《TearFire》Undead Empress 5 : Crystal of Time
As he broke out of the kiss everything around them had returned to normal.As well as Lera was also healed leaving no trace of any injuries.Even her clothes were back to normal.After that Cain got up on his feet giving a hand to Lera.She grabs that hand and gets up.
"Master…I am glad you remembered about the promise."She said.She had a flashback of the past.It was after the great war when TearFire defeated god and came back to the Lost world.She along with Thor,Solomon and few other people was standing on the mid of the kingdom, where the statue is located now.Cain or TearFire,as he was known back then,was wearing the same clothes as he is now.Everybody looked at his back as he walked a forward.Lera had her eyes full of tears.She called upon her master.
"Master....Do you really have to go?"Lera asked making Cain pause for a second.
"Yeah.To me,this is really important.I need to find my own world."He turned back and said to his student.
"Are you really sure?It was you who built this world.So doesn’t that makes it your world?"Lera asked.He walked back and placed his hands over her head.
"You still need to grow up.You still need to learn many things.It maybe true that this world was created by me.But it doesn’t mean that I belong to this world.Even I don’t really understand what my world really is."Cain said with a gentle smile.
"Is that so master...Then can I come with you,Please"She asked.
"Sorry,Lera.But this time my journey is not quite something what you think it is.I don’t think you are ready for that.And bringing a companion maybe a nice idea but for me it is a bit troublesome."Cain said reusing her pleas.
"Troublesome...Do you think I am troublesome?"She asked getting angry.
"Yeah you are.Do you remember how many times I had to protect you in a battle.But even after all that,I simply can’t abandon you.Neither any one of you guys.Because for me you are all a family."Cain said looking towards the everyone who was there to see him off.
"Then why can’t you be with us like we have always been."Lera asked.
"I can’t do that.I am sorry.But if you need me,then I will come back.I am sure I will come back."Cain said.Then he turned back again and walked towards the center again.He stopped for a second looked towards everyone..As blue flames rise up from the ground and circled around him he began to disappear along with the blue flames.
"And when I will come back,I will give you what you wanted from me the most,I promise.Bye Lera."He said with a two finger salute and a gentle smile.Lera is interrupted by the screaming sound of Leo.She rushed towards them in speed of light and yells at the face of Cain.As Solomon was laughing enjoying what was going on in front of him.
"Explain this.Now."Leo yelled at his face.
"Leo,your face is way too close."Cain said backing off.It looked like he had something more to say but he didn’t.
"Uh…”Leo said as she realized she so close to Cain’s face that there noses were almost touching each others.Suddenly her face went red.“Sorry"Leo said as she stepped back with her blushing face.
"So,what do you want me to explain?”Cain asked.
"Everything."Leo replied.
"Everything?"Cain asked.
"Yeah,What the hell is going on in here?First Training chamber explodes.Trees dies.People dies,and everything on the planet dies but I was safe somehow along with the king.Then when I come here I see only love of my life,kissing my teacher and then miraculously everything which died on front of my eyes come back to life.Just what the hell is going on?"Leo asked as if she was freaking out.
"Calm down Leo.”Cain said grabbing Leo’s shoulders.“I don’t remember we being lovers and I don’t know what you are so worrying about.Is it about the chamber or the trees or the people or the kiss or the Resurrection…”Cain said “Wait I really know.”Cain said as if he was realizing it now.“Well first Training chamber exploded because I accidentally...not really accidentally,but you can say so.Well I released some of my mana to stop Lera’s Spica But I think I released a bit more than I should have."Cain explained.
"A little bit more.A little bit mana for you destroys an entire alternate dimension and kills all life on a different dimension.Just how much strong are you.And how did they came back to life?"Leo asked.Lera was just staring at both of them right now.And King was looking at this from afar.
"Oh It is one of my Darkness magic.It is called ’anastaino’. It is technically a time reversing spell.Even though it is a time reversing spell it doesn’t really reverses the time.Well,what do you say?I don’t really know how to explain my magic?"Cain said.
"Time reversing.If it was time reversing then it shouldn’t work on here since time doesn’t even flow in this Lost world."Leo said.
"Yes,it is right that time doesn’t flow here so fighting in here would be difficult for any Darkness user like me or King but ’anastaino’ is a magic which only changes time of a specified object to the time when it was more useful.For example,If I cast it on a broken vase it would go to a time when it was not broken and if I use it on a dead body then it will become alive and if it is cast on injured it makes the injuries go away."
"You can bring dead back to life.Then why didn’t you use that on those undead back on earth.I thought those children on the orphanage were your family."Leo asked with a sad look.
"I got many reasons for that.First is Cain, can’t use as much as magic as TearFire."Cain explained.
"What do you mean Cain can’t use magic .You used teleport many times while battling omega."Leo asked.
"Yeah, but still Cain was just a false body and there is a limit on how I could have used more mana on my body.And anastaino also doesn’t work on Undeads."Cain explained.
"Why can’t it work on undead?”Leo asked
“Undead are not really useless or completely dead that is why they are called undead.Since they are not dead I can’t bring them back to humans or other mortals."Cain answered.
"Oh I am sorry."Leo apologized.
"Aren’t you gonna ask about the kiss?"Cain asked in a teasing voice.
"I forgot about that.”She said.Her face turned a little bit red.“Um…Why were you kissing my teach?"She asked Cain with that blushing face.
"It was a promise."Cain said.
"Promise...?"Leo asked with a surprised expression.
"Yes,before I left the Lost world I promised her that I will give her what she wants."Cain said.
"And she wanted to kiss you?"Leo asked with a confused expression.
"For real,I wanted to do even more things with my master.But that kiss would do for now.and you know how many years did he kept me waiting?"Lera said to Leo before Cain could speak anything.
"How many years?"Leo asked to Lera.
"14,64,79,468,584 years."Cain answered.
"Yeah that is what it is."Lera answered.Only thing Leo could do after hearing that was just blink her eyes."By the way master I hope you know what happens when you kiss a fairy."Lera said.
"You were a fairy,teach.I forgot about that,I mean you are so big after all."Leo said.
"Yeah,a fairy becomes your familiar when you kiss one of them.I had about 5 fairies before I can’t say about how many of them are still alive."Cain said with a sigh.
"So,It means I am you are still my master.But I became your familiar from your apprentice."Lera said in a happy tone.
"Which type of student wants to be their teachers servant?You can be really weird sometimes teach."Leo said.
"What if I am onto those kind of things.You must not question others taste,Leo."Lera said to Leo.
"It looks like we are both crazy for Cain.”She said to her teacher. “By the way Cain,you just kissed Teach does that mean you are going to be with her now on.Are you going to leave me alone?"Leo asked looking at Cain making puppy eyes.
"Who said anything like that?I am not going to leave anyone alone.I love both of you guys."Cain said placing both of his hands over the girl’s head.
"Then it means you can kiss me too."Leo asked in an excited tune.
"I would have refused it if it was a week ago.But now I haven’t got any reason to refuse so why not."Cain said.
"Yes,I did it."Leo said jumping up on joy.
"Relax Leo,not now.So, I am going to take a round of the kingdom now .Follow me if you want to."Cain said.After saying that he disappeared out of there.Leo was surprised for a second but Lera was not much surprised.King also teleported himself after Cain did.They began to walk back to the direction where King Solomon was at.
"So Leo,huh."Lera said in a teasing voice.
"Don’t call me that,teach.Only Cain calls me that and its kinda embarrassing."
"Is it so.You may not know it,but It was master who named me Lera."Lera said to Leo.
"Eh...Cain named you?"Leo asked in a shocked tone.
"Yeah."Lera replied.
"But how?It is impossible how can he name you?"Leo asked.
"Do you remember when I told you it was master who rescued me a raised me?”Lera asked.
"Hmm I remember."Leo said.
"You know,when I was born there was a war going on between dwarfs and fairies.You must know that dwarfs and fairies are mostly two species which was known for being hunted by upper lifeforms and used as familiars.But in our universe somebody found out the secret of the fairy wings and dwarfs became fairy hunters to keep themselves safe from upper lifeforms."Lera explained.
"Secret of fairy wings .What is that?"Leo asked.
"It is said that if you consume the wings of a fairy you will become an immortal."Lera said.
"How can you become immortal just by eating a fairy’s wings?"Leo asked.
"It was not entirely a false,If a fairy gives away her wings willingly,then you can become an immortal."Lera said.
"I don’t think there is a fairy who would do that."Leo said.
"Yeah I think so too.But when I was a few years old my parents were attacked by a dwarf.That dwarf was looking for fairy wings and Dwarfs had made a deal with some upper lifeforms.If I have to say precisely it was elves.My parents teared my wings away and gave it to him.As a reward I was saved .He took my parents away with him.After a few days I grew up.And I realized that I had became stronger physically.But my magic was practically weak,I had became a human.I then fought dwarfs in that planet hoping to take revenge on all the dwarfs and elves.I hunted many of them.Even elves were powerless in front of me.But one day I happened to attack some one way above my league."Leo said.
"And that was Cain,huh?"Leo asked.
"Yes,you can say that.That time he said he will defeat me without using any mana and he did the same.His power was so overwhelming that I was on my knees hoping that he would give me a painless death.But He decided to save me instead he said me to follow him.At first I thought he was going to torture me and keep me as a slave my entire life.But he was different.I was just a child back then and he raised me like a father rises his daughter.He even gave me a name since fairies were usually nameless.He trained me in all the magic I know today,but whenever I challenged him to a fight I would again be mercilessly beaten down by him,again and again.But he still healed me immediately.He made me his apprentice.And even before I knew I fell in love with him.He always treated me as a child though I wanted him to treat me as a woman.I was really happy when he kissed me."Lera said.
"He is still the same from almost 15 billion years ago.No wonder he is loved and respected by so many people."Leo said.
"Leo will you promise me that we won’t fight over him.We just have to share him."Lera said.
"Yeah I think so too.But still I am a little bit jealous of you."Leo said.
"You still haven’t met Thor,huh?"Lera asked.
"Thor .Is she too…?"Leo asked.
"Yeah.And she always steals him away from me.She only looks like a child she is really a bitch."Lera said interrupting Leo.
"Well whatever.We will talk about that some time later."Leo said.
"Then should we go now,I think master is waiting for us."Lera said.
"He said he is going to visit the kingdom.Do you know where he is?"Leo asked.
"He must be on the bar of inn.He really used to hangout with king when the war was going on."Lera said.
"Then let’s go."Leo said extending her hands towards Lera,and Lera grabbed it. “Teleport” said Leo as the both disappeared from there.They both reached near the inn.They both entered inside the inn and looked towards the bar area.They saw Cain and Solomon inside the bar area,where they were sitting in a seat the entire Bar were going crazy as the king was never seen outside the castle since a long time.And also the legend had returned after eons.Everybody was having a party atmosphere.And all girls were fangirling over both Solomon and Cain and they were enjoying it.Lera and Leone both ran towards Cain and sit on the 2 sides so close that it was almost making him uncomfortable.
"Lera,Leo what happened between you two while I was gone?” Cain asked even though he knew what happened.“And If you want to be so much close to me then why don’t you just sit on my lap?"
"Yes,we should do so."Leo said looking towards Lera.
“Nice idea,master.”Lera said as both of them hopped upto his lap.Girls on the bar were just staring at them for doing that.
"I was just joking,by the way."Cain said with a smile.
“I think it was not really that nice idea”Leo said as she slowly crawled down looking at those intimidating looks from all over the place.Lera too got down from his lap.A bar girl came forward.She was a lizard-man girl in a Victorian maid outfit and a glasses.Her face was a little red seeing Cain.
"What would you like?"She asked in a stuttering nervous voice.
"Rina.Isn’t it Rina?I didn’t knew you were still here."Cain asked to that girl.
"Yes,I am glad you remember me."Rina said I her quiet voice.
"I lied,I already knew you are still here.I got the archiv you know."Cain said.
"Yes,What would you like?"Rina asked.
"Holy dragon’s milk,I think."Cain said looking towards Leo.Leo nodded her on yes.
"Yes I will be back right now."Rina said turning back to the kitchen door.Rina rushed back to the kitchen.
"You know Rina?”Leo asked.
“Yeah,I know her.We used to be really close at the time I made this world."Cain said.Rina came back with entire barrel of milk and 4 cups and She poured it into those cups.She then stood there waiting for them to finish their cups.
"It always feels so refreshing.I don’t get why they call it booze."Leo said.
"You may not know,but it has a very good reason."Cain said.
"And what is that,Cain?"Leo asked.
"Somebody really got drunk after drinking this."Lera said finishing her cup and placing it down for more.
"What?! I never knew that.Who got drunk from this?"Leo asked with a shocked face.
“I don’t think you should tell anyone about that.My little student.”Cain said to Lera in a teasing tone.
"Don’t call me little."Lera said making an angry face.
"It was Thor,right Cain?"Asked King Solomon making Leo laugh thinking about it.
"Yep,you remember that night,Sol?"Cain asked.
"It was so unforgettable after all."King replied.
"You know what,it is good drinking like this but nothing beats drinking it directly from the dragon."Cain said making Leo spit all the milk on her mouth making King who was sitting on front of her all wet.King bounced back and began swiping the milk from his gown.
"You drank milk from a dragons boobs directly?"Leo asked with surprised face.
"Yes."Cain said as if it was nothing strange for him.He had seen many things on many different world that nothing was strange for him anymore.
"But,how?"Leo asked she still couldn’t believe it.
"There are many ways.Do you want to try that to Leo?”Cain asked.
“No I am good."Leo said refusing Cain’s offer.
"By the way Tear,what was that you wanted to say to me?"King asked Cain as he was now all clean somehow.
"I am leaving again,after a few hours."Cain answered.
"What?Why?"King asked.
"I told you,I am going to hunt devil alone.But I am not really going alone.This time I think I am gonna take Leone and Lera with me."Cain said.
"Oh is that so.Well I wish you good luck."King said
"Things like Luck doesn’t exist for me."Cain said.
"Sorry,It was just a habit from past."King apologized.
"Well,but before going I have to give you this."Cain said as he extended his hands and a crystal which is a little bit bigger than his hand and about as tall as 18 centimeters appeared on his hands.He gave it to the king.
"What is this?"King asked.
"This is time crystal."Cain said.
"Is this the same as..."King tried to ask.
"Yeah,It is almost the same as Lensa’s Crystal but this one will not last for all eternity.It will last about a millennium or so.You will be able to run all the gates and other travel systems on this though.Keep good care of it.Don’t worry I will get Lensa back in no time at all."Cain said.
"Yeah I know you will."King said.After getting out of there they all return to their own places.Since the earth was still filled with undeads Cain and Leone didn’t went back to earth.Cain made a huge flying castle at the top of the lost world and they went there to spend a night.
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