《Volume 12: The Two Monsters》Chapter 4, Part 3
Chapter 4, part 3
“That is the new battle plan, and your objectives after it's over,” - Ainz told disguised Pandora's Actor, after explaining the new plan he came up with.
“I understand, my Creator.”
“Then there is the matter of the test I had just conducted,” Ainz continued while leaning back in his chair and taking a more comfortable position, not that his undead body could feel it.
“For a while now I have been thinking, my luck had been rather incredible since coming to this New World. Carne village, which I saved on a whim, became a prototype of the nation I want to build, not to mention being the perfect place to settle the runesmiths. The potion I gave to that warrior adventurer, led me to Nfirea and his grandmother. Even the recent excursion to the dwarven country. Of all the dwarfs we could come across, we met Gondo – the one dwarf whose lifelong goal is to see rune crafting made great again. The Quoga attack also couldn't come at a better time."
"Even Shalltear's mind control, not only did it alert us to the presence of World Items in this world, but think of what could've happened if the mind control worked – the enemy would learn everything about us, and could use Shalltear to attack or infiltrate Nazarick. Compared to that, what actually happened can only be seen as lucky, ” Ainz tried not to dwell on the enemy who mind controlled Shalltear, lest he loses his line of thought in anger.
“So, I've been thinking, could it be that the stats of my character are playing a role in this? When I came into this world, all of my physical attributes changed to mirror my character stats. Strengths, agility, speed. And I had simply accepted this fact. But what if that's also true for the other stats, such as luck, charisma, and intellect?” Ainz continued, as Pandora's Actor listened in silence.
“Let's take charisma, I am a hated undead, yet I was able to completely turn around Ainzach and Moknak in their attitude towards me, with just a short conversation. I was able to reawaken the thirst to be the best and inspire the dwarven runesmiths with but a short speech. Then there is the fact that everyone says I have the bearing of a true ruler.”
“As expected of my Creator. Ainz-sama's charisma knows no bounds,” Pandora's Actor said in a dramatic voice.
"This is not helping,"Ainz thought as he glared at his creation.
“Anyway, then there is luck as I had already explained. Fortunately, there is a simple way to test it. A coin flip should result in roughly similar ratios. I wanted the coin to land on tails after one hundred flips the ratio was 93 tails and 7 heads. So the luck stat appears to be working, and rather strongly.”
“Oh”, responded Pandora's Actor.
“Which bring us to intellect, it should be active as well, but I don't feel it. Could it be that I currently lack the ability to fully utilize the intellect stat of my character? And if that's the case, are my actions subconsciously guided by the character's intellect stat, even if I myself don't realize it and think of some other reason to take the actions I do?” Ainz mused.
“Ainz-sama's intellect is unmatched. To see so far into the future when creating Momon...”
“Stop. We are alone, and I wish to speak freely. Frankly, as my creation and with your intellect, you should already be aware of this. No one could see so far into the future. I certainly did not, well, not consciously. What happened with Momon was just a coincidence,” Ainz told Pandora's Actor after interrupting him.
“... I am aware of your cautious nature. Still, you are the smartest one in Nazairck, father. Your intellect far surpassing that of myself, Demiurge and Albedo," Pandora's Actor replied after a moment.
“I see, that is your perception of me. Perhaps my theory is correct. The conclusion I came to is that I should rely more on my instincts and gut feeling, while still being cautious of course. Then, tell me, what are the benefits you see that we will reap as a result of my plan for the upcoming battle?”
Pandora's Actor spent a few minutes listing the various advantages which Nazarick would achieve as a result of Ainz's new plan...
"I see, as expected with his high intellect he could see several benefits which I did not. His perception of my plan should be similar to that of Demiurge and Albedo. Hehe, will I finally be able to learn what is this “plan” the two of them always go on about?" Ainz laughed internally.
"Still, I should not completely rely on Pandora's Actor's perception of my plan. Since my Intel stat far surpasses his, it's possible that I am pursuing a different goal, subconsciously, than what he can see. Oh, this stuff is giving me a headache already! As if being an Overlord wasn't hard enough,” Ainz whined.
“I understand. I thank you for your help, Pandora's Actor. In the future I might rely on you again, to see your interpretation of my future plans”
“Of course. It is an honor for me to be of service to you, father,” Pandora's Actor replied.
It was the day that all of the residents of the Capital waited for with baited breath. And those braver amongst them were on the city wall. Will the demon Jaldabaoth annihilate their city and kill everyone in it? Will their side be victorious? Every now and then they would cast a hopeful but frightened look at the dominating figure above the gates.
Standing next to their Queen, surrounded by adamantite and orichalcum adventurers, he wore a luxurious black robe which seemed to suck in the light, in his skeletal hand he held an elaborate staff. It was a visage of death and their unlikely ally, Ainz Ooal Gown.
Why was he here? What deal did the Queen make to gain the help of this undead monster? Wild rumors floated around the town – about the power of the undead monster, about a city where humans and undead lived in harmony, about all kinds of things straight out of the bards' stories. Yet there he was, ready to fight on their behalf.
The Queen wore a suit of plate armor and wielded a two-handed sword, known as the Sacred Blade. The Valkyrie Knight, the strongest warrior in the Holy Kingdom.
Her impressive equipment even piqued Ainz's interest. He asked to borrow the sword so he could take a better look at it.
"Hmm, level 75, but other than that nothing impressive. Well, it's the best item I've seen in this world so far, and the second weapon which can hurt me," he thought after casting his spell.
“Very impressive, it's the best weapon I have seen in quite a while,” He told her.
“Your praise honors me. Ainz-dono, how should we arrange our forces in case we have to engage?”
“That won't be necessary, as I mentioned I have a trump card which guarantees Jaldabaoth's defeat. Still, if you wish to put your people at ease by showing them that you are prepared for the fight, you can arrange your forces as you see fit,” Ainz replied.
The Queen called over the head of the guards as well as the leader of the Capital's Adventurer's Guild and gave them their instructions. The forces were arranged with her, Ainz, Demiurge and the two adamantite groups at the center, above the gates, with orichalcum, mithril and lower ranked team along the wall's perimeter.
With everyone in place, all they could do now was wait for the demons to show up.
About an hour later a wall of flames suddenly appeared some 500 meters in front of the city gate. Various demons began pouring out of the flames, arranging themselves in a formation, but not coming closer. This had gone on for about fifteen minutes, and the number of demons in front of the gates was large enough to make the adventurers murmur.
“Such great numbers.” “This won't be easy.” “That's a demon army alright.” And similar could be heard all around. However, those in the center knew that this wasn't the real concern, the true enemy this day would be Jaldabaoth, not these lesser demons.
Finally, the five masked maids walked out of the fire, standing slightly in front of the other demons. The entire demon formation had parted slightly and in the opening, a figure of a demon could be seen.
Naturally, it was Jaldabaoth. He walked past the maids and continued to walk alone towards the city gate. An oppressive, evil aura radiated by this demon was overwhelming those gathered on the wall, as he walked closer and closer. Indeed, it was hard not to be overwhelmed, especially with the knowledge that even the strongest adamantite group could do nothing against him. Even adamantite adventurers couldn't suppress their bodies from trembling as the demon approached the gate.
“Fear mortals and despair, doom has come to this world!” Jaldabaoth proclaimed after he came sufficiently close. Waves of malicious power radiated from him, sweeping over those on the walls.
“Today this city will be destroyed, and your country will plunge into chaos.”
A figure clothed in a black robe walked from behind a rampart and stood in full view of the demon. However, Jaldabaoth did not show signs of surprise.
“As expected of the great Ainz-sama. You have come to this puny humans' aid in order to confront me,” Jaldabaoth said as he bowed, respectfully or perhaps mockingly.
“Why are you here? What do you want Jaldabaoth?” Ainz asked the masked demons.
“To plunge the world into chaos and to see these humans suffer, of course. And once I kill you, there will be no one to stop me,” Jaldabaoth replied.
“You dare to oppose our master? You will suffer for your insolence!” Demiurge shouted, appearing next to Ainz.
“Brother, it's nice to see you too,” Jaldabaoth responded with a nod.
It seems that this words had enraged Demiurge, but before he could do anything Ainz placed his hand on Demiurge's shoulder, instantly calming him down.
“Centuries passed, but your arrogance is still as high as ever. Do you really believe you can kill me, Jaldabaoth?” Ainz said, as a wave of killing intent suddenly burst forth from
“Ainz-sama is indeed most powerful. However, you have given me too much time. Because of those silly humans and their kingdoms and rules you were not able to act as soon as I appeared. And now it's too late, my power has grown beyond yours,” Jaldabaoth responded as he radiated waves of killing intent of his own.
“Since you think that, I suppose you want to kill me without destroying this city. So you can make these humans suffer as they watch their only hope perish?” Ainz asked with a chuckle.
“Nothing can be hidden from the Supreme One,” - Jaldabaoth bowed again, before turning around and going back to the horde of demons. He stopped about four hundred meters away from the city and waited for Ainz.
“Remember, do not join the battle no matter what happens,” Ainz told Demiurge. “This is my only chance to defeat him. If you join the fight and Jaldabaoth escapes, he will be even more powerful the next time he shows up.”
“I am certain Ainz-sama will be victorious,” Demiurge said as he nodded in understanding.
Ainz cast [fly] and flew towards Jaldabaoth as everyone on the wall looked on. He stopped about thirty meters away.
For a few seconds, the two monsters simply stood in front of each other. Even from a distance of nearly half a kilometer, the defenders could feel the oppressive aura radiating from both of their figures.
Ainz lifted his arm, pointing a finger at Jaldabaoth – a lightning flashed forward. Jaldabaoth moved his arm forward, his palm increased in size making a shield, and blocked the lightning attack.
From behind his gigantic palm Jaldabaoth cast his own spell – a small, dark flame flew towards Ainz. As it landed on his shoulder it suddenly exploded engulfing his whole body. It was a powerful attack, those looking on at this fight could see Ainz suffering from the black flame.
Jaldabaoth was going to follow up with another attack, but before he could a cloud suddenly appeared above him and he was hit with several successive lightning strikes. By the time he had recovered from this attack, Ainz had likewise.
Jaldabaoth cast a spell and a line of a dark flame shot towards Ainz, who responded by creating a wall of skeletons in front of him. Demiurge used Ainz's temporary lack of vision to charge forward, as the nails on his hand had extended some eighty centimeters turning into blades. The wall of skeletons had been destroyed by the line of black flames just as it did Jaldabaoth charged through it and slashed at Ainz.
A green aura radiated from Ainz as he flew back, seemingly without taking any damage. Jaldabaoth tried to follow up when a circle had appeared under his feet and the electrical charge was released making him cry out in pain. He recovered from the electrical shock and saw that Ainz had already cast another spell – three spheres in the sky had surrounded Jaldabaoth, each sphere released a lightning, with all three hitting Jaldabaoth at the same time, dropping him to his knees.
Even though he dropped to his knees from the damage he had taken, Jaldabaoth pointed his arm at Ainz and made a downward motion with his fingers – a column of black fire appeared on top of Ainz and quickly collapsed onto him.
As the Queen of the Holy Kingdom watched the two fight, she was struck not only by the power of their spells but by their vitality as well. As she watched the two exchange spells after the spell she suddenly heard someone mumbling.
“No, no. This isn't right, this can't be right.”
She looked over and discovered, to her surprise, that it was Demiurge.
“What is it Demiurge? What's wrong?” She asked the frog-like demon in a panic.
“He shouldn't be this powerful...” Demiurge replied as he shook his head.
Her eyes full of worry, she turned back to the battle unfolding in front of the city.
The fight went on for a while, with neither side able to claim victory. Jaldabaoth made several attempts to engage in melee combat, but Ainz was able to counter each time. Forcing Jaldabaoth into a shootout. The spells flew, flame and lightning, illuminating the skies. It looked more like a showdown between Gods than a battle between magic casters. Completely shocking those observing the fight. They knew that both the demons and the undead were powerful, but this level of power was just ridiculous.
“Mein Creator, Shalltear is in position, everyone else is ready as well”
“Good. Let's begin the final stage,” Ainz replied after receiving Pandora's Actor's message, while he was trading attacks with Demiurge.
Suddenly those on the walls felt an aura of killing intent radiate from Ainz. They watched him make a grabbing motion with each of his hands, to his left and right, an electrical sphere appeared in each hand. The power of the spheres was constantly increasing sending electrical currents through his body as if he himself was turning into lightning. A few seconds later Ainz slowly brought his hands together in front of him...
“Power, overwhelming.”
He brought the two spheres together and an electromagnetic wave swept ahead in a cone area of effect. To the onlookers, it felt like this attack would disintegrate everything in its path.
Also, Jaldabaoth used both of his hands to shield himself via his extending palms, it only blocked the frontal attack. He was still hit by the electromagnetic pulse from the sides. His body tumbled backward before coming to a stop, an occasional electric current running through his lifeless body.
The defenders began to cheer when they saw this. Their cheers were short-lived, however. After several seconds Jaldabaoth started moving and slowly got to his feet. He spread his arms as if wanting to offer a hug, and a wave of killing intent radiated from him. His hands pointed forward and a massive wall of flames exploded forth, engulfing everything in its path.
For a moment they could see the massive wall of dark flames engulf Ainz, but the flames continued to rush forward engulfing a huge area. It was impossible to see through the firewall.
Suddenly, one of the defenders laughed while looking at upwards.
“Damn... is this really magic?” Asked someone else, looking up as well.
“Is this the power of a God?”
A meteorite was coming down. About one hundred meters in diameter, it was flying towards where Jaldabaoth and Ainz fought, engulfed by the flames.
Everyone’s attention was on the meteorite. When it was a few moments away from the ground everyone was started by a soul-piercing scream – it truly did sound like someone's soul was screaming.
“Nooooo!!!!!” Demiurge cried falling down on his knees when he heard the soul-piercing scream. His face was contorted by anger and disbelief.
Before the Queen could ask him anything the flames disappeared along with the demons, maids, and Jaldabaoth even the green grass was gone, replaced by sand. Except for Ainz who fell down on the ground. Before anyone could comprehend what they saw the meteorite crashed and dust and debris from its impact flew everywhere blocking everyone's vision.
It took a while for the dust to settle and when it did a stunning picture was displayed to the Queen's view – everyone was gone, Jaldabaoth, maids, the horde of demons, even Ainz. There was a crater from the meteorite's impact and some sand on the sides of the debris-covered field.
“Demiurge, what happened? Where is Jaldabaoth? Where is the Sorcerer King?” She asked frantically the demon beside her.
His face still a grimace of pain and regret, Demiurge slowly got up to his feet before he spoke.
“Ainz-sama has died..."
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