《Crimson Moon》Vol. 2- Chapter 3: Rhythms in Life
Behind the Hills of the Ministry of San Juan
“Ready, begin!”
Kasumi and Uriel charge at the same time, clashing their swords with great force.
“What power….” Carlos says as wind blows everywhere causing everyone to panic.
The force causes Kasumi and Uriel to separate and jump back in a blink of an eye.
Kasumi charges first and swings her blade to attack Uriel. Uriel notices her speed and dodges the blade. Kasumi attacks once again, making Uriel dodge one more time.
She jumps into the air and charges downward toward Uriel pointing her blade at him. Uriel dodges it causing the blade to hit the ground cracking it in several points.
Kasumi attacks once again, clashing with Uriel’ sword this time causing a hard wind to blow over the area once again. Kasumi proceeds to kick Uriel’s stomach, sending him flying.
Uriel manages to stop himself, but with one knee in the ground. He breathes heavily saying:
“This girl is strong and fast, I must keep my distance.”
“Take this seriously, Uriel!” Kasumi yells with an angry face. Uriel stands up and holds his sword with both hands ready to fight.
Uriel charges at her and swings his sword but Katsumi dodges him. She swings her sword and manages to slash Uriel’s arm making a small cut.
Blood begins to come out of Uriel.
“What was that?” Tiwa asks, looking surprised.
“That was Senpai’s speed, you see she is not only strong but quick. Your friend doesn't know what he has gone into…”
Katsumi looks at Uriel with anger and says:
“If you don’t take it seriously, I’m going to kill you.”
She begins to jump back, distancing herself from Uriel. Rosa and Jairo look at her smiling:
“Kasumi is enjoying herself…”
Shion looks at the fight thinking:
“Senpai looks so cool, I want to be just like her one day…”
They continue to clash swords at great speed making the sisters and Alejandro hard to follow with their eyes.
Uriel jumps into the air, he points the sword down and falls straight at Kasumi, Kasumi dodges the attack and kicks Uriel once again.
“I think it’s time to show you that I am serious…”
“Your friend is done for...” Carlos says to Tiwa and Alejandro with a confident expression.
Kasumi slowly begins to take off her glasses. She raises her head and looks at Uriel with a serious expression
Allan who is watching them fight begins to say:
“She is taking it seriously now. She wants to kill Uriel”
Kasumi slashes into the air making several small orange lights appear in the air. The balls of mana take the shape of small birds. Kasumi makes a hand sign with her right hand, two fingers coming out like a ninja and says:
“Dangan no tori” (Translates: Bullet birds)
The small light birds begin to charge straight at Uriel. Uriel begins to slash the birds to connect at some; however there were so many that they began to hit Uriel causing a huge explosion.
“UUUUUURRRRIIIIIEEEELLL!!!!!!!” Fabiola screams out of fear as she sees Uriel fall to the ground.
“Do you think he is alright, he did take a huge hit.” Mariana says to Abril. Fabiola turns around with tears and says:
“Don’t say that, he is alright.”
At the battlefield Uriel lies at the ground as he thinks:
“This is entertaining, she really wants to kill me....”
Uriel stands up once again breathing heavily. Kasumi, who has serious eyes, charges straight at him, clashing one more time. Uriel smiles as he shouts:
She keeps attacking Uriel multiple times. Uriel only defends himself thinking:
“I guess I have no choice but to get serious myself…”
Kasumi strikes, making Uriel be out of balance and kicks one more time. This time Uriel is sent flying to the barrier causing him to electrify himself.
“AAAAHHHHHHH” Uriel begins to feel pain. The three girls close their eyes because of the fear.
“UUURRIIIEELLLLL” Alejandro screams. Carlos smiles thinking:
“That’s checkmate…”
Katumi says to him; “It’s over!”
She charges at him once again to finish the duel. Uriel only smiles as he stands up thinking; “I guess this is how it feels to lose but....I bow myself not to lose ever again...”
At that moment, Uriel finally begins to remember a lesson he had with Juan 4 years ago.
October, 4 years ago; Jungle of Jalisco
Huge explosions shake the trees deep in the jungle of Jalisco. The animals begin to run away feeling fear.
Trees fall down creating smokescreens. Suddenly, Uriel comes flying out of the smokescreen and crashes into a tree. Juan comes out walking with his sword.
The sword is the same as Uriel's, the only difference is the hilt that is golden.
“Come on muchacho, focus, I’m wasting my time with you, come on!!!”
Juan says to Uriel who is lying down on a tree branch. Uriel gets up breathing heavily and with blood coming out of his forehead.
“Remember this muchacho, “Life is full of Rhythms”, you must always hear the rhythms of the things surrounding you. Music is very important for us “Charros” that is why I thought you how to play guitar.”
Juan says to Uriel as he charges once again.
Juan swings his sword and at that moment Uriel begins to hear a sound coming from the sword. The sound was similar to a guitar chord.
“I can hear the Rhythm” Uriel screams as he blocks Juan’s attack with his own sword; but he is sent flying back to the tree.
“Good Muchacho, you heard my sword now, remember the sound and try to predict my movements.” Juan begins to attack Uriel multiple times with Uriel thinking of the sounds he is hearing.
“Come on focus, these sounds are guitar chords, yes I got it, now to identify the circle.” Uriel thinks to himself as he continues to dodge Juan’s attack. Suddenly Uriel blocks one of the attacks and counters it.
“Good Muchacho.” Juan says to Uriel as he is breathing heavily.
“I see you are not as dumb as you look, Uriel” Alexa tells Uriel as she walks to them. She continues to explain:
“Remember the chord sequences that Juan taught you in the guitar and apply it into battle, that way you will predict the enemy’s movements and find a way to counter attack.”
Juan charges at Uriel one final time and says; “Get ready.”
Uriel imagines a chord sequence in Juan’s movements and begins to counter him until he defeats Juan by getting his sword.
Juan smiles and says; “Good Muchacho, now imagine your favorite song on the guitar and turn it into a special technique. Remember that these techniques are only 20% manna and 80% of body strength. That is why you are training your body.”
Uriel looks at Alexa and says: “Thank you.”
Alexa looks away very angry and says:
"Shut up, I only did it because you're taking too much time and I also want to train...” Uriel sighs and Juan laughs.
A constant clash exchanges throughout the battlefield. Everyone observes with nervousness and excitement as the two continue clashing swords.
Uriel goes on the offensive as he feels excitement; “Hey Kasumi, let me show you a style that you have never seen before…”
“What are you talking about?” Kasumi Jumps back to have some distance.
Uriel’s eyes slowly turn into a reddish color as he says; “Arte del Mariachi” (Mariachi Art)
“This is bad, I need to attack before he does…” Kasumi charges with great speed at Uriel.
Uriel begins to hear Kasumi’s movements similar to a guitar chord. Images of him playing a guitar begin to flow in his mind as he watches Kasumi´s movement closely.
When Katsumi slashes to the right, Uriel hears the chord: “DO” ( C). When Katsumi slashes to the left Uriel hears the chord: “Lam” (Am). She slashes upward and Uriel hears: “Rem” ( Dm). Finally Katsumi slashes downward and Uriel hears; “Sol 7” (G7).
“I know the chord sequence of the sounds, this is the chord sequence of “DO” ( C) and she keeps repeating it each time, if I calculate correctly the next movement will “DO” (C).”
Uriel thinks in his head and watches the movements of Kasumi as she repeats the movement to the right. Uriel smiles, blocking Kasumi’s movement, making her fall back.
“What’s going on with Senpai, it’s like her movements are getting slower.” Chelsea says as she licks her lollipop.
“It can’t be, Senpai is the strongest…” Carlos looks very nervous.
Kasumi breathes heavily as she knows that Uriel is reading her movements. She smiles at Uriel saying:
“Wow, this is the first time in a long time since I had competition like this. But I’m going to finish this now.”
Kasumi begins to slash the air five times creating multiple orange lights surrounding Uriel. The lights take form of birds, Kasumi makes a hand sign saying:
“Tori no dangan: Sen” (Translates: Bird Bullets: One thousand)
Kasumi looks at Uriel and says:
“Well try to avoid this.”
Uriel smiles at her saying:
“You’re highly skilled, you know that...however...”
“What the hell...are there all the projectiles?” Alejandro asks himself.
“Indeed...your friend is done for…” Chelsea replies to Alejandro as she looks at the duel.
“Hoho...Uriel, how will you react?” Father Clemente says with excitement.
Uriel takes a deep breath as begins to remember Juan’s words about the rhythm of life.
“Now then, time for a song…” Uriel bends his knees, takes a deep breath, and concentrates his energy in only the ears to hear the sound as everything goes black in his mind. He begins to twist a little bit his body with his blade up and begins to spin at high speed saying:
“Arte del Mariachi: Canción de la Luna- Primera Estrofa: Luna Nueva”
(Translates: Mariachi Art: Song of the Moon- First Stanza: New Moon)
Wind blows at fast speed. Uriel’s blade releases black mana creating a small dome around him representing a “New Moon.”
The bird bullets clash with the orb disappearing instantly. The thousand bullets were defeated by Uriel’s attack.
“It can’t be…” Kasumi looks at Uriel with shock.
“WOOOOW HE’S SO COOL!” The two girls scream. Fabiola hits their heads saying “Shut up” but thinking inside; “Yes he looks cool”
“Fascinating, he may be a strong ally…” Allan observes the duel upclose.
“It can’t be...senpai’s attack was blocked…” Shion says with a surprised expression along with the other members of Yggdrasil.
“WAY TO GO URIEL…” Alejandro screams with excitement. “That movement…” Tiwa looks at him astonished.
Kasumi holds her sword up and lifts it, preparing to make a downward slash.
“Kasumi, you’re strong, and I really enjoyed our duel but if we keeps this up...I may end killing you…” Uriel says as he prepares his next attack.
Kasumi charges at him; “Well try to kill me because I will…”
Uriel concentrates his energy to his legs and appears in front of Kasumi without noticing him, Uriel holds his sword down preparing to make an upward slash and says:
“Canción de la Luna- Segunda Estrofa: Cuarto Creciente.”
(Translates: Song of the Moon- Second Stanza: First Quarter Crescent)
Uriel slashes upward but at the moment he’s about to make contact with Katsumi’s sword, the sword releases a silver mana.
Uriel turns the blade of the sword from its pointy part to the flat part of the blade. The swing of the sword makes the shape of the moon.
Uriel hits Kasumi’s bottom part of the hilt. Flying away from Katsumi and landing a few meters behind her. Kasumi begins to fall backwards, but Uriel holds her from her hip and lifts her up and gets in a tango position. Uriel points at her with a sword saying:
There is silence in the air. No one believes in what they are seeing.
Allan is satisfied with the match’s result, he lifts his arm and says:
“The match is over, the winner is Uriel”
“Yeah, you did it, Uriel!” Alejandro screams with emotion.
“It can’t be...Senpai lost?” Carlos says with a shocking expression.
“That boy has potential…” Jairo says with a smile with Rosa nodding in agreement.
“Splendid, that was awesome…” Father Clemente cheers with excitement, Sister Carolina only shakes her head feeling embarrassed for the Father’s behavior.
The three girls applaud at Uriel, happy with the result. Kasumi blushes as she slowly asks:
“Can you please let go of me? This is embarrassing.”
Uriel makes his sword disappear and lifts her up saying; “I-I-I’m sorry”
Uriel turns around but before he walks away, he scomments:
“You Are very strong, Ms. Miyazono, I like strong women…”
Kasumi blushes and falls to her knees. Shion runs to her aid.
“Senpai, are you alright?”
“Y-Y-Yes, I’m alright…”
Allan looks at Uriel:
“These are the notes that your father left, in here, he describes his son with the same characteristics as you...that’s why we knew...do you want me to give them to you?”
“No...the person who my father describes is dead...the one who stands before you is another person, but still, thank you for clarifying that…”
“Will you work with us?”
“Just this once, I will work with you…”
“Excellent, then I will await results…” Allan’s hologram disappears.
“URIEL” Alejandro and Tiwa run to his side.
“What was that? It was as if you were dancing…” Tiwa asks Uriel, Uriel begins to walk as he says:
“That was my art, the Mariachi Art…”
In his office, Allan sits at his desk. A red haired woman enters the office:
“So is he with us?”
“Yes my dear, he is willing to help us.”
Allan writes on his computer. The woman leaves a paper in his desk and says:
“Well, one of the four is better than none right.”
Allan nods at her in sign of agreement; “I’m surprised he managed to beat one of our elite “Roots”
“Well, he is one of them...but I think Kasumi was pulling some punches…”
“You’re right about that…” Allan begins to read the paper on the desk.
After the duel ended. Carlos, Chelsea, Jairo, and Shion decided to return home. Rosa stayed to help Carolina by preparing dinner for everyone. Uriel and Kasumi also help with the dinner. They were instructed to prepare “mole”. The “Mole” consists of chicken bathed in a special chocolate sauce “Mole” and sometimes people from the southern regions of Mexico add spices to make it more delicious. Uriel and Kasumi have a small talk before dinner:
“You are very skilled in preparing rice Ms. Miyazono.” Uriel compliments Kasumi as she is stirring the rice.
“You think so, well your mother was the one who taught me how to cook Mexican food.” Kasumi says to Uriel as he stirs the sauce. He turns around and asks:
“Wait, so how long have you known my mother and father?”
“Well around 8 years more or less.” Katsumi replies as she begins to serve. She continues to explain:
“I came here from Japan as an order from my father when I was 11 years old. Your father was a full fledged member of Yydrasill at that time. He became my master, and he helped me learn the culture and language of this area. Your mother also welcomed me to your house, you were very little when I met you and your siblings.”
“I see, sorry but I can’t remember…”
“Of course you don’t…” Kasumin looks down; “Hey, Uriel, is your family…”
“My father died that day, but my mother and siblings are alive...They are in Tapatio, however, I haven’t spoken to them for more than a year.”
“I see, that’s a relief…” Kasumi begins to shed a tear as she continues to speak:
“I always regretted not being able to help you that day, I know I was young but I know I could’ve helped my master somehow.”
“Don’t worry about it. On that night, Uriel Vazquez died...but Uriel Di Fiore was born…”
“I understand now…”
Uriel turns around to serve the plates and asks;“So what is this Yggdrasill organization?”
“Well as Allan said before, we protect people from monsters and evil entities such as the one you encounter. I am an “Elite Root” from the organization making me a leader if you put it in simple words. ” Kasumi replies as she begins to serve the rice. Uriel passes the plates with the “Mole” on it and asks:
“So what are these divisions you said before, how many are there?”
“Technically, that is a secret...but since we are going to be allies, I might as well tell you…”
“Okay...I thank you for that…”
“Well the first division are the Leaves, those are the beginners, and they are usually teenagers. Then the branches where Carlos and Chelsea belong. Then the Trunks which are divided into the Upper level where Rosa belongs and the Lower level in which Jairo and Shion belong to. After that, we have “Elite Roots” which is my division and we are supposed to be the strongest members. There are others who are special such as Allan Carter who is in charge of the American region but he is special but that Finally we have the “Primary Roots” who are in charge of the whole organization. My father is one of them.” Kasumi finishes the explanations as well as serving the plates.
In total they made 30 plates for all the people that live nearby. Uriel sees Kasumi and asks:
“Why did your father send you to this region?”
“Well it's complicated, you see I…” Kasumi was answering the question when she suddenly stops as she has “flashes” of her past consisting of images of blood and fire.
Kasumi shakes as she feels weak. Uriel holds her:
“I’m sorry that was too personal, please forgive me.”
Katsumi comes to her senses and smiles at Uriel saying:
“Don’t worry the past is the past right? Besides, you don’t remember yours either.”
Uriel chuckles and makes Kasumi blush.
As the two smile at each other, Fabiola stands between them with a furious face clearing her throat and says:
“Sister Carolina asked if you were ready, and as I can see you are.”
Uriel looks at her; “Indeed, we are”
“Good I’ll start serving the plates.” Fabiola says as she smiles with a “red aura” coming out of her. Kasumi only smiles at her as Fabiola thought to herself:
“Why do you smile at me, you witch”
The two sisters who were outside of the kitchen were whispering; “I think Fabiola is jealous, she must have fallen for Uriel.”
Alejandro sits outside looking at the stars, suddenly, Rosa appears to talk to him:
“Hello Alejandro dear...I hope we can have a little chat…”
Alejandro looks at her and nods in agreement. Both of them look at the sky as Rosa begins to speak:
“Alejandro, I must apologize for not telling the truth but it was my mission…”
“I see, but you don’t need to…”
“I do...you see, 5 years ago when I first met you, I immediately saw you as my child. I never had children because my husband died when we were young. He was an agent who was killed in the line of duty.”
Rosa begins to cry as she continue to speak:
“I accepted to come here in order to forget about my husband and when I met you, I felt as if I could move on. I think of you as my son, and it breaks my heart seeing you angry at me, so please...forgive me…”
Alejandro doesn’t say a word and walks forward.
“You know, I never met my parents, my sister is always busy, I haven’t seen her in four years and I lost both of my grandparents. Then my friend disappeared from existence. I felt lonely and without hope. However, when I met you, you helped me stand up once again and continue pursuing my friend. You never left me alone and for that I thank you…”
Alejandro looks at Rosa and smiles:
“Yes, I felt anger for not telling me but I won’t stay mad forever, please continue to watch over me, Ms. Gutierrez.”
Rosa cries and hugs Alejandro tightly.
“Thank you Alejandro, it seems we both learned from each other…”
“Yeah, now let’s go and eat…”
Both of them head to the dining hall and eat.
In the Dining hall, Tiwa sits there feeling left out, Father Clemente sits in front of her and says:
“So, young child, I know you feel left out, but don’t worry, you will play an important role here…”
“Who said I feel that way, in fact I feel fine…” Tiwa looks away blushing.
Father Clemente chuckles and replies:
“Young girl from Ysleta, I know that you and your ancestors will protect this land…”
“HHmmmpphhh, of course I will….”
“Dinner is ready…” Sister Carolina informs the others with a big smile; “My, we have a lot of new people at the table...everyone, let’s pray for our dinner…”
Everyone eats dinner at the dining hall. After they finished eating, the three sisters and Father Clemente decided to go to bed. In the dining hall, Uriel, Alejandro, Tiwa, Rosa, Kasumi and Sister Carolina have a conversation…
Kasumi stands up and says:
“Well now that we are going to work together, I will inform you about the situation we are in. The monster we encountered the other night is the legendary “Chupacabras.”
Kasumi continues with the explanation; “The Chupacabras is also known as “Ales” and it is a mythical creature that roams around the central and southern part of the American continent. It was created by one of the 5 great witches: Isabella.”
Tiwa and Carolina make a surprised face as they learned about the witch’s name:
“Isabella the Witch of Red?”
“That’s right... Isabella however, we don’t know much about her, only that she lives in Mexico.”
Uriel drinks water and comments:
“Please continue with your explanation”
Kasumi nods and replies:
“That monster is controlled by “El Muerto”, the Chupacabras is a type of monster that only attacks animals to feed itself; however when “El Muerto” appeared a couple of months ago, the monster began to attack humans.”
“That explains why it was targeting everyone in sight…” Alejandro thinks out loud.
“So we need to stop this monster as fast as we can...the question is, when will the Chupacabras attack?”
Tiwa asks Kasumi and she replies:
“Well the attacks have been happening more constantly. At first it was one or two per week. Now the numbers went up to 5-6 people this week.”
“So the monster is attacking every night?” Sister Carolina asks with a worried face.
“You are correct, but the problem is that I don’t know at which location.” Katsumi replies, making the others feel worried. Uriel closes his eyes to think. He opens them again and says:
“Very well, starting on Monday, we will begin to investigate who El Muerto is.”
Kasumi nods and says; “That’s a great plan, although it might have something to do with the Lucifugus...”
Uriel gets mad as he knows that Darius is his target; “So you know about them?”
“Of course, Darius Lucifugus is a dangerous man...however, he will not do anything at plain sight in fact...I think…”
Kasumi feels a shiver, she looks at Uriel with his crimson eyes feeling rage; “Hey...Uriel?”
“Enough, Uriel, I think you’re feeling a little too excited…” Father Clemente enters the dining hall and looks at Uriel. Uriel immediately apologizes as he calms down:
“I’m sorry…”
Father Clemente walks towards them; “You guys are forbidden to go near Darius Lucifugus...that man is way too dangerous for you...if you go there, you will be killed…”
“I know that Father, but still…” Uriel looks down feeling enraged. Alejandro sighs and stands up:
“So it had to be him huh...Uriel, if that’s the case, then I will investigate Aleister.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea...Aleister hates you and he will not cooperate…”
Alejandro looks at Uriel with a serious expression; “Trust me on this one pal…”
Uriel sighs and replies; “Very well….”
Kasumi looks at Uriel: “I will investigate Olivia to see if she has something to do with this.”
Uriel nods in agreement. Tiwa stands up with excitement and says:
Uriel walked outside to see the stars:
“Do you mind if I join you?” Kasumi walks outside with him. Uriel and Kasumi stand outside. Kasumi looks at Uriel and aks:
“Hey, Uriel, what did you mean about having a rhythm?”
Uriel extends his finger and slowly moves it down, Kasumi begins to hear guitar strings. Suddenly, musical symbols begin to appear in the air.
-♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫-
Uriel begins to play the strings as if he was playing a guitar. The musical notes float around the Ministry with many colors.
“You see, everyone has a rhythm, even mana is made of rhythm, what I am playing now is the rhythm of my soul…” Uriel explains to Kasumi as she is astonished by what she is seeing.
“Wow, so pretty” The girls who are in their bedroom say as they see the notes floating outside the window.
“Incredible, I have never seen something like this…” Tiwa says as she and Alejandro walk outside.
“Uriel, you are full of surprises…” Alejandro says with a smile.
“Maria, your son has a pure heart…” Sister Carolina says as she looks at Uriel.
“So what do you think, Ms. Miyazono, did I answer your question?”
Kasumi blushes and turns her head;
“Y-Y-Yes, you answer it…”
Kasumi touches her chest thinking; “What is this sensation? My heart keeps pounding non stop…”
Uriel stops playing as he begins to walk forward:
“You see, that is the rhythm of life...my master taught it to me...and that’s how I will live on, by hearing these rhythms…”
Uriel turns to look at Kasumi. She feels pain in her chest, she smiles as she knows what is happening to her:
“I understand...This feeling, it's….”
During that same evening, on Marjorie’s mansion, three girls have a sleepover:
A beautiful girl with orange hair and glasses, she is wearing orange pajamas and eats ice cream with two other girls.
“My first kiss?”
The girl stops eating and puts on a gross face as she remembers a chubby boy.
“Well, that’s something I don’t like to remember but his name was Fernando?”
“Fernando?” The girls that are next to her ask.
“Yeah, it was when I went to Spain with my dad...But I don’t like to talk about it…” The girl trembles, the other two laugh at her.
“Now tell me Marjorie...who was your first kiss? Was it Aleister?”
A beautiful girl with silver hair and blue eyes, she has black pajamas as she blushes putting her pillow covering her face.
“Well no, in fact, it was with someone else?”
“Really? With who?” The girl with the glasses asks excitedly. Marjorie tries to remember but her memory is fuzzy.
“I can’t remember, only that he had blue hair….what about you Angela?”
A girl with black hair and purple eyes who is wearing blue pajamas says with a shy voice:
“I haven’t kissed anyone yet...I am not like you Victoria…”
“What do you mean by that?” Victoria puffs her cheeks causing Marjorie to laugh.
“Well, who do you want to have your first kiss with?”
Angela thinks of Alejandro and blushes, she turns away saying:
“I can’t say…”
Victoria sighs, she remembers Marjorie’s words and she begins to say:
“Speaking of blue hair. So, like, I think Uriel is a real hottie….Don’t you think so Marjorie?”
“Well he is handsome, plus I haven’t thanked him properly for saving me the other day…Victoria”
“Aww, I wish it would have been me, I bet he has muscular arms right? Plus, that scar on his face makes him look so wild…” Victoria says with a luxurious tone.
Angela thinks about Uriel; “You know, I heard he is skilled with his guitar and good at sports…”
“Angela, don't tell me you like him too?” Marjorie asks Angela, Angela turns red and looks away.
“That does it...I decided to make him my boyfriend…” Victoria says with determination.
“What?” Marjorie and Angela look at Victoria surprised.
“Well, I don’t think I would have a problem, I mean I’m a hot babe with huge boobs...no one can resist my charms.”
“Hey, that’s not fair…” Angela exclaims, puffing her cheeks.
“She’s right, we promised that if we liked the same guy, we would compete.” Marjorie exclaims to Victoria.
“Hhmmpphh...I recall you already have a boyfriend Marjorie…”
“Yeah but…”
“Then you shouldn’t be making the moves with someone if you are already taken…”
Marjorie is left speechless, she lowers her head, Angela stands up saying:
“Marjorie has the same right as us, she is not married to Aleister so there is no harm in trying…”
Marjorie looks at Angela, she smiles and says:
“Thank you…”
“Alright, then the code says, we will compete to see who Uriel chooses…”
“We agree…” The three girls put their hands together as a sign of a pact.
Victoria’s cellphone rings.
“Mi niña, I will work late tonight, please stay safe, I will pick you up tomorrow morning…”
“Okay papa, please take care...stay safe…”
Victoria hangs up and she has a worried expression.
“Is your dad going to work? I heard that all of his team died the other night…” Marjorie says with a worried expression.
“That’s right, he said he was saved by a young man...I wonder who it was?”
Victoria changes her expression to a fake smile:
“Well, let’s change the subject, and sing some karaoke…”
The girls sang karaoke all night...
February 4th; Sun City International Highschool
The next Monday, everything went as planned...Everyone did their normal lives as if nothing happened on Saturday. However, as the last period ended, the Historical Research Association began to investigate.
“Good afternoon Principal Lucifugus, how are you?” Kasumi asks Olivia with a smile.
Olivia with a suspicious face looks at her and replies:
“I’m doing well child.”
Kasumi sits down and tries to create a conversation:
“It’s been a long time since we spoke casually, so I wanted to know what was happening in your life?”
Olivia begins to read a paper, pretending she did not hear Kasumi:
“I don’t know what you’re planning Kasumi , but this is not like you.”
“W-W-Well I’m not doing anything, I just wanted to know more like your free time and those kinds of stuff...or if you have any children?”
Kasumi asks nervously to Olivia. Olivia finishes reading the paper, looks at Kasumi and replies:
“Well if you want to know, aside from Aleister, I have one daughter and she also studies on this school.”
Kasumi acts like she’s surprise and says:
“Seriously and who is your daughter?”
“None of your business Kasumi, now you may leave because I’m busy.”
Olivia replies to Kasumi as she reads her paper once again. Katsumi feels bad for Olivia’s answer and apologizes:
“Sorry to bother you, I’m going now.”
Kasumi leaves the office, shutting the door. Olivia thinks to herself:
“That girl is very suspicious; I bet Yygdrassill is onto Darius. I must tell him.”
Kasumi walks disappointed as she feels a “rock” falls on top of her:
Kasumi’s attempt to find information….ended in a failure….
Meanwhile, Alejandro tries to gather information from Aleister:
“Hey Aleister, can we talk for a second?” Alejandro stands outside the Student Council. Everyone in the student council glares at Alejandro.
“Be careful Aleister, Alejandro might want to hit you again…” Victoria jokes with Aleister. Alejandro laughs nervously, Marjorie looks at Victoria with anger:
“That was not nice Victoria…”
“Marjorie…” Alejandro looks at Marjorie, Marjorie avoids looking at Alejandro as she remembers what happened the other day.
Aleister sees Marjorie and kisses her saying:
“I’ll see you later dear.”
He sees Alejandro who has a serious face and smiles knowing he madeA. Alejandro is jealous.
Aleister walks outside and closes the door. He looks at Alejandro and asks:
“So, what did you want to ask me?”
Alejandro trying to act calm, but he is nervous asks:
“I wanted to ask you...uhhmmm…”
Aleister notices that he is nervous and begins to say:
“Did you want to ask about my father, about my mother, about the Chupacabras or how well Marjorie kisses?”
Alejandro gets angry; “What did you say?”
“I must say that she is a really good kisser...it’s too bad that she chose me and not you…”
“Damn you…” Alejandro is about to walk forward but he stands still thinking:
“Wait, you promised Uriel that you wouldn’t lose control…”
Alejandro takes a deep breath and makes a fake smile:
“No, I just wanted to ask about the attacks on Rio Grande City. You know I like supernatural stuff, and since your dad is the mayor of Sun City, perhaps he might know something?”
-TCH- “You’re no fun at all...I don’t know or care about that so do me a favor and don’t talk to me again and stay away from Marjorie…”
Aleister enters the room and closes the door. Alejandro takes a deep breath and walks slowly away from the student council.
He hits the wall with his left hand.
“Damn it, I can’t stand that bastard…”
Aleister sits on his desk as he thinks:
“So, the information was accurate. Alejandro and those idiots from Yggdrasil are making a move. Well then, I think I will play with them today…”
Uriel decided to wait if there were any results on Kasumi’s and Alejandro’s investigation so he decided to step back. However, Uriel was about to face a new problem:
Uriel walks down the stairs reading a book, and suddenly, Marjorie passes by without paying attention.
“Ouch!!” Marjorie falls, Uriel notices Marjorie and helps her get up.
“I’m sorry, are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry, I didn’t watch where I was going…” Marjorie stands up with the help of Uriel. She looks at Uriel and opens her eyes wider.
“Uriel, I didn’t notice it was you?” Marjorie asks nervously; “So, how’ve you been?”
Uriel, amazed by her beauty, feels his heart beat rising; “I-I-I’ve been doing well, and you?”
“I’ve been doing great, so, I’ve noticed that you made a new club with Alejandro and Tiwa.”
“Indeed, the Historical Research Association.”
“That sounds nice, I must say, thank you for being with Alejandro, he could be a little…bit weird...you know if you want, you can come and hang out with Aleister and me sometimes...”
Uriel sighs with his eyes close and thinks:
“I see, so you are under Aleister’s influence.”
He looks at Marjorie and turns around; “I’m sorry Marjorie, but Alejandro is a normal person, the ones who are wrong are you guys…”
“Oh….I see…”
Marjorie is left speechless, Uriel begins to walk away, suddenly a girl with large breast and orange hair runs towards him:
Victoria runs and hugs Uriel, Marjorie gets jealous and Uriel looks at her thinking; “Oh great another problem.”
“Hey, I was wondering if you could help me with some math problems from our class…”
“Denied, I’m sorry but I am busy today…”
Uriel begins to walk away from her; “HEY WAIT...I JUST WANT TO TALK TO YOU…”
“But I don’t want to talk to you…” Uriel continues to walk away. Marjorie walks closer to Victoria.
“Are you alright Victoria?”
“That was the first time I got rejected...but I don’t feel bad about it...in fact…”
Marjorie is surprised as she looks at Victoria blushing.
- In Serial15 Chapters
Reincarnation, the beginning.
After a sudden death, a butcher is given a second chance. Reincarnated in another world as a Saurian, a reptilian race, he sees here an opportunity to live his life to the fullest. Using his past life's knowledge, will he become the most powerful man among his race or will he choose to stay in the shadow, living quietly? --- English is NOT my native language. Any form of criticism is welcome as long as it will help me in writing. Update: {HIATUS} [Cover was found on the internet]
8 114 - In Serial53 Chapters
The War of our Stars (SWTOR Fan fiction)
YAH, PICTURE! Also, I used "The Old Republic", as I couldn't fit in "Star Wars"....... Yes, the title does mean something. I guess this is a SWTOR Alternate Universe Fanfiction? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I used glowtxt, Microsoft word, and paint to make that. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE, I got it when I searched up "copyright free". Also, I just used glowtxt, but if whoever made glowtxt wants me to stop, I'll get rid of it. Whilst this is a fanfiction of SWTOR, the setting is VERY different, you will not see any SWTOR characters within this Novel, there will be places both made up and already existing in SWTOR. Take for example, whilst the Dark Council still exists, it will have completely different members. Also, there are minor changes to the history before and during the Old Republic, but there is little overall change, with the main character starting out at a similar time to a starting character. Star Wars the Old Republic Fanfiction. You'll understand the title, not in the first chapter, but as Frederick goes to outer space. Before the Rule of Two, there were multitudes of Sith and Jedi. Numbering thousands of both Sith and Jedi, a great war between the Empire and Republic has existed since time immemorial. From our World, a young boy named Frederick is born into the Galaxy of Star Wars, born into an Imperial Family, he lives up to the expectations of becoming a powerful Sith. But all he wants to do is to survive.... But by surviving, he does more so than simply surviving. Many have made star wars fanfictions, and this one will probably...... (I have read, watched and played Star Wars, so here you go) NOTES: Action and Adventure are a bit light for the first few Planetary Arcs. I'm terrible at comedy and romance will come will really late. Absolutely terrible until Corellia.
8 297 - In Serial11 Chapters
Dark Souls
He woke up in a cell in the Undead Asylum, a prison for those who have fallen to the curse and lost their sanity. With no idea as to who he is and how he retained his sanity, the Chosen Undead embarks on a pilgrimage to restore order to a broken land. To do so, he will have to overcome mutated witches, dragons driven mad by experiments, and fallen Gods who were once revered throughout the land.
8 199 - In Serial11 Chapters
Hello my name is Brandon Simonds this is the story of how I made it back home or at least I thought so… It's my first story any comment is good ok.
8 150 - In Serial33 Chapters
The Nurse
With war raging all around, some battles can't be won...♠The year was 1916, Elosie Keller was dwelling in a secluded Belgian cottage where she remained hidden away from the world until the day he fell from the sky...Drawn to the carnage of a fallen plane, she finds more than rubble when she notices that the pilot is still alive. She knows without medical treatment that the man is fated to die. Acting in a haste, she pulls the man from his destined coffin in hopes to help him live. Eloise soon finds herself tending a German patient in her hidden home and realizes he isn't the monster the world made him out to be; instead, she begins to see much more than an officer, but a man with a heart just trying to survive a war. When she is finally discovered by the Germans, she is called upon to become a field nurse for the men on the western front--only to fall into a whirlwind of unfortunate events that she must learn how to survive.Follow Eloise as she takes on the battle of being a wartime nurse in a man's world, fighting the one enemy that could never be conquered-love...*This is a work of fiction. Any names, dates, or events are completely coincidental. Thanks for reading. (unedited)
8 203 - In Serial20 Chapters
Code Vein Oneshots
8 61