《The Monster Within》Chapter Nine - ODION
While everyone else in Advanced Functions was busy completing their worksheet, Odion sat at his desk, tapping his finger across his cheek. Sure, he and Apollo got into a heated argument last night, but never in a million years did he expect Apollo to actually pick up his things and leave. And go where? It wasn’t like him to get up and disappear like that—especially in the middle of the night. Odion balled his hand into a fist. What are you planning? The last thing Odion needed was for Apollo to appear on six o’clock news, revealing his demon-like abilities to the world. Being his identical twin, everyone would’ve thought the same of him, which wasn’t the case at all. Maybe I’m just overthinking this shit. Apollo’s probably back at home now, sleeping.
Third-period bell rang.
Odion stormed out of class and headed toward the cafeteria. Lunch couldn’t have come at a better time. It wasn’t going to take his mind off Apollo completely, but it made getting through the day a bit easier.
Using the money Marcella left for him, Odion grabbed two blueberry muffins, a mixed berry nutrition bar, and a small carton of chocolate milk. Even though the smell of pepperoni pizza filled his nostrils, the slices sitting in the oven looked stale, and everything else like the mac ‘n’ cheese and sweet potato fries looked a bit suspect. Ever since the school hired new chefs, the quality of food steadily declined along with the rest of the cafeteria.
For several weeks the lights in the southeast corner flickered nonstop, and the small crack featured on the floor to ceiling windows at the back still hadn’t been fixed. Rumor had it someone whipped a chair across the air during the blackout two months ago and ended up smacking against the window.
Mr. Walters always preached about how they were saving money to build a new, more modern school for their graduating class, but it was quite evident he was only blowing smoke up their asses because he said the same thing at the beginning of grade nine.
Odion took a bite out of his nutrition bar and rested his muffins and chocolate milk on top of the table, scorning at how thick Toki’s bean juice was. It looked like a thick blob of green goo bubbling over his cup. “How could you drink that?”
Toki slapped his cup down and wiped the splotches of juice away from his mustache. “This is the best drink here, and I love when it's nice and thick like this.”
“Yeah, and I love when my women are nice and thick,” Malachi pointed across the cafeteria, “like her.”
Odion and Toki followed his finger, pointing to a girl sitting three tables away. Toki almost choked on his bean juice while Odion’s brows ascended close to his hairline. She had dark-colored skin with long, curly black hair beyond her shoulders. She also wore a light blue denim jacket, with an airbrushed hat that read BOSSLADY. Had Serenity not been in his heart, Odion would’ve been tempted to approach her.
“Yo, that’s a baddie right there,” Malachi said.
“Who is she?” Toki asked. “And why is she sitting all by herself? I should go over there.”
“Nah, fam,” Malachi continued, “I'm going over there.”
“Hang on, let’s settle this the old fashioned way,” Toki said.
“Rock, paper, scissors?” Malachi arched his eyebrows.
“Yup,” Toki said, gesturing his hands for battle.
“Aight, bet,” Malachi said.
“Ah, this should be good,” Odion said, smiling.
“Ready?” Toki asked.
Malachi nodded. “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” He smacked his fist against his palm three times before choosing scissors.
“Son of a!” Toki said, choosing paper. “Dang it!” He banged his fist against the table, causing his bean juice and Odion’s muffins and chocolate milk to jump into the air. “C’mon, best two out of three.”
“Fuck that! I’ll give her your regards.” Malachi shot straight to his feet, rubbing his hands together. “I’m getting those digits!” he said in a horrendous British accent.
Odion and Toki watched as he strolled over toward where she sat, reading. Malachi looked back just before reaching her table, gesturing the “perfect” sign. “How much you wanna bet he’ll walk away empty-handed,” Odion said, watching with curious fascination.
“I’ll pass,” Toki replied. “Losing one bet is enough, but you’re probably right. He’s never been smooth at getting girls’ phone numbers.”
“He probably couldn’t even get her TikTok.”
“True.” Toki nodded.
Malachi sat down with his back facing toward her, head turned half around. He kept looking back and forth between her and where Odion and Toki were seated. Whatever he said to her clearly wasn’t working, her eyes still deeply rooted inside the book in her hands.
“Yo, what’s he doing?” Toki asked, taking another sip of his bean juice. “Why doesn’t he turn around and face her?”
“That’s gonna be his downfall,” Odion said. “Whenever you’re gonna talk to a female, you always gotta give her your full undivided attention. That at least shows ’em you give a fuck. What he’s doing right now is trash. How you gonna talk to a girl with your back facing toward her? His body language is all wrong.” Odion slapped his forehead in disappointment.
Whatever Malachi had said to her a moment later caused her to pack up her things and march out of the cafeteria, screwing up her face. That was the end of that. Thanks for coming. Maybe next year. Odion and Toki both stuck out their arms as they watched him make his walk of shame back toward the table.
“Yo, what happened? What’d you say to piss her off?” Toki asked, wanting so badly to laugh but thought better of it.
“Aye, fuck her, man. She wack anyway.” Malachi sat back down and rolled his eyes. “She obviously a dyke.”
“Bruh, why would you talk with your back facing her?” Odion was still perplexed at the amount of stupidity on display a moment ago. “Don’t you know whenever you’re talking to girls, you must never turn your back toward ’em?”
Malachi shrugged. “Yeah, well, I’d like to see either of you do any better.”
“I would’ve done a lot better than that,” Toki said. “You didn’t even make it out of the batter’s box.” He laughed.
“Not even,” Odion said. “His ass was still in the dugout.” Both of them laughed harder.
“Fuck you guys,” Malachi said. “Y’all ain’t shit!” He turned his face toward the double doors where Serenity entered. Odion stopped laughing as she went into the kitchen. “Well, look who just popped in,” Malachi said. “There’s your chance, playboy. Let’s see you put your money where your mouth is.” A shit-eating grin appeared on his face.
Odion nodded his head, his heart beginning to flutter in his chest. “Okay, what’s the bet?”
Malachi raised his eyebrows. “Are we actually betting?”
“You said you wanted to see me put my money where my mouth was, right?” Odion smiled.
Malachi rubbed his hands together. “Okay, playboy if you insist.” He looked to the ceiling, his face twisted in thought. “Aight. Five dollars says you won’t be able to ask her out on a date.”
“That’s it?” Toki asked. Odion looked at him like he was stupid.
“You know what, Toki, you right. Ten dollars.” Malachi’s shit-eating-grin grew wider as he stuck out his hand for a shake. Shit, that’s basically all the money I have left. “This should be easy for you. You’ve known her since kindergarten, right?” Malachi chuckled.
Odion thought about it for a moment. “Fuck it, let’s do it.” He shook his hand.
A few minutes later, Serenity came out of the kitchen with a spaghetti bowl and a bottled passion fruit drink. Odion carefully ran over a game plan in his head as she took her seat in the far corner of the cafeteria, making small chat with the group of girls sitting next to her. Odion wiped his moist hands against the side of his pants and took a silent deep breath.
“Damn, those titties are big,” Malachi said, almost as if he were saying it to himself. “You see the way they were bouncing just now.” He made a stupid face, rubbing his neck.
“What’d I tell you the other day?” Odion pierced a sharp look at him.
Malachi rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, just hurry up and bring me my ten dollars.”
Odion flipped him the finger. “Toki, watch my shit,” he said before taking a few swigs of his chocolate milk. Chocolate milk always calmed the nerves … a little bit anyway. Odion's knees buckled as he stood, the butterflies tingling in his stomach the closer he got to her table. And Here. We. Go.
“Hey, Serenity,” Odion said, clearing his throat.
She looked up and smiled. “Hey, Odion.”
He sat down a bit awkwardly. “So … what you been up to lately?”
Serenity twirled some spaghetti around her fork. “Oh … nothing much,” she said. There were several reddish marks around her neck as she lifted her head up.
Odion closed his brows together in suspicion. “What’s been good with your drawings? The last one I saw on your Instagram was of a woman looking inside of a mirror, almost as if she was questioning her existence.” He chuckled a little.
“Yeah …” Serenity looked away, forcing a smile. “They’re coming along fine. Right now, I’m just putting together my portfolio.” She stuffed a forkful of spaghetti into her mouth and covered it while she chewed.
“That’s dope,” he said, trying his hardest not to stare at the marks around her neck. There was a long reddish line starting at the top of her neck, curving all the way down to her left collarbone. Even looking into her eyes, they seemed sunken and fatigued, like she was suffering from a lack of sleep and in constant worry about something.
“Yo, what happened over here?” Odion motioned casually round his neck.
Serenity looked at him as if she’d been caught in a criminal act. “Hmm?”
“Your neck,” Odion said, “what happened there?”
“An allergic reaction.” Serenity screwed up her face as if it weren’t a big deal. “Must’ve eaten something and my skin’s responding.” She uncapped her drink and took a couple of huge gulps.
“Even the one here?” Odion used his finger and stroked a line from his neck to his collarbone.
“That was from my kitty.” Serenity forced another smile. “I was trying to hold her but she jumped away, scratching me there,” she said. “She’s a feisty one.”
“I see.” Odion narrowed his eyes a little, nodding. He wasn’t buying that story. “So if that’s the case—”
“It’s nothing to worry about.” There was a hint of irritation in her voice. “Enough about me. What’s going on with you? How’s Apollo doing?” She began twirling more spaghetti around her fork.
Odion looked at her for a brief moment. “I’ve been good,” he said thoughtfully.
“And Apollo?”
Odion shrugged, resting his hands against the table. “Apollo’s been … well, y’know. His usual self.” Odion opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again, waiting until she swallowed her food. “You sure you good, though?”
Serenity giggled. “I could use a bit more sleep, but other than that, I’m fine.” She reached for his hand and squeezed, holding firm eye contact with him. Something was off.
There were many more questions he wanted to ask but knew if he kept pressing her, it’d only turn her away. “Yeah, just making sure,” Odion said, smiling his best smile. “I was thinking—”
“Sorry, Odion, I have to go.” Serenity’s eyes shifted toward the glass wall behind him before quickly emptying her tray into the garbage. She exited through the opposite double doors on the south side of the cafeteria. Odion turned and saw Patrick and Jasper standing in the hall, mean-mugging him as if they were planning on causing a scene.
Odion stood and stuck his arms out to the side, daring them to come inside and try. With the way Patrick struggled with his weight, he was one cheeseburger away from a heart attack. Jasper would’ve had his long legs chopped down like a tree had he tried anything funny. Both of them nodded their heads and walked off. Odion followed them with his eyes until they were out of sight.
“Yo, what was that about?” Toki asked as Odion returned to their table.
“You got static with Pat and Jazz?” Malachi looked surprised.
Odion still had his eyes set outside in the hallway. “Guess I do now,” he said, taking a bite out of his blueberry muffin. “But something’s off with Serenity.”
Toki dropped his mouth open. “For real?”
Odion nodded. “She’s got all sorts of marks round her neck like someone scratched her or some shit.”
“That means you never asked her out on a date?” Malachi’s eyes grew wide.
“I just told you there was something wrong with Serenity, and all you’re focused on is if you won the bet or not?” The lack of concern on Malachi’s part was disgusting.
“I was asking an honest question.” Malachi threw his hands in the air, protesting his innocence. “Sorry to hear about your friend, but a deal’s a deal.”
Odion dug his hands into his pocket and slapped the ten dollars onto the table. “Here, take your fucking money.”
Malachi smiled, swiping the bill off the table. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
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