《DeadEnd's Isekai》Chapter 3: Like Rain in the Desert.


“What makes you think, that a child like you could break out,” Alvar whispered into Alphine’s ear. “Listen, I’ll tell you my plan in our cell I don’t want the guards,” Alphine replied looking straight into his cell-mate's eyes. Alvar sighed going back to mining the hard rocks.

After the usual mining period ended the two met back at their cell. Alphine walked over to his bed and was about to sit down however this was interrupted by Alvar “Right so what’s your plan” he folded his arms. Alphine pointed upwards at the rock that acted as their ceiling “If you notice there are some cracks in the ceiling this could mean…”

He put his thumb under his chin “That the cave isn’t too deep underground since the weather affected it this badly” Alphine explained pointing at the sizeable cracks in the ceiling. His pointy-eared cell-mate “Still what are you going to use to break the ro-” It suddenly clicked in Alvars head, he looked over to the grinning Alphine.

Alvar tightened his fists and started walking over to his messy-haired cell-mate. Alphine stood up but with the force of a hundred bulls got punched in the face, the impact of Alvar’s fist against his cell mate’s face sent Alphine flying. “You fucking retard, they’ll kill you like him!” he cried, looking at Alphine laying on the ground “Why do you think I told you about my plan?” Alphine coughed.

Alvar looked at the ground thinking back to his past “Listen here, you're not strong enough to break out, so I’ll train you!” He exclaimed looking straight into Alphine's soul, Alphine looked at his cell-mate and gave him a thumbs up.

The next day Alphine had to do something that he feared like the plague something that would scare many shut-ins alike, the bane of every gamer, physical exercise. Alvar was counting how many pushups his cell-mate did “one and a half” Alphine collapsed to the ground with a pitiful thud “Can we take a break” Alphine cried out, Alvar crossed his arms and shrugged “Sure we can take a break from push-ups -” His cell-mates face was filled with joy and colours “thanks ma-”, “lift the bed” Alvar said in a serious tone, pointing at the stone slab behind Alphine.


Alphine opened his eyes wondering what the fuck was his cell-mate on, was he hungry and decided to eat the shrooms in the corner of the cell. “You're joking right?” He said in a shaky tone, looking up at his oppressor, Alvar squinted his eyes and shook his head. “Breaking out of the cell won’t kill me, you will!” Alphine thought to himself.

One week later, Alvar didn’t give up on his promise much to Alphine’s sorrow, “Ten, not too bad kid.” Alvar said giving his cell-mate a genuine thumbs up, this was quite the improvement since he was barely able to lift a small rock with his hands just a few days back.

The tsunami of sweat that left Alphine’s body made him look like a fossil, he was going to thank Alvar for the complement however all that came out was a cough. He got up and sat down on his bed “So do you know where we are?” he asked looking at his cell-mate.

“Not really, however, I heard the guards talk about how blazingly hot it’s outside, so I’d guess we are in the Gerinfau region, why are you asking?” Alvar lifted a brow. “I was wondering how common rain would be in this place since soft rock would be easier to mine if it got weakened by the rain” Alphine replied. “Yeah…the chances of rain here are similar to the chance that the guards will just let us go,” Alvar said, stretching his arms and legs.

Alphine collapsed down on his bed, he sighed “Well no one said breaking out will be easy.” he said to himself.

One month later, The two were at the food area, by now Alphine got used to the “food” he got served, His hair got slightly longer, and much to his surprise he had grown a bit taller. Alvar was eating his meal, “Hey I was wondering, who were you talking about when you punched me?”

Alvar’s cavesprout sludge became extra salty after a few tears splashed into it “They took him, those bastards took him for being too weak!” He clenched his fists and opened his mouth.


A few years back, “Hey bro where are we?” asked Adair, “I don’t know” A visibly younger Alvar replied looking straight ahead. The two got shoved into their cell. Alvar felt the rough ground he looked up at the beast-man that was the guard “LET US GO WE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING, LET US GO!” he cried.

“Shut the hell up!” The boar-looking beast-man yelled at the boys, he took a step back allowing the Warden to have a look at the two “Heya, welcome to the mines, what are your names?” Alvar and Adair held each other, with each step the warden took they moved back slightly.

“Ohh, not too talkative that's fine, I hope you’ll be ready to mine for the entire day tomorrow.” with a giggle and a wave of her hand their cell got closed and locked while the Warden was walking away. “Are we going to be okay?” cried Adair, “Of course, I promised dad that I’ll be tough for you!” Alvar’s grip on his little brother tightened. The two fell asleep and when they got woken up by the sounds of whips “Everyone out of their cells and get to work!” a voice called out.

Alvar and his little brother made their way to the mining area by following the other slaves. He grabbed the pickaxe before looking at his little brother “You don’t have to mine” he said. Alvar started mining away twice the amount of rocks he’d was going to mine to make up for his brother not working.

“Hey, you kid, start mining” a guard called out pointing at Adair, who was behind Alvar’s leg “Sir you don’t understand he’s si-” for the first time in his life Alvar felt what a whip against skin feels like “Who the fuck asked you? Get back to work!” the guard yelled at him. Alvar was scared but decided to mine away at the rocks.

Later at their cell Alvar dropped to his knees “I’m sorry, that I couldn’t protect you.” He felt a small hand on his head “It’s fine.” Alvar felt tears form under his eyes, thinking back to his promise to their father.

Alvar wasn’t lying about Adair being sick. the guards also noticed but they didn’t care, then one day a guard yelled at Adair and said “What, are you that retarded that you can’t use a pickaxe?!” he laughed. Alvar grabbed the pickaxe’s head and stabbed their neck shoving it deeper into their flesh, releasing a shower of red across the room.

“S-So-Someone get this kid, now!” An army of guards jumped at Alvar and threw him into a different cell. This cell was dark. He heard the voice of the Warden across the door talking to a guard “It should be fine now we took the brat’s brother so he shouldn’t have any more episodes like that.”

Now in the present time, Alvar was still crying into his food, his eyes widen when he felt the grip of Alphine’s hands on his back “you fucking retard you were trying to protect him you kept your promise!” Alvar closed his eyes.

A few months later Alphine was laying on the dirty ground of the cell. He just finished his round of push-ups and it would be an understatement to say he felt exhausted. “Any plans, dude?” Alvar asked looking outside of their cell while sitting on the bed with his knee bent to keep his balance.

“Not really man-” He replied.

Just then a single water droplet fell on Alphine’s face.

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