《The Hereafter》Practice, Part 2
"Manipulation is a kind of art! Art for mages to progress civilization!" The Professor exclaimed, moving his arms up and down. The wrinkly Professor exclaimed, weirdly flapping his arms up and down. "Manipulators are artists who formulate knowledge through magic!"
Professor Mckain's skin seemed as if it was melting off. His balding head had a few hair follicles, making him seem prehistoric. I genuinely hoped he wouldn't die from his enthusiasm as he quite literally looked like he could drop dead any second.
"Art is but a product of creation from materials!" The Professor shouted, spit coming out of his wide opened mouth. The Professor opened his mouth, creating a perfect view of his missing teeth. Yet again, stirring his arms in the air, he spat. "Magic is a tool for us manipulators! But to utilize this tool, we must get to know the tool."
Looking around the classroom, I noticed everyone — around fifteen students — was either sleeping or not paying attention. I wondered why there was so little enthusiasm in the room, but why would I need to care about such matters? I lowered my head, using my hands as a rest. I stared at the Professor as he frantically moved.
"Forcefully create what must be made! That is the only answer! Create based on your ambitions," the Professor cried, taking a deep breath. He exhaled, closing his eyes and standing still.
"Shit, did he die," I muttered, lifting my head. I pushed on the desk, starting to get off my chair. But before I could fully get out of my chair, the elderly Professor jumped up.
"Ambient Magic enables us to conceive infinite possibilities! These possibilities are not limited!"
Rolling my eyes, I slumped my head onto the desk. It was easy to understand why everyone wasn't enthusiastic. The Professor said so much yet so little at the same time. He was repetitive to a mind-boggling degree.
"...this brings us to the topic of randomization!"
Suddenly, the class resembled that of a normal one. Students appeared to be taking notes, and most began paying attention.
"Why is the Art of Manipulation not received with the same admiration as other magic?" The Professor spoke, shaking his head. He seemed slightly irritated but resumed his odd movements. "Much of our technology is created by manipulation. Yet, why does our technology seem to be lacking? If we have such a great tool that allows us to create art, why are we lacking?!"
He paused, looking around, then back at us with his eyes wide open. "Randomization! Not one mage inherits the same developmental manipulation as another mage," he added, picking at his nose hair. "The rate at which a manipulator can create varies between mages. Therefore, creating randomization with a mage's inherent aptitude."
"How do we determine our aptitude with manipulation?" A student to my left asked, sitting three rows behind me.
"What was that?" The Professor coughed, rubbing his ears and flicking out earwax. He then created a cup around his ear, turning his head to the student. "Say that again!"
Shaking her head, the student yelled. "How do we determine our ability with manipulation!"
The Professor laughed, closing his eyes. Suddenly, he jolted up, smiling and showing his barren teeth. "That would be neat." He paused, closing his mouth as drool dripped down his lips. "Unfortunately, there is no device to calculate your synergy with ambient magic. Results speak to how adept one is at manipulation." Itching his arm, the Professor scratched his bald head, causing dandruff to fall. "How fast you are at creating magic artifacts will dictate your manipulation skills. The quicker you are at creating simpler artifacts, the more likely you can develop more difficult artifacts."
The Professor started randomly jumping, shaking his head, continuing like nothing weird happened. "Now, that being said, skills can be advanced through practice. Still, natural talent will always beat a limitless amount of practice." Scratching his ear, he bit his nail. "The word randomization absolutely matches manipulation. There is no distinction for who is more adept in manipulation. It truly is random!"
Closing my eyes, I placed my head on the desk. Pacing my breath, I got lost in thought.
Manipulation was an interesting aspect of magic, but it appeared useless. Long-term, it would produce fewer results than my lightning magic. Sure, I could create inventions, but that's nothing compared to the almost endless potential of lightning. And by the looks of it, manipulation seemed to be a tedious type of magic. Lightning, on the other hand, displayed results way sooner. I also didn't entirely grasp manipulation. For fuck's sake, I could literally control lightning. Maybe it was the inner child in me, but I made up my mind during that class. I would focus on my lightning magic before I focused on manipulation.
'I didn't get reincarnated to learn some theoretical bullshit,' I thought, raising my head from the table.
I knew I wasn't being rash. I was sick of theoretical science and all of its underlying features. After all, I would rather not repeat a similar career as in my old world.
"...that sums up the notion of randomization. I will be looking forward to next week!" The Professor said, waving at us. He smiled brightly, showing three teeth. He continued to wave as we walked out of the class.
Walking out of the class, I tapped one of the students, asking. "Is Professor Mckain's class always this unique?"
The male elf laughed, shaking his head. "That old fool always repeats the same introduction, then he finally starts a new topic. Also, by unique, you mean uniquely boring. I'd agree."
I smiled, looking back at the student. "Makes sense, thanks! By the way, my-"
Before I could even introduce myself, the student had already left. Letting out a deep breath, I continued walking out the hall towards the exit.
Luckily, the conversation was fruitful. I figured something was up with the students being so unenthusiastic. The revelation also further helped me make up my mind regarding focusing on lightning magic.
I practiced quickly, bringing out my map. It flawlessly landed in my left hand.
Smiling, I opened the map, surveying where the library was. After a few seconds, I finally discovered the general location. Opening the door to the exit, I began walking toward the library.
I still couldn't help but appreciate the warm atmosphere of the Academy. Watching all these students roam around was comforting. Other than observing them battle, it was pleasant.
"Hello, is this the library?" I asked, scratching my head.
I really hoped the building was a library. I didn't want another awkward conversation.
The elderly lady took off her glasses, wiping the lenses with her shirt. She put on her glasses, glancing at me, moving her eyes up and down. "Greetings, young one, this is the library." She wrinkled her eyes, staring at me. "What are you looking for?"
"Are there any books regarding lightning magic?" I asked, peering around the library. I tried avoiding eye contact to reduce the awkwardness.
"Oh, a deviant magic," the librarian muttered, fiddling with her glasses. She stood up from her seat, pointing towards a location. "Hmmm, follow me."
I followed the lady into one of the many sections. A quick glance allowed one to recognize that the library had a dead atmosphere. There was no one else present except for ourselves.
Thinking nothing of it, I continued to follow the librarian.
"Stop right here," the librarian whispered, carefully examining the rows of books. She scanned the books, placing her finger in the air. Pointing at a book, then moving on to another. This routine of hers occurred for around ten minutes. She grabbed the thick-covered book, handing it to me. "There it is! The phenomena of deviation."
'Damn, this is heavy,' I thought, quickly storing the book into my wristband. Looking up at the librarian, I asked. "How should I check this out?"
"JEHEHE," the librarian weirdly laughed, trying to control herself. "You may keep the book. No one ever comes to the library out of general curiosity. They usually get books for assignments and projects."
Raising my eyebrow, I tilted my head. "How do you know I wasn't here for an assignment or project?"
"Just a small hunch," she winked, walking back towards her desk. "Feel free to look around! Also, don't be afraid to ask me anything."
I walked towards a few empty tables, deciding to sit on one of them. The seats were comfortable, and the table was very well designed, a mixture of fancy and usable.
I took out the book, placed it on the table, and opened it to the first page.
Reading the first page was surprisingly beneficial. 'Deviant magic: magic that stems from elemental magic.' The definition was concise and informative, so I kept reading. 'Divergent magic differs from deviant magic. The underlying difference is divergent magic does not stem from elemental magic.'
I scanned the rest, noticing other than those pieces of information, the rest seemed to be more theoretical. And way too advanced for my current understanding.
Flipping the pages, I looked for a table of contents. Luckily, the massive book contained one. Browsing the chapters, I found one regarding lightning.
Licking my finger, I opened chapter 300, page 30. 'Lightning is the deviation of fire, though many argue lightning is divergent magic. This is because fire is argued to be divergent, but all evidence indicates that lighting emanates from fire. Regardless of the classification for fire, the fact remains clear: lighting absolutely stems from fire.'
I was mildly irritated, twitching my eye. I muttered, flipping the page. "Why don't I have fire magic?" Shaking my head, I continued reading. 'Conversely, most fire users are not lightning users.'
"I spoke too soon," I muttered, gritting my teeth.
'Furthermore, lightning is regarded as a lesser deviant. Lesser deviants are generally classified as weak output magic. The reason is unclear, but many theorize lightning to be incomplete magic. Additionally, lightning is regarded as rare deviation magic. This fact does not help the further knowledge of lightning.'
Clenching my fist, I continued reading. I was hoping for some good news.
'Lightning magic is proficient for swift tactics, meaning augmentation is the best plan of action. Though it is possible for high-level conjuring attacks, it is very unfavorable.'
More, I needed more information. I flipped the page, examining the words left to right. My eyes were fixated on the book, causing my surroundings to become dull.
'The ability to use lightning magic to advance one physical attributes is a lower level skill. Training physical attributes should be a primary objective for those who use lightning. Once the user learns lightning augmentation for physical attributes, they should practice preceptive attributes. Lightning users can perceive events with higher degrees with augmentation of eyes with lightning. However, users should be warned of this, as, unlike physical augmentation, the risks for augmentation concerning perception are considerable, being, but not limited to, blindness, brain damage, and loss of magic circuits.'
"Damn it," I whispered, flipping the pages. I tried searching for a page regarding techniques. I needed to learn actual magic, not know all this theoretical bullshit. It was neat knowing lighting augmentation was easier for lightning users, but how the hell would I even do that. Skimming through the book, I couldn't find anything.
Slamming my head onto the table, I raised my head. Standing up, I scratched my head. "I could just find a book teaching augmentation."
It was easy to look at myself as idiotic during this dull moment, but sometimes people forget the easy answer. I wasn't immune to this...
"I'm just a child after all," I muttered, almost laughing out loud.
Storing the deviation book into my bracelet, I neared the librarian. On my way to her, I scanned the plethora of books. I couldn't help but admire the amount of knowledge present.
I arrived at the counter, realizing the librarian was sleeping.
I positioned my arm near my mouth, coughing twice to wake her up.
"Is it already time to pack up?" She jolted up, wiping her glasses. She put them on, yawning. "Oh, it's you. Any questions, dear?"
"Would you mind showing me where the augmentation, conjuring, and manipulation books are?" I looked at the floor, feeling slightly bad for waking her up.
"Hmm, I'll see what I can do for you!" She said, ushering me to follow her.
I followed her, but this time, we entered a different area.
"Magic classification, that is the book you are looking for," she said, handing me a book almost two times heavier than the other one.
My arms fell to the ground with the book, but I quickly stored it away, using all my strength to hold the book.
Smiling, the librarian created eye contact with me. She stared at me, repositioning her glasses. "That book should contain most general to medium difficulty information regarding magic classification."
My wristband started shaking, meaning only one thing: Alren's bullshit.
Ignoring the shaking, I smiled, nodding my head. "Thank you for helping. I waved at her, nearing the exit.
"Do come again," the librarian remained smiling, sitting back.
Taking out the map, I noticed something peculiar. This time, the message was located in a different area.
I walked in the direction of the signal. Pressing my lips together, I let out a sigh. 'That maniac Alren better give me specific times and locations for his damn experiment. I should ask him for specifics later.'
The signal came from a building with abbreviations. I couldn't decipher it as it was labeled A.C.B. with no further information.
Regardless, I followed the map toward the location. The number of students seemed to dwindle as I walked towards this section of the Academy.
The building was located near the right end of the Academy. That is if you're facing the entrance.
Opening the door, all I could feel was an inexplicable intensity. Where was I? No better yet, what was causing such a sensation?
"Fuck that," I mumbled, closing my eyes and walking back outside.
Bumping into someone, I rubbed my head. "Watch where you're going."
"And who are you to decide such matters?" A man clicked his tongue, grabbing my shoulder.
"Hey, hey, let's not get physical here," I gripped his hand, lifting my head upwards and staring at him.
Eyes wide open, the man didn't utter a word. Suddenly, he took one deep breath from his mouth, exhaling from his nose. "Holding your head a little high. Don't you think?"
"What?" I raised my eyebrow, squinting my eyes and remaining eye contact.
Shaking his head, the man began laughing. "Pests will remain pests!" He placed his hand on his face, continuing to laugh. "Filth should know their place."
I couldn't run, look away, call for help, or even piss out of fear. No, all I could do was know dread.
A wave of thick gusts hit me. The magic suffocated me, causing shortness of breath. Grabbing my heart, I attained the courage to take three steps backward. It was that or death.
"FALL!" The maniac smiled as his hand reached my face.
What should have been his hand seemed like a sharp knife coming toward my throat.
I was a dead man.
My knees began to give out. My joints felt like they would snap any second.
His hand neared even closer. Life seemed as if it was going in slow motion. If I was going to die, I would rather do it on my terms. Turning off my magic perceivers, I closed my eyes.
I awaited death...
"Good afternoon, Headmaster Mishal," a familiar voice uttered.
Opening my eyes, I saw Headmaster Vafaren shaking the maniac's hand.
"Tsk," the maniac uttered, snatching his hand from Vafaren. "It seems as if you didn't fall this time. But do keep diligence." The man gaped at me, not blinking. "Rats tend to fall for traps."
Headmaster Vafaren gripped the maniac's hand. "Headmaster, it appears as if we have a meeting? Let us go in together, shall we?"
'RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN!!!!!!' My mind raced 100 miles per hour. All I could think about was running, but I couldn't.
Two forces were facing one another. Their auras clashed, and it was majestic yet so mortifying. The two monsters in front of me could scare anyone. No, I knew they would scare anyone, and even with my perception off, I felt magic burning my skin.
"Is it so wrong for a Headmaster to welcome a new student?" Headmaster Mishal comforted, growing a slightly devilish smile. His posture was one of someone relaxed.
"No, not at all!" Headmaster Vafaren laughed, growing into a serious expression.
Two enormous waves clashed as the two men became face to face. And I was the damn rat in the middle of the two waves.
Another gust of magic hit me, burning me even more. I needed to run before I'd die, but I couldn't. Perhaps, I was losing my mind…
How both the Headmasters were able to keep their composure was beyond me.
Another burning sensation arose, but this time it was scarier. No, it was deadlier.
If the last clash was one of the waves, then the upcoming clash felt like the whole world could explode. Two entities that could cause damage far beyond imagination, and I was the damn rat in the middle of them…
But like a rat, I ran.
Listening to my gut, I fled the scene. Sweat dripped as I ran.
"I can’t die here," I wailed as my vision started to blur.
Pain pulsated through my legs, and I may have suffered a few cramps, but it didn't stop me from continuing to run.
‘RUN, RUN, RUN, KEEP RUNNING!’ I thought, tripping but moving forward. No matter what, I kept running, not once looking behind.
I continued running until I reached a bench miles away from the scene. I sat on the bench, using my hand to wipe the sweat off my face.
Taking heavy breaths in and out, I gaped at the darkening sky. Slumping my head, I rubbed my eyes, placing my hands on my face. I remained seated, letting the wind breeze hit me.
What seemed like ages were merely five minutes.
"I-I-I-I... I'm tired," I whispered, standing and moving towards the entrance. "I think I'll sleep early today."
- End199 Chapters
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