《Volume 12: The Two Monsters》Chapter 3, Part 3
Chapter 3 part 3
After stepping through the portal Jircniv found himself in the throne room. A man immediately rushed to his side, one of the four knights of the Empire, Braziwood Peshmel.
“You have returned, your Highness,” the knight greeted him. “But your face, did it not work? Were you unable to learn anything new about the Sorcerer King?”
Jircniv had a look of a madman. He had used all his resolve to keep his expression in check during the meeting with Ainz, but now that he was home, away from that monster, he could no longer restrain his emotions.
Jircniv laughed, his face twisted into a mocking grimace.
“Oh, it worked alright! I was a fool, such a naive fool. Sabotage his minions? Instigate a betrayal from within? What a joke!” He snorted.
“Your Highness?”
“I give up. It was stupid to think this monster, Ainz Ooal Gown could be dealt with by someone like me,” Jircniv said shaking his head.
“But what about the plan to gather information about the Sorcerer King and his subordinates?” Asked Bzaiwood, uncertain as to what could cause the Emperor to have such a change of heart.
“Oh, I've gathered it, he had already been betrayed by one of his subordinates, that demon Jaldabaoth.”
“The demon which attacked the Kingdom's capital some time ago?”
“Haha. An undead sorcerer of unimaginable power, whose schemes are beyond my comprehension, or an equally powerful demon who indulges in tormenting humans. Which one would you choose to rule this world? Because that's our choices.”
“Why, why did it have to happen during my time? I thought I was a strong ruler, but this... it's just beyond my ability,” Jircniv said as he sat on the throne, his body completely drained of energy.
“There is no point in trying to instigate a fight from within. Even if we are successful, the result will be even worse. At least Ainz does not appear to kill humans for no reason, unlike Jaldabaoth."
“No. We will abide by any requests the Sorcerer Kingdom has and will try to improve our position as an obedient vassal state.” - Jircniv shuddered as he remembered the bloodlust he felt when Ainz announced that he will destroy Jaldabaoth for opposing him.
“It's the best we can do in our position. Trying to oppose that being will only lead to a disaster for the Empire.”
“I, I understand your Highness,” Baziwood replied, with a solemn face.
“Ah, this reminds me, call Fluder over. I have a message for him from the Sorcerer King.”
Sometime later:
“You wanted to see me, your Highness?” Fluder asked the Emperor after he had entered the throne room.
“I have a message for you from the Sorcerer King, as well as another piece of news,” Jircniv told the magic caster.
“The demon Jaldabaoth is going to attack the capital of the Holy Kingdom in five days. They had requested help from the Sorcerer King and he had agreed. In five days he will fight Jaldabaoth in the Holy Kingdom. You can observe their fight, as a reward for your loyalty,” - Jircniv's face twitched in pain as he said "loyalty."
“Oohhh! To be able to observe his Majesty's battle... I am unworthy,” Fluder cried out as he genuflected on the floor, tears flowing from his eyes. “Such a magnificent reward...”
“The other news is that the Empire had officially become a vassal state of the Sorcerer Kingdom. We are now once again on the same side Fluder,” he smiled bitterly.
“You have betrayed me, gramps! You of all people, or perhaps you were simply smart enough to recognize the truth which took me so long to accept,” it was an outburst of a child. Months of agonizing over his actions, trying to counter that monster's schemes, the pressure he was under all this time had come crashing down at this moment. He no longer had the energy to keep up appearances.
“My dear Jir. You knew I would do anything to peer into the abyss of magic. How could I possibly refuse an offer from that God-like being?” Fluder replied, looking at his student. “But it seems like you have realized his Majesty's power, and have given up on your foolish plans.”
Jircniv just nodded. It was painful, but he felt free, at ease like he had not felt ever since those elven twins had visited the capital.
“Then, since we now both serve the same power, would you like to join me to observe his Majesty's fight with Jaldabaoth?”
“You know gramps, I would,” Jircniv replied.
In the Adventurers' Dungeon:
After they had recovered from their fight, “The Young Blood” continued to explore the dungeon. The monsters have become more difficult once again, though they were nothing compared to the previous fight. After clearing several rooms they came to a fork. Zirek was sent to scout both directions, while the rest of the group rested.
A short while later Zirek returned with his report:
“The pass on the left leads to a corridor with about half a dozen undead in it, I could not scout further. The pass on the right leads to a room with a chest at the far end of it, guarded by an Elder Lich and an undead Soldier, there are some other, lower level monsters throughout the room as well. Also, there is an Elder Lich with the red armband, could it be the final boss?”
“Hmm, no, it's probably just a chest, after all, there is the other passage, it wouldn't make sense to have it if we've already reached the final boss," Kiza said.
“I agree, it's probably just a chest, tempting, but since we are all nearly spent, trying for the chest seems too dangerous. I want to conserve our remaining power for the final boss,” Marv said.
They agreed with their leader and took through the pass on the left. Several more rooms had been cleared of the various undead that inhibited them before the group came to a large room.
There was an Elder Lich with a red armband near a wall. Toward the back of the room stood a large, winged demon. It held a large mace in one hand, the claws on its other hand didn't promise anything good either. About 2.5 meters long, it's body was dark green in color, covered by what looked like scales. It radiated quite a powerful, menacing aura.
“Heh, if this was in the wild I don't think we would attack that thing,” Shola said after studying the demon.
“Well, Moknak said the Lich is supposed to stop the fight if things get too close, also I am not sure how well it actually works,” Kiza shrugged.
“We've come this far, we can't retreat now.”
“OK, let's attack it the same way we would an Elder Lich – I and Shola will engage in melee. You two will flank it and attack from the back,” - Marv told the group.
Everyone agreed, and cast their buffs, before stepping into the room. Marv and Shola rushed the demon, while Kiza and Zirek went around to flank it from both sides.
As Marv came closer the demon took a leap forward and attacked with its mace.
[Fortress] Marv activated his skill and stopped the massive mace, then he countered with his other sword.
The demon grabbed Marv's striking hand, halting the attack and revealing that It clearly had speed and power that far surpassed those of the humans it faced. Before he knew what was happening Marv was flung at Zirek who was trying to flank the demon from a side.
Marv didn't actually fly through the air, even the demon wasn't powerful enough to do that, but he was pushed with enough force that he couldn't stop and crashed into the ranger.
Meanwhile, the demon launched an attack on Shola, who just got into melee range.
He blocked the attack with his shield. But when he tried to counter he saw the demon had already moved away and was rushing the magic caster on the other side of the room. Shola gave chase after the demon.
Kiza was still moving into position, trying to flank the demon, when he saw it rushing towards him. He didn't have enough time to cast any spells, as the demon's inhuman speed propelled it forward, instead he braced for the attack.
The demon swung its weapon, and Kiza used his staff to obstruct it. The demon, however, was much stronger than the undead soldier from before, and also its power was reduced, the attack carried through and the mace crashed into Kiza's body, knocking him to the ground.
Shola had reached the demon and used his momentum to attack it with his weapon. Suddenly, a webbed wing stood in the way of his weapon, blocking it. Without missing a beat the demon took a few steps towards the downed magic caster and kicked, sending him flying towards the other end of the room.
Ignoring Shola's [shield bash] which was blocked by its wings the demon ran after tumbling Kiza.
“Don't let him attack Kiza anymore! Heal him!” Marv shouted as he ran after the demon.
Shola began to cast [lesser heal] while Zirek shot several arrows at the demon's back, but they were likewise blocked by the demon's webbed wings.
After receiving a heal Kiza was able to regain his senses just in time to see the demon rushing towards him. He tried to get away, but the demon grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around to face it, before shoving him back against the wall. After that the demon delivered a quick punch with its right hand – Kiza's head rang and he was disoriented momentarily, as blood dripped from his nose.
“Take this!” - Marv roared, [twin slash]
Both of his swords sped towards the demon. But their immense power was deflected by the rotational force of the wings, as the demon spun around. A moment later Marv's feet were kicked out from under him and he flopped on his back.
"Oh, what the hell, a leg swipe," Marv cursed as he tried to regain his bearings.
The demon meanwhile turned around and used its mace to attack Kiza. An unmitigated blow at full force, the magic caster's body tumbled along the wall and he slumped on the ground unconscious.
The demon turned around to face the other three adventurers. It extended its left hand towards the ranger, [fire ball]
“What!” Yelled Shola.
For a demon with such formidable melee prowess, to also possess magic
spell of such level. It defied logic. And yet there it was.
Marv tried to get to his feet quickly but was not fast enough to interrupt the demon's spell, which flew toward Zirek. Though the ranger had responded with an attack of his own. An arrow was now sticking out of the demon's chest.
Marv got up and attacked the demon. One of his swords was deflected by the mace, his other attack was once again stopped when the demon grabbed his hand. However, Marv was prepared for this, he immediately slashed at the demon's arm with his other sword. The demon had to let go of his arm, and Marv continued to attack.
Also, he was unable to land any hits, his barrage had given enough time for Shola to cast a healing spell on Zirek and Kiza, who was stumbling to get up.
Just as Marv thought that they still had a chance, the demon began to spin, with its wings blocking both attacks and vision.
Mindful of what happened the last time, Marv stepped back, to be out of range of any sneak attacks.
“Damn it!” He yelled a moment later.
The demon used the distance that Marv himself created to jump backward and cast [fire ball.]
The spell was aimed at Marv. He braced for the flying ball of fire and was blown back by the impact.
The demon meanwhile used the opening thus created to smash its mace into the back of the magic caster, who was slowly getting up. The sound of crushed bones resounded through the room, as Kiza fell on the ground.
[fire ball] The demon aimed at Shola, who had just cast a healing spell on Marv. Not only that but the demon took flight and was moving towards Shola as it cast the spell. The fireball struck Shola's shield.
[fire ball ]
This time it was aimed at Zirek, who had shot several arrows into the demon's body.
Marv ran after the demon which was flying away. He had a clear view of the demon's back, but before he could attack the demon dropped down, turned around and quickly stepped in to close the distance between them.
Marv attacked with both swords but the demon had already begun it's spinning defense, Marv's swords were swept to the side. He continued to attack, to buy enough time for Shola to heal the other two members.
“Aaaahhhhh!” Marv screamed in agony as his lower legs were swept away by the mace. There was no doubt that his legs were broken and he fell on his back.
The demon didn't waste any time as it used its mace to smash Marv's head.
[fortress] Marv activated his skill to block the fatal blow. He could hear Shola casting a healing spell on someone.
Marv screamed in pain as his body was hit by the spell. With him down and incapacitated the demon once again attempted to smash Marv's head.
“This is the end,” Marv thought as he watched the demon take the fatal swing, he couldn't move, and even if Shola could cast a healing spell on him, he wouldn't be able to dodge that attack, nor would he survive it.
The mace descended towards Marv's head...
[Stop] [Reset]
A hoarse voice ordered.
The demon stopped its attack a few inches away from Marv's head. Before it turned around and calmly returned to its original position in the back of the room.
“You have failed to defeat the final boss of this wing,” announced the Elder Lich as it walked towards Marv. “Do you require healing?”
“..no. I think... we'll manage,” replied Shola. He cast a healing spell on Marv, followed by another. As well as two healing spells on Kiza.
“Very well, you can leave the dungeon through that door,” the Lich pointed at a door that had appeared on one of the walls. “It will lead you to the entrance of the dungeon.”
Sometime later, in Ainz's room in E-Rantel.
"So, they lost to the final boss? I wonder how well they did. I should probably talk to them," Ainz thought as he read the report of the adventurer's performance in the dungeon.
He had enjoyed coming up with various encounters for the dungeon, it reminded him of his own adventures back in Yggdrasil. But he wasn't sure if the difficulty of the encounters was set properly. The two lower wings got plenty of usages and he was able to fine-tune their difficulty. However, the third wing was only used by Moknak's “Rainbow,” and since they were only mithril ranked, they could not complete it.
"Yes, I should definitely talk to them," Ainz repeated.
In the Adventurer's Guild of E-Rantel.
“You want to give it another try tomorrow?” Ainzach asked him. “Well, I understand how you feel. Besides, even if you are unable to defeat the last boss you'd still get more tokens. Very well, his Majesty did say you can partake in the Adventurers' Dungeon while you are here, so it should be fine.”
With that Ainzach headed back to his office, leaving Marv alone.
“So you weren't able to defeat the last boss. But you did beat the third boss. Want to tell me about it over a drink?”
As he turned around Marv saw an adventurer he talked to earlier.
“Sure Moknak-dono, I'd like a drink after what I've been through today.”
The two of them walked out of the Adventurer's guild and went to a nearby tavern.
“I see, that does sound like one heck of a challenge,” Moknak said after hearing about the final boss. “My group still has a ways to go before that though, we are still stuck on the third boss.”
“Oh, but don't you have five members in your group? You should be able to get through it," Marv said.
“Well yes, but it would require perfect execution, and that's hard to achieve. With three members occupied keeping the undead engaged, the other two members have to clear the undead archers and the ghouls, as well as continue to kill the ghouls while assisting with the three undead. We just don't have the firepower to do that yet. Plus you've seen how tricky these monsters are, moving away, casting spells at opportune targets, creating chaos and opportunity to attack for other monsters.”
“Yea, we were pretty close to losing as well, it's a really difficult encounter.”
“We'll get there. It's just a matter of time until our power and equipment improve enough. Just got this yesterday,” Moknak said pointing at his breastplate.
“Made of mithril, it increases regeneration and reduces magical damage taken by a certain amount”
“Whoa, that would've cost a fortune!” Marv couldn't keep from exclaiming.
“Tell me about it. It was so hard to obtain even one piece of such gear. But now, with the backing of his Majesty, we are able to obtain a new piece of similar equipment for everyone in the group about every week,” Moknak's voice was full of pride and admiration.
“I guess the Sorcerer King is serious about getting the adventurers to be strong enough to go out and explore the unknown,” mumbled Marv.
“Well, I am going to head out. By the way, you should talk to Momon-sama, he could offer you some advice on how to fight that boss. He did for my group, though we aren't strong enough to pull it off yet,” - Moknak said, as he got up and headed out of the Tavern.
"Momon huh? The man who was able to face Jaldabaoth? I certainly should talk to him," Marv thought as he headed out of the tavern as well.
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