《Saving Earth》Hot Limo Driver
Jake woke up in a sweat. He had such a vivid dream. In it he was in bed with Laurie, Mandy and Cindy. They were all naked and engaged in acts that he had never even thought of doing before. He was in a bad state. He looked down with a start, he looked bigger then he remembered.
“Hal.” He thought. “What kind of physical changes are going to occur to me?”
“Good morning Jake.” Said Hal. “You will be fitter, smarter you will a much improved human. Why do you ask?”
“Well it seems like my penis and testicles have changed as well.” Thought Jake looking down at himself. “They are much larger then before.”
“A larger penis and testicles are needed by my creators.” Explained Hal. “Having a large number of females means he needs a large source of sperm and an adequate delivery unit. Your body has adjusted it seems.”
Jake felt like a porn star, his penis looked like ones he saw in the few pornos he had seen. He hopped out of bed and went into the bathroom. He stepped into the shower and ran a cold spray over himself. After a little while his problem went away and he urinated in the shower. He turned the heat up and gave himself a quick wash. He grabbed a towel and quickly dried himself. He walked back into his room and pulled out a pair of underwear. He opened his closet and looked inside at his clothes. He was meeting a lawyer and had little formal wear.
“Just wear some clean clothes Jake.” Said Hal. “She will not judge by your clothes but by your cleanliness.”
Jake pulled out some khakis and a short sleeved shirt. He pulled them on and walked over and grabbed some socks out of his dresser. He sat on the bed and pulled them on. He quickly pulled his sheets up and picked up his dirty clothes. He put them in the corner. I need a clothes hamper, he thought. Funny I never did any of this before. He quickly tidied up the room, then went out into the living room. He picked up the empties and put them in the case and grabbed the pizza box and put it on top of his garbage bin. He grabbed his kettle and filled it with water from the tap and flicked the switch. He opened his cupboard and grabbed some puffed wheat and bran. He took down a bowl and put equal parts of both in. He opened his sugar dish and put a liberal dose of sugar on the mixture.
He opened the fridge and took out the milk. The expiry date was yesterday, but he chanced it and poured some on his cereal. He took down a mug and poured some milk into that as well. He grabbed a teabag out of the tin and waited for the kettle to boil. He pulled a spoon out of the drawer and started eating his cereal while leaning against the counter. The kettle clicked off so he lay down his bowl and poured the tea. He grabbed a teaspoon and put in some sugar, grabbed his cereal and walked over to his couch. He lay the tea down and sat and quickly finished his cereal.
He lay down the bowl and picked up his phone and flicked it. The time was 10 AM. Still 3 hours till the meeting. He had slept longer then he realized.
“I think your body is still adapting.” Said Hal. “You will need extra sleep until it adjusts.”
“I feel great Hal.” Thought Jake stretching. “I feel like I could run a marathon. I have never felt this way before. My body feels great and my mind is so clear. I do not feel any smarter though. I thought my IQ was supposed to increase?”
“It may take time.” Said Hal. “It may take a while for all the changes to take place. That is why I want you to come out after your meeting. I need more data on the changes and also on the females.”
“I am supposed to meet Laurie later.” Thought Jake. “She seemed eager to meet me. I can call and cancel I guess and reschedule for when we get back.”
“I think that is best Jake.” Said Hal. “We need to limit exposure until we understand the changes in your body and in the people around you.”
He did not inform Jake of his worries, he did not want to frighten him.
“Phone her now and set a date for Friday night.” Said Hal. “It is Monday now so hopefully we can get it corrected by then.”
With that Jake picked up his phone and flicked to his recent calls. He found Laurie’s number an clicked on it. It rang once and Laurie answered right away.
“Hi Jake.” She said breathlessly. “I am so glad you phoned. I am so looking forward to seeing you tonight.”
“About that Laurie.” Said Jake. “I am going to have to cancel. Can we do it Friday? I have to go out of town on business till then. I will make it up to you I promise.”
Laurie sat back in her chair in her office with a crestfallen look on her face and started to cry.
“I was so looking forward to it Jake.” She sobbed.
“Please do not cry Laurie.” Said Jake. He felt awful. He really liked her and did not want her to be sad. “I would not do it if I never had to. I was really looking forward to seeing you again. I am disappointed as well.”
“You are?” said Laurie perking up. She stopped crying with this news and felt better. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “You promise we will meet on Friday Jake?”
“No matter what, I will make our date on Friday.” Promised Jake.
Laurie’s eyes opened wide, he called it a date, he must really like her. Her body responded to his voice again. She felt so excited just listening to his voice.
“Ok call me on Friday then.” Demanded Laurie. “I will cook us a meal, and you will come to my house. I insist.” She knew if she got him in her house she could get what she wanted. That was Jake naked in her bed with her doing whatever she wanted to him. “I will text you my address. What do you like to eat? I am a good cook and can cook anything you like. What do you like to drink?” She felt so excited she could make anything Jake wanted, it would be good to please him.
“Surprise me Laurie.” Said Jake. “I know that whatever you cook will be excellent. I like Iceberg beer and Lamb’s rum to drink. Either would be fine.”
“OK Jake.” She said. “I will cook you the best meal of your life and the dessert will be even better.” She did not tell him that she would be the dessert.
“I cannot wait Laurie.” Said Jake. “I cannot wait until Friday night. See you then.”
“Good bye Jake.” She gushed hanging up. She lay down her phone, leaned back in her chair and spun it in a circle. She would have to have a spectacular meal for Jake on Friday. She just had to think about it more.
Jake hung up his phone as well.
“That went better then I hoped Hal.” Thought Jake. “I am glad she was ok with it; I did not want to hurt her feelings.” Jake thought deeply, his mind was changing it seemed. He never cared about others feelings before, and cleanliness was not a big thing either. Looking around his apartment, he was embarrassed at the dirtiness of it. He rubbed his face and felt the week long stubble. He needed to shave before he went out and put on some cologne and deodorant.
He got up and walked into the bathroom taking off his shirt. He laid it over the shower rod and reached for his razor and shaving cream. He wet his face with the facecloth and lathered up. He took his time and did a good job of shaving. He put it away and pulled out his deodorant and cologne. He used both sparingly but felt better after this. He wiped his face with a towel then grabbed his shirt and put it back on.
He walked out into the living room and picked up his knapsack and keys. Grabbing his sunglasses, he walked over to the door unlocked it and stepped outside and locked it behind him. He walked down the stairs to his car and opened the door. He tossed the bag on the passenger seat and jumped in. He put the keys in the ignition and closed his eyes and prayed for it to start. He turned the key and nothing. It never made a noise. He leaned his head against the steering wheel and sighed.
“It has finally died Hal.” Thought Jake. “I will have to grab a taxi, or walk.”
“Car trouble?” Asked a voice from outside the car.
Jake jumped in his seat startled. He looked outside and saw a pretty young lady wearing some sort of uniform. She smiled down at him.
“Hi.” He said sighing. “Yeah it finally quit. Bad timing as I was on my way to an appointment. I will probably be late now.”
“Well this is your lucky day.” She replied smiling. “I am a limo driver and I am about to go to work. My first client is not for another hour, and for a small fee I can drop you before then.”
“Well I am Jake.” He said. “How small a fee are we talking?”
“Hi Jake, my name is Linda.” She said smiling. “How about $20? That will pay for my lunch later.”
Jake smiled back and Linda. He could not believe his luck.
“How did you happen to be here Linda?” he asked.
“Well I live here on the second floor.” She said. “And my limo is right in front of you. I saw you trying to start your car and came over to offer my assistance.”
Jake looked through the windshield and saw a fancy Mercedes in front of him. He had never ridden in a car like that before.
“Do you do this often, the good Samaritan thing Linda? “asked Jake.
“Truthfully I have never done it before.” Replied Linda. “For some reason I felt impelled to help you though. I could get fired for this but I can see you need help.”
“It must be the pheromones.” Thought Jake.
“I agree.” Said Hal. “Get in the backseat and get out quick.”
“Will do.” Thought Jake.
“Well Linda you are a saviour.” Said Jake with a smile. He got out of the car and grabbed his bag. He closed and locked the door behind him and walked over the car. He started to open the backdoor but Linda stopped him.
“No Jake. Jump up in front with me, it is easier to talk then.” She said. “Lets get to know each other.”
Linda opened the front door and Jake reluctantly got in. Linda closed the door and walked to the driver’s side, got in, closed the door and pressed the start button. She then put her seatbelt on.
“Buckle up please Jake.” She said smiling over at him. She was not sure what she was doing and why she was doing it. When she walked by and saw him in trouble she felt she had to help him. Something about him drew her to him. Even now she could smell him and he smelt incredible. It excited her a little as well, an unusual feeling for her. She was normally frigid around men. She had been abused by her stepfather when she was young and rarely was in the company of men like this.
Jake buckled up and smile back at Linda.
“Wow how did you start the car?” he asked.
“I have the fob in my pocket, and it will start when I press the button because of that.” She explained. “A lot of modern cars have it.”
Jake laughed and said. “My car is not modern. It is the first time I have seen this. Incredible.”
Linda smiled back at him. He looked and smelled incredible and seemed friendly as well. She felt safe around him. She had not felt like that around a man in years. She had not imagined this happening. Her therapists said it might but she had doubted them.
“Well where to Jake?” she asked smiling at him.
She has such a beautiful smile, thought Jake. And she is so beautiful. He felt mesmerized by her. He longed to touch her.
“STOP Jake!” Shouted Hal in his head. “Back off, get under control!”
Jake shook his head and leaned back in the seat. He pulled out his phone and pulled up the website for the law firm.
“215 Commonwealth Avenue, Mount Pearl.” He read out to her. “Do you know where that is?”
She looked at him and said. “I am the best limo driver in the city, I can get anywhere. Let’s go.”
She put the car in gear and eased out of the parking spot and onto the street and headed towards Mount Pearl. She kept glancing at Jake out of the corner of her eye. He seemed to be taken aback by the car.
“First time in a Mercedes?” she asked.
“Yes, it is beautiful, I think I will have buy one.” Jake replied.
Linda laughed. “They are not cheap you know. You do not look like you can afford one. No offense Ok?”
Jake laughed, and grinned at her. “I have just come into an inheritance. That is where we are going to a lawyer to get it all finalized. I will soon have enough money to buy a fleet of these.”
“Careful Jake,” warned Hal. “Do not tell her too much.”
“Sorry Hal.” He replied. “I was just trying to impress her.”
“How long have you been driving limos?” asked Jake.
“A few years.” She replied smiling at him. “It pays pretty good and I could not stand being stuck in an office all day. I love driving. Maybe you should hire me to be your driver when you get all your money.”
Jake laughed. “You never know; I may need one soon when I am rich.”
Linda felt a tingle run through her and flushed a little. She was becoming more turned on. She could never remember having felt like this before. Jake was having an affect on her.
They drove in silence for a while and turned up Commonwealth Avenue.
“Not much further.” She said. “What was that number again?”
“215.” Said Jake.
They got to the lights and went through them on the green. She turned into a two story building with the number 215 on it, and pulled to a stop in front of the entrance and put the car in park.
Jake reached into his pocket and pulled out a $20-dollar bill and offered it to her saying. “Have a great lunch. Thanks you really saved me.” He smiled at her.
She looked back at him and stared into his eyes. She felt like she was falling into them they looked so beautiful.
“Earth calling Linda.” Said Jake.
Linda shook her head and reached for the bill. She took it and stuck it in her shirt pocket.
“Wait one second.” She said. She leaned over and opened the glovebox. She reached inside and grabbed a business card from the limo company. She pulled her pen from her pocket and wrote her phone number on the back of the card.
“Here is my card.” She said. “My personal number is on the back, if you want anything. Give me a call sometime.” She blushed as she said this. My god was she flirting with him.
Jake smiled and reached for the card. As he did so he accidentally brushed against her finger. A shock went through them both.
“Jake not again.” Shouted Hal in his head. “Get out quick.”
He grabbed the card and pushed the door open quickly and jumped out saying. “I am late so thanks again.” With that he slammed the door and ran up the stairs to the building and went inside.
Linda was in a state of shock. What just happened? He had touched her and it was like she was electrocuted. His touch was incredible, she felt herself growing wet just thinking about it. My god this has never happened before. She stared at the door of the building he had just entered. What happened? Just then her phone buzzed. She pulled it out and looked at it. It was a reminder about her first call of the day. She had to hurry to pick up her first client. She would think about this later. She put the car in gear and pulled back into the street still unsure of what had just happened.
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