《Domineering Frog King》Chapter 25


Last chapter of the day


He Wu had tried to learn how to speak from He Zhi at one point but showed a surprising inability to do so. Instead, He Wu was more focused on his training, hoping to get as strong as He Zhi.

Especially after being abducted by the Sect. At first, he was caged and studied, strange humans prodding him and taking his blood. They forced him to eat weird food and battle strange creatures he had never seen.

But after the very first battle, his living conditions were better. Was it because he was doing as they wished? Or was it because he was beyond their expectations? Whatever it was, it didn’t matter. He continued his time in solitude training.

He didn’t know about combining the threads of the same type, but he continued his cycles, becoming even more proficient in wind and water. But he actually was making the turquoise threads. He ended up running out of the blue and green because he was making them. After he had completed this, all he could use was the turquoise threads.

After he tried to condense the unruly energy during his rotations, he collapsed. When he awoke, several shadowy figures were over him, trying to feed him medicine. He Wu took it and realized it had several small strands of energy! They weren’t enough to form a complete thread, but he immediately cycled the energy throughout his body and was quickly refreshed.

After that day, he could easily cycle the turquoise threads. Because of this, his powers had become exceedingly powerful. Each sword, shield, or drill he made was empowered and deadly. One day, an old man was awaiting him when the frog was brought to the battle room, as he called it.

This was the room where he killed the other creatures.

When he first saw this man, He Wu was unsure if he was supposed to fight. When the elder was about to fight, He Wu imitated He Zhi and bowed. Instead of bowing, the old human laughed before presenting a familiar looking piece of paper.

It was a manual! It was a powerful one, too! Why? What was the reason for this?

‘Why give this to me?’

He Wu was unsure if the old man could understand him, but it went through.

“Ah, so you can use Soul Transmission. Good, we were needing a way to communicate with you.”

‘I can sort of understand you, but I can’t speak very well.’

“So that’s the deal! No problem, this works well! Okay, I am Mason Bogart. For now, I will train you to use my Sect’s various skills. I want to see how far a ‘Frogling’ can go.”

Over the next few days, He Wu was subjected to a harsh training session and when he succeeded in cutting the old man’s shirt, he was granted the permission to travel around the Sect, for he was now a member of the Twisting Terror Sect!

There, He Wu met the very young man that abducted him. A stubborn fellow by the name of Darius Xanthus, he was a well-known Inner Sect student. The first thing the frog did? He struck at the man who parried him with his fist.

“Haha! What, still hold a grudge? Fine! Let’s do this!”

The two were actually close in skills, but while He Wu had amazing power, Darius had a strong body that wasn’t hurt that much. He Wu tried making one of those cyclones, but when He Zhi’s final twister was almost fifty feet tall, He Wu’s was at most five.


But, the attack had an effect. Darius instantly jumped back, preparing for an attack. He had seen the damage this thing could do, so Darius was unsettled. However, when He Wu tried to imitate his Elder Brother, he nearly tore his arm off. He had to manipulate the funnel with everything he had.

So he instead made it chase after Darius. Unlike He Zhi’s massive whirlwind, He Wu’s was definitely faster, taking the young man by surprise. When the cyclone hit the man, he was slightly lifted off the ground and thrown against the wall behind him. It was at this point when some elders of the Sect came in to stop the fight.

Instead of being angry, the young man was hungry for more. After that, the two sparred every chance they got and He Wu had many chances to realize what kind of place the Sect was. It was different from the Illusion Seeking Sect in that it had more arenas and places to fight. There were many different training halls and there were these stadiums that had several people at them.

At one of these stadiums, an adult was teaching some youngsters about combat. Since he was technically a member, He Wu went around to these training sessions. However, a friend of Darius had always followed him. On many occasions, there was some Outer Sect student that wanted to take their anger at a loss out on the weird frog person.

Many were thinking that it was unfair a Beast had been made a Sect member. In fact, some just thought it was some prank being played by the elders. Something to make them feel weaker. However, they couldn’t gang up on He Wu because he always had one of Darius’ friends beside him. Because of this, He Wu realized that the man had a sense of honor or obligation.

Of course, it could have been an order from the Sect Master, but let’s not think like that.

The other three were treated very similarly, but Little Sister who was at the Healing Lily Sect had a different treatment when she first arrived.

“I am Perinea Harper. I am the Sect Master of Healing Lily Sect. You can heal others?”

Unlike He Wu, Little Sister was very capable of speech. She didn’t really have a need, but she still learned, especially after Elder Brother dealt with the humans.


The old woman only raised her eyebrows slightly at the speaking frog.

“Show me.”

She then proceeded to cut her arm, which surprised the frog. Scared of the blood, Little Sister was flustered but immediately grabbed the old woman’s hands. She focused the energy to flow along the surface of her skin, which she then focused into Perinea’s arm.

When the cut had already stopped bleeding and there didn’t appear to be any scarring, Little Sister sat back down and sighed to herself.

“Good. Here. Learn this.”

Little Sister hadn’t learned the written language, but on the scroll she was handed was an in-depth description of the human body. Little Sister was easily amazed by the knowledge that helped her understand what made up the body.

Over the next few days, different women came in and spoke to Little Sister, explaining the different aspects of the body and how they functioned. Her healing happened at a faster speed when she touched them, but she could now heal from a distance, fixing small wounds or stopping the blood from leaking out.

All of these women were prominent members of the Inner and even Core students. They spent their time training and teaching the Outer students, so they had to be knowledgeable themselves. Unlike He Wu, she was never let out to roam around, but she didn’t need to.


After a while, Little Sister was given a strange robe that covered her entire body. Her hands were covered and even her face was hidden. When she was cloaked, an injured person was brought in and Little Sister healed them.

This repeated over time, and she could even pinpoint internal wounds quickly, performing even better than before. She still kept up with her training, but she didn’t make any turquoise threads. As someone who healed others of their pain, she feared her own pain the most. It was why she had quickly given up when approached by her now new best friend, Sandra Solace. Yes, this was the same girl who had her taken from the mountain.

Sandra wasn’t any different from Little Sister, but at first, Little Sister was afraid of her. It took several days of bringing her food and trying to talk to her to make the frog girl warm up to her.

“Hehe, Little Lily, guess who I saw today?”

Little Lily was the name they gave Little Sister since she grew up in a pond and was now the rumored mascot of the Healing Lily Sect. her attitude was welcomed by the healers of the Sect and paved the way for them to easily allow her to remain a part of the group.

“Was it that man you talk about, Senior Brother Logan? You talk about him repeatedly.”

“Oh, boo! Don’t even! You keep talking about your actual brother, don’t you?”

“And I love him. What’s wrong with that?”

“I keep forgetting you’re an animal by birth. Yes, it was Senior Logan. I can’t believe a Core student like him would want to meet someone in the Inner Sect!”

The two had grown really close and even learned to tease each other.

“Maybe he was there to see his girlfriend.”

“No! Don’t say that! My heart will break!”

“Hehe, you remember my Elder Brother?”

“You mean the strong one that almost killed us all?”

“Yes. I am pretty sure you would like him. He’s strong and dedicated.”

“He’s a frog.”


The two girls chatted up the night once more.

Over at the Dancing Leaves Sect, the frog and heron combo was faring far better than the other two.

Since Hu Lao and Love-struck Little Sister knew each other, they relied on each other to make it through this ordeal. For the first couple of days, the two conspired to train and break out of their confinement. On their third day, Love-struck Little Sister shot a hole in the cage door and they went out. They hadn’t gotten far, when someone spotted them. However, instead chasing after the frog girl and bird girl, the sleepy looking boy yelled out, “HEY! The two animals are out! Where’s the Master?!”

In an instant, a young man in sleepwear appeared in front of the boy. If the two girls had blinked, they would have thought he was incredibly fast. No, he had teleported!

“YAaaaaawn…What is it?”

The man scratched his head and rubbed his belly. He then looked over and saw the two girls shaking while holding onto each other. The man was young, but he was tall. He was maybe twice as tall as He Zhi who was slightly taller than Love-struck Little Sister, but slightly shorter than Hu Lao.

“Ah, it’s about time you two got out. But you failed in the being undetected portion, and that’s the main part! If you were able to just fight your way out, then that would be something else. Maybe it’s because you were together? We’ll try it again.”

After that, the two were separated and thrown into different cages on opposite sides of the Sect. After that, the two quickly spent their time breaking out and trying to sneak outside the Sect. When the two finally succeeded in making it to the perimeter without being detected, the man appeared again.

“YAAaaaawn…yay, you did it. Alright, here, learn these next.”

He nabbed the two again and gave them two different scrolls. They were thrown into a room with strange wooden contraptions that had wooden protrusions on the sides. The contraption would spin, knocking the protrusions into the other protrusions and setting them all off.

If they followed one of the scrolls though, they could easily make it to the other side. If they got hit, they were sent back to the beginning. Hu Lao couldn't even fly over it, she was teleported back as well. They had to react to the small movements and dodge at the same time. It took them a few days, but they succeeded. They could now see the door at the other end of the room, but there was a strange pit with small wooden beams spanning across it.

The next scroll had a detailed description of moving with the wind and not losing balance. They tried to make sure they had mastered it first, but they still made a mistake. However, when they fell, they were teleported directly back to the beginning, having to go through the wooden contraption sea again. Since their lives weren’t in danger, they could easily try as many times as they wanted.

They had tried the walking on air technique that He Zhi created, but they had to touch the beams or they would be sent back to the beginning again. It must have taken them a week to finally make it to the end. But once they opened the door, they saw a familiar face.

“YYAaaawwwn…hello again, I guess I should introduce myself. I am Marko Trillo, the Head of the Dancing Leaves Sect. Which you are now members of as well! Congratulations. Now I’m going to bed.”

Behind him was a girl they had seen before.

“Hello, I’m Ruby Blair, pleased to meetcha! Sorry about the whole kidnapping thing, but hey! Now we’re buddies!”

The two girls were too tired to stay awake and just collapsed on the floor, letting the relief of completion wash over them.

After that, the two spent their time running the various obstacle courses and participating in different challenges. Unlike the other Sects, this one was more focused on skill instead of overall power or ability. People here were hard working and diligent, but a little negligent of common sense. They were focused when training, but otherwise, they were just like their sect Master.


One day, the animals were all questioned by their Sect Masters about their powers, but they all said the same thing.

Ask Elder Brother.

The four managed to convince their Masters that if they went as well, their brother wouldn’t be quick to attack.

And so, the Froglings and Hu Lao all set off to join the trip back to Cyrian Mountain!

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