《Black Meridian》Intro: "Higher" Education


A transcript from an introductory lecture at Piora Lazuli University. Lazuli Island, off the coast of the Selatin Kingdom

Sigmas. To some they represent hope. To others, tragedy. Today, they define humanity.

Crystals that grant superpowers. Ancient intellectuals used the term to represent a summation of parts. Fitting, although the one difference between then and now is that they dealt in numbers. We deal with destruction.

Or creation, if you're so inclined. There is no limit to a sigma’s capability. One may offer the flicker of flame from the tip of the finger, and another might create a small orb that can destroy a mansion. Another might sever the continent in half.

Sigmas have sponsored diseases. They have created monsters of the night, the Vampires, and the abhorrent, hulking Giants. They have spawned numerous unnatural predators into our ecosystems and other monsters that feed on peasants for fun. They have opened breaches between realms and confirmed for us the existence of the fiery wasteland of Hell, along with the Demons that reside within.

Look outside the windows in here. Can you see that black, desolate line of terrain across the sea? No, that isn’t molten rock. There are no volcanoes around here. That is the Selatin Scar; it is entirely man-made. Take that into consideration the next time you mouth off in front of a noble.

Yet we cannot ignore the upside. For every sigma that curates a plague, another can cure it. Farms can be seeded with ease. Flora and fauna granted a second chance at life. When we bleed, a Healer can seal it. Sigmas can terraform societies. And while that heretical Technocracy takes sigma technology too far, not even the harshest of critics from our kingdom can admonish all of their achievements.

The best part about sigmas, children: you can hoard as many as you want.


Yes, yes, you can stop complaining now. I know you’re not children. I’m sure you’re so proud to consider yourself adults. Well, here you might be able to sit tall and puff your chest out in a confident manner, but if you do that to the real powers in this world, you will quickly be acquainted with the worms.

Lesson One. Know your station.

The unfortunate truth about humans is that our souls are tainted with vice. We cannot change at that level, regardless of what some self-proclaimed ‘sage’ might tell you. Don’t listen to them. Many of you have rebellious spirits, but to your betters, you must conform.

There are those that are stronger than you. Smarter than you. Faster than you. More divine, blessed. Gifted from birth. Gifted by wealth and access. Skill. They are not your superior from these statistics alone, but these statistics indicate they have greater access to sigmas.

Royalty. The Ten Paladins. Nobles. The Elementals. The Five Heroes. Even the Pentagon, if you believe in their existence. There are more great forces hiding in the wilds as well. All of them combined form our global elite.

It is not unwarranted power they possess. When they can blow your head off with the snap of their fingers, you better learn to bow. Don’t like that reality? Dedicate yourself to being their equal. Otherwise, the floor is waiting for your forehead.

[Headmistress Piora Lazuli releases a heavy sigh] I know I’ve taken a harsh tone with you all today, but unfortunately, I cannot phrase the state of the Sigma World any other way. This is our reality, and it is not bound to change any time soon.

If this bothers you, I suggest you leave right now. If sigmas bother you, feel free to retreat to the ends of the world and live in solitude to escape them. For the rest of you…

Sit straight. Take out your notepad and listen up. It’s going to be a long few years.

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