《The Silver Sabertooth》The Price Of My Name


In Jack's mind, Zeral the hero of Batrak city is somewhere inside the man who standing in front of him and he wishes he will bring it back and then help him to stop the monsters invasion but Zeral is not the same man who used to be years ago...

Jack start trembling as he looking to Zeral mad face as grabbing his sword and moving towards him so Jack asks

"Man, what happened to you?? you even hate hearing your name?"

Zeral answering him as he smiling "My name? hahahha I got none"

Jack ask again "What happens to you?"

Zeral answers "How many times you ask me this? do you really want to know? do you want to hear my story? but I may end your life after I finished it to you"

Jack says "Of course I want to hear your story, you used to be my hero now you I can't understand what are you? and why are you doing this? what happened to the man who I always admire him...Come on tell me"

Zeral saying as he putting back his sword "First of all I'm not your hero and never been, I don't care what you thought about me but listen I'm not the same man who you knew I don't even know who I'm anymore! Am I human? Am I monster? or both. Either way here it is my life simple, kill anyone stands in my way and searches for who can kill me"

Jack asks "But why you want to die? and how you ended up with such strength and immortal body ?? I though the only creature with such power was the real Silver Sabertooth which killed shortly before the rise of monsters"

Zeral looks to the sky and says with despair in the face "Well, that's the reason of my curse!! you see my family died and I couldn't help them also I don't know who did kill them, I wish I can die to join them in other life"

Zeral start screaming and crying at the same time "But your God betrayed me!! he cursed me with this immortality, did I EVER ASKED FOR THIS? WHY HAVE I TO LIVE LIKE THIS? why? damn it I got this curse after I killed the Silver Sabertooth so instead of receiving an award I received this curse and now I'm looking for who can end it"

Jack says as he looking down with sadness in a face "I'm sorry for what happened to you sir, I hope you will get your wish but you see this is not a reason to leave the human side! you were a human and you stay a human even if you are immortal so why not be with us in this war"


Zeral says as he looking to Jack "I don't care about this war I'm not in interested in fighting monster neither humans but I will kill who gets in my way no matter what if any human or monster or fucking god himself want to kill me so come anytime I'm waiting"

Jack says "Please sir stop disrespecting our god, we really need him in our struggle to guide us and help us to get through this war and get our victory, besides he may do this to you in purpose for great things"

Zeral interrupts Jack "In purpose, hell yeah it's on purpose to make me feel suffer, I don't care about your human beliefs anymore, even those what you call monsters they call their leader a god, now we got two gods in same time, fuck them both they won't help me anyway so here is my final answer I won't help you either help the monsters and for last time stop following me and let me go"

Jack asks as he begging Zeral "Please sir, help us, can't you see the suffer from many people around you? can't you feel the pain? if you hate god, it's your personal life but if you hate humans for nothing then that's wrong! what about your friend Kevin? he died by those monsters as he protecting the city of Batrak, he died protecting your family so why not to avenge his death? huh? tell me..."

Zeral stand staring at Jack then he ignores him and start walking away but Jack won't give up and he insist on following him and saying

"Please, help us!! come on think about us! think about your best friend and think about your family" as finishing this words, Zeral quickly turns and moves so fast grab Jack's head and then he says

"I warned you, I told you I may kill you after telling you my story and told you to leave me alone but you got under my skin and pissed me off so how about I kill right now huh?"

Jack, even with suffering from the power of Zeral's hands he continue saying as smiling

"Please help us! ughhhhh-ahhhh we need you! ughhhhhh-ahhh your family need you...mr-ahhhhhh mr.Adomas"

Zeral laughing "Hahahah what a foul, you brought this to yourself, Adomas? Well I missed that name, however, go and give my gratitude to your god" and he crash Jack's head


Then Zeral throws Jack's body away and continues walking away from the city shortly after walking few miles as he thinking and remembering his friend Kevin...

(In the past) Kevin telling Zeral he is proud of him after the king selecting him to be the captain of the squad in the hunt of the silver sabertooth

"My friend I'm so happy to hear that you've been called once again as a captain of this ride to catch the legendary beast"

Adomas (Zeral real name) says "Well I'm happy too, thanks my friend I can't wait to go and kill this beast as legend says no one ever killed that monster so let me try my luck hahaha"

Kevin start laughing "Hahahaha yeah try your luck you may end up the legend who kill the famous Zeralizion, it will be a great honor to you, I must say"

Adomas says "Yes it is and that's why I hope to kill it so my name will be written in book histories as the first and maybe the last person who kill that legendary creature but that's not all, as you know with his death we will not be afraid of it anymore and we can live and go to near the mountains in complete peace"

Kevin says "I agree my friend, that's why I pray to god that he will help you"

Adomas "Yes I need the god power to aid me in this and bring me back alive so I can spend one more night drinking with you and see my son's smile again"

Kevin says "Don't worry I believe in you, my friend, you will come back and of course, we will drink again hahaha"

Adomas asks "Yeah but it will be better if you came with me instead of sitting here protecting the city, I mean who would attack us in this time after we defeat our worst enemies and conquer most of the kingdoms nearby, we live in peace so why king wanted you to stay here?"

Kevin answers "Look maybe we are in peace now but who knows what happens when you go with our brave soldiers from here also the city need a leader right?"

Adomas says "Ah yeah and what a leader they will get hahaha the true hero of this city is protecting them now"

Kevin smiling and says "Wait a sec you are the true hero !! they call you the hero of Batrak, not me !!"

Adomas grab Kevin's shoulders and says "You are the true hero If weren't you who saved me many times in the battles and look at my back as fighting with me against our enemies, you were so brave and amazing fighter !! I got the name of the hero because they only hear about my victories but never heard about the man who saves the hero over and over"

Kevin with a smile and tears in eyes "Thank you"

Adomas says "No I thank you for everything and now I want you to be their leader in case that I didn't come back I want you to lead them in right way as god want"

Kevin interrupts "Don't say this man I'm sure you will back alive and with the Zeralizion's head in your hands, I believe in you, my friend so make it happens"

Adomas "I will, and so now I have to go to prepare myself"

Kevin says "Alright and good luck and I hope you will be the Zeral"

Adomas wonders "Oh the Zeral? what do you mean?"

Kevin respond "Mhmm it's short name for Zeralizion, and you will be his killer right so I guess word Zeral will be a good for you"

Adomas burst in laughing "Hahahahaha yeah nice nickname so see you soon my friend"

Kevin says "Bye" Then Adomas left and that was last time both they talked

(Back to present) Zeral walking and walking as remembering this conversation with his dead best friend Kevin then he says to himself

"So finally those damned memories are getting back, damn I nearly forget his face, If I had a heart I could miss him but I guess I'm a real Zeral after all, he failed in protecting my city! he died by those monsters, how dare he? how dare he dies? how dare he fails? damn it"

Then he starts screaming "DAMMMMM ITT WHY YOU DIED? WHY YOU COULDN'T SAVE THEM?" then he roars loudly like angry beast

The end.

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