《DeadEnd's Isekai》Chapter 10: The young gravedigger.


After the brief recovery in the forest from the ambush that was the medicinal tea, the two were talking to each other wondering why Lilith poisoned them, while walking back to the ruined town. “Maybe it was some sort of joke?” Alvar suggested, looking up at the sky which now was a few shades darker as dusk slowly began to settle in.

Alphine turned his face to his blue-skinned elf friend before opening his mouth “Do you really think she’s the type of person to pull pranks, the husk of a human loli?!” he replied with his arms crossed. “Well you know she isn’t a people person, so maybe she just wanted to show her appreciation that we're here, someone to talk to?” elf suggested again, looking like he was grasping at straws to the human.

The messy-haired boy sighed ”So you’re telling me that the way she shows appreciation is by giving us tea that will make us shit our guts out?” he asked, the elf looked back at the human boy “Well if she wanted us dead, wouldn’t she just kill us while we’re sleeping?” the elf wondered.

Alphine began to think about the situation “So this whole tea thing happened after she saw Alvar and me hold hands, meaning that she must be jealous of our friendship…” his eyes widened as the pieces just began to fit “I mean Lilith did mention that she has no friends and maybe Alvar was onto something with the whole appreciation thing, so she tried to give us tea to make us friends with her…so maybe if we actually become friends, she’ll stop trying to poison us!”

As they made it back to the place they called home, the red-eyed boy told his dark-haired friend his theory. “Okay I guess that makes some sense, so any idea of showing Lilith that we’re friends with her?” the elf asked looking at the human boy who now was sitting against the wall with his hands behind his head and his eyes closed “We’ll if we instantly act all friendly it might look fake, so maybe we should do a relationship-building exercise like…camping!”


“I guess that could work.” Alvar sighed, hoping that his friend's plan would work. The room fell silent “Well I’m glad you’ll ask her if she wants to come.” they both said in unison, “Ok, instead of arguing I got a plan” Alphine said.

Lilith was walking over to the pile of corpses that was in one of the ruined houses beside her one. The pile wasn’t all that big most of the corpses were turned to ash due to the flames, she shoved some of the adult corpses to get the children's ones buried first, the girl's eyes widen as she saw a face she recognized causing her to start thinking of the past.

It was a boring day like always, she raised her butcher knife up into the air before slamming it into her victim's neck creating a loud thud noise as the head fell down on the ground, she bent down to pick up the villager’s head “Sorry about that…” she apologized quietly while cleaning the dirt off the man’s head. After a few minutes, she had the man chopped up. “Hey, kid you got the next one!?, I don’t pay you for notin’.” an old man’s voice called out.

“Yes, sir Grave-master!” she said, quickly throwing the body parts into the large earthrake sack she used to carry human parts. The dirty-pink-haired girl slowly made her way to the door, earthrake sack in hand. She shoved the door open seeing the old man in his usual clothing, a long grey coat which clearly seen better days, greyish brown boots, and an ash-colored flat cap. The old man was sitting on one of the tombstones while pointing to a hole before returning to his favorite pastime of smoking from his smoking pipe.

Once she reached the hole, the girl began to put the chopped-up parts of the man’s body neatly into the grave, she did need the help of the Grave master with the villager’s torso. She walked back into the wooden shed to grab a shovel, she came back to the hole and began to bury the man’s body. “Oh look it’s Lilith, the stinky gravedigger.” a young girl's voice called out followed by two other voices laughing. The young gravedigger turned her head to see no one else but Aleid and her two snob friends.


The insults from Aleid were all too common by now however the dirty-pink-haired girl turned her head away from the young noble and continued to bury the parts of the man’s corpse realizing that if she insulted the noble child in any way it would most likely be her grave that would be dug.

Due to the lack of response from the gravedigger, she turned to her next target the old grave master she was about to say something however she decided not to when she saw the old man’s dead stare piercing her eyes.

The young noble decided to stick her tongue out at the dirty-pink-haired gravedigger before continuing to make her way to wherever she was going. After the first corpse of the day was buried, the girl started the process for the next, then the next, and soon the time started to fly.

“Right that’s enough for today.” the old grave master said before standing up from the tombstone and walking over to his home, as soon as she placed the shovel back into the shed she quickly ran to catch up with the old man. Once they reached his home he hung his grey coat up on a rack before sitting down on a chair and reading a book.

The girl went to her room, walking over to the bed before collapsing on said bed.

She picked up Aleid’s body from the pile and began carrying it to the hole she dugout. On further inspection, half of her body was burnt. Lilith gently dropped her into the hole before placing a flower on her body. The pink-haired girl then grabbed the shovel and began to bury her semi-burnt corpse.

Once she finished burying her past bully, she went back to her house to take a quick breath before burying the next body. She now was sitting on the ground reading through her plant book. The door began to knock so she opened it to see the human and the elf. “Wanna go camping friend!?”Alphine said with a wide smile and eyes that looked like they were trying to jump out.

“ehh sure why not.” Lilith said with an awkward smile.

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