
Dear readers,

Sadly, there will be no chapter today since Occidendum underwent a rather exciting change and became an exclusive original on a different website. (Join our Discord for more information).

I have been planning on doing a rewrite for a few weeks now and because of this change, I decided to finally go through with it. But I don’t want to leave everyone hanging in the middle of an arc, so the rest of the first volume will be available on the new website this coming Friday.

Starting next week, a new chapter will be released every Friday at 20:00 PM CET. Readers that have been keeping up with the story thus far, I highly encourage you to read the rewritten chapters as well, since many plot points, characters and chapters will change.

I want to thank every single one of you for the kind words of encouragement and assistance. Occidendum wouldn’t be where it is now without your help. I hope you will continue to enjoy the story even in the future.



Discord Link: https://discord.gg/7MVtxVn9

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