《Volume 12: The Two Monsters》Chapter 1, Part 1
Chapter 1, part 1
The atmosphere in the tavern was quite rumbustious. But for “Adventure Calls” - the main tavern of the Holy Kingdom's capital and a favorite place for adventurers to get a drink, it was nothing out of the ordinary. The servers brought food and drinks to the tables, without paying too much attention to the loud conversations around them.
“And I am telling you it was dozens of them! I saw the corpses myself when we went to that village.” – exclaimed a burly looking adventurer with a platinum plate hanging from his neck. His voice carried over to the corner of a tavern. Where a man in a chainmail set alone at the table, a drink in front of him.
Marv Elen – the leader of an orichalcum ranked adventurer group called “The Young Blood” – a name that was given to them by an acquaintance when they first started, due to the whole group being comprised of very young adventurers. 10 years later they were the youngest orichalcum adventurers in the kingdom.
Having just returned from a quest he was eager to catch up on the latest news, he listened intently while waiting for the other members of his group to gather.
Demons – that was the talk of the town. Although he was not too sure about the details, as his group was away on a series of quests. It seemed like the trouble had started several months ago. There were reports of people disappearing in the remote villages on the east side of the kingdom. Adventurers were dispatched to investigate but were not able to find anything unusual.
Then the contact was lost completely with several villages. Adventurers who were sent there reported the villages were abandoned, with many houses having broken doors, but no other signs of battle. It was quite strange, it was as if the people who lived there were taken away. Such disappearance began to spread to other, nearby villages. One by one, the residents of seven villages had disappeared without a trace. As he was recalling the events that followed a man in a robe approached and set at his table.
Kiza Achin – a magic caster from Marv’s group, he was able to cast several 4th tier spells. A genius magic caster, in time he would certainly overtake Fluder Paradyne of the Baharuth Empire as the top magic caster. He also had an incredible innate talent, which allowed him, after some meditation, to store up to three spells in his mind, which could be used instantaneously at a later time. This skill was incredibly useful and had saved “The Young Blood” group on several occasions. Much like Marv, he was on the cusp of adamantite rank.
“I just ran into Kiara. She was in a hurry, on her way to the Palace to report on her mission. But I asked her to stop by here afterward to share her information with us.” – said Kiza, after ordering his drink.
Kiara Guroal, a member of “Devastation” - one of the two adamantite adventurer groups in the Holy Kingdom. She was a dual wielder like Marv, though instead of swords she used small axes, and instead of relying on strength she relied on her mind-blowing agility and drunk-like style of fighting. Nicknamed “Whirlwind of Death” she was an incredible fighter. Marv had spared with her on a number of occasions, and the result was always the same. He could never land a hit – her seemingly random, drunk-like movements made it impossible to predict her position, while her own weapons would come at him from the most impossible angles. For all his strength, Marv realized he still had a long way to go to stand at that level.
“So it’s true, the “Claw” had been killed,” Kiza’s voice snapped Marv out of his thoughts. “The situation appears to be quite dire. It’s no wonder that the Empress had called most of the mithril and higher ranked adventurers to the Capital. The Palace certainly appears to be planning something."
“Perhaps,” replied Marv, taking a gulp from his cup, as his thoughts gone back to the events of the past month.
Thanks to Potemur Dorland – the highest ranked Holy Priest of the kingdom, a renowned strategist and an adviser to the Empress. They had discovered a pattern in the villagers' disappearances and predicted the next village that will disappear. "Claw" - a mithril adventurers' group and the highest ranked team in the town of Cressa was sent to the Kolea village.
Unfortunately, Potemur underestimated the threat. “Claw” did not return. The findings of an orichalcum group, along with two mithril groups that were sent to investigate Kolea village made it clear that “Claw” was defeated. Unlike the previous villages, where no clues were present as to what occurred, there were plenty of such at Kolea village. Dozens of demon corpses lay on the ground near the entrance of the village.
“Claw” must have made it to the village just as the demons were taking away its residents. There was a large battle at the entrance to the village, dozens of corpses of various demons were laying all over. Hellhounds, devours, maulers and so on were among the slain demons. However, no human corpses were present. The adventurers believed that “Claw” had suffered the same fate as the villagers.
Their report had thrown the Holy Kingdom into a state of emergency. Mithril ranked adventurers, while not as rare as orichalcum were still few in numbers, and a loss of such a team was a blow to the country’s ability to subdue monsters. On top of that, the Demon threat of such caliber needed immediate resolution. According to Potemur, the next most likely target would be the city of Cressa.
By Empress decree, all of the mithril and above adventurers were called to the capital.
Although the Holy Kingdom had little trade and no diplomatic relations with other nations, adventurers had connections in other countries and would often hear various rumors. According to some adventurers, a Demon army had recently attacked the capital of Re-Estize Kingdom. There were also rumors of a powerful undead magic caster devastating Kingdom’s army and taking a chunk of its lands for himself. To investigate this rumors and gather information, Kiara and her adamantite group were sent to the Kingdom. The reason for sending them was due to Kiara having a close relationship with one of the Kingdom’s adamantite adventurers – Gagaran. Both of them were once trained by the same master swordsmen, though looking at their current styles it was hard to believe.
The other adamantite team of the Holy Kingdom was sent to the city of Cressa, to protect it from the demons and to gather information on the attackers. Comprised of 5 holy paladins “Fortress” was an impenetrable force, smashing its way through any quest they were given. The leader of this group was Baur Olan Valur – the second strongest person in the country and the Empress's brother. Marv did not think “Fortress” could possibly be defeated. But what if he was wrong?
Unease filled Marv’s body, as he ordered another drink. Looking at Kiza he saw his expression was gloom as well. The two continued to drink as they waited for the rest of their companions to gather, as well as for Kiara to come by and tell them what she had learned.
In the Palace of the Capital of the Holy Kingdom
A winged beauty sat on the throne. Although Kiara had seen the Empress before, the sight of the remarkably beautiful woman took her breath away. Wearing a white gown, white wings protruding from her waist, she looked like an angel. Felvia Olan Valur – Empress of the Holy Kingdom, a descendant of their God.
Next to her stood a man in a garment of the holy priest – the head of the Holy priests and her adviser, Potemur. At eighty years old he showed no signs of old age and possessed incredible divine magic powers.
Kiara stood alone before them. Her teammates went to their hotel rooms to drop off their equipment and freshen up after the journey back from the Re-Estize Kingdom. They had agreed to meet at “Adventure Calls” after she delivers her report.
“I am glad to see you have returned unharmed Kiara,” the Empress addressed her. “Please tell us what you were able to find out about the Demons' attack as well as the undead magic caster.”
“Yes, your Highness,” replied Kiara.
She proceeded to explain that about ten months ago the capital of Re-Estize Kingdom was attacked by a horde of demons. Led by an incredibly powerful demon named Jaldabaoth, they were drawn to the Kingdom due to a certain magic item. The power of this item was such that even members of “Blue Rose” the adamantite adventurers who were directly responsible for securing this item were not told what it did, or where it was being held. Rumors floated through the capital that the head of the magician guild, who had cast a spell to identify this item had gone mad after doing so.
During Jaldabaoth’s attack, a large number of Capital’s citizens had gone missing, much like the villagers in the Holy Kingdom.
“And what happened to this Jaldabaoth? Did“Blue Rose” able to defeat him?” Asked Potemur.
“Amongst the hordes of demons at Jaldabaoth’s command, the strongest were five masked maids. Gagaran, Tia, and Evileye encountered one of the maids and were able to defeat it. Also, Gagaran admitted to me that before Evileye joined them, they were about to get killed. However, before they could kill this maid, Jaldabaoth showed up. He killed Tia and Gagaran with a single attack. Evileye was unable to inflict any damage on Jaldabaoth, and would have been killed too if it wasn’t for Momom.”
Seeing the puzzled looks on the faces of her two listeners, Kiara explained:
“Momon is the leader of “Darkness” - a new adamantite group in the Kingdom. The group consists of only two members - him and a magic caster called Nabe.”
“He was able to draw with Jaldabaoth and allowed the Kingdom’s adventurers to regroup. Later that day he confronted Jaldabaoth again, while Evileye and Nabe fought the five maids. The two of them were able to stall the maids, while Momon and Jaldabaoth clashed. Although he was, again unable to defeat him, he was able to force Jaldabaoth to retreat,” Kiara concluded this portion of her report.
She waited respectfully as the two in front of her conversed in voices too low for her to make out.
“Evileye is the strongest magic caster of the Kingdom, isn’t she?” Asked Potemur after moving closer to the Empress. “If she was unable to even damage this Jaldabaoth then he must be unimaginably powerful”
“And for Momon to have fought him evenly, that would mean Momon is an awakened God kin,” concluded Felvia. “I wonder which lineage he is from. But let’s leave that for later.”
“Please continue with your report Kiara. What have you found out about the undead magic caster?”
“Yes your Highness,” Kiara replied, as she continued. After telling them about the spell that the magic caster used at the Katze Plains, a shocked look appeared on both of her listeners' faces.
“That, that power...” mumbled Potemur. “It can’t be..”
“Indeed,” replied Felvia in a low voice full of sadness – “That is not something that even a God-kin could pull off. That is undoubtedly the power of a God”
“Such incredible power, held by such an evil being. Are we doomed?” Potemur asked her. “Even if we can defeat Jaldabaoth, there is no hope against this Ainz.”
“We are indeed in a dire situation. Please continue Kiara.”
Her words brought Potemur back to his senses. “I can imagine that after the devastation at the Katze Plains the Re-Estize Kingdom had no choice but to cede E-Rantel to this Sorcerer. But what happened after? Did all the residents of that city flee? Were they all killed once the undead begun to rule?” Felvia inquired.
“Your Highness is correct for the outcome of the battle, but E-Rantel’s situation is quite different. It appears that E-Rantel is being ruled peacefully. The citizens were not massacred, nor did they revolt against their undead king. Remarkably, the living live beside the undead. Death Knights are used as city guards, Elder Liches as public servants and Soul Eaters as pull horses. And not long ago this Sorcerer King proclaimed that he wanted all species, human, demi-human and even heteromorphs to live peacefully and prosperously in his Sorcerer Kingdom.” An awkward smile appeared on Kiara’s face. She understood how unbelievable it sounded, she didn’t believe it when she heard it first herself, but that was the truth.
“The reason for this appears to be Momon,” Kiara continued. “When the Sorcerer King took control of E-Rantel, Momon confronted him. During their confrontation Ainz offered him to become an enforcer – Momon would make sure that the citizens of E-Rantel were not mistreated, and in exchange, he would have to deal with anyone who revolted against Ainz’s rule.
“This.. is quite interesting,” mumbled Potemur while addressing the Empress. “Normally undead should hate the living, and with his incredible power, Ainz could easily slaughter all of the living in his path. Yet he did no such thing. In fact, he wants to bring the different races to live together peacefully.”
“Could it be that his age and power had allowed him to glean beyond the hatred for the living that his kind is associated with?” Asked the Empress.
“Well, Surshana of the Six Great Gods was an undead as well, yet he did not bear any hatred for the living”
“Comparing this undead magic caster to a God? Such blasphemy!” The Empress admonished him. “Also it’s not unreasonable. We know he wields the power of a God and does not bear hatred for the living.”
“We should be able to negotiate with him to aid us, should such a need arise,” concluded Potemur.
Kiara was stunned – she did not expect them to come to such conclusion. If anything, she thought they would doubt her words. But to not simply accept them as truthful, but to come to such a ridiculous conclusion from her short report, the minds these two possessed were beyond hers.
“Still, to ask an undead being for help..” the Empress hesitated.
“I thank you for your hard work, Kiara!” She said loudly, addressing the one in front of her. “Please take your time to relax and recuperate your energy, we might very well need your strength again in the near future.”
With a bow, Kiara left the throne room and went to her hotel room before going to the tavern.
After Kiara left the Empress addressed her adviser: “I will contact my bother immediately via [message] and tell him about Jaldabaoth. If he shows up at the battle I doubt anyone but my brother will be able to damage to him.”
Potemur nodded in agreement.
“Do you think the three of them could be related in some way?” she asked him.
“It’s difficult to say. Jaldabaoth fought Momon, and Momon confronted Ainz, before deciding to join him. Ainz and Jaldabaoth seem to have opposing positions – Ainz wants all races to live peacefully, while Jaldabaoth wants the demons to take over the world. Could they really be working together?” Potemur wondered.
“Also, Momon joining Ainz would indicate that Ainz is more powerful, no? Which should also mean that Ainz is more powerful than Jaldabaoth. It appears we should be able to rely on his strength to defeat Jaldabaoth, should our own power prove insufficient,” the Empress concluded.
“It is as you say, your Highness. Still, I’d prefer not to owe any favors to this undead being.” Potemur replied. “Also, Mir had sent me a [message] he should be back tomorrow”
“Although, we have not kept up our ties with the Slane Theocracy, our countries were once very close. They should be willing to assist us, at least with the information they have. It will be interesting to see what information your right-hand man had acquired,” Felvia told him.
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