《Warhammer CYOA (SI) Fanfiction Minora [Dropped]》Chapter 26 Sarfort Part 2


As it turns out, you didn't have to rip the World apart in savage conquest against religious Fanatics, in fact, you underestimated the worth of your Token of Identity immensely. The gaining of any STC would seemingly be enough to shake the political Power-structure of Haran, gaining the complete Design for an Ironclad Grand Cruiser made Sonek the most influential Person in the entirety of the Sarfort-system in no time at all, it seems the reason why he remained so quiet throughout your Conversation was the sheer impossibility of your claims being wrong were you to deliver upon your Promise.

Simply a great start into the day, you think, dealing with all the Protection-treaties and Rivalries amassed by the Titan Legions and their little Brothers, the Knight-houses as an outsider would have been a waste of so many Days. But with the shattering of normality while you stand at the top is just perfect to mend what is broken without having to deal with slighted Tech-priests in the long run. You plan to begin the process of uniting the Forges with the creation of a single main Army-group formed from Forces of every Forge in Sarfort.

To succeed in your goal of swiftly uniting the Factions on Haran you make your way directly towards Grube, the current main Warzone between the Forces of Immortal Hammer and Mettalum Venator. Arriving in the Vicinity of the Forge you see to your pleasure that the only part that wasn't in immediate need of repairs was the Heart of Grube itself, its Manufactorums running throughout Day and Night as always, while the rest of the Hive lies silent with whole Districts buried under Rubble and others still melting and burning in the Heat left behind by the Titan's battle.

Grube is simply the perfect place to house the new Army, it holds importance to Two of the Three Legions, and the Production-capacities the Forge would have at its disposal after a number of repairs could maintain the Equipment and Armament of any number of Troops without a problem. Adding to its Merits further, Grube just so happens to have a lot of new space for future Residents, and with a Mountains-worth of Minerals just lying around in the Forge, the ongoing Hostilities were the only thing halting Grube's rebuilding effort.


Setting everything up won't be a problem with these circumstances, so the next step would be meeting the Legions of Immortal Hammer and Mettalum Venator to give them their newest Members. You swiftly cast the Spell Adamantite Construction of the Fourth Tier Two times and create the Warlord-class Titans Arete and Thrasos. The mentioned Titans were gratefully accepted, and brought the Legions to Twenty-four and Twenty-seven Titans respectively, Voltisaeor will reach Twenty-one when given their Titan, bringing the Total number of Titans on Haran to Seventy-two, a Fourth of what you would like for a single Legion, but a Start nevertheless.

24 Immortal Hammer

Warhound: 15

Reaver-class: 6

Warlord-class: 3

Imperator-class: 0

Legendary Imperator-class: 0

21 Voltisaeor

Warhound: 11

Reaver-class: 5

Warlord-class: 5

Imperator-class: 0

Legendary Imperator-class: 0

27 Mettalum Venator

Warhound: 18

Reaver-class: 7

Warlord-class: 2

Imperator-class: 0

Legendary Imperator-class: 0

Talking with Titans for the first time was quite the experience, not that there is anything wrong with the Knights, but talking with someone that isn't completely focused on Slaughter or Administration makes for a nice change. The Titans of Immortal Hammer and Mettalum Venator were of course also focused on crushing their Enemies, but seeing as everything a Titan has to actually struggle with to defeat takes a lot of softening up a good amount of Patience made it into their Cores. Sayed Patience transformed Statements like ''It's a good Opportunity for Slaughter.'' into a more pleasant ''I am delighted over the Prospect of our Enemies steadily approaching Demise.'' making conversing with them quite a bit more enjoyable.

Two Weeks passed without any Incidents filled instead with Construction-work, unending Meetings and your Introduction to the Legion of Voltisaeor, then the Recruitment Reports came in leaving you stunned. It seems over Eleven Billion Souls wish to join the coming Campaign against the Orks, leaving you in a happy but at the same time exasperated State. Equipping, Training and Moving them before your Forces arrive in Calia would need an unreasonable amount of Effort, even if your Empire would Scrape-together the Ships needed, loading them would take forever, meaning this immense number of future Troops will have to sit in Sarfort for quite some time.


Shortly after processing the incredible Recruitment numbers more pleasant News makes its way to you, while the Legions have to many Obligations and can send only half their number, the Knight-houses of Axis Noster and Red Scorn choose to support you with everything they've got. And when the Three-Hundred Nine Knights and Thirty-six Titans start parading to the Rhythm of the Machinery through the Forges making their way to the Ships, ready to be shipped off at a moments notice another Wave of excitement makes itself felt in the Population creating a new Wave of Volunteers to draw from.

The longer you focus on the Sarfort-system the more you hope to soon reclaim further Forge Worlds, hardy People used to working on endless Production Lines imbedded with a fanatical sense of Loyalty and already enhanced with Implants are just beyond helpful. And since the Day you talked with the Princeps of the Immortal Hammer Legion and the Knight Pilots of Red Scorn you realized for the first time that those Humans linked so closely to the Maschine-spirits can actually vouch for you no matter the position or state of a Forge or Knight World, making them as easy to take as simply Introducing yourself.

With the immediate work dealt with you focus on getting all sent out Forces that are not needed as Garrisons and are reasonably movable on their way towards Calia, where they are to meet up with the Expeditionary-Fleet, to begin the Invasion in earnest. After disbanding your Fleets and leaving Garrisons of Fifty Escorts, Five Cruisers and One Starfort the reinforcing Fleet you were able to send consisted of Two-Hundred Escorts, One-Hundred Cruisers, Eight Grand Cruisers, Four Battleships and Eight Ironclads.


-Haran (Forge World)= 43.745.710.540 [599.316.234.398 Resources] (13,7)

Hive Leck (Capital)= State: ???

Hive Grube (Mobilisation-point)= State: ???

-Kald (Mining World)= 6.723.642.930 [10.085.464.395 Resources] (1,5)

-Ironhaven (Mining World)= 8.463.905.270 [14.388.638.959 Resources] (1,7)

Major Actions (select 8)(can be selected more than once):

Effective use of Ironclads= Ironclads are the perfect Ship-type to destroy the larger Ork Warships.

Grants: Destruction of 1 Ork Capital-ship (Bonus if chosen 8 times.)

Raiding= Softening up the Enemy never hurts.

Grants: Destruction of 8 Ork Escorts

A battle of attrition= Your Ships fire far more accurate, in an exchange of long-range Bombardment you would see your Ships come out on top.

Grants: 20% Damage boost

Please select: 8 Major Actions

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