《Magic is Power》Chapter 16


Brandon, Carter, and Gray stood in front of a dungeon gate.

[You have entered a dungeon !]

Blazing hot air hit Gray’s face, his body suddenly heating up.

“Oof, it's so hot !” Brandon said as he drank some water and splashed some on his face.

Carter walked forward, observing the dungeon.

It appeared to look like a cave. However, why was it so hot?

The group moved forward cautiously, their steps echoing in the cave.

Brandon was at the front cautiously moving around holding a large shield, Gray and Carter stood behind him. Carter and Gray each held a longsword.

They walked for about 5 minutes, It was weird that they had not encountered any monsters yet. They started to feel tense.

The group stopped.

Sigh “Ahh, what is this dungeon?” Brandon said as he sat on the floor.

“Ehhhh!” Brandon got up suddenly after realising that the ground was hot.

Carter watched Brandon and let out a laugh, which led to another fight

“Huh what did you sa-”


It sounded like a sword struck some hard surface. Brandon and Carter immediately looked toward where the sound was heard.

Brandon held his breath, what he saw in front of him was a large beetle!

He had been saved by the beatles attack just now as Gray had appeared in front of him and stopped the two horns of the beetle with his sword.

“Move back!” Gray shouted as he used his sword to hold back the large beetle.

Brandon and Carter dashed back.

For some reason, the group did not notice this large beetle. It had two large horns on its head, it was very creepy since it was so big.


Brandon started sweating profusely

“Oye Oye, hang in there mate” Carter tried to calm Brandon down after he noticed that he began to look nervous.


Gray used all his strength to push against the horn of the beetle using his sword. The head of the beetle was hard, rendering the sword useless. Then Gray read the name of the monster.

[Disappearing Giant Rhinoceros Beetle]

And in that next moment, the beetle that was right in front of him disappeared.


It was like it was never there, the entire group looked around in a frenzy, they were hoping they could spot the beetle again. They moved back into formation and tried to find the creature.

Then suddenly


The beetle used its horns to smash against Carter. Luckily, Carter was able to hold the beetle off using his sword, however, he was clearly struggling. Carter grinned his teeth as he used his body to push against the beetle.

Gray ran forward while holding his sword, he jumped and slashed the longsword on the body of the creature. His sword rattled after making contact, his body fell back, he barely held onto his sword and tried his best to break the fall using his body by rolling on the ground.

Gray quickly realised that his attacks were not working.

“Ahhhhh!” Brandon screamed while charging towards the beetle using every ounce of energy. Carter took notice and moved to the side.


Brandons shield smashed against the head of the beetle. Now he was pushing against the beetle with all his might. He used his legs to lean into the shield while his head was tucked under. He closed his eyes and pushed.

Now the monster and Brandon were engaged in a battle of strength.

Carter glanced towards Gray, who was observing the body of the beetle.

Carter did not know what to do, so he aimlessly used his sword to attack the beetle. Unsurprisingly, nothing worked. The body of this beetle was hard.


Gray was also lost. He tried stabbing the beetle many times in different areas using his sword but nothing worked.

pant pant pant

Brandon was tired. The beetle was now gaining ground as it pushed against Brandon. He wouldn't be able to hold out much longer.

‘This was supposed to be a rating D dungeon ! Why is this monster so difficult !’ Brandon cursed his luck.

Kwang Kwang Kwang!

Gray and Carter continuously attacked the beetle with no success.

‘Think ! Think ! Think !’ Gray told himself again and again as he landed successive attacks.


Gray stopped attacking. Carter glanced over at him through the corner of his eye.

‘Damn it! Has he given up?’

Carter relentlessly used all his strength to attack the monster. Brandon was being pushed back, any second now he might get crushed by the beetle.

Carter and Brandon looked towards Gray nervously. They were hoping that he had some sort of a plan.

But, Gray ran away.

“This fucker !’’ Brandon screamed as he watched Gray run away.

Brandon hated people like this. As a raid team they were supposed to support each other. But this bastard was leaving them. What the hell was he planning to do?

Brandon finally ran out of energy. The beetle smashed his body. He was now bleeding heavily from his head.


Brandon was about to close his eyes. He understood that this was the end. He had many regrets, still it was an exciting life. As he thought back to how he lived his life.

‘I wanted….to help more people’

Brandon coughed up blood on the ground. His eyes were looking at the ground, but what was this the ground started shaking?

Brandon slightly tilted his head to look up from the corner of his eye he then saw something blue in color, it rushed towards him at great speed, almost instantaneously.

‘What is that?’

He must be seeing things before his death. He focused his eyes towards this thing, trying to make sense of his blurry vision by squinting.

Almost instantly the thing was now in front of him.

There was a person standing in front of his body, the person's body had a blue aura surrounding it.


Brandon fell unconscious.

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