《Crimson Moon》Vol. 2- Chapter 1: Secret Identities
Present Day; January 31st, 20 km West of Sun City
The Borderland, a large desert area located between two countries.It is January 31st, in Sun City, today is special because it’s a memorial day for the tragedy that happened 5 years ago. Students and staff of the highschool get the day off.
Located 20 km to the west of Sun City, there is a giant hole. A crater that was created 5 years ago with an unknown motive. The Crater has a circumference of 1 kilometer making it huge and a depth of 1 kilometer down. People are prohibited to go near the crater as the authorities made them believe that it was a nuclear explosion and that there is a high radiation reading in the area.
“Hey, how long are you keep hiding over there....”
A young man with blue hair and green eyes stands near the crater. He is wearing an unbuttoned black jacket, blue jeans and black shoes. He has a red scarf around his neck and has black gloves.
The young man is looking at the crater as a strong wind blows upward. He turns around and says:
“Alejandro, come out already, you look so dumb covering your mouth like that…”
Alejandro (16 years old), a young man with brownish hair and orange eyes. He is hiding behind a rock covering his mouth with his black scarf. He is wearing an orange winter coat, he has black gloves and blue jeans.
“I must do it Uriel, this place has high levels of radiation, you didn’t know that?” Alejandro says with his gloves holding his scarf as he covers his mouth.
Uriel (Age 16) sighs with his eyes close, he turns around and replies:
“That’s a lie, there wasn’t a nuclear explosion here…”
“Easy for you to say, I can’t believe you brought me here…”
“You’re the one who insisted on coming with me, idiot…”
“Because you created a portal to get here.. and I thought it was super cool…”
Uriel scratches his head, and continues to explained:
“You sure are stupid, anyway, this crater was created by mana not radiation. I know because I can still sense some mana coming from this crater…”
“Seriously, now that's a relief…” Alejandro says standing next to Uriel, Uriel looks at him thinking:
“Now that was fast…”
“So anyway Uriel, why did we come here today?”
“I wanted to see this crater, because…”
Uriel looks down, wind blows hard. Alejandro also looks down thinking:
“It sure is deep…”
Uriel begins to remember images from the past.
He begins to remember a man with blue hair and a mustache. His head begins to hurt as he grabs it with his left hand.
“Uriel, is something wrong?”
“No, it’s nothing, the reason we came here was...because ...I think I was here five years ago…”
Alejandro looks surprised and exclaims:
“Wair, seriously? You were here? But the Principal told us that you went out of town…”
“That was another lie, the thing is, I don’t remember why, but the manna here is very familiar and nostalgic, I know I was here but…”
Suddenly, Uriel sees something shining down at the crater, a silver light shining.
“Alejandro, do you see that?”
“No, what do I need to see?”
Uriel jumps down the crater in search of the object he just saw.
“HEY WAIT...URIEL…” Alejandro sees Uriel disappear in the darkness.
“Aww man, that guy sure is unpredictable…”
Without warning...
Suddenly, two soldiers appear pointing their weapons at Alejandro. Alejandro lifts his arms looking surprised:
“Damn it, why now when Uriel isn’t here…”
“Why are you here, this is a restricted area. No one can enter…”
Alejandro laughs nervously thinking:
“Come on Uriel, hurry…”
Alejandro begins to speak:
“Well you see...uhmm...I got lost on my way home…”
“Liar, we are in the middle of a desert...son, you’re coming with us…”
The soldiers walk towards Alejandro, Alejandro takes a step back but he is on the edge of the crater. He begins to think:
“Oh shit, now I am in trouble, damn it Uriel, hurry.”
In a blink of an eye, Uriel knocks both of the guards unconscious as he stands behind them.
“You’re so loud, do you want to wake them up?”
Alejandro takes a deep breath feeling relief, he looks at Uriel and asks:
“So did you find the thing you were searching…”
Uriel lifts his arm, revealing a silver Rosary.
“Wait, is that a Rosary?”
“Yes, I found it at the bottom of the crater...it’s really strange but this Rosary…”
Uriel then looks at it and thinks:
“This Rosary is the same as the one mother has…”
Alejandro scratches his head thinking:
“I don't know what he is thinking, but I want to go now…”
Uriel extends his arm with his hand open. He begins to release crimson mana, suddenly, the space begins to bend and a portal begins to open.
“Anyway, let’s go home...I want to speak with Father Clemente and Sister Carolina…”
Uriel enters the portal, Alejandro runs to the portal. Suddenly he feels someone is watching them. Alejandro looked in all directions but there was no one:
“I swear I felt someone was…”
Uriel pulls him into the portal before he could see who it was. As the portal closes, a figure appears from the shadows.
A green colored wolf made of natural energy walks to the crater and looks at it, the wolf begins to howl as it turns to mana particles.
Night slowly falls in the Borderland, with a clear sky, the moon once again shines down on the twin cities. In the Ministry of San Juan, Uriel decided to show the Rosary to Father Clemente and Sister Carolina…
“Hhmmmm…’ A beautiful woman dressed in a nun’s attire looks at the rosary that Uriel found.
“Well Sister Carolina, does it seem familiar?” Uriel asks, Carolina (Age 29) looks at the rosary as she says:
“Well, the rosary looks identical to Maria’s but it isn’t hers. Our rosaries must always be with us, I think it might belong to someone else.”
“I see, I’m sorry that I bothered you.” Uriel grabs the rosary, Carolina smiles and replies:
“Not to worry, I’m sorry that I couldn’t be of more help.”
Uriel heads back to his room. Alejandro walks in the hallway of the ministry, he feels pain in his left hand thinking:
“I know that my hand was sealed but it sometimes hurts…”
Alejandro looks up and sees a young girl dressed in a nun’s attire. He smiles and says:
“Hey Sister Fabiola, how are you feeling?”
Sister Fabiola (Age 13) looks at him and runs away, Alejandro scratches his cheek thinking:
“That’s weird, ever since that night, she’s been ignoring me…”
Alejandro sees Mariana (Age 13) and Abril (Age 13) mopping the floor.
“Hey girls, can I ask you a question?”
Alejandro walks waving his hand, the girls look at Alejandro and walk back scared. Alejandro does not understand and asks them:
“Hey, is something wrong?”
He walks forward to them but both of them shout:
This leaves Alejandro confused; “Why are you calling me that?”
“Well you like to see panties and attack girls just like my sister told us.” Mariana replies scared.
Alejandro now understands the situation and sighs with his eyes close while he says:
“Come on, don’t let Fabiola’s words get to you okay”
Alejandro continues to walk with the intention of going to his room but suddenly trips with a towel that the girls drop by accident.
He falls over the two girls landing on top of them. The two girls begin to scream:
Alejandro quickly gets of them into his knees and says:
"Wait you got it all wrong it was an accident”
Fabiola opens the door of the kitchen and sees Alejandro in his knees with the two girls on the ground as well with tears on their eyes causing her to blush and exclaim:
Fabiola jumps into the air and strikes Alejandro with a kick in his face while he screams:
“Hey Alejandro, it’s time to sleep…” Uriel walks down the hallway. He sees Alejandro on the floor, with the three sisters looking scared at him.
“I am not going to ask okay, come on you pervert…”
Uriel grabs Alejandro’s legs pulling him from his leg.
The girls look at him smiling:
Alejandro regains consciousnesses and asks:
“So, did you learn something about the rosary?”
“No...but I will keep looking for answers…”
Uriel and Alejandro decided to go to bed and call it a night because the next day was a school day…
Sun City; Kasumi’s apartment…
Meanwhile, in Sun City, a secret runion was being held at the same time…
“Thank you all for coming...I know it’s late but I think we should make our move tomorrow…”
A beautiful woman with orange hair and glasses says to the people in the room. In the room, there are 6 others standing in the shadows. These are holograms of people who are scattered in the city.
The reason is because they are being cautious from their enemies.
“Kasumi, I understand your urgency but couldn't it be better to meet in another place?”
A silhouette of a muscular man says to Kasumi (Age 19):
“First of all, I’ve confirmed the whereabouts of Alejandro Sanchez...he is in Rio Grande City, but he avoids talking to me for some reason…”
“Oh thank goodness...I was so worried…”The silhouette of a chubby woman says to Kasumi.
Kasumi looks down, the silhouette of a girl asks:
“Is something wrong?”
“I learned that Alejandro is now working with an evil spirit...El Charro Negro…”
The room is silent, the silhouette of a young man begins to chuckle:
“So, the spirit you saw the other day right...why would that brat go with him?”
“I don’t know but...What I do know is the Charro's identity…”
“Well, who is it then?
Kasumi lifts her head and with a serious expression says:
“The identity of the Charro is Uriel Di Fiore, my master’s son…”
“Wait...the Solitary wolf had a son?”
“It appears so…”
Kasumi makes a fist and says:
“Our mission as members of Yggdrasil is to protect this world...therefore tomorrow, I will confront the Charro and learn about his motives.”
“Are you going to need our help?” One of the silhouettes asks Kasumi. She nods in agreement:
“We need to avoid suspicion, Carlos and Chelsea...you will be undercover, formation C…”
The silhouettes agree, and slowly disappear leaving Kasumi alone. She sighs and remembers the events of the other night. She walks to the window and sees the moon thinking:
“Master...is that really your son?”
February 1st; Sun City International Highschool
The following day was a normal school day for Uriel and Alejandro. They took their classes without any problems. The problems came after school as they headed to their club room. Uriel, Alejandro and Tiwa decided to form the Historical Research Association as a way to investigate the mysteries of the Borderland.
At the moment they arrive, Alejandro and Uriel face a dangerous situation…
“WHY THE HELL... DID YOU GO TO THE CRATER WITHOUT ME?” Tiwa (Age 16), a beautiful girl with brown skin, blonde hair and green eyes says with an angry expression.
Alejandro looks at her nervously trying to explain:
“Tiwa, you got it wrong...the thing is, that it was something out of the blue...”
The most dangerous situation is a maiden’s anger…
Tiwa looks at Uriel, Uriel avoids looking at her as he knows that she is furious.
Alejandro tries to justify their actions; “Tiwa, Uriel wanted to see the sight and he forced me to go…”
“Well, should ‘ve told me, I thought we were a club...I thought we were now friends…” Tiwa says as she lowers her head feeling depressed.
Uriel and Alejandro notice that Tiwa is sad. Uriel sighs with his eyes closed and stands up, he goes towards Tiwa. Uriel grabs her shoulder and says:
“Tiwa, I sincerely apologize for not taking you with us yesterday but it was something important that we needed to do...plus I didn’t want you to be in danger.”
Tiwa looks at Uriel and blushes, -Hhmmmpphh- Tiwa takes Uriel’s hand off as she says:
“You should really consider my feelings you know, but I guess I will forgive you but never do that again okay…”
Tiwa points at both of them. Alejandro smiles and replies:
“Alright, we promise you…”
Alejandro stands up and heads to the board; “Anyway, right now we must focus on the target we are investigating. After doing my research, I reached the conclusion that the monster we saw is The Chupacabras…”
“The Chupacabras, really?” Tiwa chuckles; “That’s a really ridiculous name you know?”
“It may sound funny, but that thing is dangerous…” Uriel says as he sits next to Tiwa.
Alejandro begins to draw the chupacabras as a winged monster with large eyes and large wings on its back. He writes in the board on top of the drawing the word:
Tiwa looks at it thinking; “Wow that is a really good drawing…”
Alejandro begins to explain; “After the Chupacabras attacked us the other night, the sightings have disappeared. There hasn’t been any attack in the last 5 days, that could be good but knowing the circumstances, the monster will attack once again...the question is when…”
Tiwa looks at Uriel and says:
“Uriel, I know that you faced the monster that night, tell me, is that thing strong?”
“Wait, how do you know that? I mean you weren’t there…” Alejandro says, scratching his head.
Tiwa makes a smirk and replies:
“Fufufu, I am well aware that Uriel is El Charro Negro and that you have a strange aura coming out of your left hand. But I won’t tell you how I know that …”
“She has a familiar that is spying on us…” Uriel interrupts Tiwa.
“WHHHHAATT HOW DID YOU KNOW?” Tiwa exclaims with a surprised face.
Uriel looks at her and replies:
“I just heard the rhythm of your soul that’s all...Now then, introduce us to your familiar…”
“The rhythm? What is that?” Tiwa sighs and makes her familiar appear. She makes her owl appear on her shoulder. The owl begins to speak:
“Hoot...Hoot...Your instincts are sharp, young man. You have earned my curiosity, my name is Suma”
Suma is a spirit owl that acts as Tiwa’s guardian. He can speak as a normal human being, he is invincible to the normal person. He is brown with green eyes and golden claws.
Uriel looks at him with intrigued; “I see, so you're a spirit guardian…”
“Indeed I am…”
“WWOOOOWW, SO COOL, THE OWL ACTUALLY TALKS!” Alejandro says with excitement as he pokes Suma.
“Young man, please stop poking my wing, it's irritating…”
“Sorry…” Alejandro lets go of the wing. He looks at Uriel and asks:
"So,what is a Sombra anyway? You keep saying Sombras this and Sombras that but I still don't get it and what does it have to do with the Chupacabras?"
"Man, you sure are dumb Alejandro…" Tiwa and Suma chuckle.
Uriel stands up, writes the word "Sombra" on the board and begins to explain:
"You see, Sombras or Shadows are beings that were once good spirits. In Mexico, we know them as "Alebrijes" ancient animal-like creatures who guide humans to "Mictla- La Tierra de los Muertos" ( Land of the Dead)"
Uriel writes the word "Alebrijes" and continues to speak:
"The Sombras are created when an Alebrije is corrupted…"
"And how are they corrupted?" Alejandro asks with enthusiasm.
"They are corrupted because of us…" Tiwa says with a somber tone.
"What do you mean by that?"
"We humans give negative emotions; Greed, anger, envy among other feelings that cause the Alebrijes to corrupt themselves…"
"That is correct…" Uriel continues to speak:
"When we have negative emotions at the moment of our deaths, the Alebrijes or guardian spirits that are meant to guide us absorb the negative feelings causing them to change…"
“But why?”
“In order for humans to enter the “Tierra de Muertos”, they have to get their negative emotions taken away from them by the Alebrijes. Unfortunately, the negative emotions have increased to the point that the Alebrijes turn rapidly into Sombras…”
Alejandro looks angry and says:
“Damn it, I promise I will find a way to stop the Sombra’s creation…”
“You can’t do that…”
“And why not?”
“Because in order to do that, you will need to stop human being suffering...and that’s impossible.”
Alejandro is left speechless -TCH- he makes a fist feeling anger, Uriel sighs with his eyes close and continues to speak:
“Anyway, the Sombras are usually invisible to human eyes, that favors them as they attack humans in the night.”
“And why night?”
“Because they are shadows and sunlight makes them disappear. Alejandro, thanks to the key you absorbed, you are now able to see Sombras and sense mana…”
Alejandro looks at his hand, Tiwa smiles thinking; “I will need that key soon…”
Alejando looks at Uriel and asks:
“So, what about the Chupacabras?”
Uriel looks at the window and begins to say:
“That’s my concern, you see the Chupacabras may be a Sombra, but people can see it...plus something felt strange when I fought the monster…”
Tiwa looks at Uriel and says:
“Hey Uriel, do you think the Chupacabras was being manipulated? Or was it acting under its free will?”
“I don’t know, it’s a if…”
Suddenly, Uriel senses someone approaching.
“Someone’s coming…”
At that moment, a beautiful teacher with orange hair opens the door. Alejandro quickly erases the board to avoid suspicion.
"Professor Kasumi, what a surprise, what brings you here today?" Tiwa nervously chuckles.
Uriel sighs thinking; "You guys are bad in acting normal"
"Hello guys, I just stopped by to see how you were doing that's all…what are you doing?"
Uriel looks with suspicion thinking; "Kasumi, you are also bad at acting normal"
Kasumi approaches Uriel; "Anyway, Mr. Di Fiore, would you mind coming to my office now, I have something to discuss with you"
Uriel smiles knowing what is happening.
"Very well, if it's urgent…"
Tiwa and Alejandro look at them suspiciously. Uriel stands up and looks at both of them:
"I guess, I'll see you later…"
Kasumi and Uriel leave the room. Tiwa closes her eyes and makes a small serpent with a drum appear.
"Wow, is that another familiar? Just how many do you have?"
Tiwa acts all prideful with "stars" shining around her:
"This is Jana the serpent, and I have a total of 3 familiars…"
"Wow, you're so cool…"
" Of course I am, now Jana, please go and spy on them…"
"Ssssss….of course mistress…"
Jana camouflages herself and leaves the room in order to follow Uriel and Kasumi…
Ever since the night of the attack, Kasumi has been avoiding both Alejandro and Uriel. She agreed to be an advisor but she hasn't been in the room for days...Now, Kasumi and Uriel walk in the hallway…
“So then, where are we going? Your office is the other way…” Uriel says as they walk down the hallway.
“Well I figure that it’s a nice day outside so I decided for us to go to the roof. There we can speak in peace.”
“Whatever you say...so, I wanted to ask how do you know who I was? We never even met before…” Kasumi gets nervous and tries to answer; “Well you see...I-I-I...can’t tell you that now...it’s embarrassing…”
Kasumi replies nervously.
“Okay...changing the subject, why have you been avoiding Alejandro and me lately…”
Kasumi sighs with her eyes closed as she responds; “Mr. Di Fiore, I would rather not speak until we are outside…”
Meanwhile, there is a conversation that it’s going on as Uriel and Kasumi climb the stairs…
“Hey, Senpai is going up, I hope you are in position…”
A girl who is licking a lollipop says as she lies on her stomach with a sniper rifle.The rifle consists of a small telescope lens, it has a pink color and black flames on the side.
The sun points down creating shadows that cover the girl’s face, only her pink eyes are shown as she looks through her lens.
“Yeah, yeah...I am in position, just concentrate okay…”
A boy who is in the shadows eating a chocolate bar. He is relaxing near a wall as the shadows cover his face, only his blue eyes are visible.
The door opens, Kasumi crosses the door as she continues to walk. Uriel also crosses the door. The door closes on its own.
"I see, we are surrounded by a forcefield…"
Uriel smiles, he continues to walk. The roof is surrounded by a rectangular green forcefield.
"Now then...since we are here..I have something to ask you…"
Kasumi turns around, she takes off her glasses. Kasumi looks at Uriel with a serious expression and asks:
"Uriel, were you the one who fought the Chupacabras the other night?"
Uriel chuckles thinking:
"Her personality changes the moment she takes off her glasses?"
Uriel looks at Kasumi replying:
"That's right...it was me…"
"So then, answer me another question; are you El Charro Negro?"
"There is no point of lying to you since you already know...Indeed, I am El Charro Negro…"
For an instant, there is a silence in the roof with wind blowing making the only sound. Kasumi makes a katana appear on her hand.
"Uriel Di Fiore, as you already notice, we are in a special force field that prevents anyone from noticing us…"
She draws her katana and points at Uriel.
"I have the mission to eliminate any hostile spirit...judging from your response, I might take action…now tell me; why are you here?"
"..." Uriel does not respond, he smiles at her first and replies:
"Kasumi, I have no obligation to answer your question...I know that you do not plan on letting me go."
Uriel walks close to the point that the katana points at the middle of his face.
"I know that there are others involved, one is behind me and the other is also in a building 2 blocks away…"
Kasumi opens her eyes wider thinking; " How did he know?"
Camouflaged, Jana the serpent observes everything as she asks:
“Mistress are you watching?”
Tiwa says with her eyes close:
“I do, stay hidden, I have a good view here…”
Tiwa is able to see everything thanks to her familiar ability. She is sitting at the table with Alejandro on her side.
“What do you see, come on, I want to see too…” Alejandro moves Tiwa around.
“Stop it, I can’t concentrate when you move me around like that…”
Tiwa puts her forehead together with Alejandro causing him to blush.
“Ahh… what are you doing?”
“Close your eyes and concentrate, you will be able to see too…”
Alejandro closes his eyes and begins to see Uriel with Kasumi.
“Incredible, so this is magic huh...using mana is amazing…”
“Shut up and concentrate…”
“Right, sorry…”
"How did that happen? We are using stealth mode…" The girl with the sniper rifle says nervously.
"Chelsea, I have no choice but to make my move…"
"Wait Carlos, we must wait for the signal…besides he is just bluffing...don’t worry"
“How do you know? Are you using magic?” Kasumi asks with suspicion.
“No, I just heard the “Rhythm” of your souls…”
“The Rhythm?”
“That’s right...I know that there are five others that are working with you judging from their rhythms...Shion is one of them…” Kasumi opens her eyes wider.
“That’s it...I’m going in…”
The boy behind on the other side of the wall releases his stealth mode making him visible. He is revealed to be a boy with black hair, white skin and blue eyes.
“Wait Carlos...the signal was not launched.”
Uriel notices Carlos charging at him. Uriel jumps back, away from Kasumi. Kasumi is surprised as she sees Carlos advancing:
“Carlos, that wasn't part of our plan…”
“I know, but I will dispose of him quickly…”
Carlos makes two kunai knives appear, and proceeds to attack Uriel.
“So you’re one of them…” Uriel, with great speed, kicks Carlos’ hand and sends the kunai to the air. As the kunai spins in the air, Carlos tries to attack with the kunai that’s on the other hand.
Suddenly, Uriel disappears from his sight…
“Where did he go…”
“Behind you…”
Uriel appears behind him, Chelsea, the girl who has a sniper rifle screams; “I got you…”
She fires her rifle, the bullet travels at high speed aiming at Uriel. Uriel smiles, the kunai that was in the air falls at high speed, blocking the bullet.
Chelsea, surprised at what happened exclaims; “My bullet, how did he…”
Uriel grabs the kunai and throws it at Chelsea. The kunai passes next to Chelsea, leaving her in shock.
“He knew my location all along? He wasn’t bluffing at all…”
Uriel grabs Carlos’ hand with the kunai and with force makes him move it to his back and makes him point at himself. Uriel’s other hand grabs Carlos' neck.
Carlos who is in shock thinks:
“Was he that fast? I couldn’t read his movements at all…”
-TCH- “Kill me, I lost…”
Uriel chuckles; “And why would I do that? You’re someone who is not worth killing...besides…”
Uriel moves his eyes and notices that Kasumi is in a battle stance behind him ready to attack.
“She wouldn’t let me…”
“Uriel, let go of him or I will kill you…”
Uriel chuckles once again; “You sure are confident...relax...I won’t do anything...I was just about to let him go…” Kasumi notices that there is a lance made from the roof’s materials pointing at her stomach.
“Did he read my movements too? I must be careful…”
Uriel makes the lance disappear and lets Carlos go, he begins to walk away. Kasumi holds Carlos asking; “Carlos, are you alright?”
Carlos notices Kasumi’s breast next to him. He panics and exclaims:
He makes a small cough and responds:
“I’m alright, sorry senpai, he was just too fast…”
“I know, don’t worry...Chelsea, come back at once…”
“Well, things got out of hand, but now that I know that you people are serious, I have a request for you…”
Kasumi looks at him confused; “What kind of request…”
“You see, we are being watched by people here...if we were to talk then everyone will notice...Come tomorrow morning to the ministry of San Juan and we will talk there…”
Carlos gets angry and exclaims; “Who do you think you are? Senpai don’t…”
“Very well, I will go tomorrow…” Kasumi accepts Uriel’s petition.
“No, I want the six of you to go...otherwise, I will have to hunt all of you down…” Uriel says with a serious expression as the sun sets creating a shadow on the roof.
“Uriel is dangerous, if I don’t do what he says, the whole mission will be at risk…”
Kasumi puts her glasses back on and replies; “Very well, I will bring my team tomorrow to the ministry…”
Kasumi undoes the forcefield, and leaves with Carlos. Uriel sighs scratching his head and says:
“You know, hiding there is obvious, serpent…”
The serpent panics; “SSSS...so you knew I was there…”
“That’s right, and tell Tiwa that she is also invited tomorrow…”
“Understood…” The serpent disappears.
“Wow, that was intense…”
“I know, Uriel is strong...but I never thought he was fast too…”
Alejandro and Tiwa open their eyes. Suddenly there is silence, Alejandro and Tiwa blush as their faces are close. They only stare at each other as their heartbeat rises.
“Uhhhmmm” Both of them stare at each other feeling nervous, slowly they begin to move closer.
Without warning Uriel opens the door; “I forgot my bag…”
Alejandro and Tiwa quickly look away blushing, Uriel notices that and asks:
“Did I interrupt something?”
“No, nothing at all…” Both of them answer at the same time, blushing, and laughing nervously.
“Anyway, go to the ministry tomorrow morning Tiwa, we will be waiting for you there…”
“Right, I will be there…” Tiwa says making a fist acting hyped up.
Uriel leaves the room, Alejandro grabs his backpack screaming; “HEY WAIT UP…”
Tiwa is left alone in the classroom, she touches her chest as she thinks; “What was that feeling? Why is my heart still beating this fast?”
Alejandro walks behind Uriel and thinks while he blushes; “Wow, I never noticed that Tiwa was pretty…”
He shakes his head as he thinks; “No, no, Marjorie is the only one for me, yes and someday she will be mine…”
In the shadows, a figure with a skeleton mask looks at them and laughs; “So, Charro Negro, it appears my warning didn’t get to you, well, I guess that I will have to make you suffer…”
Town of Ascencio; 50km southeast of Rio Grande City
Night falls, in a small town located 50 km southeast of Rio Grande City. Ascencio, a peaceful town where mostly indigenous people live. Every night, there is a massive gathering in the center of the plaza where the mayor gives a speech about the current news. However, on this particular night there is silence…
Wind blows hard as people scream from all over the town. The houses are empty, there is no one in the plaza. As the wind blows, the only thing visible is clothing flying in the air.
A wing monster with humanoid form flies above the down. With its roar, the monster hypnotizes the people of the town causing them to walk outside and stand still.
The monster flies down to each house, and attacks men, women and children alike. The monster sucks their mana and the people slowly turn into ashes and disappear only leaving their clothing behind. A priest hides in the shadows and observes with a frightened expression what was happening.
-TCH- He has white hair and a black priest attire. He is holding a sword and charges straight at the monster.
The monster turns around and disappears from his sight. He appears behind the priest and instantly kills him by cutting him in half.
The monster continues to attack nonstop.
On a hill, two figures observe the monster’s action. A man wearing a black cloak with a white skeleton masks laughs:
“It seems the Chupacabras are feeling better, I think he is even faster than before. Right, Reina?” (Queen)
A girl with white hair and green eyes walks forward. She has a petite figure with a slim body. Her hair is long and she has brown skin.
She looks down with an expressionless face and hollow eyes; “Indeed, that man who attacked the Chupacabras will pay for what he did. The “Ales” are creatures that only seek to survive.”
“Now call him back…”
The girl lifts her hand and makes it glow, the Chupacabras looks at her and flies with great speed to her side.The girl looks at him and smiles; “Are you satisfied?”
“I AM”
The man with a skeleton mask looks at both of them; “Good, now that you are healed, it’s time to return to Rio Grande City...Your next target awaits…”
“Next target?”
“The mayor of Rio Grande City; Nathaniel Gonzalez”
On that night, the town of Ascencio went completely silent as a total of 1200 townspeople disappeared in a couple of hours with no trace left behind…
- In Serial6 Chapters
The Long Winter has ended. The Great Spirits are waking once more and their influence is already making a mark on the world. Enter Gord. The seventh son of the chief of the Ashwalkers, he's a bit of a disappointment. Not very tall, not very strong, not very fast. His brothers pick up his slack of course, they love him. But even they can't stop the whispers. Troubled by a power he doesn't understand, he finds refuge in the stories his grandfather tells, of apocalyptic wars between spirits and powerful shamans wielding the forces of nature. Of course, those are just stories of an age long past. The spirits are peaceful now, right? [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] ~~~~~~~~~~ My entry for the Writathon, my inspiration was a random idea I had last week and decided to write about. Digimon, but in 10,000BCE. Updates at least twice a week. Cover art by Jack0fheart
8 199 - In Serial9 Chapters
Re: Ent
A normal(ish?) guy dies and gets rebornyeah that's about itinspired by Re: Monster among other Re: stories on this site, especially Re: Axe From the North Mature content Later on probably, if I feel like it, maybe. Lots of swearing.
8 194 - In Serial7 Chapters
Chronicles of Xod (returning from hiatus)
After a long recovery over a chronic motion sickness issue, I feel I'm ready to return to writing this book. It might be slow at first, but I'm hoping to pick up where I left off. I apologize again for the long hiatus. The pages following are a true account. An account of how I, Josh--a teenage nerd from modern suburbia--ended up in a strange world filled with fantastic magic, bizarre creatures, and terrifying dungeons. Despite the troped-up fantasy feel of the world, this is hardly an ordinary tale. For one, don’t expect a happy ending. With the trials I’ve been through, the horrors I’ve seen and the atrocities I’ve committed, believe me when I tell you, this is not a happy tale filled with friendly rainbow bears or teenage flying unicorns. It’s more likely you’ll finish this book mentally scarred as I will not spare the details of my unfortunate adventures. With the help of my trusted companion Gui, I gain an insight that no one else in the world has. This knowledge allows me to exploit and, for lack of a better term, metagame the system which gave me a clear advantage over its residents. “With great power...,” someone might begin to quote to me. In my defense, I think maybe even you, reader, might have acted similarly with how this reality changed my view of good and evil. This story will be updated regularly on Wednesdays around 6 PM. There will only be about 1000 words per update. The focus is to finish the story before doing any major changes or editing. Please read as if this is a work in progress, not a finished product. Feel free to let me know if you see any error, whether glaring or minor. If you help me out, I'll be sure to add you to a thank you list at the front of the book when it is published. Chronicles of Xod is a first-person fantasy novel that follows the adventures of a young man from Earth. Through unknown circumstances, he finds himself in a fantasy world where life is not all wonders and happy endings. The story takes common fantasy concepts from my favorite video games, books and movies and gives them an adult edge. It also introduces some taboo concepts often glossed over by stories written for broad audiences. The style is meant to be immersive and heavily detailed. The short novel will be written in a way that attempts to bring a sense of realism to an unrealistic genre. Where there are realistic consequences and dangers in a world populated with violent monsters, cruel demons, bloodthirsty undead, and immoral bandits. In this fantasy world, the inhabitants are essentially gender blind as far as sexuality is concerned. There is also more variation amongst male and female physiology. This isn't meant to be any kind of promotion or demotion of social behavior in reality. Just a concept I thought would be an interesting idea to have in a fantasy setting. I highly discourage anyone from reading this material if you are personally concerned with being offended or traumatized. Both violent and sexual content will be graphically detailed. All characters involved in sexual scenes are mature and of the age of consent(18+).
8 234 - In Serial19 Chapters
Code Red
Dropping this one sorry
8 85 - In Serial35 Chapters
After the destruction of their planet by the brutal Freeman race, the Soynite species must get their revenge and revive their home world.
8 110 - In Serial15 Chapters
Friends Matter
When Lily, Britta and Sam find themselves in a mysterious land they have to figure out their relationships with their crushes. What will they do?
8 159