first week Clain thought it strange that whenever he was turning the corner near the Headmaster's or Magus’ offices it was like he felt what was the expected response or approach he would go with.
Clain bowed to each and focused back on Goran as it was now him alerting his attention. “Come with me sir later. For now though, may I interest you with joining us in our discussion.”
“A marvelous idea Goran. It would be a most welcome thing to have an instructor from the Academy give his own take. Especially one both in martial and arcane combat practical applications.” The Captain to the First Watch remarked.
Clain wasn't surprised anymore and simply asked. “What is it that you were discussing Captain, that I may be able to help you with?”
“No need to be so formal Clain, we were just having a talk on adjustments to the training of new recruits and the retraining for the reserve militia.” The captain changed to a less formal tone.
And that set off a back and forth between the five of them as they asked Clain on his insights to the training programs that the City Watch were using. Clain answering with the possible changes, improvements, or additional points, was inwardly wondering if this was either Academy Head had added for him to do.
A little over two hours later, and an instance of being served with snacks and tea, the discussions ended.
“Thank you Sir Crispin for your perspective and ideas.” The captain said, returning the her initial formal tone.
“Come Sir. I will bring you to where the letter says you need to go.” the towering orc stood and made his way to the entrance to pick up his helm but left without a weapon. Clain just followed along seeming like a child following after a parent as onlookers saw.
The two walked in relative silence, save for the usual clink and shuffle of metal and the odd questions the larger man had for Clain as to how he has fared in the city thus far. To which Clain courteously answered and was afterwards followed by another one after some pondering.
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