《The Hereafter》Khausfallian Introduction, Part 1
"Here you go," a student offered, attempting to give me an Academy-based pen, but I shook my hand in the air, continuing to walk.
"It's hectic today, ain't it?" I looked around, nudging Ash with my elbow.
"We're already late. We need to hurry!" Ash dashed forward, pushing anyone that came in his way. "It's about to start!"
"Hey, would you like a-"
Ash interjected, smacking the student's hand. "No!"
Today, an assembly was organized for all grade levels. No one knew what it was about, but it appeared significant. Additionally, there were even student board members handing out free goods. Whatever the event was, it had to be significant.
"Would you like anything?" A student asked, sitting on a seat. In front of the student was a table with several baskets and the baskets contained various items. One of the items that piqued my interest was a watch.
Picking up the strapless watch, I flipped the watch, noticing the Fech Academy logo on the back. "Thank you-"
Ash pulled me away before I could fully thank the student.
"We're about to be late!" Ash narrowed his eyes, looking at me and pulling my shirt.
I quickly stored the watch in one of my shirt's many pockets. We were practically running towards the auditorium at the pace we were going. It was hard to view the chaos of students around us, and that's why I was shaken.
While Ash and I were running, I swear I saw something human yet not human. I didn't know how to explain what I saw.
I rubbed my eyes, remaining pace with Ash.
"We're here!" Ash panted, letting go of my shirt. "That idiot Bertin could have postponed training. What would we do if we were late?"
I shook my head, smiling. "It's fine. We made it on time."
"Move," a student squeaked, pushing Ash and me into the auditorium.
The auditorium could easily fit thousands of students, and I presumed at least ten thousand students were present. For crying out loud, I could barely see the entire room.
We both managed to find an area to sit — near the end of the row. There were so many rows that one would need at least five minutes to count them all. The auditorium was elegant, and it was a hundred times bigger than any auditorium. The room was blue and black — the colors of the uniform.
In front of me stood an enormous stage possessing the Fech Academy logo. The stage also bore a long spun table that contained ten seats.
"We made it," Ash huffed, relaxing his posture.
I rolled my eyes, relaxing my posture as well. "It would have been nice to not receive short notice."
Ash yawned, leaning on his chair. "Yeah, it would have been nice." He closed his eyes, bobbing his head, falling half asleep.
Trying not to disturb him, I glanced around. Getting a glimpse of the various individuals.
The spectrum of age was jaw-dropping. The diversity of age just went to show how prominent the Academy was.
I continued attentively, scanning the room. That was until I noticed something odd. No, not even bizarre could signify what I perceived. It was remarkably similar to the thing I saw while running.
I thought I imagined it, but here it was again. I frantically looked around, spotting more. Narrowing my eyes, I stared at one of the beings. Fluffy ears came out of the sides of their heads.
"There's no way," I muttered, maintaining eye contact with the being. "Animal people?!" That was the only way I could describe the beings I witnessed. Individuals with cat, dog, and even rabbit ears.
Perhaps I was hallucinating, but I couldn't fathom it. Elves and dwarves were digestible, but whatever those beings were. I simply couldn't comprehend it. The idea of animals and humans merging was unthinkable.
Shaking my head, I lowered my legs. Relaxing my posture even further, I rubbed my temples. I was about to close my eyes when a loud noise shook me, causing me to sit right up.
"Quiet down!" The echoing voice ordered.
I narrowed my eyes, looking forward and noticing a familiar prick. It was Queen David. The last time we met, he left me without warning. That sass Queen really was the epitome of a punchable face.
Ash likewise sat up, bobbing his head while trying to pay attention.
The sass lord David held an artifact making his voice loud enough to reach everyone.
"First of all, I'd like to thank all of the staff," David pointed to the first row of seats.
It didn't even catch my attention, but the seats at the front were a different shade of blue than the others.
"I'd like to similarly thank the students of this beautiful Academy for being present today!" David raised his right arm, pointing to the students. "But before we begin, I'd like to introduce the backbone of this wondrous Academy!"
Placing his hand on his heart, David pointed to the corner of the stage. "The admins of this Academy!" Clapping his hands with the mic-like artifact in his grip.
Everyone else followed, clapping their hands.
Eight individuals came out of the right corner of the stage. They all took a seat at the table on the stage, but the way they did it was unusual. Four individuals took a seat to the far left, while the other four sat far right. Two seats were left open in the middle of the table.
David smiled, clearing his throat. "Ahem!" He looked around, waiting for the room to grow silent. "Without further ado, our magnificent Headmasters!"
Every student and Professor stood, clapping — a standing ovation.
I, likewise, began clapping.
Headmaster Vafaren was the first to come through the door, but following him, Headmaster Mishal appeared.
If I didn't want to see someone again, it was that man. His presence caused me to rile up. I attained goosebumps around my arms and legs just looking at him.
I understood that days had passed since our last encounter, but I couldn't get over it. How could I get over it? Someone who basically showed me death, and I accepted it... It wasn't even the embarrassment that made me riled up. It was the fact he knew who I truly was.
During my training, Alren revealed that no one would know I was a scientifically-made mage except for a select few. It was easy to presume that a Headmaster would know.
It didn't sit right with me...
Both Headmasters took a seat in the vacated area, Headmaster Vafaren to the right while Mishal sat on the left.
"You all may sit," David cleared his throat. "Before we begin the main event, I would like to iterate a few words of experience. During my time at the great Fech Academy, I have learned a surfeit of valuable traits from our Admin." He then looked at both Headmasters. "These teachings include dedication, trust, humility, compassion, and the list goes on and on. That's why I would like to beg all the new and former students to please learn from the valuable experiences that the Academy of Fech will teach you!"
David handed the artifact to Headmaster Mishal, then proceeded to walk off the stage and take a seat.
Headmaster Mishal stood up, scanning the room. "That discourse was brilliant!" He paused, taking a breath. "As you all know, we announced a short-notice meeting. I apologize on behalf of the Admin, but fright not as this meeting is a momentous occasion." He added, smiling showing some teeth. "We are proud to announce the addition of new students. We are honored to welcome the new generation mages of Khausfall!"
'Khausfall... Are those beings from Khausfall?' I thought, focusing my gaze on the Headmaster.
Headmaster Mishal took a seat, handing the artifact to Headmaster Vafaren. "We previously had a minuscule representation of Khausfallian students, but with the addition of several generational talents, I'm pleased to see diversity." He stood up, slamming his hand onto the table. "That being said, don't forget the rules of the Academy. If there is misconduct against your peers, there will be severe consequences. I urge everyone to review the updated guidelines." He conceded, passing the artifact to Headmaster Mishal.
Headmaster Mishal stood up, staring into the crowd. "Let us all enjoy this momentous occasion with gifts and food brought to you by our Student Board!" He smiled, closing his eyes. "Please make sure to attend your classes as they will still be ongoing!" He sat down, opening his eyes and looking around. As he glanced at the students, our eyes met. Maintaining eye contact, he smiled and laughed. "Now scurry along!"
The noise level shot up as everyone began conversing.
I quickly stood up, attempting to bolt out of the room. Instead, I ended up being pushed by the crowd towards the exit. Ash was behind me, following.
"Finally, fresh air," I exhaled, tidying up my clothes. Ash and I walked towards our next class: Basics to Combat.
"So, this class is outdoors?" I asked.
Ash replied, "Yeah, but I hate attending it."
Raising my eyebrow, I stopped walking.
Ash stopped as well, his lips pressed into a stern expression. He twitched his eye, letting out a deep breath. "It's intimidating." He lowered his head, facing the floor. "Imagine having to go to a combat class with a Commander's daughter and Valis!"
"Do you mean Allura?"
Raising his head, he came closer to me. After looking around, he looked back at me, creating eye contact. "I noticed you guys sat next to each other in class." He furrowed his brows, tilting his head. "Are you guys friends?"
"Yeah, I guess so. Also, who's Valis?"
Growing a stunned expression, Ash blinked. "You'd think you'd know the name of the person who humiliated us. He's basically the leader of that wannabe group."
"The kid with blond and black hair?" I asked.
Ash nodded his head as we both began walking again. We went towards the same vicinity near the entrance where students would spar. Students sparred in an open area surrounded by some type of invisible barrier.
It was still odd to see children fight, and it was encouraged...
"We're here," Ash said, nearing the plethora of other students.
The students made a semi-circle around something. In the group were Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and Khausfallians.
I needed to get used to the animalistic features of the Khausfallians. A part of me wanted to accept it as normal, but I couldn't digest it. Elves and Dwarves were substantially similar to humans, but Khausfallians? They were literally partly animals.
Trying to get a view of what everyone was looking at, I stood on my toes, peering over a student.
"I hope everyone enjoyed themselves at the event!" A lady spoke, rigid-faced.
A student snickered. "Not thanks to this class."
The lady stomped her foot onto the ground, exclaiming. "Since we want to be so talkative, why not exert that energy into sprints!" Pointing around the field, she moved her finger in circles. "Everyone run!"
Ash groaned. "I'm going to die if I have to run."
"It's alright. One simple lap won't kill us," I whispered, laughing.
We both followed the rest and ran around the barrier. I kept a sharp eye out for Allura, but I couldn't find her.
We reached the start, where the Professor created a stern face, looking down at us. "Settle down!" The woman said. "Get in line."
Everyone got back into a semi-circle.
"After an excess amount of debates, the Admin has concluded that younger students must participate in more vigorous combat fitness. This creates the need for combat uniforms for all students, even during Basics to Combat." The Professor exclaimed, keeping her rigid face. "This debate further entails: the curriculum will be adjusted. Reduction for the amount of theoretics involved will partake." Shaking her head, she grinded her teeth. "This means more physical activities will occur."
One of the students began clapping amid the masses.
The Professor twitched her right eye, yelling. "Did I give permission to clap?!" Her nose twitched, almost like she was having a seizure. "That will be another lap!"
"Let's run," I said, nudging Ash.
Rolling his eyes, Ash began running. I followed him, maintaining pace. That was until I saw a familiar face.
It was Allura and her friend. I forgot her name, but that was an issue I'd deal with later. I fastened my pace, running past Ash and catching up to Allura.
"Yo," I tapped Allura, waving at her.
Both Allura and her friend looked back, somewhat surprised to see me.
"We meet again," Allura laughed, continuing to run — slowing down speed.
Ash caught up, punching me on the arm. "My legs are about to fall off if we run any faster!"
Not many more words were said, as we just maintained pace until we reached the Professor.
"Get back in line!" The Professor yelled.
Creating a semi-circle, we all awaited orders.
I couldn't help but think this was more like a boot camp than Basics to Combat.
The Professor looked left to right, stomping her foot. "Give me another lap. I do not encourage this chitter-chatter during laps!"
Ash slumped his head looking at me as his knees trembled. "I'll die if I do another lap."
"Professor, would it be fine if we didn't do another run? Instead, we could actually focus on combat." I questioned, standing tall.
"Who dares say that!?" She exclaimed, pointing at a girl near us. "WAS IT YOU?!"
The dwarvish female looked around, absolutely stunned. "I-I-I."
Hands on his knees, Ash pointed at me. "It was Wryn." Fixing his composure, he grinned. "Payback!"
The dwarvish female looked at Ash, smiling at him. "Thank you."
Scratching my head, I walked through the students, now facing the Professor. "I dared to talk..."
Putting her hand on my shoulder, the Professor smiled. "If it's combat you want, it's combat I'll give you!"
The Professor scanned the crowd, pointing at a student. "You, come forward!"
The student was a lengthy Khausfallian student. He had ears similar to a dog? No, it was more similar to that of a lion. I couldn't figure out what his ears resembled, but ultimately, it didn't matter.
"If it's combat you want, it's combat you will get!" She yelled again, pointing towards the combat area.
It really didn't matter what type of ears the student had. All that mattered was his sheer intimidation.
"Let me reiterate the basic rules of combat. When I stop the fight, the fight will end! No exceptions. All weapons will be taken from the weapon rack. Magic is allowed, but no materials except for the weapon taken from the rack should be used. This includes artifacts, personal weapons, and miscellaneous items."
'What did I get myself into...' I thought, picking up two dull daggers from the rack.
'What did I get myself into...'
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