《Imposter Hero》Chapter 19: The Decision of War


Along the walls of the cabin-like town hall were paintings. The paintings had depictions of the Caraha tribe leading over many people and often illustrated the power of the tribe compared to their foe. A warm fire crackled toward the left side of the main lounge as an overhead balcony looked down on the room. A bearskin rug was in the center of the room, pointing toward a bamboo chair full of animal hide and soft cushion that Zaberdack had situated himself on. He had strange boredom in his eyes as his gaze was affixed to the woman talking a few feet away from him.

Naomi had a chair of similar stature, but somehow she had slowly moved her chair to be slightly taller and more luxurious than Zaberdack’s. Her aura was one of confidence as she spoke to the newcomers who had arrived at the village just an hour ago. Aldweck had managed to haphazardly explain how their events leading to this unlikely meeting, somehow became a likely phenomenon.

“That is interesting. I see that you bunch have had quite some troubles.” Naomi said, her arms crossed and her leg over the other, “I will see to it that you are able to cross the ocean to one of the lesser islands.”

Zaberdack’s neck shot over to Naomi, “Now, hold on Naomi. We can’t just loan our help to these people. We have to look over the tribe and take care of the people.” His voice was somewhat weak in the presence of Naomi, whose eyes were like a ferocious demon once she was set on an idea. She met Zaberdack’s eyes.

“Don’t be such a weak leader. It’s unsightly. We have met friends, not foe on this day. The enemies that sequester our tribe into this meager state are trying to stamp out the resistance that they so rightfully deserve. We can help these people. It is our duty and our pride to do so. What did you not learn from your father?”

Zaberdack’s forehead wrinkled as he stood up, the chair creaking under his anger, “Do not mention my father. What would you know about him? We can’t just give these people our sailing ship. Your willingness to just give away the tools that we have is the exact reason father failed to maintain the strength of the Caraha tribe!”

“Now you are the one speaking poorly about your old man.” Naomi stood up and threw her hair back, her eyes unwavering, “Let me make it more clear to you Chief Zaberdack. Why we should help these people and what the future could hold if we staked our bets on something for once.”

“Clear it up for me then.” He said as she placed her finger into his chest.

“Our people are a struggling and dying group. I can’t stand to see the great and powerful Caraha tribe burn out so tirelessly. If we are extinguished, it should be in blazing glory. A powerful finale that is worthy of our ancestors’ history. We should uproot the village and go with these people, gather up an army from the lesser tribes and take back the Cariqueys for ourselves!” She widened her arms with a massive grin on her face, feeling free to do such a grand thing.


Zaberdack sighed, “As dreamy and wishful as that sounds, that’s all it will ever be. Our tribe may possess the physical strength to overcome them, but there are many soldiers with many weapons like the one Steilart is holding now. We would eventually be mowed down with nothing to show for it. Do we really want to abandon the lives and peace we built here to wage a final war against an entire nation?” He paused, slumping back in his chair and sighing, “I don’t think anyone here has that kind of mentality.”

“You have grown weak-minded Zaberdack. Complacent to live here and die out as the rest of us hark on the old days and plow the fields miserably. Have you not heard the cry of your people? Our people?” Mother Dharma appeared from the entrance and slowly walked over to him with a shadow over her face. The fire crackled as the group stayed silent in this debate between the leaders.

“Mother, you can’t also be serious.” He stood up once more.

“But she is. The only one who fails to accept action is you, Chief Zaberdack.” Naomi said.

“Yes, all of the people feel the same way as me. It is in our best interest to send twenty of our strongest warriors with these people. We must take action here and reclaim our proper throne of the Cariqueys. If we cannot do that, then we are better off dying as warriors than as farmers.”

Zaberdack’s eyes wavered, “It’s not like I disagree with what you are saying, but I love the people here. They are my family. To send them off to this impossible war seems idiotic. Foolish at best.” He put his hand over his face, “Why can’t anyone else see what I’m saying?”

“Chief Zaberdack, I see what you’re saying,” Aldweck said.

“You do?”

“Yes, I think bringing anyone on this trip to overthrow the Cariqueyan government is an idea that is tantamount to suicide, and anyone who doesn’t acknowledge that isn’t seeing clearly.” He said.

“Yes, see what he’s saying actually makes sense!” Zaberdack pointed, looking at both Naomi and Dharma for a change of heart. Their faces were unwavering.

“The outsider doesn’t understand our hate for living like this. He couldn’t possibly sympathize with us. We need to take this stance for ourselves.” Dharma said.

“No, it’s more so that I understand from an outsider perspective that you guys are making rash decisions,” Aldweck said.

Steilart sighed, “Knight Aldweck’s right, you guys are being a bit immature. These guns will definitely kill most of your tribesmen within seconds. You can’t expect to win this war. Going with us and supporting us is quite literally the opposite of being smart.” He scratched his head.

Chief Zaberdack with his golden earrings walked toward the center of the room, his hands behind his back, he turned to look at Naomi and Dharma who were both still adamant about the choice to wage war against the Cariqueys once more.


“I cannot overlook the anger in the hearts of the Caraha tribe, and I will not. It pains me to make this decision, but I will not allow our tribe to live miserably. Any warrior fit for battle and unwilling to stay here with their families can join me aboard the ship to the lesser islands. I will not permit single parents like Haruchiah to leave the village. The children of this village are the future if we do not return.”

“Are you really sure that is what you want to do?” Erick stood up, “We really appreciate the help and effort, but realistically you have no reason to help us. We are mostly powerless without you in the first place.”

“Believe me, I am ready to make this decision. If I don’t make this decision I might regret it for the rest of my life, and people will hate me for it if I don’t do it. At least if we fail, we can be remembered as honorable warriors like our ancestors. That is what truly matters, that is how father would lead the tribe. This is definitely the decision he would have made.”

A brief silence overcame the air.

“Round up the villagers for a town hall meeting tonight, we celebrate with a feast and then sail out first thing in the morning.” He directed, looking at Naomi whose eyes were practically glowing with the desire to fight against the Cariqueyan government.

“Right away, Chief.” She bowed, before walking out of the large hall and through the double doors that clasped shut behind her. Mother Dharma and the rest of them stayed within the room as the silence overcame them.

As time passed on, the room began to fill with people from the village at the words of Naomi. Her excitement had lifted their expressions from one of neutrality to one of hope for the future. All of them knew why they were here and some of the chefs throughout the town had arrived earlier to begin preparing a feast for their honored guests.

“Welcome, welcome everyone!” Chief Zaberdack said.

The hall became lively, Zaberdack lit the lights as men and women brought out tables and chairs toward the center of the room.

“Everyone take your seats! It is time to feast and discuss the most important matter of the night!” Zaberdack clung a small wind chime to grab everyone’s attention, he stood at the front of the table as people filed into the seats and looked toward Zaberdack. Erick, Aldweck, and the others were situated near the top of the table with Zaberdack and Naomi who were viewed as the virtual top two leaders of the village.

The room suddenly became quiet as everyone had taken their seats, “Now is the time to discuss the matter at hand. This feast is a warrior’s banquet. We are going to fight to liberate the Cariqueys, along with these guests who seek to liberate the people from the lesser islands! At dawn, twenty volunteers will go with Naomi and I to aid them in this quest.” Zaberdack pulled a sword from his waist and raised it to the ceiling.

Everyone raised their hands to the air and cheered, “Now, feast! Strengthen your bodies and your resolve!”

People began to grab food from the table and fill their plates. Zaberdack followed suit after and began to fill his own plate. He tore into some meat and looked over at Aldweck who seemed pale and unable to grab food. “What is the matter, my friend? You’re quite pale for this war feast!”

Aldweck’s eyes drifted up, “Ahh, yeah. You see, the last time I attended a feast, a man was murdered in front of my eyes. It was not a great time. It was pretty terrifying.”

“I can imagine. I’m sorry you went through that Aldweck.” Zaberdack patted his shoulder and bit into some more meat, “But now is the time to strengthen your resolve for the hard battle ahead. Eat so that you may be able to face the evil that has followed you to our corner of the world. I trust you will lead us through to victory.”

Aldweck smiled faintly, grabbing a piece of food and putting it onto his plate. Zaberdack’s words had been anything but encouraging. Mitch knew that if the real Aldweck were here that he would have been able to save many more lives and put a stop to much of the evil that had plagued the events around him. He had been unable to do much of anything to this point because of his weakness. Erick had been the only one who had continued believing in him, and because he did he was able to drive Zaya and her soldiers out. Now she was off back to Lord Warner who was surely sending search parties after them. They didn’t have time to feast here, but this was the only way they were going to get a ship off the island.

He had to take it.

“Take as much as you like. You never know, this could be our last meal.” Zaberdack reaffirmed to Aldweck underneath all of the chatter and laughter. Erick looked over at Aldweck and nodded, for the first time in a long time, Erick’s shoulders were lifted from some of the weight that had been burdening him. His eyes looked heavy and tired. He had been carrying a lot of the responsibility this entire time. Mitch couldn’t help but feel guilty. Erick had been doing double time for them.

Steilart ate like a madman alongside Chammie, while Velis did his best to eat even though he was feeling alienated amongst this great tribe that had relit the flame of hope in this war against the Cariqueys.

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