《TearFire》Greedy Princess 3: A King's Determination
A King's Determination
King Gunther walked into his room pretty tired after his advising section with the people of his kingdom.It seemed so much of a pain for him to handle the kingdom.He wanted to live in peace.If it was on his hands he wanted to retire from being the king and go somewhere peaceful.He wanted to get some sleep.What he saw on his room was his sister playfully chatting with someone on strange clothes in his room.
“What the hell is going on?”He asked.
“I thought you would be here by now.”Cain said.
“Who the hell are you? And why are you in my room?”King asked with a surprised expression.
“Hey bro.You won’t believe who it is.It is really unbelievable.”Run said with excitement.
“Hey calm down Run.What did you really found a super strong mage with legendary light magic ? ”King said to make fun of her without knowing what really happened.
“You guessed right.But that’s not all.”Run said all hyped up.
“What…..?”king was shocked.
“And you know what this man is The legendary King Aldark.”Run said Gunther’s head was going to explode.he didn’t knew what was going around him.
“Is it some kind of new prank?If it is I don’t have time for it.” he said placing his hands on his head.He walked to the bowl of apples and took an apple from it.And threw it towards Cain he caught it.”Hey wanna have some apple.I don’t know who you are but these apples are delicious you know.”king said.Cain threw that apple upwards and the red apple turned into a snow white one.He caught that again and threw it back towards king who caught it.
“This one is better.”Cain said.King looked at that apple he had never seen a while apple.He took a bite from it.It was so good that he ate the whole apple in one go.
“That was really good.How did you do that?”King asked.His face was that of a curious child.
“Light magic.”Cain answered with a smile.
“Wow ! She really found a mage with light magic.I don’t know what to say.Cain you create one more of that apple.”King said.Cain created 2 more white apples and gave it to him.King caught them and began to eat them. “So are you really Aldark as she said?”
“Believe her if she want.”Cain said.
“Well light magic isn’t something everybody can do.And you look somewhat like the legends say about Aldark.So I think she is right.”King said.
“Is that so.”Cain asked.
“Yes.I mean pointy long ears like an elf.And blue hair which looks like flames and crimson colored eyes.”King explained.
“Actually I am an elf.That is why I have this ears.”Cain said.
“King Aldark was also an elf.”King said.
“Yeah whatever you want.”Cain said.
“Well King Aldark,Can I talk with you in private.”Gunther asked to Cain.
“Yes , why not.But don’t call me King I am not your King just call me Cain.That is what I am known as now.”Cain explained.
“Okay Cain.”He turns towards her sister. “Can you wait outside for a moment please.”
“You two looks like you could get along.”She said as she walked towards the door.She halted for a moment and said. “Don’t do any foolish thing like challenging him for a spar bro.He is way too much for you.”She then waked out of the room.
“So you know why she brought you here.”king asked biting off a piece from the apple..
“Yeah I know.She want’s to marry me.Don’t worry I am not going to do that.”Cain said his intentions clearly.
“You know what I have really admired you from my childhood if you are Aldark that is.And I don’t want you to forget about all the other woman you had until now.So I am begging you please leave this palace before tonight or I don’t know what will happen to you.”King said warning him.
“You worry too much Gunther.You may not know but I have grown even stronger than me from those legends.Just potions are not enough to make me forget something.”Cain said with a smile on his face.
“Hey can we fight?I mean just a little spar.Other than being a mage Aldark was known to be a master swordsmen right.Actually I have confidence in my swordsmanship.So how about it.”King asked Cain.
“Stop thinking about it you will lose.”Cain answered.
“Maybe but we won’t know that unless we try it.”king said.
“I like your guts.Let’s hit it off.”Cain said with his fist forwards Gunther.Gunther bumps it and they head towards the royal grounds.They reached the royal grounds.Soldiers were being trained in those grounds.Lera and Leo were also there looking at them being trained.
“Humans look as weak as always.”Lera stated looking at the soldiers trying to lift heavy weights but failing.
“You mustn’t underestimate them Teach.I am a human too.”Leo said to Lera.
“Hey Leo how’s it going.Did you like the this world.”Cain asked as he entered through the huge gate.Soldiers were shocked to see king enter the grounds.They barely ever see the king come down to the ground.He came there only on the time of some special occasions like the fight with bulls during the harvesting season.He was wearing his royal armor with a high quality mantle made of red wool hanging behind him.
“Yes it reminds me of some video games I play.The palace is huge too.But it is nothing compared to one you made at the lost world.”Leo answered waving her hands at Cain.Cain and Gunther walked to the center of the field.
“Hey give me that wooden sword.”king ordered a soldier who was doing practice swings using an wooden sword.He brought it to the king and offered him that sword with his face down and on one knee.King took off his mantle from his back and then took that sword form his hands and place his mantle on the soldier’s hands.Then he got on a stance ready to fight Cain.Then he went back a few steps.
“Is the king gonna fight?”
“Hey Hey.Are you serious ?”
“Who is that guy he is gonna lose big time .”
“But look at him.He looks pretty strong.”
“If he isn’t so much talented king would have never accepted his challenge.”
“Yeah in the terms of swordsmanship he is even better that Sigurd.”
“Well lets just watch their fight and king hates being interrupted between a fight.”Soldiers there began gossiping about the greatness of their king.Cain showed his hands in the air and a wooden sword lying on the floor flew to his hands which he caught.Cain tried a few light swings and and he raised his hands upwards slashing downwards to his right.It caused the dust below to raises like a small tornado for a few seconds.
“So what are the rules.”Cain asked.
“There are 3 rules.First one is magic is prohibited in this fight.Second is fight will take place inside this ring”He said as fire came out of the feet of King and made a huge circle on the center of the ground. “Stepping out from there means lose.”
“Your magic still needs improvement Gunther.And the third rule is ……”Cain said.
“You lose if you get hit by your opponent.Or if you give up.That is your lose.Okay.And other than sword you can also use hands to fight too.”Gunther explained.
“I got the rules.Let’s start.”Cain said standing still.King rushed forward trying to do a forward slash.
“You shouldn’t let your guard down in a fight.It is my win”King said as he was going to slash on Cain’s head.Cain dodged turning left and then punched on king’s face with left hand and then he turned facing king.He kicked the sword on king’s hand in the process which made king swing a little left.As the king regained his balance and went towards Cain with a side slash he found Cain’s sword pointing on his face.Which shocked him for a moment.The soldiers were shocked by that too.Their king was being over powered by someone they haven’t even heard about.
“Its my win.”Cain said.
“Not yet”King said as he slashed on the side of Cain’s sword making his swords stutter a bit.Then he went for another slash from above.But Cain used the recoil from earlier attack to deflect the kings sword and when he came back with a spinning slash.Cain tapped at the wrist of king which made his sword fell from his hand.When he fell down to take the sword Cain attacked him with a kick to the punt.He fell with his stomach up because of that attack.He grabbed the sword near his hand on that state.Cain went for an other kick to the head but king rolled out of the way.Then when Cain attacked with a sword slash King kipped up dodging it.Cain had smile on his face.
“I am having fun.Let’s continue.”Cain said with a huge smile on his face.
“I am too.Its been years since I got a nice challenge like this.”King replied with a smile wiping the blood on his cheeks of.King attacked towards King with all his speed.They were now not visible to the soldiers standing there.Leo and Lera could still see them clearly.The dust on the ground began to flow up due to the ultra fast movements of them.King was trying to attack Cain but he was dodging all those attacks with ease.By that time King had two swords on his hands.He was unleashing attacks from all the directions .But Cain was just dodging them and whenever the king had a slightest opening his sword was pointing the head or he got punched or kicked by Cain all the time.King was now out of breath and was standing still trying to catch his breath.He knew if it was a real fight he would have lost to Cain a long time ago to Cain.But he still didn’t wanted to give up.It was a rare chance for him to fight someone that strong.His entire armor was now dusty and had cracks on it due to punches from Cain.His head was bloody and he now had blurry eyes.He shook his head.Leo and Lera was standing there smiling.They have been fighting for hours now.Cain was still as good as new.Run entered the ground from the gate and walked towards Leo and Lera.
“Hey princess Gudrun look your brother looks like he is gonna lose to Cain.”Leo said waving towards Run.Run went near Leo and looked at her brother.
“That idiot I told him not to fight Cain.”She said looking at king.
“You should stop your brother.”Lera said to Run.
“Its impossible.Once he starts a fight he never stops until he finishes it.”Run said to Lera.
“It is so sad he is gonna die.He was such a nice King”Leo said looking at Gunther with a sorry face.
“What the hell are you talking about ?”Run asked with a shocked expression.
“You have experienced how much of a sadist master is.Haven’t you ?If master really wanted to end this fight It would have been over before it even started.He is just playing with your brother.If he continues to do this stupidity and don’t give up he is gonna die for sure.”Lera explained.Down on the ground King was still trying to score a point against Cain.He run forward attacking from with both sides using his two swords.Cain stepped backwards than he slashed on the sword on king’s left hand which made that sword fly away somewhere on the ground.King still continued to attack with one sword left he almost drove Cain to the out of the ground.But as he was near the border line he slashed right on his sword making it fall down.Then he attacked on his gut with his knee.That made king fell down on his knees and vomit blood from his mouth.Cain then moved forward and kicked him on the back of his head on the kneeling position.It made king fell down on his stomach.He was out cold for a moment.Cain waited on the center of the ground again.After a few minutes King got up taking the sword on his hands.Soldiers were looking at their king with a pathetic look.Run jumped in between them.
“Please stop it Bro.You are gonna die like that.”Run said with teary eyes seeing her brother’s state.
“What if I die?” King said but he fell down to his feet coughing and spitting blood.He again stood up and said “If I can’t finish a fight I have started I will be called a coward through the history.I don’t want that.I will not give until one of us wins this fight.”
“Sorry But……..”Cain said walking towards the attacked with a soft slash on the head of the king. “I can’t let you die like that.Maybe you are not strong as me physically but you still have something I lost a long time ago.”Cain said.King fell down on the floor.He was completely out.Cain kneel down and took King up in his hands and said teleported to his room.He then placed king on his bed. “anastaino”He said as he healed king.Then he teleported to where Leo and Lera was.
“Why are you so much of a sadist when it comes to fight Cain?”Leo asked as Cain appeared.
“Why are you asked that now?”Cain asked.
“I mean whenever I have seen you fight you did things which were so cruel that you looked like the devil himself.”Leo said.
“Was I so cruel ?I don’t know about that.It is supposed to be normal among elves.”Cain said with straight face.
“You showed me an illusion in which you really killed me when I fought you once.You made Teach all battered up in pieces.And you played with omega’s mind to the point that she lost control of herself.And now him did you see the state he was in now.”Leo said with are you kidding me face.
“It runs on my veins.I can’t hope to change so or something like that.”Cain said.
“Yeah I got it.Do whatever you want Cain.Love as many girls as you want.Kill anyone who you hate.And Play with our mind all you want.But promise me one thing that you will always be the same Cain that I love and will not change.”Leo said hugging Cain.
“I promise Leo.After all you left your own world in that state for me.”Cain said hugging Leo back.
“It is an other thing as this.And it was you who said to leave it like that.It is someone else story to handle. ”Leo said.
“Hey don’t get all so romantic all by yourself let me in.”Lera said crawling between Cain’s hand.Leo and Cain began to laugh by it.
“Me too.”Said Run hugging Cain from behind.Leo break out from the hug.
“Oh that was unexpected.”Leo said.
“What ?”Run asked still hugging Cain.
“You hugging Cain like that.”Leo said to Run.
“Isn’t is obvious.You heard him when he guessed I wanted to marry him and even if he will not take responsibility for what happened I still want to be with him.And it looks like you don’t have a problem with me being with him.”Run said.
“Yeah I don’t have a problem with that now.But I used to be different a few years back.I almost killed someone who kissed Cain on his cheeks.”Leo said remembering about past.
“I too don’t care as long as you remember the fact that being with him means being with me too.”Lera said touching her cheeks in a romantic way.
“What are you doing miss?You are creeping me out.”Run said taking a step back.
“Don’t be like that.Let’s be friends.”Lera said.
“Yeah just friends are okay.”She said to Lera.Then she turned towards Cain and said with a blushing face“So Cain I have to go now.I am sleepy from all those things happening today.Bye”.She then turned back and walked fast towards her room.
“How could? How could he love 3 girls at same time.I don’t like sharing my things.I will make him mine.And I mean only mine.”Run thought with an irritated expression as she walked fast towards her room.
“And what’s with that Lera.Did she expects me to sleep with her.It creeps me out just thinking to make love with an other girl.Then one whom I love is my Lord Aldark.”She thought as she entered her room.She ran and hopped into her bed.As she lay in the bed she thought “I wonder if he will love me if he forget about those two bitches.”She was slowly falling into a deep slumber without knowing what was being planned against her and her kingdom by the enemies.
to be continued.
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