《The Happenstance of Samuel Hayden》Getting back on the Saddle


Here I am in the inky black, nothing seemed to spread forever and time seems to have taken a vacation as well, unfortunately for me. I sit there staring into what I guess is the horizon but who knows and wonder how the hell I even got here. I tried to retrace my steps but my last memory is plunging my dagger into the last assassin but then it’s from there. Hopefully, I’m not dead but that possibility that I am is probably very much on the table.

Instead, I analyse my new acquisition, aka my new shield. I couldn’t summon it in this space but I still could observe that tattoo. It appeared similar to the dagger that it’s just a basic image of a weapon of its type, however, that’s not what I was focusing on. Usually, with weapon magic, you can only summon the weapon you started off with but I didn’t start off with the shield but I guess it belongs to me now. Peculiar. Maybe that'll mean that my magic isn’t as crap as it first appeared but I wouldn’t put my hopes up.

As I was still analysing the fresh marking on my arm a jerking feeling suddenly fell upon my body and felt like I was flushed away from this dark plane into the nothingness.

Plop, the sound of my body planting itself onto the cold hard ground was pleasing to my ears, after spending a good while in the endless void you begin to miss the solid ground. Eventually, I got tired of the floors embrace and slowly got up from the ground to survey where I am. When I looked around I was confounded, instead of the bloody alleyway, I appeared to be in a hospital room an expensive-looking one at that. The sheets that I was just in are white as if they are brand new, the room itself was spotless and the view out the windows is something to die for. I doubt many of the nobles in the city have a view this good. Despite being entranced by my surroundings only one thought was floating around my skull, I can’t afford this shit.

Panicking, I started to look for a way to sneak out, unfortunately, before I could execute any half baked plan that I could cook up a nurse came in; dashing all hopes of escaping.


“I see that you’re up and healthy enough to move around. Since you’re better now you need to fill out a couple documents before you can leave.”

“Wait, I don’t have any money, and if I did I doubt I could afford the service here.”

“No need a mysterious gentleman dropped you off here and paid for your fees for your treatment. But since you’re fine now you are free to go now.”

Her face remained blank throughout that entire exchange which contrasts with my shocked face. Who would be kind of to take a person to the hospital never mind pay for their treatment? I have a sinking that my mysterious helper isn’t as simple as he seems. But hey ho, as they say, a fool's luck never runs out.

After I finished up with my papers I was ungraciously kicked out. As I look out all I could think about is what I should do now. I have no money, no friends, no home. Nothing other than the skin and flesh that's on my bones. Well before I did anything else earning money is a must so I head to the only place where a person of my limited skill set could hope to earn anything, the Adventurers' Guild.

The guild is a place where people run various errands that can range from defending a town from beast to being stagehands at the local theatre. I never found out what the origins of the guild were but I’m sure that I couldn’t give a toss about it regardless. There are ranks in the guild but every newbie, which is me, starts at F the lowest of the low. F rank is full of people who have either just awakened their powers or have just awakened their powers and are given the lowest paying of jobs that have no risk whatsoever, perfect for a man of my calibre.

I made my way to the guild, inside it was extremely busy as there's a tavern inside the hall which makes it a popular place for adventurers and locals alike. There a range of booths that could fit a whole party, various servers handing out plates of food and there were wisps of light floating about. The roof was enchanted to show the sky above the building, even though it was considered a fairly simple enchantment it was still nice to look at. I found the help desk and I quickly signed myself up, which is a very fast-tracked process due to how inconvenient it would be to the guild to interview every newcomer, the guild only focus in on you if you take the rank ascension but that's a bit far for me.


After I got my identification I made my way to the notice boards, a small place like Dorwell doesn’t really have any high stake missions due to how remote it is. I looked at the F-rank list to see anything suitable before sighing and grabbing one. Seriously the highest paying job was 5 coppers which are helping clean the local inn, at least it’s better than nothing. With 5 coppers, if I was frugal, I could feed myself for 2 to 3 days which is not too bad. In the human kingdoms, the denominations are 100 coppers in a silver, 100 silvers in a gold coin, and a 100 gold coins in a platinum coin. After I confirmed my choice with the guild I made way to the urm... Cricket's Nest? Whatever let's get this over with.

When I got there what greeted me was a quaint looking in that looked decently busy with the most horrendous paint job I’ve ever seen in my life. When I came into the inn was decently filled with adventurers, mercenaries, merchants etc. They were sat on oaken benches and laughed merrily as they spilt their drinks whilst telling their extravagant tales of their gallantry. The hall itself was very homely with various paintings on the walls that all have a similar vibe, maybe they were all done by the same artist? Also, There various ornaments around that looked straight out of a lost and found box but they still managed to fit in with the whole theme they had going on.

I made my way to the counter to see if I could talk to anyone about the job. Eventually, someone noticed me and came towards. It was a kind-looking woman with tawny brown hair, smile wrinkles that are starting to settle around her soft eyes and an honest face. She smiled at me and asked,

“Good afternoon, how may I help you today?”

“Hey I’m here about the job posting at the guild”

“Ohh I was wondering if anyone was going to come at all, it’s been quite a while since we put the job up. I’m afraid that the initial workload may have gone since it was posted.”

“That’s fine I’ll still do the job..” As I was speaking a thought dawned upon me,

“Hey in exchange for doing these extra jobs could I use those as payment for a room,” The woman thought for a moment before agreeing to my proposal. The deal was that as long as there are jobs I can stay here free of charge but I won’t get any money for my work. At Least I’ll get free meals which is a major plus, maybe I charmed the boss with my charisma to give me favourable terms.

After the deal was sorted out she showed me to my room and said she’ll put me to work early tomorrow. I jumped onto the bed as soon as she left. The room was pretty nice and this bed is heaven compared to the bush I’m used to sleeping in. The room itself was pretty plain with only a bed, a small table, a chair and a small wardrobe. But this is more than enough for the negative amount of belongings that I own. I couldn’t believe my luck that I scored myself such a good deal, fool's luck babyyy.

Before going to sleep I summoned my weapons, both the buckler and dagger flashed into my hands. Now that I’m observing them closely they’re both look good as new as if they’re straight off the store shelf. This is pretty strange as the dagger was fairly used when I got it and both of them should carry some wear from the battle yesterday but no matter how much I search I couldn’t find a trace of any use.

This got me thinking, I brought my dagger to the buckler shield and slashed it a couple of times. There's no a couple of light, but noticeable scratches on the shield I de summoned it. When it went back in me I felt the smallest amount of mana being drained from me. I summoned it again and when I inspected it there was nothing there as if the damage I’ve done just a moment ago never happened at all.

No fucking way.

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