《TearFire》Forest of Fairies 1 : The Rightful King.
Leo was still on her slumber.Cain found that it is a nice time to teach Run how to be more stronger.He was teaching her that with a little sparkling with swords.Run was attacking Cain with speed surpassing sound but Cain was dodging them like like they were nothing.Run stopped attacking Cain for a moment and took heavy breaths.
"This is nowhere as near as good."Cain said.
"I can't help it.I am just a human after all."Run said.
"Even Leo is a human you know."Lera said who was watching the fight from near the flower Leo was on.
"Leo is different than other humans,if you don't know."Eris said.
"I can't see anything different on her though."Lera said.
"It doesn't matter how,she is just different.That is all that matters."Eris said.
"What should I do to get stronger like Leo?"Run asked Cain.
"You just have to learn some basic void magic and some of more powerful magic that's all you need.Your body knows how to fight."Cain said."And maybe a good weapon which might help you in a fight."He stated.
"Can you teach me those techniques?"Run asked.
"I won't mind teaching you,and this is perfect time to do it too.It seems like Leo won't wake up in a while."Cain said.
"Then it seems like now I have to call you Master."said Run.
"You can decide that yourself."Cain said.
“Just Cain seems kind of ok to me.”Run said.
“So let’s start with some basics.”Cain said. “Hey Lera,Can you do demonstrations for me?”Cain asked to Lera.
“Yeah,whatever you say master.”Lera said running towards Cain in a rush.
“As fast as always I see.So let’s start with ‘float’.Lera, if you would …”Cain said.
“Okay…Float.”She said and she slowly lifted herself up in the air.
“So this is how they fly?Only some of the rare mages use that on our world.”Run said.
“Well after all it takes a lot of strain to learn this technique and get used to it.But once you master it,You may even prefer to fly always rather than walking.”Cain said.
“So,how can I do that?”Run asked.
“Oh let me explain…”Lera said. “At first you use void magic in your body to control the mass of your body and change it to somewhere near that of the air and then slowly expel mana out from all over your body opposite to the direction you want to fly.”Lera explained.
“It seems very difficult.I don’t even know how to control my mass yet.”Run said.
“It looks like I should have really started from the recovery.”Cain said.
“Recovery…You mean the high level healing magic which can cure almost any type of disease or injury.Can I do that?Let me tell you I was told that I was not really made to be a healer.”Run asked.
“Anyone can do it,if they got the right education.”Cain answered.
“Really?”Run asked.
“Master maybe you should teach her they way you taught me?”Lera said.
“I don’t really like to do that every single time,But it seems like I have no choice but to do so.”Cain said.
“What type of technique are you talking about?”Run asked.Cain was looking at her,with his usual emotionless stare.Lera had an evil grin on her face. “You guys are kind of scaring me now.”Run said.As she finished her words Cain disappeared from his position and appeared right on front of Run with a flick to her forehead,which made her fall back grabbing her forehead.”Ouch,that hurts…That really hurts.”Run said pressing her hands on her forehead.
“Now,Do you know know how to use ‘float’ now?”Cain asked extending his hands towards Run.
“How would I…?”She said as Cain pulled her up.She paused as she realized something. “Wait! I think I know how to do that.”Run said.She stepped a few steps backwards.She said “Float.”.She slowly used her mana to lift herself up on air,she was slowly balancing herself up on the air. “I did it.I can fly.Yes,I can fly.”Run said.She used more mana to lift her further up in the air.She was now standing on the air about 3000 meter high in the planet.She could see green every where down on the ground. “Wow this is awesome.”She said looking down.She slowly flied forward towards the sun. “I can breathe in the space,And I don’t even feel cold here.My mind is calm even though this is first time ever I am flying.”She said to herself as she flied up to the space.Now everything around her was dark. “Accelerate.” she said and she flew in such great speed that she could see everything around her was like a tunnel and when she stopped she was now standing at the end of the solar system.She looked towards the direction she came from. “Beautiful” that was the word which came out of her mouth from the scenery she saw.Light from the star was reaching her with slight intensity.She closed her eyes and thought of Cain and Lera.“I should go back by now.” She said to herself.She tried to find where Cain and Lera was.She found them from the direction she came from.She slowly flew towards the direction where she was feeling Cain’s mana.Her speed was accelerating faster by seconds soon she was faster than the sound and her speed was now near that of the light. “Accelerate…Accelerate… Accelerate…”She said three times and she was now even faster than light by three times.Before she knew she was at above the planet where Cain was.She circled the planet many times before she entered into the planet’s gravitational field.She now flew towards where Cain was inside the planet she was going to fast that air around her surroundings began to burn.She tried to slow down as she approached near Cain but she wasn’t able to. “Oh damn.”She said as she was losing control.Cain was standing on the ground he looked at the burning ball coming towards them from the sky.He jumped up and vanished from sight and next second the ball of fire disappeared and Cain appeared above the sky holding Run on his hands.Run was breathing heavily from excitement.She had a smile of comfort on her face.Cain slowly descended to the earth and placed her down on the ground.She fell back and lied on the grass with a smile looking at the sky.
“So,how was it?”Cain asked.
“Awesome…just so awesome.I don’t have words to explain what I just did.”Run said.
“Ok,So you liked it,huh?I have to praise you that you did really good for first time.You should rest for a few minutes,Leo would be raising up soon.”Cain said kissing Run on her forehead and leaving her to lie down.Run looked happy from that.
“Master,You are treating her way too nice.”Lera complained. “You were more strict towards me.”Lera said.
“I know it.But you liked me that way,Right?”Cain asked.
“That’s not the point.”Lera said.
“Then what’s the point?”Cain asked with a smile.
“You know it…already.”Lera said with little jealous face.
“I want to hear it from you.”Cain said in a teasing voice.
“Then do the same to me,what you did to her.”Lera said.Run now sat up and looked at Lera and Cain curious of what will happen next Eris was also staring at Cain.
“A flick to the head? Catching from a falling star?Or…”Cain said.
“The last one…”Lera said her face was turning red. “The ki.. kiss.”Lera said with that shy face.
“Oh you meant the kiss,huh?Sorry but,No.”Cain said refusing to Lera.
“What,master?You are always doing that to me?I am the only one who haven’t even properly kissed you yet.You kissed Leo twice now or maybe thrice,I don’t know.You even had sex with Run.And you even praised Run and again kissed her.”Lera said in an angry complaining tone.Eris was laughing slightly at this.
“The fact of Leo aside.I have kissed you as I promised remember,at the forest,after you lost to me.And sleeping with her I remember that I destroyed not just that timeline I rewrote the entire omniverse after that.And the last one doesn’t even count as a kiss.”Cain explain “And Eris why did you told Lera about Run?”Cain asked Eris.
“I thought they should know about that.And you never stopped me from telling that to her.And you did that to save Lera and Leo from Run right?”Eris said.Lera was trying to gain their attention from back and Run was looking at those to,without knowing what to do.
“I didn’t do that to save them.It looks like you had that misunderstanding.Why would I do that just to save them I could have done it by many other ways.”Cain said.
“What are you guys talking about?”Run asked as she was confused by what was going on.
“If so,why did you do that?”Eris asked.
“I wanted to talk to the narrator is one reason.Second is I wanted to destroy the omniverse once.And …”Cain said.
“Wait…you had destroyed an entire omniverse like, two times before,remember.”Eris said.
“We haven’t done a flashback about it yet.”Cain said.
“Ok.And what is the last reason?”Eris asked.
“I wanted to keep Run innocent.”Cain said.
“What the hell?”Eris asked.
“She is just 16 remember.She is still a child,Eris.I wanted to keep her a virgin for maybe two or three years more.”Cain said.
“Then,give me back mine too.”Eris said.
“You have the power to remain always virgin no matter what happens,remember?Lady Messeris.”Cain said in a teasing voice.
“Master,you fucked a child?Someone call a cop or a hero from the lost world.”Lera said.
“You’re a hero,I created the lost word,I can wipe it out to nothing if I want to,and she is not a child,she just look like one.”Cain said to Lera.
“So are you saying that goth-lolis are fine?”Eris asked.
“They are the best,if you are asking me?”Cain said making Eris blush.
“Thank you.”Eris said.
“That was not a compliment for you.”Cain told to Eris and then turns towards the readers,that is YOU.By this time Eris clicked her fingers to stop the time of that universe. “And this chapter doesn’t mean that creator is pedophile.It is just that I can do anything because,I am a god,not really.But yeah I can be one,since I defeated one.Well,who am I kidding,I am a god.I just hate being one that’s all.”Cain said. “And if you are asking why almost all of the characters are underage in this story,then it is because it is targeted mainly towards teens.And everybody knows that characters of same age as the targets makes it easy for them to understand more about the characters.Saying that I should stop talking to you,I should be more careful while doing this.This time I was saved by Eris,I don’t want to destroy the omniverse,or at least an universe once more for something like this.”Cain said.Eris clicked her fingers and the time started to move as it should.
“I wish that,I was dead.”Lera said sitting on the floor.
“Elfiur…?”Leo said jumping up from the flower she was sleeping at.Lera and Run rushed towards her to check on Leo if she was ok.
“Oh,You woke up?That’s good.”Cain said.
“Who were you watching about?Was it Ulteia by any chance?”Eris asked.
“How did you know?”Leo asked.
“Chii-a was one of her favorite mortal beings.”Cain said with a smile walking towards Leo.
“So it was really you,Cain?”Leo asked.
“So,How did it felt?”Cain asked.
“It was weird.It was like I was living someone else’s life.I had no control over it at all.It was like I was remembering about it.I don’t know what was it.”Leo said.Cain sat down on the flower and hugged Leo.
“It is over now.Don’t be scared.They are just like dreams,You have nothing to worry about it.”Cain said.
“Hmm.”Leo murmured.
“Sorry to interrupt on the good part,But I have to ask you,what are you doing at our forest?”A voice came from behind the trees.Everyone looked at the direction of the voice to see some fairy flying towards them.They looked small and was about a few inches in length.They had four fairy wings and there were about eight or nine fairies in total.Each looked different that the other.All of them were females and one of them on the middle wore a heavy looking metal armor.
“Who of you is the one who made the trees move by his orders?”The fairy wearing metal armor came forward and asked.
“That would be me.”Cain said getting up from the flower.
“Oh,an elf,huh?It is good to be loved by the spirits.”Fairy of the armor said.
“It is not like they love me,I just rule over them.”Cain answered.
“I haven’t heard of an elf being a spirit king.”She replied.
“I just don’t rule over the spirits,I rule over everything.”Cain said as he raised his hands.Some flowers appeared behind the fairies and ate them one by one.At last it ate the armored fairy.Cain walked towards the flower which swallowed the armored fairy.Cain touched the flower and it opened.The armored fairy came out with no clothes or armor left on her body.Cain let her sit on his hands.The fairy covered her naked body by instinct.Making Cain and others behind him laugh at her.
“Don’t look here.”Fairy said with now red face.
“Did you understand who I am now?”Cain asked with smile.Creating a dress of her size to the fairy.And then he freed all other fairies who came out and bowed down to him.
“Yes”Fairy said. “The one who is loved by all fairies,the one who slayed the dragon god,our rightful King,Lord TearFire.”
“Yes,you are right.”Cain said.
“What loved one do they talk about,I hate you.”Fairy said in a quiet murmuring voice.
“Don’t say that,come on,Trinity.”Cain said.
“You know my name.”She asked with slightly happy look.
“I know the names of every fairies.”Cain said.
“Sorry,If I was rude to you an I also apologize that my body is so small and unappealing to your eyes.”Trinity said.
“I think it’s really pretty.”Cain said.
“Truly.”Trinity asked.
“Yes,Yes…You are so cute and tiny,that I almost wanna eat you”Leo said coming near Cain and looking at that fairy.
“You heard her.”Cain said.
“I am afraid that can’t satisfy your appetite,even if you ate me.I am sorry about that.”Trinity said to Leo.
“No,I didn’t literally meant that,I just wanted to say you are really pretty.”Leo said.
“Ok,I misunderstood about that.”Trinity said.“So, please tell me King.What made you come to this way?”She asked.
“We were on our way to go to the land of dreams and I fainted,I think that’s why we are here.I apologize if it caused you any problems.”Leo said not letting Cain to talk.
“You don’t have to apologize.Thanks to you,I got to see our King.We fairies love our king so much that,we spend our entire lifespan hoping to grow big enough to be of his service.”Trinity said.
“That’s some loyalty.”Leo said with an impressed look.
“Are you gonna leave already?”Trinity asked with hope filled eyes to Cain.
“If you look at me with those eyes,it makes me harder to leave.”Cain said.
“Will you stay then?”Trinity asked cheering up.
“Yeah,I will at least meet Titania before leaving.”Cain said.
“Our queen is very lucky,King is stopping by just to see her.”Trinity said.
“Then,what is the wait?Lead me to her.”Cain said.The fairies now got up and grabbed Cain’s hands and then pulled him.Cain freed his body letting fairies lift him up.Fairies carried him towards the inner forest.As they passed through the way the trees kept moving to side making way for Cain.Leo and others followed him through that path forward till they saw the town of fairies where the summer never ended.
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