《The Legend of Fanaura: Cursed》Chapter 26 - Revelation
Time passed slowly. Yurika feeling every beat of her heart, pounding loudly like a drum on her ears as she walked behind Lucia. The Zanj was really quiet from the moment they left Wen’s room. Her mind filled with tangled fear, worries, and what ifs. Lucia resided inside the famous Adventurer Guild. The place was like one huge labyrinth. She guessed that it was made like that in the purpose of hiding the real secret of the guild; that a Zanj ran it.
Suddenly Lucia stopped and turned herself facing her. The sudden halt almost made Yurika bumped into her. Apparently, they have arrived at where Lucia wanted them to be.
Gesturing to her right, Lucia pointed to the door she just opened. Warily Yurika entered the place with Lucia on her tail as she closed the door and walked toward a table in the centre of the room. The table was about five times of her long and three times of wide. The dark cherry wood was smooth and had the lustrous quality of well-waxed wood.
“Okay, before we start,” Lucia said as she smiled at Yurika, “why don’t you make yourself comfortable first?”
The room was dimly lit with some wall sconces that hung on the pale-coloured walls like earrings. A thick velvet curtain hid the one and only long window on the wall. An antique couch stood near a woven rug in front of the brick fireplace, accompanied by a small table that filled with books and scrolls as sidekicks. On top of the gigantic table that settled behind the couch, there were more scrolls and books. A work lamp, a pair of glasses, ink jar and its ink feathers also could be seen on top of it. This was Lucia's study room.
“Come now, don’t be shy,” Lucia said as she moved to take a seat behind her worktable. She then made an annoyed grunt. Apparently, the table was a little too tall for her and covered half of her face. Jumping off the chair Lucia then pushed the chair closer to the couch.
“Note to myself, start making that d*mn stool!” she muttered with her brow knitted and her lip pursed annoyedly.
Yurika couldn’t help to find that the whole scene was cute and she chuckled a bit. Lucia glared at her.
“Is there something funny?”
“Sorry I didn’t mean--,” Yurika quickly apologized.
Lucia waved her hand idly seemed to not amused. She sat back to her work chair, “just sit already, we need to talk.”
Yurika nodded and sunk to the couch. It has been days since she had an actual rest. The softness of the coach was embracing her comfortingly. She was sure that she would fell asleep in any second if she wasn’t so tense about the fact that Lucia knew who she was in the past.
“So…,” Lucia rest her chin on her hand, “you are really the Eireen Silver?”
Yurika eyes went wide, “What?! What do you mean? I thought you already knew?!”
Lucia giggled, “not really, I was just guessing. I didn’t expect you to be so honest.”
The girl’s face went as white as her hair.
“Don’t worry, your secret save with me and no one will hear anything from this room. I made sure this room soundproof,” Lucia gave her a comforting smile
Colours slowly came back to her face, but Yurika’s eyes still cautiously staring at the raven girl.
“So, a real Fanaura eh? The second ever created. I can’t believe that the queen actually trying to fix a mistake with another,” Lucia said thoughtfully, she tapped her lips with her finger, “well, in your case it’s not a mistake.”
“Second ever created?!” Yurika exclaimed.
“Ah, I guess I owe you some explanations,” Lucia scratches her head and grinned, “In short the legend of a Fetuuina Fanaura was started long before the war of the Goddesses. It was actually the real cause of the Great War.”
“Real cause?!! I thought the war happened because the Goddesses had a major disagreement about how they governed the world? ”
Lucia shook her head softly, “I wish it was that simple. The Goddesses have been siblings for ages. Disagreements? They have tons of that, but they usually settled it quickly. What happened was simple at the same it wasn't. It's something no one could ever think of.”
Yurika fixed her position. Curiosity had captured her attention. Her weariness has evaporated. The raven-haired Zanj glanced at her and smiled at her attentiveness.
“It was because of love.”
“LOVE?!” Yurika shouted in surprise and she quickly covered her mouth
“Do you mean, the Goddesses had war because of a man?! a male Zanj ? ” she added in a quieter voice.
“No, not a Zanj,” Lucia shook her head quickly. she then heavily exhaled, “… human, a Pononga.”
She glanced once more at the blonde girl before continuing, “Years before the Great War, there was a man, a Pononga who work under queen Calliea. He had managed to raise his rank to the person who actually could see the Queen and served her directly. The man was very charming and somehow made Queen Calliea fell in love to him.”
Lucia jumped off from her chair and started to pace around the room, there’s an air of discomfort on the way she trotted.
“The man was born with a weak body, everybody thought that he won’t even reach his adult age or even do his adulthood ceremony to gain his contract with the Zanj. But it was proven wrong, he started late but he managed to gain his contract and chance to serve the Goddesses.”
A deja vu tickled Yurika's mind, “wait, is the man… don’t tell me?! Is it Gentar Lustrous?”
The silver eyes girl pulled up a sad grin, “you are a smart girl.”
“Oh!! So you didn’t kill him on that ceremony test! He managed to bind a contract with you.”
Lucia shrugged nonchalantly, “I never said I killed him that day.”
“… the way u tell the story before, made it sound like you did,” Yurika muttered.
“Anyway, let me continue with the story,” Lucia walked slowly to the window and poke around the curtain, “Queen Cailea noticed his sickly nature and how his life would be short, after all, she was the Goddess of death. And for the first time in her life, she was really unhappy about the fact one day she needed to take the life of the man she loves.”
Yurika suddenly felt sad, she never really knew the Goddesses before their disappearance. Even back then when she was Eireen. Eireen wasn't that religious from the start. Most people despised Goddess Caillea because of her nature in bringing death and destruction. It was easier to love Goddess Aine more. She couldn’t imagine how hard to be Caillea and how she might have felt when she found out she would be the one who must take the life of the only person she'd ever loved.
“So, Queen Caillea went to Queen Aine. Asking-- no..., begging her to do something about it. Because Queen Aine’s life key was the only one that might save Gentar’s life,” Lucia returned to her working chair, “Aine rejected her request. No matter how many time Cailea begged her.”
“Why?! Isn’t that should be easy?” protested Yurika.
“Because it against the rule,” the Zanj said flatly which made Yurika went quiet.
“So, why did you kill Gentar?” Yurika tilted her head in confusion after a short period of silence, “wasn’t his life already short enough?”
Lucia took her time in answering her. She laid back on her chair and stared at the ceiling, “because I accidentally found out that he was plotting on making Cailea steal the key for him. I knew for sure that Calliea would do it due to her love and desperation in keeping him alive.”
Silence creped in the room, Yurika didn’t know what to say after hearing that
“I-I’ve tried to talk some senses to him, but nothing could change his mind,” Lucia sighed heavily, regret was painted all over her face, “I... don't really recall on what happened in our arguments, but next thing I know his body was lifeless in front of me with his blood all over me.”
Lucia gritted her teeth, her face was paled with grief.
“That moment I had broken the contract bound. I was doomed to die along with him. I still could remember the pain I experienced when my wings slowly ripped away and the aether inside of me felt like it tried to break free from inside.”
Yurika bit her lips, the image of the Zanj in her dying breath played on her mind. Lucia went quiet again, none of them said anything for quite some time.
“Aine came to save me, she took Gentar’s Aether and plunged it back to the river of life. Something that she shouldn’t have done,” finally Lucia broke the silence, “I survived, but the Goddess of life had broken the rule and when Cailea found out that I killed the man she loves…”
“… she wanted to punish you?” Yurika asked.
“Wanted to kill me more likely,” the raven-haired girl grinned sadly, “that’s when Aine decided to changed my appearance and told me to go hid in the realm of the human. I don’t know much what happened after that because I have lost all my link with their realm.”
“The curse was meant to save your life,” said Yurika.
Lucia made a face, she glared at Yurika with a look as if she was stupid, “what kind of man who thinks that being a girl is a blessing? Especially a little girl with a flat chest. She could have turned me to a more sexier woman, but nooo, she chose a loli instead.”
Lucia laughed at Yurika’s reaction
“Don’t mind that, it was a joke. But yeah for me it felt like a curse. I can’t really do much with this body," Lucia's laugh trailed off as her eyes flickered to her hands, "I only have my speed left that for some reason has doubled. I can’t fly anymore. I don’t have the full strength I used to have so I can’t lift up my crafting hammer. Well, I can once a month, but only for a day. I don't even know what am I; not a Zanj nor a human.”
Yurika's heart went for the Zanj but she didn't know how to comfort her. They both once more settled in stillness.
“… so is that mean Gentar is the first Fanaura?” Yurika murmured.
“Yes and no one knew who he is in his new body, not even the Goddesses.”
“How come?!”
“I think that was the reason it was a taboo. I don’t know for sure but for some reason, the Goddesses has no ability to see the Aether of a Fanaura.”
“But Wen can see my aether?!" asked Yurika quizzically.
“I have no idea how the power work. So don’t ask me on why Wen could see your Aether and not the Goddesses,” Lucia sounded a little bit irritated, “anyway, just a few days before the news about your death, Aine suddenly showed up in my door and told me to find you.”
“My death? oh, you mean Eireen's?" Yurika pointed at herself, " the Goddess told you to find me?”
“Yes, and yes,” Lucia answered, “Well more to find the real hero. She told me that soon the Goddesses will disappear and I need to find the one who will bring back the Goddesses and restore the world balance.”
"Real hero?" Yurika mumbled; confused. She felt there was something that wasn't right. Her mind rolled trying to connect the dot while Lucia continued with her explanation without realizing how Yurika’s face started to grow darker.
“She explained that the disappearance will happen whether we like it or not. It was already written on the book of Fate. The only book that was left by the God Eiocha, before he went to his slumber,” Lucia finally laid her eyes back to the blonde, ”she explained that the disappearance would be caused by the destroyed key of life and death and only you the holder of Fetu La Rossa who has the ability to put them back and bring the Goddesses back.”
“Then why did she choose Eirren before and made a Fanaura out of me?” Yurika voice was hoarse. There’s a strange of tug in her heart as if saying that she shouldn’t have asked the question.
Lucia went silence hearing her question. There’s a battle in her mind and her expression. She wasn’t sure if Yurika ready to hear the real truth. Biting her inner cheeks nervously, Lucia finally answered.
“Because only an awaken and chosen Fanaura has the ability to wield the true power of Fetuu La Rossa.”
“What is that supposed to mean?!” Yurika stood up from the couch. Her voice grew grim and fury rapidly rising from her voice, “Eireen was a fake? She was chosen but she wasn't the real hero? Or--wait... did she actually choose her to die so she could throw her soul... my soul back to the river of life and be the second Fanaura?!”
Lucia’s expression was unreadable. Yurika anger wasn’t that surprising for her. Anyone would have the same reaction if they found out that their life was being played out by the higher divine. She couldn’t help to feel sympathy.
“I am sorry to say that I have no answer for your question. It is something that you need to ask the goddess yourself,” the Zanj finally uttered, “the only task that the queen gave me was to find the one who resonated with the fragments of Fetuu La Rossa she had given me."
“How could she do this to Eireen?! To me?!” Yurika yelled at the zanj; ignoring her explanation. Her fuschia eyes glow with ire. A vexing of the soul for what she felt was not human, it's twisted and distorted. It burned so bad like fire lacing in her veins and creeping up to her spine. Her skin was a sore looking red and all she could feel was desire; desire to hate. Yurika was intoxicated with emotions, no one had the intention of ever feeling. The acidity of it was residing in her stomach waiting to be spat out in any possible form.
The red gem in her pocket answered her need. It started to glow and blink rapidly. The heat exuding from the gem grew faster than greased lightning. The glow illuminating her whole body as her conscious begun to slip away.
Lucia's silver eyes widen and she gulped at the scene unveiled in front of her.
“Yu-yurika are you okay? Yurika come back to your senses, YURIKA!” Lucia tried to pull her back from her delirious state. Her hand reached out to grab Yurika’s shoulders, to shake her off, to bring back her senses. But the moment her hand touched the girl, she flinched in surprise. The girl body was as hot as burning lava.
Yurika body began to levitate. The blinking grew faster as her whole body glowed from within. Her eyes were hollow, there’s nothing in them but pure rage. At first, she was just hovering there but soon after the ground started to rumble as if there was an army storming into battle underground. Then with one swift flick of Yurika’s hand, the wall behind her with the door exploded into splinters.
Lucia froze, her brain unable to make sense of the input from her feet and eyes. Fear and panic then set in. She must leave, get out of the place but at the same time, she can’t. She can’t leave Yurika. She rushed to try grab hold of her once more but with another flick of Yurika’s wrist, Lucia was sent flying into some bookcases. She fell down to the ground at the same time more books fell down on top of her. She yelped at the sharp pain, blood trickled from her forehead. For the first time in her life, she was dumbfounded. She must do something, say something to stop the chosen one from destroying the place, the planet. But her tongue was tied as her eyes watched in horror and Yurika just kept making her own exits from the building.
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