《Repeat》17. Defending the Underground City.
We need to hurry. I don’t know about the order to evacuate the people to the center of the city. I’ve got to believe in Mada. But, my concern right now is not the town, it’s Fiona. She broke as she heard that Ado had been killed by that woman. The closest person I ever had are the people of the desert. But, we were just playing around and did nothing so we were not so close. I didn’t really know about such bond. I’m starting to think about the current life I have. If I were to lose Mada and Erfia, am I going to be okay? Well, maybe I still if it Mada but I can’t really picture it if I lose Erfia.
Most people that stay in the city are non-combatant. If they get captured, only god knows what will happen to them. Sometimes, I try to look into the direction of the main building where Mada and Therion fight. But there’s nothing that can be seen from out here. Almost thirty minutes since Mada and Therion fights, only another thirty minutes until the army of the government come. At the current pace, it will need another 15 minutes to completely evacuate the people to the center of the city.
While the people are being evacuated, the guards try to make a fire and enchant a defensive magic. But, apparently none of them is good enough at using magic. All their effort is gone in less than a minute.
“Erfia, we need your help. We need to make a wall made of rock around the city to hindrance the enemy movement. Follow my incantation and then imagine a rock reaching out from the ground around the city. Alright?”
“Okay.” Erfia nods her head as she answers me.
~The Earth is my ally. This ally of yours is truly in need of help. Lend this ally of yours to defend herself. Wall of Petra~
As soon as Erfia has done with her incantation. A wall of rock rises around the city border. This way, it will buy us some time. The guards also prepared all sorts of long range weapon such as gun, arrow, and explosive spear.
What the? What’s happening?
Everybody that hear the sound, look at the source which is the main building in the center of the city. The building is collapsing, and some dust is raising to the side of the city. We can see something come out of the dust fast and let us see none of the figures.
~Blarr blarr~
The sound of explosions and collapsing buildings is getting worse. Their fight cause that damage? Now I see why Mada wanted us to evacuate the people to the center of the city. So, he can fight with nothing holding him back.
“Wow, dad is great. He manages to push the dragon girl to the corner.”
Wait, what? It seems Erfia can see their fight even though I can’t. Even she manages to catch the figure of Therion which may be transformed into a beast man type dragon. Beast man type dragon should be the strongest and mightiest beast man ever exists. They have power, speed, intelligence, and even elemental attack.
I want to see it. I want to see their fight. You don’t see a battle between one word titled every day. But, then I try to hold myself. Even if you can’t see it every day, with Mada around I’ll be sure to see it another time.
“HAHAHAHA, IS THAT THE BEST YOU’VE GOT?” I let out a burst of laugh as I parry her attack and send a lot of attack.
She stops in some building and takes a breather. She’s breathing so fast. “You bastard!”
“JUST GIVE UP ALREADY!” I yell at her. “Your resistance is futile.”
As expected, by revealing my true identity, she’s not focusing enough to fight. I can guess she doesn’t even realize that she’s a bit scared or nervous. It seems she killed Evangeline and the other form she has by a sneak attack. That’s a beast man type cat specialty. But, they’re not too good at one-on-one fight. That’s why I made all the people evacuate to the center of the city. To prevent her from taking other form and hide.
She’s scared and nervous. Even if it’s just a little, it created a small opening in her move. By that opening, I could let out an air explosion. My air explosion didn’t get to instant-kill her but at least it made Evangeline form couldn’t be used anymore. Since I defeated her Evangeline form, she couldn’t put up a meaningful fight. Even I don’t have to change into another weapon. I’m still using the same Pair of Dragon and Phoenix. Right now she’s using beast man type dragon to fight against me. Unfortunately, that’s not so effective. It seems Evangeline is her strongest form. She must be exhausted from using the Perfect Role Play too much by now.
Well, few of the God Items is not using any mana but they take a lot of concentration and thinking. Take The Keeper for an example. Every time I take anything or put anything inside it, I need to picture the whole place as a big castle that each section has their own place. With the perfect memory curse, I do this easily. But if I intend to put living being inside of it, it is totally differen. That’s why, I only manage to put Erfia and Reis for 5 minutes inside of it.
The Perfect Role Play needs its user to visualize the image of herself becoming another person and the ring took the rest of it. But still, it’s not that easy to imagine yourself as another person and fighting as them. That’s the most exhausting part. Of course, this will make the movement became less efficient and waste a lot of energies.
She’s a persistent bitch.
“I’m still fighting as Mada Jeian of the Vorks, Mada the Black Dealer. If you can’t even defeat me while I’m still on my two words nobody, how do you expect to fight one word fugitive, Mada the Raider?”
I try to destroy her hope of defeating me, and it’s pretty effective. She lets go of her weapon and down on her knee. I can see her face show nothing anymore. She’s in despair.
“Then, let me show you the full power of the Perfect Role Play.”
Suddenly, a pillar of light is emerging from her body. The pillar emerges to the point of touching the ceiling of this underground city.
Finally, she’s using it. The next level of the Perfect Role Play is to combine anything the ring has. In other word, a chimera. Finally, the light is dispersed and I can see, I don’t know, I can’t describe it. A four pairs of light wing, the hand of a beast man type lion, the human face, demon horn, elf ear, torso of undead, leg of a beast man type cheetah.
“With this, I’ll kill you at ease.”
Therion talks and then attacks me. Normally, a beast man type cheetah has a very high speed. But with that huge and heavy body, it’s not working at all. Her attack is so slow, even if I dispel the Blood Transformation I can still avoid it. But, the power of the beast man type lion is still intact, so I can’t be too careless and let myself get a hit.
I jump back few steps to make a gap between us.
A lightning is appearing on her demon horn. With the feature of an elf, even only its ear, she can draw mana from nature like any other elf. She shoots the lightning and I avoid it. Even if I can hold it with my shield, the shock of the electricity could disable some of my movement. The human face is the only thing that has no use. I leap toward her and swing my sword lance. But with her angel wing, she’s flying and leave me in the ground.
“Huh, that’s it. I’m putting this to an end.”
I put the power in my body to focus on my foot and propel myself toward her. With Speed of Wind, I eradicate every friction in my way and reach her. I hit her with my shield and take her to the air. In that short moment, I cut her left hand and her left leg. Finally, when we stop in the air, I hit her right body with my shield and make her turn back. I slash her back and the light wing disappears.
Angel light wing is connected directly to their back. So, if you hurt the back, their light wing will become less or disappear.
As she lose her ability to fly, we’re falling to the ground. Her body is slowly being consumed by light and then she’s back to her real body. A cat girl without left hand and left leg. I take her in my shield, and I’m slowing our fall by adding the air friction to the max and lessen the ground friction to make us slide a little. We land harmless. I put her on the ground and point my sword lance to her face.
“Ple, please. Have mercy.”
“Mercy? Did you show any to the little child you killed to infiltrate this place? Did you show any to any living being you killed to take their form? I don’t think so.”
But the decision is not in me. I put my sword lance on my shield and take a fire stone from the keeper. It’s hot so I just take it and put it on the ground.
“AHHHH!!!!” She screams as loud as she can.
I put the fire stone to her hand and her feet that I cut to stop the bleeding. If not, she’ll be dead by blood loss in no time. I lower my body and take the Perfect Role Play and put it in my ring finger. The moment I put it on my finger I can see all the memories of the form this ring took. All of it is pouring into my head.
Now my right hand has 3 rings on it, mana storage ring, the Perfect Role Play, and the Keeper. I put my right hand on her head and cast a spell.
~By the will of the human and demon, who gave the right to take others live and right, this being in front of me will lose all of her right. With this, I put you under my slavery contract and your life belongs to me.~
She’s my slave now. But I have no intention of taking her as my slave. I just need it to conceal her power. When someone becomes your slave, you’ve got the power to make that person submit to you completely. So, if I want to, I can make her kill herself or conceal her power just by willing it. I don’t really like making someone submits to me by using slave magic. I lost all the joy if I did it. So, if I want to kill them, I’d like to kill them with my own hand. I rarely have someone as my slave, so I often forgot I could make them shut up and just use my hand to do it like what happen to Reis in An Saia.
I put the Pair of Dragon and Phoenix back in the Keeper and took my favorite longbow, the Pointing Tip of Desperation. There’s no way out of this mess if I’m not using my armament as Mada the Raider. I put the fire stone back to the Keeper and then I take Therion in my left shoulder.
“I’m not the one who’s going to decide your fate.”
I need to go to the center of the city. Just in 5 jumps, I manage to reach the center of the city where the people have been evacuated. When I arrive, Reis and Erfia welcome me.
“Dad, are you okay?” Erfia asks me with a worry face.
Even if she’s worry, I can see a little of joy in her face.
“Yes, I’m okay.” I turn my gaze toward Reis, “Reis, where’s Fiona?”
“I’m here.”
A voice emerges from the crowd. I can see Fiona walks slowly with a pale face. I can’t blame her. She just found that her little boy had been killed for some time. I throw Therion in front of her and I move the slave bind magic toward her. When I move the slave bind magic, I can see the thread in my right hand is gone and it appears in Fiona’s hand. Moving it is a simple task, I just wish it and then it will move by itself. Making and moving a slave bind magic consumes a small amount of mana but removing it by force took about five times more mana.
Therion can’t move at all, her body is just shaking. Neither does Fiona. She’s just standing. Doing nothing. Her eyes only have Therion in it. It’s normal if she wants a revenge, and now she’s given the chance to do it.
“She’s all yours. Do what you want.”
I turn my back and Erfia and Reis follow me. “Now we have to defeat the army that’s approaching this place.”
“There’s about five thousand peoples coming. 2,000 from the north tunnel and 1,000 each from west, south, and east.” Erfia lets out some information at me.
I just stand there with my mouth open wide. It’s no different for Reis. Both of us simply surprised.
I lower my body and look into Erfia. I can see she’s confident enough with her statement. “How did you know about it?”
“By using the rock wall that Erfia created, Erfia used another spell taught by Aunt Arianna. By this spell Erfia can detect any movement within 2 kilometers radius from the rock wall that Erfia summoned.”
Wow, what did Arianna taught to this little girl? Maybe putting her in Ariana care will make her the strongest magician ever. But, I can’t really put Erfia in her care since I’m her father. If that’s the case, I need a magician in this party to teach her magic. But it can wait.
Right now I have this very important info in my hand. Five thousand people, that’s not too much. But the main problem is they’re coming from 4 different directions. Even if I kill the 2000 people, the other 3000 will reach this place and destroy everything.
I stand and take a deep breath to let out a loud voice. “ALL GUARDS, ASSEMBLE!”
In just a short moment, all the guards already stand in front of me. Only 50 guards left. So, the remaining 10 thousand on the surface? They didn’t think of losing, did they?
“Tell me, how much explosive spear and arrow do you have left?” I ask them.
“There’s a hundred explosive spear and at least two hundred explosive arrows left. The rest of it is just a normal spear and arrow and close range gun.” One guard answer me.
So there are 300 explosive projectiles. There are only ten beast mans type tiger and lion. They can throw a spear up to a kilometer at most. Five beast mans type wolf with 500 meters at most. The rest is just a mole, hyena, dog, and normal beast man with the reach of 200 to 400 meters at most. My Pointing Tip of Desperation could manage 3 kilometers. Then, about the arrow. With a beast man strength, they could reach 700 to 1000 meters.
The city is about 7 km in diameter at most. It is only 1/20 of the capital’s total area.
I turn and lower my body.
“Erfia, how much times left before they arrived?”
“About ten minutes.”
I stand back and face them.
“You heard her, 10 minutes remaining. Tiger and Lion beast man type, use explosive spear and throw it into the enemy at the east tunnel. The rest take explosive arrow and divide into two groups, attack the enemy in the south and west tunnel. Take everything else to anticipate close range battle. I’ll take the north tunnel. Attack when the enemies at sight. No question asked! DO IT NOW!”
They quickly disperse and go to their designated area. It seems they have no question about my capability after all I’ve done since I came to this city a few years ago. We’re pretty lucky to have the tunnel as the entrance. The biggest tunnel in the north only 50 meters wide and the other only 30 meters. The narrow tunnel won’t let them move as they pleased.
“Reis, you stay here in case some of the enemies pass the border.”
The enemy is a beast man, not a human. With their speed and agility, there’s always a possibility for them to pass. I try to look back into Fiona. She’s still standing with no movement. It seems she’s having some kind of fight inside her head.
I put my head close to Reis to whisper something, “If Fiona tries to kill her, kill Therion beforehand. It seems she’s not ready to kill someone.”
I put a distance between us so I can see her face.
Reis nods slowly.
“Erfia, remove the rock barrier in the north gate so I can defeat them earlier.”
“Okay dad.”
“I’m off.”
I jump and leap through the buildings. I need to go to the border of the city which takes me about 10 jumps. When I arrive at the north side, the rock wall has already gone and it’s showing me a tunnel. I take one explosive spear from the Keeper and take aim.
I’m waiting.
Finally, when the banner of the enemy is in sight, I unleash the first explosive spear.
An explosion is heard, so does a scream of the army. The tunnel has been reinforced with metal so it won’t collapse just by that one explosion. But, I’m not so sure if I shoot continuously. I take another explosive spear and continue to shoot. I see nothing but explosions in my sight. Few minutes have passed and I stop shooting. At least 70 explosive spears have been shot. I take another explosive spear and prepare another shoot.
I’m waiting.
No response or anything. I hold my spear for normal use and I run toward them. I see nothing but burned corpses. It seems nothing left. But, I see something disturbing. Their armor is not the government armor. It’s the rebellion armor. The flag, it’s also the rebellion. But the weapon they were using is not the rebellion's, it’s the government.
Oh no, it can’t be. I hurry and run back to the center of the city. Some of the rebellion army have been killed by these armies. The government took their banner and armor so they can reach the border closer. It is too late if the guards realize it by their weapon. The enemy is too close, and they won’t be able to use an explosive spear.
~Blarr blarr~
The first explosion comes from the south gate but it comes from inside the border. It means they managed to cross the border by using this strategy. I look far ahead with my blood transformation. The battle has been changed into close range battle rather than destroying them with explosive projectile. I stand in the center of the city. I take another aim to the south gate. The enemy has breached for about a kilometer, it means the distance from this place is 2.5 kilometers. I can take them.
I shoot my first arrow and one explosion appears in the rear of the army. Few more shoots and explosions are heard. I take another aim. But the rest of the army is fighting with the guards. There’s no way I can kill the enemy without killing the guards. Using a normal spear can only kill 3 people at most with one shot. It’s not effective at all.
~Blarr blarr~
Finally another explosion heard from the west and east gate. The explosion in the east occurred outside of the border so I can assume the trick is failed. But the explosion in the west occurred inside of the border. Now there are two places with the enemy inside the border.
I take another aim to the west. But before I could shoot into the enemy, a big fireball has been shot into the center of the city. I have no choice but to shoot it. My explosive spear and the fireball collide in the air and create an explosion. I take no time to stop and keep on shooting. The rear army of the west is destroyed, but just like the south, the remaining is too close to the rebel army. I take a look into the east and see nothing left of the enemies. The beast man type lion and tiger in the east are dividing themselves into two, south and west.
They stop for a moment and then reunite to the south. Now, I need to annihilate the enemies in the west. I put my Pointing Tip of Desperation back to the Keeper and take two swords from it. I put the swords in my right and left hand.
These two swords are nothing like a twin sword or some pair swords. The sword in my right hand is the burning sword. It has a length of one meter and has two sides. The halt has some red gem on it. Just like the names, it creates a burn injury to anything it touches. While the sword in my left hand is the razor wind. It has shorter length, 80 cm, also two sided sword. The halt is created from some animal skin and swamp green color. The razor wind creates additional wind slash around it.
I took a goggles from the Keeper and wear it.
~By the will of air, let these feet of mine lay upon your great power. As I say, air barrier.~
I jump back and step on the air. Air Barrier magic allows me to make the air beneath my feet let out a small air explosion that sends me forwards. It’s like, I’m bouncing in the air. With a normal shoes, I can only manage a tiny air explosion. But, with a combination of Blood Transformation and Speed of Wind that’s enough to send me from 0 to 100 km per hour in less than 10 seconds. In just a few seconds I reach the west side.
I bounce to every direction and slash any enemy in sight. One bounce for one enemy. The burning sword makes the enemy burn because of their fur. The razor wind simply lets out a random air slash and kills the enemy with it. It took me about five minutes to kill every remaining enemy. I finally stop in one building and look into the remaining rebellion army. Five people are still standing. If I take two kills for each second, at least I kill 600 enemies in that five minutes.
I’m not really fond of this spell. Air Barrier is nice for a quick and deadly finishing move. But to use it continuously like this is another different matter. It made me exhausted. I bounce back to the center of the city and see the rebel army of the south and east has been eradicated. About 500 people remaining.
~The barrier has been recovered~
I dispel the air barrier and put the Burning Sword and Razor Wind back to the Keeper. I take the Pointing Tip of Desperation and shoot explosive spear to the enemies. Now that the rebel army has been eradicated, I have no worries about friendly fire. I shoot rapidly to any enemies in sight. I even shoot a building to destroy the enemies hiding inside. In just a few minutes, only a hundred live. The remaining is trying to run, but I’m not letting them. I shoot them all until no one is left.
The problem is the people on the surface. It’s been more than 3 hours since their departure. If the government already knew about the attack, I doubt they still stand and fight. I put the Pointing Tip of Desperation back to the Keeper.
I jump back to the people and see Fiona is still standing, making no movement. Therion just closes her eyes without showing any intention of resisting. People are not cheering my coming or celebrate. Well, I get it. The lost is bigger than the gain. I try to walk toward Reis and the others, but apparently my body can’t keep up anymore, so I fall flat on my back.
I try to move my body but it won’t move. But, at least I’m facing the sky, in this case the ceiling of the underground city. I didn’t realize it before but the injury I took from fighting Therion became worse because I used Air Barrier. I can feel the cut that should be small has become somehow bigger and let out an amount of blood. Moving from 0 to 100 km/hour in less than ten seconds is giving a huge blowback to the body.
“Mada, are you okay?”
I can see Reis’s face.
“Please wait dad, I’ll heal you.”
I turn my head to the side to see Erfia. A blue light is covering my entire body. She’s healing me with the same healing spell Ariana used to me when I was in her care. It’s a magic to increase the body metabolism speed. By using it, my body will heal faster but the effect is I’ll be starving when it’s done.
The Defending Battle of Underground Rebel City. Starting from the battle with Therion the Unknown, it took for about 2 hours. The remaining army of the government, 0. Therion the Unknown in no condition to fight anymore. The remaining army of the rebellion, 5. The casualties of the non-combatant, 0. The outsider, 3. The battle has been won by the rebellion army.
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