《Promise》Chapter 22: Casablanca City


“What do you think they are talking about?” Rose asked the group as they were starting to step out of the Blackburn’s front gate.

“Probably some trading questions, Kyle has always been like that, always working, training and gathering more knowledge” Liam said. “Never mind him, now how about you guys give us a tour of this city”.

“I am kinda busy at the moment, not to mention the beat down I just got from Kyle, so I am going nowhere, but my sister could help you with that” Geralt answered.

“I would be glad to,” Rose said. Geralt nodded and said goodbye as all of them started their tour of the city.

The City of Casablanca, a majestic city looking from the outside, unlike Débutant town, this city was full of life. The city was filled with people and business, if they were to close their eyes and only listen, it was almost like they were back in their world. Liam knew exactly what to find first, the weapon shop, “How many weapon shops does this city have Rose?”.

“Only one, if you want to, I could lead you there”. Rose answered.

Allan, Maria and Luna took no mind in what Rose just said, especially Allan, who could not stop making conversation with her. However, Liam was different, he spent too much time with Kyle and already picked up some of his cold reading skills. Firstly, this city was huge and full of people with big and small businesses. How could there only be one weapon shop that was able to open here, “there is a monopoly of power in trading here”, that was what Liam concluded. Secondly, when she said those words, Rose's eyes changed for a split moment, it was sad, why would she be sad, “what do this city gonna throw at them now” Liam thought.

At the Blackburn residence.

“A cold blooded assassin, how could you know that?” Kyle asked.

“Your blood thirst aura is pouring out as we speak, how could I not notice, everyone can notice that.” Richard replied.


“You are not just any assassin may I add. From what I could sense and from what I saw, you are a very skilled and experienced one at that, in your eyes I could not see any compassion, any hesitation, it is like you have been an assassin your whole life.” Richard continued.

“Is that so, well I guess you could say the moment I walked this world, I am an assassin. However, what does that have to do with how you treated me and my companions.” Kyle said. He had just learnt something interesting to him, people in this world could sense and even see your aura if they were strong enough or met a curtain LVL or experience.

“You are kidding me right. Assassins are the lowest of the low” Richard said, Kyle replied with a question face and one eyebrow raised. “We adventurers and heroes are here to save life, you are here to take life, and you wonder why people all over the land hate you.”

Stunned by the reason of Richard, Kyle calmly respond “ So you save life and I take them huh, let me ask you a question, have you ever took a life before, monster or man”

“Of course I have, I have slayed a fair share of monsters like you and creatures from the underworld” Richard answered with a smirk on his face.

“So you have, doesn’t that make you a killer too just like me.” Kyle replied.

“I killed them because I had no choice, I took no joy in killing them” Richard said.

“Yet you hunt for them don’t you, you hunt down monsters like me for gold and fame, and it was gold and fame that you joy. Do you really think that we are so different?” Kyle smiled.

“You asked me why and I gave you the answer, it is none of my concern whether you like it or not” Richard replied.

“How could such an experienced man like you be so bad at lying ?” Kyle spoke “But don’t worry, all lies start with truths. I know now why assassins were hated by other people, but that was not the reason why you did what you did, there were some personal reasons for that. Your eyes tell me everything I need to know Mr Richard, there is no need to deny it”.


Richard did not say anything to respond. Throughout all the years of fighting and being the leader of a famous and respected merchant guide, he had not met someone that could see through his lie in just one second, “it was almost as if …” Richard was thinking.

“He was reading my mind,” Kyle said with a smirk on his face “that was what you were gonna say to yourself, weren't you”.

“How, what magic did you cast on me?” Richard spoke loudly and he stood up staring at Kyle straight in his eyes.

“Relax, I could not read minds or do magic, I just know a lot about liars,” Kyle said.

“Take one to know one, the moment I saw you, I could tell that you have secrets, dark secrets, even your so-called companions did not know, how could I trust an assassin that still keeps secrets from their companions.” Richard replied.

“How about someone who keeps secrets from his own family, something like I don’t know you are almost broke.” Kyle asked. Richard was stunned at the words, his face started to lose some color.

“How did you find out, who told you that?” Richard asked

“I didn’t, I just took a shot in the dark from the evidence that I gathered. But now I know the truth. You were trying to push us away to hide your secret. But how can a big guide like you have money problems?” Kyle replied.

“This conversation is over !” and just like that Richard left the room.

Lion guide’s weapon shop.

They had finally arrived at the only weapon shop in the city. Looking from the outside, one could see why there was no competition in the market. From the window, you could see a whole range of weapons from cheap beginner weapons to high level expensive one. Rose told everyone to come in and purchase what they need, and with the 1000 gold that Kyle just ‘earned’, Liam decided that boots were the best investment for the team at the time as they provide an increase in movement speed and a bit of armor. But unfortunately, the cheapest one was 250 gold each so they could only get 4 and one of them would have to take one for the team. After some quick discussion, Maria was the only one who did not get the boots.

“Why didn’t Rose come inside with us ?” Allan asked everyone.

“She said she did not want to go into a weapon shop, it made her feel uncomfortable standing around objects that were meant for killing” Luna replied.

“Is that so, well too ladylike has it downside I guess” Allan smiled.

But Liam did not fully believe what Rose just said, he saw in her eyes sadness for a split second when she took them to this shop and when they finally got there, her eyes never once glanced at the weapon shop. “There must be some personal reason why she would react like this”, Liam thought, but he decided not to tell the group as it was none of their business and like what Kyle had told them before, for now they don’t want to attract unwanted attention and cause unneeded danger to themself.

When everyone was back at Blackburn's residence, Kyle and Richard's conversation was long over, Rose said goodbye to the four of them and they headed back to their room, another peaceful day was passing over, well if you minus what happened in the morning. Stepping inside the room, they could see that Kyle was in deep thought and this was not a good sign to them. “There go our fun time” Liam thought to himself.

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