《Essentia Animus》16: Occupational Hazards
Outside of the cafe, the three girls took account of their surroundings in order to gauge their next move. The afternoon having only begun, they had plenty of time to explore whatever new lessons the city had to offer.
Ryixia took another look around, this time getting to physically look around, without the additional distractions. The new exposure however didn’t give her any new answers. The cafe was itself along the side of the river, exposing a giant cliff drop off the east side of the road deep into the river valley below them. Vwyx herself was fine with staying on the current side of the road, waiting on a bench she found at the roadside, not wanting to get any closer. Further down the road was a bridge crossing the river, with a gate towards the bridge looking massive and intimidating, an embodiment of fearsome security. More than just Vwyx’s fears, none of them were all that compelled to trespass on somewhere so uninviting. Otherwise, there were simply the same continuous roads with continuous buildings.
“Oh, sorry ma’am. Could you tell me if the 171 had gone by already?” “Err, what?” “Bus 171, westbound.” The uniformed gentleman’s approach had caught Vwyx totally off guard, but his gesture to the pole beside the bench lent some clarity. Sryine looked up at the pole, noticing a couple of listed numbers, including 171. She had remembered reading about such things, not just slight references in her books, but actually the last time they were at the train station. So, more than just trains, the city’s transit service had a lot of extra vehicles for transport, making things a bit more convenient. That would make for an interesting opportunity as well, especially since their LTPs should be valid for such a similar service.
Ryixia in the meanwhile was taking account of the individual’s uniform, a slate charcoal gray with a golden stitched emblem of a winged longbow, with a similar matching beret. The uniform itself was identical to the same ones worn by the individuals working at the bridge. It was plainly obvious this was someone leaving the site, to go somewhere else.
“Sorry, we just got here ourselves. Haven’t seen anything yet.” “Well then, that might be my good fortune then.” Vwyx was just intent on the individual conversing with her, feeling put on the place a bit. The guy pulled out a Cell and started a call, putting it away after a moment of waiting. “Maybe my luck might not be that kind. Why does he always do that, especially at the worst of times. I know it’s annoying, but set aside some focus for your stupid cell, jerk. What if the boss called?” The same guy kicked the bus station pole, venting his frustration. The conversation did answer a question Vwyx had been having ever since she had first seen a Cell used. She hadn’t been certain how the thing worked if the other side was too occupied to support it with the gift. Guess that answered that question.
“Sorry about that, guess I should do better while still in uniform. Which bus are you waiting for anyway?” “Oh, uh, we were actually planning where we wanted to go today.” “Ah, a free day in the city, huh? Not bad. I kinda got left with a free day myself, work letting me and one of my coworkers go free today. We were thinking of spending our time at East Market, maybe pick a few things up while on this side of the river, something like that at least.” The gentleman was clearly trying to save face before Vwyx, after such an unprofessional moment.
“East Market, so you’re going to visit the market on the east side?” “Yeah, I take it you’ve been there before too? I heard they had some good deals today on some of the latest instruments, too. It might have been easier if my coworker had actually stayed over at Irongate Bridge, but it seems he was far too eager to hit the market.” Sryine actually wasn’t sure if the guy had implied the east side of a market, or a market around the eastern area of town. She was wondering if the names being so blatantly self-describing was part of a ploy to make their locations similarly self-evident. She noticed that some of the businesses gathered right near the bridge at this distance started with the name ‘Irongate’. Maybe there was some method to this madness after all.
“Maybe that might not be such a bad idea then. Getting to see the market, maybe help you find your friend in the process, that might make for a decent way to spend the day.” Vwyx wasn’t quite being honest in her statement, finding excuses to follow the guy to his dream like promises. The latest in instrumentation, it was an invitation she couldn’t refuse. She had a feeling that hitting the market was something she could convince Sryine into, and she had known Ryixia long enough to know that Ryixia liked opportunities to help out. Catching on to Vwyx’s subtle excitement, it wasn’t lost to either girls what had really caused such motivation.
Waiting a bit longer, a vehicle pulled up to the bench, the numbers ‘171’ clearly marked on a display instrument at the front. The girls let the guy go first, taking to his example as he swiped his own pass over an instrument at the entryway. Sryine grabbed one of the exposed booklets after swiping her own pass, perusing over it as they travelled in an attempt to learn even more. Ryixia took a window seat in the bus, taking note of their passage as the scenery moved beyond. Vwyx ended up finding herself once again seated beside their current guide.
“So, what had you three compelled to check out the riverside anyway?” “Oh, uh, well, it was mostly random, really. Pure coincidence. So.. what kind of instruments are you looking for anyway?” “Oh, mostly stuff for work, probably. A Hunter’s got to be prepared, you know. Vesper isn’t the most forgiving place, can throw anything at you if you let your guard down. Mountain climbing gear, cave exploration gear. Lamps are a pretty big deal, especially ungifted lamps. Far easier to light a fire and let it burn than to sustain a lamp long into the night. Medical supplies are a pretty big deal too.” The guy clearly had a terribly long wishlist, though Vwyx found it conceptually interesting. However, having reached their stop, the four left the bus, suddenly familiar with their surroundings. This was the train station of the Riverside District. All three girls took account that, next time, they might maybe take the bus instead of walking everywhere.
Back on the train, all of them were faced with a similar arrangement as the bus, leading to much the same outcome. “The view from up here is almost as vast as the view from the cliffs of the riverside.” “Yeah, that might be a thing, isn’t it.” “Not that interested in the view yourself?” “No, not especially, thanks anyway.” Their guide misinterpreted Vwyx’s hesitancy. Vwyx had originally occupied a window seat on the bus, but had now switched with their guide, leaving instead the impression of politely taking turns. Ryixia had no issues with getting a great city-spanning view from this height, and even Sryine was actually enjoying her study of a complex transit map, putting the city into a whole new perspective. Their stay on the train was actually shorter than the bus, needing to only go a few stops away. The train itself was also on a smaller circuit, not sharing the same circuit as their first experience.
Their descent from the train platform did not take them to the street this time, having instead progressed into the interior of a vast spanning mall, along a second-story pedway. The halls of the mall were packed full of people, each intent on getting a chance to take advantage of any daily deals. Ryixia was suddenly quite aware how much of a problem it might be to not know where a person might be in an environment as packed as this, why their guide had become worried about the current turn of events. As it stood, she was getting worried about losing track of her own friends in this mess of people.
“Hey, I don’t suppose I could get your number? .. I mean, just in case we get separated or something.” “Number?” “Your cell?” “Oh! Uh.. about that. I kinda don’t have one right now.” “Really? With all the interest in the latest instruments, I could have sworn you would have been all over the latest models. Did you just not have enough money for it?” “Oh, well, I guess you could say that. We did just get paid yesterday, though.” “Great, then why don’t we start by getting you a new cell? Or would that still be asking too much?” The guy seemed to really know how to speak Vwyx’s language, her eyes turning to Sryine pleading. Sryine sighed, herself not so convinced. Still, she wasn’t even given a chance to voice her complaints as the two humans lead the way, leaving both elves rushing to not lose track of them.
Sryine looked up at the sign they approached, slightly baffled as both humans entered the store. ‘Nexus’ said absolutely nothing about the location, and equally nothing about what the business even sold. She walked into the store, looking around at its selection of cells and related accessories. She picked up a price tag for one of the cells on display, 1000 Qeld. She was quickly convinced this was a horrible, expensive idea, and that she needed to put a stop to it right away.
“Good day, ma’am. I’m so glad you stopped by. Today, we have some really special deals, and I’m sure one of them would catch your eye. Our monthly plans come with some really reasonable rates, including some of the best talk, text, and data services in the city. Our new 50 Qeld monthly plan gives you not only full communication services, but also unlimited internet access for all of your information needs, available today only. With it, you could browse the internet for any of the latest news or documentaries, a library in your very own pocket.” “Vwyx, hurry up and pick your choice of cell, the kind gentleman doesn’t have all day. Just you might want to keep it cheap, some of this stuff is pretty expensive.” The elven male salesman might have had the entire day to sell this stuff, but Sryine didn’t want to drag things out. It was such a great idea, providing endless access to books and stories, she was getting light-headed just thinking about it.
Three identical 700 Qeld models, plus one lunar service plan each. It was their most expensive purchase yet, putting them back a total of 2,250 Qeld. After another 250 Qeld of accessories added to it, it was making matters like eating and sleeping look cheap. No wonder the guy had been worried if they could afford such a purchase. Sryine understood such concerns much more than how to get the thing to work, or even turn on. Ryixia hadn’t turned her own cell on, but wasn’t in nearly as much of a hurry. Vwyx meanwhile already had her own on and was even exploring its features. Taking note of the others, Vwyx helped them both to get equally as setup before leaving the store. Sryine still didn’t know how to get the books on it, but she had two new contacts now listed, and enough knowledge on how it works to stay connected.
As the four traversed the mall, it was dawning quickly on the girls how even the mall itself was several times larger than their village. Sryine was starting to get rather tired of all the walking, though it seemed as if she was the only one suffering. As an elf, it made sense that her endurance was lacking when compared to the humans she travelled with, but even Ryixia looked like she was still doing fine, leaving her compelled to keep going. After a while more of suffering, it was becoming clear that Ryixia might not be under the same normal elven limitations of stamina, possibly because of her unique construction. Sryine leaned against a pillar, which suddenly sparked to life with a dramatic pyrotechnic display. Throwing herself far from the pillar in fear, Sryine crashed into the floor hard, losing consciousness in a combination of a concussion and fatigue.
Ryixia was the first to her side, using her gift to administer any healing required. Quickly, it started becoming obvious to her that most of the problem was fatigue, something that personally eluded her. Yet more evidence in how she wasn’t a normal elf. It was a troubling matter, but also informative, as she took a moment to consider that it was Khyzae who was an elf, and herself that was something else, as more evidence of how they really differed. Vwyx was on hand, visibly offering to help but with no idea what was left to her.
“Hey, yeah, I’m in East Market, across the street from the Qeld Store on the second floor. Got someone here who has collapsed suddenly, might need some medical care. Is there anyone nearby who can lend me a hand? … You? By the divine, why did you not answer your cell sooner?!” “She’s actually going to be fine, she just needs some rest. I’ve taken care of any of her injuries, she should be waking up pretty soon.” “What? Are you a doctor then or something? Sorry, yeah, it seems there might already be medical care on site. I’ll be looking into the situation further.” Their guide disconnected his call, still surprised by Riyxia’s gift. Soon after, another uniformed elf exited the Qeld Store they were right beside, starting conversation with the same guide. Sryine started to wake up again soon afterwards, with her friends helping her to a nearby bench.
“Hey, I’m here representing River Valley News and I heard there was quite a commotion here not long ago. Did you happen to hear what… Oh, it’s you.” “News? ‘Girl trips on ground in busy hallway’. Really, if that’s what you call news…” The elf’s disappointment was only magnified by Sryine’s dramatic yawn. Ever since meeting them earlier that morning, the day’s just been full of disappointment. Forget finding the tip he was left with randomly last night, he had yet to find an even decent scoop to profit from the day’s work, leaving him pretty empty handed. Visiting the affected logging distributor hadn’t even net him any useful information, the whole thing itself turning into a complete waste of time.
“I take it that work today really has been that bad then?” “Pretty much. Today’s just been really quiet.” “If that’s the problem I see why you came here. So much stuff going on, can make a girl dizzy.” “Really? Have you seen anything noteworthy today then?” “Daytime, no, but last night…” “Yes, what is it?” “You know, I seem to have forgotten all of a sudden. This stuff is worth money, right, news you make a living on. Telling you about such a brutal clash in the night, a business ransacked by ruffians, only to fall asleep where they stood unexpectedly.. how much might such details be worth?” Sryine realized she might be selling themselves out a bit to this elf, but she could only appreciate someone’s interest in a good story. The day had been a bit of a sudden expense, maybe this could earn them back a bit of the money lost. In fact, maybe finding interesting ways to make more money for themselves could itself be an interesting way to spend some time, it was an idea she should try and consider more.
“50 Qeld.” “Really, that’s it? Sheesh, to think I bothered being nice.” “Look, I’m sorry, I don’t exactly have much on me right now. Getting my vehicle tuned up based upon your recommendations wasn’t exactly cheap.” “Yes, yes, and I seem to recall the same girl giving you those recommendations had actually offered to fix up some of the damage, at no cost to yourself. My word, aren’t we so nice and generous already, not even making a big fuss over such an accident.” “Accident? Did something else happen?” The elf froze, Sryine’s sales pitch being interrupted by a human hunter. He knew the girls were associated somehow to the hunters, he just had that feeling and this was proof of it. Sryine thus effectively had his back to the wall, no way to escape.
“Fine, I can’t secure such a deal tonight, but I get paid first thing tomorrow. Let’s exchange numbers, and figure out a good place to work out a better deal tomorrow, maybe over lunch?” He pulled out his cell as Sryine pulled out her own. Having recently done the whole number trading process, Sryine had no problems with such a thing for the third time. In fact, with such a contact, simply keeping an eye open for anything interesting could then get them some really easy profits. The guy wandered off quickly after that, not wanting to stick around the Hunters, only then realizing that he had technically traded contact information with someone associated with the Hunters. There was nothing that could be done about that, it was too late now.
Vwyx and Ryixia had been speechless watching the entire time, getting slightly worried. Since when had Sryine became such a devoted profit maniac? Ryixia turned to Vwyx too, Vwyx still casually configuring her Cell as they waited, as if she was all too familiar with how the thing worked. She might only have a faint degree of familiarity without any real memories, but even she was having a rough time trying to keep up with the two who had never done anything even half-remotely involving such city life, like maybe they had lived for such a thing in a previous life or something.
The two hunters waited quietly for the news reporter to depart, realizing that the girls were just wrapping up some personal business. “Okay then. Anyway, maybe you three should take it easy for a bit, so we don’t have another collapse, and the two of us will be right back after we pick up a few things. I don’t know if any of you girls have other plans, but I think the two of us are about ready to get back to Irongate after this.” The human hunter still seemed obviously concerned if things were alright, but wasn’t going to pry on the matter. The information that was extended simply seemed to make sure they were aware that such hunters were going to be nearby, in case of any other problems, but made it clear that they were also almost ready to depart. Having had their fill of the mall, none of the girls were all that interested in sticking around much longer either.
Finally getting another opportunity, Sryine turned to her cell for another attempt to see if it could bring her the promised books. Ryixia looked at her own for a time before the little instrument started to bore her. With nothing left to do but to sit around and wait, Ryixia started to wander in another fashion. Vwyx looked up to watch the spectre weave its way through the crowds, poking into some of the nearby stores. Vwyx sighed, clearly aware that even though Ryixia was embarrassed to have such a strange unique ability, she didn’t seem to hesitate to make use of it in times of boredom now that she was consciously aware of how it worked.
“Found anything interesting?” “No, not really. It seems most people are all too willing to get in your way when they don’t even know that you’re there.” “Makes sense, probably couldn’t blame them. Want to try a new exercise, since you’re already drifting around?” “Please, no. There is already a lot going on around here, things are rough enough as is.” Vwyx shrugged to Ryixia’s glassy-eyed body, letting the matter drop as she returned to her cell. The little thing was designed with so many interesting features, the level balance itself could have been really useful for many of her crafting projects back home.
By the time the two hunters returned, Sryine had still made no progress. Vwyx got Ryixia’s attention, giving her the opportunity to recover her spectre. The three girls concluded their impulsive tour by following the guys back the way they came, ensuring that none of them would get lost suddenly again. The train ride back home was a bit longer than previous, as it needed to return by completing the rest of its long circle, making that ride over three times longer. While on the train, Sryine submitted and just got a few quick lessons from Vwyx in how to actually use her instrument for her desired task. After learning how it worked, Sryine occupied herself with the remainder of the trip focused on at least practicing its usage, leaving reading for a more quiet period. The two hunters conversed casually in their own conversation, something the girls did not interfere with. Ryixia sat on her own, staring out the window as she casually shared her gift for the transit. None of them had forgotten about that discount, although the two guys seemed to not be in such a sharing mood for this trip.
Arriving at Riverside District, the five of them casually got off of the train, the guys trailing a distance behind with all of their stuff. “Oh hey! What are you fine ladies doing about in a place like this?” The two human males resting not far from the entrance to the station conjured up a familiar impression, it wasn’t even that late in the day yet, really, and already the undesirables were coming out of the stonework. As both of them were human, they were both visibly silently contesting for which of them would be the one to approach Vwyx with a more personal offer. Vwyx took a few steps back, a bit distressed by such unwanted attention.
“Hey, what’s going on here?” “Oh, hunter, sir. Nothing, nothing at all.” The sudden arrival of their own human hunter brought the currently more vocal of the two to a much more reluctant state, the two of them quickly rushing off after that. Vwyx started to relax at their departure, seeing a few additional advantages in having made such an influential friend. She sat down at the nearby bus stop, pulled out her cell and turned to his number, simply listed there without any name. Khyzae had been right, they really didn’t know how to properly do introductions. In all consideration, it seemed Ryixia had learned from their bad examples too, instead of being as skilled in the subject as her predecessor.
“Well, thank you both for the tour of the mall today, it made for quite an interesting experience. I’m glad we were able to help you two get reunited as well, though I can’t for the life of me remember what you said either of your names were.” “Oh, really? Sorry, my bad. We’re both part of Ayzherie’s Pack, Hunters each, though I’m sure you knew that already. Anyway, I’m Dhyinze and this here is Nuiqhyx.” “Dhyinze, Nuiqhyx, got it. Well, I’m Vwyx, and this here is Ryixia. The distracted one over there is Sryine. We’re nothing special ourselves though, so it was a pleasure to meet such skilled Hunters.” Vwyx made sure to fill in Dhyinze’s name in her Cell after their late introductions concluded. Sryine spared a quick glare up to Vwyx for the jest of an introduction before returning to her own cell.
It was around this time that the 171 bus arrived, picking all five of them up for it’s short trip towards Irongate. Back once again in Riverside, the three girls were finding the calm serenity to be all too much of a relief.
- In Serial161 Chapters
At The Precipice
Defenseless. Scared. Alone. That describes the life of Brock Carter as of late. Following his ‘death’ at the hands of a vicious magpie, Brock is rescued by the machinations of the newly instated, all-powerful System and thrust knee-deep into a brutal world catered only to the strong. Fluctuating between two states of being and trapped within a city ravaged by time, he is told to either seek out the mysterious ‘Source’, or die trying. He just hopes he can do it without scuffing his expensive suit in the process. ***** Honestly, I've just always wanted to write a story. I had a crack at it a few years back, but the entire thing fell apart before it even began. At The Precipice was originally written as a way for me to destress and play with System elements and characters, but eventually I decided that if I was gonna write, why not post it too? Writing's just a hobby of mine, so don't expect this to be at published novel level, I guess, or even anything of relative polish. Updates every Mon-Tues-Wed-Thurs-Fri Average chapter length is 2000 - 3000 words ***** What to expect: - A semi-comedic/light tone, mixed in with a gritty world and brutal survival (not ever grimdark though) - An MC that thinks about what he's going to do and why he'll do it, even if his internal logic is lacking. Is a rather rational person, not often influenced by his emotions, but can be in extreme situations. - A plot heavily focused upon the MC, but one that will branch off to envelope the other characters in the world at times. Often, it's just other people's perspectives of him. - A story of power growth. While the MC is certainly going to be powerful, even over 100 chapters in from what I've written, he still isn't the strongest being on Earth, let alone the entire Multiverse. - Lots of gore, vivid fight descriptions, and often times deaths of people, some even somewhat important to the story ***** Things this story will never have: - Harems - An edgy, villainous MC - An MC that does jackshit about things for 'plot reasons'
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