《The Hereafter》Ready or Not, Part 3
"Welcome, my friends," Mr. Dray announced, coming through the entrance. He smiled, nearing my father.
The maids halted their actions, showing their respects.
Mr. Dray shook my father's hand, turning his head to my mother. Slightly bowing his head towards my mother, he turned his head and faced forward.
Tehla pushed me forward, causing me to move forward. I remained focused on Mr. Dray, otherwise known as Commander Goode. While Mr. Dray conversed with my father, I took my time focusing on the Commander.
I tried deciphering how many orbitals he contained, but I couldn't. Which could only mean one thing: he had more than seven orbitals.
"Ah, if it isn't Wryn," Mr. Dray grinned, shaking my hand. His face emitted confidence, even when he remained smiling.
I clutched his hand, shaking it. Perhaps, I didn't realize it when we last met, but the individual in front of me was terrifying. I couldn't sense a single ounce of magic from him.
I knew powerful mages could conceal their magic. But still, I couldn't wrap my head around it.
"How do you like..." Mr. Dray paused, letting go of my hand. He looked to his left, staring at Tehla. "Shall we talk inside? There's much I'd like to discuss."
My father nodded, moving through the entrance with my mother and me.
I glanced backward, noticing Mr. Dray slouching down and mumbling into one of his maids' ears. "Please show their maid the way-." I couldn't hear the rest, but I could reckon it dealt with Tehla.
"This way," one of the maids faintly said, ushering my family. The number of housekeepers in the area was mind-blowing. But I guess it made sense since the residence was as luxurious inside as it was outside. Such a house ought to need grand maintenance.
My eyes riveted towards the chandelier in the middle of the massive room. The light brightened the whole area, yet it wasn't a nuisance. Enormous stairs dwelled to the left and right in between the chandelier.
The flooring was made from pale marble material, and it was differentiated in color — red — near the stairs. The building was littered with decorations and posh materials. It truly could be deemed something better than a mansion.
We followed the maid, entering the living room. The area was fancy, expected of a gargantuan-sized building.
When we entered, I noticed Allura and her mom. Allura remained seated on a chesterfield-type sofa. Her head rested on her arm as she was daydreaming.
Mrs. Rayna — Allura's mom — immediately stood up, steadily approaching my mother. She welcomed her with a firm hug. "Oh, how I missed you."
I wasn't exactly sure how, but my mother, Mrs. Rayna, and Professor Kon knew each other very well. They had to have been childhood friends, but to what extent was unclear. I was a tad curious. But other than that, It didn't really affect me. That's why I probably didn't aggravate my mother into revealing more.
"Oh, you've gotten quite taller," Mrs. Rayna said, pinching my cheek. She let go, turning at Allura. "Allura, we have guests. Get up!"
My mother tried intervening. "It's fine. Let her rest."
Mrs. Rayna waved off my mother's sentiment, rolling her eyes. "Children these days have no respect." She coughed. "Allura, hurry up."
Allura stood up, rubbing her eyes. Moving to my mother, she gave her a hug while waving at my father.
"Your dress is beautiful." My mother smiled, looking at Allura, who wore a sparkling blue dress.
"Thank you," Allura whispered.
Mrs. Rayna pointed towards the seating area, smiling. "The food should be ready any second! Let's sit for now."
"No need to wait! Dinner is basically ready!" A voice cheerfully shouted, entering the room. Mr. Dray speed-walked to Allura, rubbing her head and placing his hands around her shoulders.
Allura remained impartial, staring at something. I swear a smile arose from her, but I guess she was just zoned out.
Everyone moved out of the room, following Mr. Dray, ushering us towards the dining area. But before I could get through the room, I was touched.
"Mmm, food!" My father muttered, flicking my head with his finger. I knew it was my father right away. For some odd reason, he gained the habit of flicking my head...
I gazed back at him, noticing him rubbing his stomach.
"I'm starving," I said, smiling back at him.
He placed his hands on my shoulder, pushing and guiding me with the rest. "That makes two of us!"
We all followed into the dining room, a modest area compared to the rest of the rooms. This room harbored a dining table with chairs, and the rest was — mostly — open space, exempt from the few decorations. The room's theme was simplistic: a goldish-white colored floor with gold-decorated walls.
"Sit, sit," Mr. Dray gestured, pointing towards the chairs. Three chairs remained on one side of the table while three were opposite. One chair resided at one end while another at the other.
My family took a seat on one side of the table while Allura's family sat on the other side. The table was small enough to allow normal conversation but large enough to maintain silverware and decorations. Mrs. Rayna sat to the far left, her husband in the middle, and Allura at the right.
Mrs. Rayna turned her head towards Mr. Dray. Her smile subsided into a neutral expression as she began murmuring, almost like she didn't care if others heard. "I assume they won't be coming." She turned her head, facing my mother — who was in front of her. Her lips raised into a smile. "How has Fech treated you?"
"It's been quite the experience!" My mother replied, her enthusiasm beaming off her face. "Where should I start!?"
Mr. Dray rubbed his temple, looking at me. "I believe we were about to talk before we were interrupted." He maintained eye contact with me, continuing to speak. "Has the Academy met your expectations?"
Looking at Mr. Dray, I fiddled with my fingers under the table. "It had its ups and downs, but honestly, the Academy is a great environment." I shrugged my shoulders. "I think, at least."
"Great to hear," Mr. Dray let a small smile spread. He turned his head to the right, tapping Allura's shoulder. "Have you ever spoken to one another at the Academy?" He quickly added, staring at Allura. "I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't, considering your carefree attitude."
"We actually meet each other often," Allura said, gazing at her silverware, then her father.
"Oh, is that so?" Mr. Dray said, almost laughing but maintaining composure. "Friends are good to have. That's relieving to hear you have some!"
A maid approached Mr. Dray, whispering. "Can we commence?"
Mr. Dray nodded, looking at his front, grinning at my father. "They made steak!"
"Oh," my father tilted his head, rubbing his chin. "What type?"
My father and Mr. Dray began conversing, and maybe I should have followed doing the same with Allura, but I couldn't help just observe her actions. Whenever her father would speak, she would pay attentive concentration towards him. Perhaps, I was overthinking the situation, but it was better than listening to Mr. Dray talking about random politics...
The first course was an egg salad on top of a small portion of bread and a regular salad with an interesting dressing — I wasn't sure what it was. Though the first course was great, the next was even better. We were then served miniature sandwiches, which melted in your mouth the second you swallowed them. When I thought it couldn't get any better, it got better once the main meal arrived. The steak emitted waves of flavor as It dripped with butter, containing a surplus of seasonings. My mouth couldn't help but water at the sight of the dish! And to no surprise, it tasted as good as it looked.
My plate was finished relatively quickly, but consequently, there was an awkward silence at our side of the table.
Attempting to start a conversation, Mr. Dray asked. "Wryn, have you heard of the new treaty?"
I assumed he was speaking about the treaty of lands. Specifically, the treaty between Fech, Khausfall, and Xatus. We touched upon it during history class, but I was pretty much zoned out.
I looked Mr. Dray in the eyes, shrugging. "A little bit."
Mr. Dray shot out a grin, maintaining eye contact. He moved his hand in the air, scratching his cheek. "King Arthur mended the once broken bridge. That bridge being division!" He noticed I was unaffected by such news, so he questioned. "Do you know what this treaty will entail?"
"No, not really," I said, fiddling with my fork and stirring the leftover sauce on the plate.
"The three-way treaty will not only allow greater access between the three countries, but it will also aid in scientific progress!"
I wasn't too ecstatic to listen to Mr. Dray speak about even more political issues. It was easy to assume he loved history, geography, and anything boring. Hell, he even talked about Fech the first time we met. I guess it made sense. A commander should be proud of his country.
"...Surely, this is a monumental time to be alive in. Years of anguish for the fire to be finally extinguished!" Mr. Dray beamed with his eyes closed.
Allura and my father seemed to have been paying attention. I guess... I was too, but just pretending.
"Commander, would you fancy the desserts and beverages to be brought out here?" One of the maids asked, nearing Mr. Dray.
Mr. Dray opened his eyes, placing his hand on Allura's head. "Let's take this to the lounge. After all, today is quite special."
"Right away, sir." The maid said, dipping her head in respect.
I cleaned my hands with a cloth, standing up and following the rest to the lounge. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I could eat anymore. I was stuffed, but who could say no to dessert!
We entered the room where we first met Allura and her mother. We all took a seat on the various sofas — the sofas encircled around the rectangular table.
In a swift time, the maids brought pieces of cake and drinks — alcohol for the adults. The cake was a fluffy consistency, almost like a sponge cake.
But before we ate, Mr. Dray tapped his glass with a fork. "I'd like to dedicate this time to an aspect so important... Something we should never take for granted." He paused, looking around. "This world presents one with ordeals. That may be true. But from these ordeals, one can fabricate their life." He laughed, looking at Allura. "I always tell Allura, life is like lemons. At first, it can seem sour, but with experience, one can add water and sugar, maybe even stir it. Life doesn't seem so bad as lemonade now, does it?" He began chuckling, glancing at his daughter. "I'd like to take this time to appreciate my pretty girl." Mr. Dray tilted his head, looking at Allura. He smiled, shouting. "Cheers!"
The other adults replicated, raising their drinks and clinking them. They all began sipping, so I instead started eating the cake. The cake was simply superb as no other words could describe the fluffy cake and whip cream paired with the fruits on top.
Mr. Dray raised a small smile, not showing his teeth. Closing his eyes, he opened them and looked around. "I wish for days where I could simply remain amongst those I love. I must apologize, Radcliffes. I must apologize for not inviting you all over earlier." He paused, letting out a sigh. "The mountains contain issues that require my maintenance. I swear if-"
My father interjected, cutting off Mr. Dray. "I can't speak for my family, but I understand." My father paused, looking at my mother, then Mr. Dray. "If you had told me a mage's life would be difficult, I would have laughed. Especially a Commanders." He laughed but became more composed. "This past year has taught me the difficulties everyone faces. Not just non-mages but mages alike." He stood up, picking up the alcoholic bottle left on the table. A maid came swiftly to pour the drink, but my father waved her off. He began drinking straight from the bottle. "My experiences working with mages have taught me a lot. You don't need to apologize."
I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in astonishment. Did my father really cut off a Commander?
Mr. Dray laughed, standing up and grabbing another alcoholic bottle off the table. "I'll assume this is a challenge." Both the meatheads clung to bottles, droplets splashing everywhere. They gripped their bottles, chugging down the drinks.
Their wives, on the other hand, gazed at them in disappointment. Trying to not indulge in stupidity, they began conversing.
All I could do was stare, but that was until Allura abruptly stood up walking towards the door.
Mrs. Rayna coughed. "Allura, mind showing Wryn around?"
Allura turned around, shrugging her shoulders. "Sure."
"Go," my mother said, wobbling her head as she looked at me and smiled.
"Alright." I stood up, moving.
My family seemed to genuinely have fun which was partially pleasant to experience. These days we could enjoy ourselves; they were the product of my hard work. So, it was only fair for me to take credit for such joy.
'It's adequate, right?' I thought, standing still.
"Hey, bozo, can you move faster?" Allura said, shaking her head.
Picking up the pace, I walked towards Allura. "Where are we going?"
She replied, turning her head around. "Do you have a Tamablicet at your home?"
I tilted my head sideways, looking at her.
She faced forward. "I assumed so."
After what appeared like a mile walk, we reached a room.
"Wait out here," she said, taking a minute to come back out, huffing. "You can come in."
"Alright," I responded, walking into the room.
Allura shrugged, looking at me. "Sit down anywhere."
I took a seat on a sofa chair near a table. Allura took a seat on the bed, and she also held some sort of object.
"Take this," she said, throwing the object at me.
I tried catching the object, but I fumbled with it. It fell to the floor, as did I, but I quickly grabbed it and stood back.
"Nice catch,” she laughed.
Shaking my head, I took a seat, inspecting it. It was a rectangular piece of light brown rock. The rectangular object was soft, unlike what one would think it would feel like.
Allura stood up, nearing me and lowering her hand towards the object. She tapped it, smiling. "Isn't this a much better flex than that book you showed me long ago?"
"Woah, Woah, Woah!" I muttered, staring at the object as it grew color. Blinking, I held the device up and stared at it. "What can it do?"
"Tamablicets can do a lot! Report the news, inform acquaintances, and much more. Though their range is an issue. They can only be used inside the ranges of Fech." She smiled, staring at me and adding. "This is a real flex."
"Yeah, this is quite the flex..." I said, staring at the Tamablicet.
Allura took a seat, her smile fading. "You'd think a person's reaction would be more authentic." She looked at me, narrowing her eyes. "I hate that about you. It's like you don't care about what happens around you."
I waved my hand in the air, looking at her. "No, no, no! I'm really surprised right now, but I'm just confused about how it works."
"No, you aren't. You think you can fool others, but you can't fool me." She said, staring at the ceiling. "My father thinks highly of your family. He also thinks highly of you, but why?"
She stopped looking at the ceiling, creating eye contact with me. "I'd never question my father, but... What should I think about you? Should I simply accept you as good?" She shook her head, fiddling with her hair. "I trust my father. It's not like you're a bad child or a mischief, but you're a liar and really bad at it. You act as if everything is normal! Even during practice, whenever you win or lose, you act as if it was whatever."
I rubbed my eye, slightly irritated. "What do you even mean? Aren't you the one who never shows any joy during victory?"
She replied, laughing. "I don't show emotion after victory because no one there is credible enough for such a reaction. I'd definitely celebrate if the person I beat was reasonable for such a reaction." She added, tilting her head. "So, what's your excuse?"
"I... That doesn't prove anything," I cleared my throat, slamming my hand onto the seat handle.
"Oh, it doesn't? Then why are you so mad." She chuckled, continuing. "Don't ruin this tournament for our team. We don't need someone who has no passion."
"I care enough," I murmured, looking at her. "Damn it, why are you even bringing this up."
She closed her eyes, shaking her head. "See, that's what I mean. You're a liar and really bad at it. You act as if everything is whatever, but if you dive deep enough into your emotions. Well, the results are different."
"Why are you talking about me when you're over here idolizing your father? Shouldn't you be more independent..."
Standing up, she smirked. "Nice try at diverting the subject. But I'll admit it, you're right. It doesn't take a genius to see that I love and idolize my father, but I ask you this, who wouldn't? He's a commander, after all." She paused, looking at me. "That's why I'm asking you these questions. I wondered if I should simply accept you because my father does."
She interjected, shaking her head and gritting her teeth. She sounded like she would scream but still spoke as clearly. "Don't ruin this for our team. Don't ruin it for me. Don't ruin it for yourself." She closed her eyes, shaking her head. "So stop lying to yourself. There are many instances when you act abnormally, and the only person you're fooling is yourself."
I didn't know how to respond, but all I could think was one thing: was I really that easy to read? My purposely instilled lack of empathy caused even more grief. Not only to myself but potentially to others...
"I need to become stronger, more resilient, and everything better for my father. I can't let him down," Allura raised her head, tears dripping down her cheeks. Raising her hand into the air, almost like she was trying to grab something. "I want to become the strongest. Not the strongest student. Not the strongest soldier. Not even the strongest Commander. I need to become the strongest mage."
'Why is she telling me this? If she wanted me to try harder, she could have just said so... All of this is just overkill...' I thought, gripping the chair's handle. Letting the Tamablicet fall onto the floor, I clenched my teeth. 'Has caring less about what happened made me immune to pain, or did it cause more?'
I let go of the handle, standing up. "How could you tell?"
She wiped her tears, chuckling. "It doesn't take a detective to understand you're trying to change yourself. You weren't a mage before, and now you are. It has to be hard, but I can't have those hardships negatively affect me."
"Thank you," I said, trying to calm the situation.
I neared her, closing my eyes and giving her a hug.
She whispered. "I still don't know what to think about you."
I let go of her, smiling. "You don't need to. For now, just know you helped me."
She gaped at my eyes, whispering. "I was able to help you because I was stronger. So does that mean I'll be able to help him? No... not yet." She wiped her face, giving a bright smile. "That's why I'll become the strongest mage."
I wasn't sure who she was referring to, but I knew it meant a lot to her, so I needed to reply.
I looked down onto the floor. "I... I won't let you down." I looked up at Allura. "I'll help you become the strongest."
The door opened as a maid with long black hair and red eyes entered. She ran into the room, oblivious to her surroundings. "Allura!"
"Ayda, what are you doing?" Allura asked.
The maid looked at both of us, taken aback. Her confused gaze turned mischievous. "Why is there a boy in your room! Actually, why are you so close to him?!" She shook her head in a teasing manner. "You should inform me next time you invite boys into your room."
I couldn't help but cringe at the situation. I guess you reap what you sow...
"This isn't what it looks like," Allura stuttered, frantically looking at Ayda.
"Oh, I'm sure it isn't," Ayda said, trying not to laugh. Proceeding to walk out of the room, she giggled. "The Radcliffe family is departing. It would be appropriate to see them off."
We both remained silent, walking to the entrance. Not even sound effects were created from our mouths. It was quite literally utter silence until we made it to the entrance.
Joining my family outside, I waved at Allura and her family. Allura and I avoided eye contact, but she also waved back.
We walked to the carriage, Tehla already standing near it.
My family entered the carriage, followed by Tehla.
The rest of the ride was mostly silent. Considering my parents were very drunk, it was probably best that silence ensued.
The surroundings may have been noiseless, but my head was turbulent.
My head was hammered with one phrase. 'I need to change, I need to change, I need to change, I need to change, I need to change, I need to change, I need to change, I need to change, I need to change, I need to change, I need to change, I need to change, I need to change, I need to change...........'
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