《Gods & Monsters (The Reaper Chronicles, #1)》Chapter 23 - Nervous Butterflies
The Capitol building. Home sweet home, Ava wished she could say. She shouldn’t be here. Every noise had her on edge. She became paranoid. The beautician tugged on her skirt, telling her to stand still, that she was almost done hemming the dress up. Ava could care less.
The gods are here.
She couldn’t get those words out of her head.
Caterina walked to the mirror with such grace, it caught everyone’s eyes. “Honey, stop squirming about. The beautician will prick you soon and I won’t blame her when she does.”
She stopped by Ava’s side, next to the small stage that rose her off the ground. The dress skirt draped just over the edge in black waves of soft cotton. Caterina gently touched Ava’s shoulder and ran fingers down the cape. “They put a hideous logo on the back”
Ava rolled her eyes. The Council stamped a bird on the material with threatening wings. It was the AVA Logo. Those old geezers did this on purpose, to remind her where she belonged—at the bottom of that desecrated laboratory.
“It makes me feel like a cartoon character,” Ava said, then reached for her hair. The beautician snapped her away. “Don’t even get me started on this hair.”
They spun it up into a perfecting crown, and plopped it on top of her head just to further prove their point. She was dressed like a princess, far from a general at war. Was the Council trying to make Amaranthine an enemy, or display Ava as one? They should be worried about the war, not playing dress-up.
The gods are here.
Her mom sighed as she plucked a stray hair out from the crown. The beautician didn’t snap at her, further annoying Ava. “At least they were smart enough to let you wear flats. I thought you were going to kill yourself, stumbling around in those heels.”
“Heels are not meant for dancing. And neither is this cape.” Ava flicked it away. “I think they're really trying to kill me this time.”
Capes were dangerous, they were a villain’s ultimate weakness, and this one exposed her neck. Thank the stars she remembered to put a plaster on over the curse mark.
“This is an unwanted accessory,” Ava said.
“Speaking of which.” Caterina plucked at the gold chain dangling from Ava’s neck “You’re still wearing his necklace. Shouldn’t you be giving this back?”
She knew her mom was unhappy with her, but this necklace was the last thing connecting her to Marc. She couldn’t let it go so soon. Not yet.
Ava pulled the necklace over her head and stuffed it inside her bra. “I promised him I’d wear it for a whole month… and I never break my promises.”
“You made a promise with a man who gave you nothing in return,” her mom said, not whispered. She let the beautician in on their private conversation just to embarrass Ava further. “I thought I raised you better than this.”
Her words stung but Ava didn’t let it show. It’d only prove her point further. After the beautician plucked and finished the last hem, Caterina helped her off the stage. Ava swallowed the hard lump in her throat as she strolled across the Persian carpet. This was it. It was time to accept the twins as her guardians. No turning back now.
The room was small enough it took seconds for them to reach the other side. The door slid open, releasing the scent of firewood burning in a blaze. People bustled about, taking up half the joining room with their own bodies, the other half held equipment for the broadcast and monitors. They temporarily moved the Command Center here.
Caterina briskly walked through, so beautiful in an emerald blue dress. It hugged her curves in all the right places. Everyone parted in waves, gazing and watching her with interest and awe. She looked like a goddess. It put Ava’s whole maybe-god status to shame.
Gregori pecked Caterina’s hand, tenderly. When Ava saw them together, she couldn’t help but imagine them as a real family. Both married, raising Gio and Ava, living at a home by the sea. Living a normal life, carefree. For so many years, Ava dreamed this fantasy, but it would never come true. Gregori was their Commander-in-Chief and Caterina was the most wanted freedom fighter in the universe. The two would never mix, and they would never live at a house by the sea.
But when Marc came into Ava’s life, a new fantasy awoke. With him, she thought it was possible to dream. With him, she saw them by the sea—saw them dancing on the beach, stargazing until they fell asleep. And just like that, she found Marc mingling by the fireplace.
Everything about him seeped with regal and beauty, from the strokes of butterfly paint surrounding his eyes to the starry night fabric draped over his shoulder and back. Pressed with etchings of forever flowers, a thick piece of bark-stained leather hugged his waist. His pants fit snug under the heavy boots straps—sat halfway up his calf. There was so much fabric, he had to be suffocating.
Marc repositioned the mahogany hat-like crown. The same pigmented cloth secured the two swords on both sides of the leather belt. He fiddled with the knot on the sword, stripping it one string at a time. He was nervous and Ava knew why. It’d been years since he last appeared in public dressed as the Crown Prince.
The gods are here.
Or maybe he was nervous because of this new threat.
“You’re gawking,” Gio whispered near her ear. “Please don’t tell me you still like him.”
Gio was as handsome and elegant as always, adorning the same brilliance Caterina did just from standing there. But instead of a dress, he wore a black tux with half the suit jacket sporting the AVA logo. She was starting to hate that logo.
A tight smile stretched across her mouth. “Then what should I be doing? Cut out his heart for breaking mine?”
He wickedly smiled. “That’s a start.”
If given the chance, Gio wouldn’t hesitate to knife Marc. He looked up to Marc as a mentor, yet looked down at him for stringing Ava along for this long. And now that Marc severed the tie, things would only get worse.
The treaty stated they couldn’t physically harm Marc unless they were training. Knowing Gio, he’d take their next training session more serious than most. The last time someone hurt Ava this much, Gio cut their hand off—the reason he became her second guardian. Ava was afraid he’d take it too far this time.
“I’ve liked him for ten years, Gio. I can’t move on that fast.” Like their mom, Ava plucked a stray out of Gio’s hair. The beauticians spun his bun up so professionally it replicated a real crown with blue embedded jewels. “I just need time to heal.”
Gio took her hands, there was a slight tremble in his touch. For the first time, in a long time, Ava really looked at her brother. His hands had gotten so big, shoulders so broad, and eyes vibrant. His stance was full of determination, so when he squeezed her hands she knew something was wrong. It felt like she was losing her brother all over again.
“I’m sorry,” Gio said.
Why was he apologizing?
“Hey, have you guys seen Mika?” Sam yelled out. He maneuvered between people standing by the seating area until he finally reached Ava and Gio. Sam wore the same tux as Gio’s, except he was less tall and was fitted to his skinnier build.
“He’s puking his guts out in the bathroom.” Josh passed by, carrying wires and other electronics in his hands. Since Marc had to be the Crown Prince tonight, Josh was in charge of security and making sure they were all present and in place.
Gio’s face squished in disgust. “Yeah, I didn’t need to know that.”
“He must be a nervous wreck.” Sam sighed. “He might not survive the ballroom.”
I forgot the brat is claustrophobic. There were so many people here. No wonder he was throwing up already. She stood closer to Gio as the tech crew passed by in a hurry.
A faint touch brushed her lower hip. She whipped around. Who has the gulls to touch me in the most inappropriate area? No one was there. People walked by, busy hovering over the monitors and eating a round of snacks brought in by the Capitols assistant chef.
“What’s wrong?” When Ava’s gaze met Marc’s, her heart ached once more. He stood off to the side, tugging at his ornate collar. “Did something happen?”
Gio and Sam left. She had no idea where they disappeared to, but now she was alone with Marc. Tears threatened to spill. She swallowed them back down. She couldn’t make a scene in front of all these people. Hold yourself together.
“It’s nothing.” Ava looked away. She focused on everything and anything but him and that Amaranthine crest sewn into his crown. The golden tree shined so brilliantly, it felt like it was mocking her. And to think she loved trees.
Marc reached towards her hand, but changed his mind. He squeezed his fingers together into a tight fist, wrinkling his gloves. “After this is over we should talk.”
When their eyes met, she lost her breath. He stood closer, a hairs-length away. His heat wrapped her in a tight embrace, and he didn’t wear his specs. It’s been ten years since he came to Earth. Since his beauty captured her heart. This was just like the first time they met.
She recalled falling off the tree in the garden’s forest and landing on top of him. How for years, they went to that same forest to watch the winter flowers bloom. He made her happy. He used to make her laugh all the time. When did that change?
The memories broke her heart all over again. She still wasn’t ready to talk to him.
Darious took hold of Marc’s shoulder, gripping into the silky material. Marc clenched his jaw. “They’re calling us to the front. We shouldn’t keep them waiting.” Darious took a quick glance at Ava’s dress. “You clean up well.”
Unlike Marc, Darious’ outfit was subtle and had less starry fabric hanging off his arms and body. No crown, just a small pin of the Amaranthine crest stuck on his straight collar. He was dressed as a Diplomatic Ambassador, Ava assumed, and looked nothing like a god. But then, what did a god really look like?
He still wore that damn golden mask. “I guess you’re okay yourself.”
His conniving grin dropped before ushering Marc away into the crowd. Ava wiped away a stray tear that got loose. Thank the stars for waterproof makeup or her mom would have killed her for ruining it.
Time to suck it up and lock away these feelings. She had a duty to uphold as General of the UFE. Ava stood taller and walked into the sea of people. But she didn’t make it far. A hand grabbed her by the shoulder, nearly yanked the cape off.
When Ava turned around this time, she found the culprit standing an arm's length away. “Hey, where am I supposed to stand?” Mika asked.
He fidgeted with his gloves and soon his tie became a mess. He was a nervous wreck. Even his hair had a few wild strands, but it was styled back exactly like Sam’s. The whole outfit was the same. It was eerie how they looked so identical even at this age.
She yanked on his faintly patterned tie and tried fixing it. “You can’t go out there looking like a train wreck. Your entire planet will be watching.”
His mouth pressed into a straight line. “Not helping.”
Untying and retying, it looked better now as Ava tightened the knot. She dug around his collar, fixed his hair and tucked the tie under the dark vest. Thank the stars Caterina taught her how to tie a tie, but she thought she’d be fixing Marc’s one day, not Mika’s.
Even as she finished, Mika continued to shake.
“I have stage fright, too. But you know what helps me? Focusing on one object or person the entire time,” Ava said. “You’re a prince, so don’t forget to hold your head up high even when you’re faking it.”
When she finished, Ava patted the tie and met his gaze. His eyes were deep and soft, full of warmth. She was taken back, and not for the first time, flutters stirred inside.
Gio called Mika over. He glanced back and said, “I’ll tell them to make you laugh then. They’re better at it than me.”
But he always made her laugh.
Her eyes stayed glued to his retreating form. To his fidgeting hands. To his laugh when Gio told a joke. Fluttered. She clenched the material over her stomach. This feeling …
“All right! Let's get this show on the road!” Josh shouted. “Ava, don’t forget. Ten seconds! We need ten seconds!”
The jitters rapidly took over, causing fear and anxiety to bubble up her throat. Afraid she might barf, Ava gave him the thumbs up. she couldn’t mess this up. Focus.
The double doors opened and one by one everyone walked out. Ava took a deep breath while waiting for her turn. Polite clapping echoed through the hall as her soon-to-be guardians stationed themselves across the center stage. Classical music drifted in the ballroom, the theme of their little production.
When the tune changed, Ava held her head high, took a deep breath, and stepped out into the blinding lights.
She couldn’t hear the applause. Couldn’t see the crowds of people. Couldn’t taste the blood on her tongue when she bit down too hard.
She felt her heartbeat. Felt the cold stares of the Council. Felt Marc’s gaze as she took each step at a time until she stood center stage.
Gio and the twins kneeled like knights, their gaze met the floor while Ava’s right hand greeted the silent air.
The Bō appeared in a flash, sending vibrations up her flats and power surging through her skin. In front of the world, the entire planet of Amaranthine, she exposed the true power of this beautiful weapon through its staff form. A gift Amaranthine bestowed to Earth.
Ava slammed the staff down on the stage. Everything came back into focus.
Energy bust through the crowd and flowed like ocean waves. Polite applause erupted into chaotic screams and cheers. Their reactions were riveting, shocking, and amazing. Her confidence soared.
Ava flicked the cape out at the Council and confidently strutted down the row of kneeling mischiefs. She stopped in front of Gio and twirled the staff. When she pointed the tip right at him, he smirked and she responded with narrowed eyes.
Soon a waft of power enveloped his body, caressed his skin. It was both mesmerizing and powerful, convincing enough that no one questioned her. Everyone believed this power was the source of calling forth their weapon, but it was Ava’s own ability that gave them this strength. An ability from her heart.
Ten seconds. Ten seconds was a long time to wait for the camera to switch to a repeated image so Amaranthine didn’t witness the truth. It was also long enough for her idiot brother to make a face and try to get her to laugh.
When time was up, Ava knelt before him and took his chin a little too rough to give him a kiss on the forehead. A bit of her own energy left through her lips and gifted him the ability to call his own weapon. No longer would they have to rely on Ava. They could fight without her there. They could leave on a wild goose chase looking for the Black Rabbit, and she’d be right there with them. Right by their sides. Always.
They grew close over these past three weeks. Regardless of how she felt about the twins, they wormed their way into her heart. She worried about them, cared for them, and they cared for her, too. At this rate, they’d be friends soon—a new weakness for Ava.
After she finished pecking Sam, Mika tensed. His shoulders trembled and kept his gaze focused on the floor. A prince should have his head raised high. Right after the little display with her staff, Ava took his chin and whispered, “Just focus on me.”
And he did. Mika watched her as she gently kissed his forehead, watched as she backed away, and watched as she knelt before them out of respect to her guardians.
Ava’s guardians rose off the ground and stuck out their palms, called forth their weapons one by one, and raised them up in the air for everyone to see. The black blades shined beneath the chandelier lighting. She was awestruck.
Gio glanced back and waved at her. It took Ava a moment to understand what he wanted and became obvious when the twins looked back. Ava walked over and stood next to Gio with her staff. The blinding lights dimmed, exposing the hundreds of party attendees smiling and cheering between the camera flashes. So far, so good.
Multiple footsteps approached from behind, catching Ava off guard. As Gregori walked to the front, Caterina stood by his side, making her first public appearance on camera. The gasps from the Council echoed Ava’s heart, but they continued lounging in their thrones instead of acting. It was too late to stop them now.
“Henceforth, as of today in the year 2144, the unification of Earth and Amaranthine is once again reinforced by joining two of their own, Prince Samir and Prince Mikaela, royal heirs to the Amaranthine throne. And two of our own, General Avalyn Concerto and Prince Giovanni de la Prim of the royal Primordial bloodline.”
Her heart stopped.
They knew Primordial was watching. Why else would Gregori announce this over a live broadcast? And if anyone questioned whose child this was, their mom’s presence explained it all. Primordial knew Caterina all too well.
Gregori paused a little longer than usual. The Councilors’ murmurs could only be heard on stage, and for once, Ava agreed with them. This was treacherous.
“Now, let this be a day of celebration and remembrance of those who have fallen.” His fist slammed against his heart in salute. “We fight for love. We fight for honor. We fight to live. We stand as one!”
“Salud!” The crowd cheered, raising their wine glasses in a toast as most salute over their hearts to the Commander and the UFE’s heartfelt words.
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Machine translated novelAN: First of all, this novel is machine translated novel so it's really have a poor translation that can make your eye hurt and make you puke blood especially if you're good in English. The reason why I'm posting it is because I also want to read this novel but the translation in novel updates are too slow to update so I have no choice but to MTL it. If you don't like poor translated novel, I suggest that you search other books or you read this novel in novelupdates. I posted it for the sake of sharing good novel to read, I'm not being paid for this so I hope I wont read comments complaining to me about the translation being so bad or poor when I always put MTL on the title. Thank you.Jiang Nian used to be an actress. One day, she died and became a quester for the Lord God. Her task is to collect aura of a female lead and prevent each world from collapsing.It's just that every time there is a lot of twists and turns, however, the most troublesome thing for Jiang Nian is that once the female aura rises to 60, it won't rise anymore! What will Jiang Nian have to do to get a breakthrough?
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