《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》Chapter 5 Part 2 - School?


Walking out of the helicopter, Nicole spreads her arms in a proud way.

(Nicole) Welcome to the government-run school, and your new home: Superbia Academy!

(Johnny) WOW!!!!!

In front of Johnny was an incredible sight to behold; a massive, white castle with intricate carvings all covering the walls. The carvings were lined with gold and a strang purple gemstone similar to diamond that gave off a calming glow. 2 waterfalls flooded down the sides of the castle forming lakes at the bottom of each side. Floating above the very top of the castle was an incredibly large purple sphere. A truly awe-inspiring sight to behold.

Noticing the look of awe on the boy's face, Nicole begins to talk excitedly.

(Nicole) This is but one of the 7 government-run schools, however it is by far the most prestigious of them all; "Superbia" DOES mean "Pride" after all!

Johnny looks a little startled for some reasom when he hears this.

(Johnny) The Seven Deadly Sins, huh?

(Nicole) That's correct! Each academy is based off of one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Pride, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Wrath, and Envy.


(Johnny) AWESOME!!! I LOVE IT!!!!

(Nicole) That's good!

(Johnny) Heheheh...


(Johnny) Nooope~ No idea what you talking about~

He then skips off in a carefree manner leaving a fuming Nicole behind him.

Suddenly, Johnny turns around after feeling a strange presence. He looks in the direction of the presence and sees something that shouldn't exist in this world...an elf! Long, pointed ears, flowing golden hair, pale, flawless white skin, crystal clear green eyes, and exuding a clear aura of power.

(Johnny) Huh? Who's she?

Nicole notices where Johnny is looking and then exclaims with a pleased expression.

(Nicole) Oh! Headmaster Leafa!


And thus the story continues! So, how do you guys like it so far? I wish someone would at least comment...*sob*

In all seriousness, thanks for reading so far and I hope yoi continue reading for chapters to come! Also, I will try to get another chapter out tonight, or at least a part of one. Thanks! - MultiBlitz15

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