《The Hereafter》School Life, Part 2
I took three steps away from the teen. "What..."
The teen looked at me, ready to reply, but he was interrupted.
"Are you joking?" The once meditating boy stood up, approaching us. "I'm not deaf!"
The orange-haired teen smiled, brushing his hair with one hand. "An apprentice is a privilege only given to a few chosen students." He walked forward, approaching the angered male. "An apprentice, once chosen, cannot be taken away from their position."
"Bertin, what the hell are you insinuating?" The male gritted his teeth, looking at the orange-haired teen. Nearing us, he formed fire from his hand.
Bertin — orange-haired teen — walked forward laughing. "That is unless the apprentice garners the worth to have their own apprentice. However, is that truly the only way?"
"Shut the hell up," the male yelled, launching a fireball towards Bertin.
Walking into the flame, Bertin laughed. "Another way is if the apprentice resigns!"
Unscathed, Bertin held a bo staff at the enraged boy. "Or... the final option: the apprentice gets injured to the degree where they can no longer participate in activities."
'How did he get to the boy so fast? No... How did he get out of the fire without being injured?!' I took a few steps backward. The last thing I wanted to do was become collateral damage.
"Melia, would you mind taking Henry to the infirmary?" Bertin beamed, patting the enraged boy on the shoulder — who I presumed was Henry.
"Sure thing," the girl who had won her fight said, nearing Bertin and Henry.
"I'll kill you," Henry screamed, fire enveloping his body.
Chuckling, Bertin walked away from Henry. "Cool down, getting so heated for nothing."
Henry fell to the ground, perforations on multiple parts of his arm.
Melia carried Henry, flipping him onto her shoulder. "I'll be back." She gazed at me as she walked out of the building, closing the door as she exited.
"Sorry about that," Bertin greeted, raising out his hand. He shook my hand as he looked me in the eyes. "My name is Bertin Mitu."
Shaking his hand a little harder, I responded. "My name is Wryn Radcliffe... Well, I already told you that." Narrowing my eyes, I asked. "If I become your apprentice, what do I gain?"
Stashing his lance away, Bertin rubbed his chin. "That's a great question!" He continued, ushering me toward the center of the room. "Mythrn, do you mind if we use this space?"
"Not at all," Mythrn said, walking away. Mythrn was the male who fought against Melia.
Confused, I looked around. 'What could we possibly do here?'
Scratching my head, I looked at Bertin. "Now what?"
"Time for fun!" Bertin stood tall, signaling his hand for me to move forward.
I really didn't want to fight a kid who just pulverized someone...
'What have I got myself into?' I thought, walking forward and stopping. "Before we start, could you tell me the advantages of being an apprentice?"
Bertin's smile curled into a blank expression. "Experience with combat as well as school events. I guess we also travel quite often." He shook his head, growing a smile. "Let's have some fun."
Looking down at the ground, I closed my eyes. 'Is it smart to continue this..."
I discerned Bertin was quite experienced in fighting, but still, he lacked something. Whenever I fought Llram, I felt uneasy. Yet, right now, I didn't feel that same pressure. I didn't know how to think of it other than Bertin not having the same intimidation factor.
Perhaps it gave me a fake sense of confidence that erased my worries.
Getting into a Khausfallian stance, I used the confidence to pounce towards Bertin's leg, pushing my body weight forward.
Surprised, Bertin used his other leg, kicking me, causing him to fall off balance.
I remained clung to Bertin's leg, causing us to fall to the floor.
Eyes wide open, Bertin laughed. "Very good! I give up."
Getting off of him, we both stood up, breathing heavily.
"Very good!" Bertin applauded, growing a stern face. "Let's use magic and weapons now."
Sighing, I inserted magic into my wristband. I squeezed the dulled daggers that I used for my training. "I'm ready."
Bertin got into a wide stance, left leg forward and right leg backward. He held a long dull-metal staff-like weapon.
Forming lightning around myself, making me faster, I ran toward Bertin.
'I hate my life...' I thought, approaching Bertin.
'Why is he just standing there?' I couldn't help but be worried since the atmosphere was becoming similar to Llram. 'Damn it, why am I thinking about him so much...'
Bertin raised his bo staff toward the air, bringing it downwards, creating the perfect opportunity for me.
I ran faster toward Bertin. His front was wide open, allowing me to reach my right hand forward, pointing the dagger towards him.
The lightning began encompassing the dagger, creating an ear-piercing sound.
Seconds turned into what felt like hours.
I was so close to hitting my target, but who would have expected...
His metallic staff bent downwards. A once metal shape modified, bending towards my shoulder.
"SHI-" I shrieked as the staff struck me, forcing me to the floor.
Staring me straight into the eyes, Bertin clicked his tongue. "Your control over magic is not impressive at all."
"Why do you want me to be your apprentice?" I panted, laying down on the floor.
Bertin, helping me up from the floor, smiled. "You seem interesting." He added, gaping at me. "I don't know how to say it, but you seem intriguing."
"I guess that's neat and all." I avoided eye contact. "But what do I really gain from becoming an apprentice?"
Rubbing his chin, Bertin pointed his finger at me. "You'll gain better control over magic. And you'll learn a thing or two."
"But why... What do you gain from this?" I remained a neutral expression.
Bertin smiled, placing both his hands behind his head. "We don't get many people in this combat department." He added, reaching out his hand. "A lot of people tend to avoid our combat section. So, would you like to be my apprentice?"
Reaching out my hand, I took it back. Tugging my lips to the left, I created eye contact. "How can I trust you? You literally just injured your old member..."
"The kid had it coming. I don't expect you to know why I did what I did or even trust my actions. So why don't I show you instead?" He looked me in the eyes, continuing to keep his hand out.
I knew it... I knew it was risky. Only a fool would randomly accept such an ordeal, but I couldn't help but do so. It wasn't every day someone powerful would offer to help you, plus there were benefits...
Grabbing his hand and firmly shaking it, I nodded. "Fine, then show me."
Bertin let go of my hand, looking up at the second floor. "We have a new member! Let's goooo!" He created an open cup with his hands, placing it around his mouth. "I recruited a member before you fools could!"
"You also lost us a member," a female elf jumped from the second floor, cushioning her fall with vines.
A dwarf female walked down the stairs, shaking her head. "Wow, the almighty loser really recruited someone." She added, puppy-eyed. "Are you alright, kiddo? Are you sure you are not being forced or hypnotized by this crazed lunatic?"
"I think... I'm fine," I grinned, placing my practice-daggers into my wristband.
Bertin pointed at the elf. "This young lady's name is Easta."
"Nice to meet you." Easta waved at me.
Bertin lowered his smile, rolling his eyes and pointing at the female dwarf. "That's the one and only mighty Forsona."
Smiling, Forsona beamed. "Thanks." Tilting her head, she raised her eyebrows. "Hey, hey, are you being sarcastic!"
"That gentleman sitting over there is Mythrn," Bertin said, pointing to the right where the male sat down.
"Hey hey," Forsona tried interjecting.
Mythrn waved at me, so I waved back. He was relaxing on a sofa, and I assumed it was a rest area, considering the many sofas and comfy chairs.
Bertin and I ignored Forsona as she jumped up and down.
"Are there more members?" I questioned, awkwardly smiling.
"Well, most of our members graduated." Bertin gazed at the ceiling. "Other than Melia, who you already saw. No, we don't have any other members but worry not, we're still the strongest group."
"Hey hey, stop ignoring me," Forsona whined, pacing around Bertin.
'If anything, this is best for me. I can get more one-on-one time with the other students,' I believed, nodding my head in agreement.
Bertin finally attended to Forsona, smiling. "Forsona, get Wryn acquainted with the rules. I need to go to class." He shook his head, closing his eyes. "If you do this for me, I'll say I'm sorry."
"Really?!" Forsona stopped whining, gaining a serious expression.
Bertin approached the door, nodding. "Really." He waved at us. "I expect a lot from you, Wryn. I'll see you tomorrow."
Smiling, Forsona nodded her head. "It's time for Forsona to be serious!" Pressing her lips, focusing, she looked like a duck... "You will need to attend the daily training. They occur every day at Six Ante Meridiem."
Letting out a sigh, I closed my eyes. "Do I really need to wake up that early?"
"Indeed you do! You will also be required to attend combat events with our fraction," Forsona furrowed her brows, nodding her head up and down.
I considered asking Forsona a question, but she genuinely seemed slow in the head. But I realized that's exactly why I should ask her. Maybe she would give me more information than needed.
Making up my mind, I created eye contact. "You sure are impressive. I'm so glad to have a mentor like you!"
Puffing out her chest, Forsona grinned. "I am pretty great, aren't I?"
"I have a question that only someone as great as you can answer. Is Bertin important?" I questioned, looking down at Forsona. "Only a few students can have apprentices if I remember correctly."
Forsona nodded her head. "Hmm, no one compares to me, so I'll exclude myself from this conversation. Bertin is pretty important... I mean, almost everyone knows him. He's younger than me, which makes him impressive."
"How old are you guys?" I asked, maintaining eye contact.
Forsona delivered an uppercut to my abdomen, frowning. "There are two things that always are true in this world. One, I'm the best! Two, never ask a lady for her age!"
Gasping for air, I wheezed. "Sorry, Ma'am..." I held my stomach, wincing in slight pain. "You're strong."
Lifting her chin up, Forsona nodded. "Hmm, Bertin comes from an important family, but who here at the Academy doesn't? Other than that obvious fact, I'd say he's important because of his strength." She advanced, really close to my face. "The younger generation is quite scary."
"Would you mind clarifying that?" I inquired, looking directly at Forsona.
"Well, it's almost like an untold saying. Usually, the Combat Association is a good hint to who the stars of the Academy are. Most of our older 'stars' have recently graduated, making room for others." She looked up at me, tugging her lip to the left. "Still, what if 'stars' don't want to attend the Combat Association?"
"You'll know by their accolades?" I shrugged.
"I guess, but not quite." She said, looking down at the floor. "There are two of these irregularities. There's the Headmaster's nephew and that freak Llram. Who cares about being able to mentor when they've been awarded something greater."
'She knows Llram and the Headmaster has a nephew?!' Tilting my head, I raised my eyebrow. "How are they irregularities?"
"I literally told you." She lowered her lips, shaking her head. "They were awarded something bigger. They're apprentices to fricken Commanders."
'Allura's father is a Commander. Are they really that important?' I spread my eyes open, touching my lips with my thumb. "Thank you, oh wise one."
Yawning, Forsona grew a serious face. "I wouldn't pull any shenanigans with Bertin. If I had an opinion, which I do because I'm the best! I would say Bertin is the strongest student if you exclude those irregularities." She puffed out her chest. "By the way, I'm the biggest irregularity!"
I whispered. "I can tell..." She blinked, staring at me, so I quickly added. "Thank you, o strong one!"
Nodding her head in agreement, Forsona gaped. "I have to attend class!" She blurted while running past me. "I'll see you tomorrow!"
I likewise decided it was time to leave. Waving at the two remaining members, I exited the building.
'Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?' I wondered, staring at the floor.
"Wryn!" a familiar boy yelled, marching in my direction.
I placed my hand on my forehead, somewhat embarrassed about forgetting about Ash.
"How's it going, pal?" I waved at Ash.
Ash's stomach grumbled as he gasped for air. He avoided eye contact, grumbling. "Would you like to go eat something?"
"Sure," I laughed, flicking Ash's head with my finger. "Let's get some food."
I wasn't worried about paying for food. Tehla gave me plenty of money, so I was ready to feast. Tehla was strict, but she sure did come clutch when I really needed it.
The food court was quite a long way from the C.A., but it was an easy path.
There were multiple different stalls, but one piqued my interest.
I inserted more magic into my perception, gaping at a chef. 'I knew it..." Some of the chefs weren't even mages.
Was such a fact peculiar? Probably not, but I found it interesting that non-mages could still manage in the mage-infested area. If I were to work with mages, and I didn't have magic. I probably would have killed myself out of hatred...
"Let's go to that stall," I tapped Ash, approaching the stall.
Ash looked at the menu, placing it back down. "Let's go to another stall. This one is bland."
"Greetings," the man behind the stall stated. The stall was very similar to that of high school food courts.
Waving, I asked. "What's the best food you have?"
"Hmm, the Albread with beef soup!" The somewhat old man declared. Dicing some herbs, he placed them in a bowl, mixing them. "My bread is quite famous! You see, my name is Alfred, and I make the bread from my special recipe. Thus the famous, wide-known bread was created: Albread."
Chuckling, I smiled. "That's pretty creative! We'll have two of those meals. One for me and the other for my friend."
"Coming right away," Alfred began cutting herbs even faster, focusing on creating the dish.
Nudging me, Ash rolled his eyes. "I would be madder, but I'm too hungry for that."
"Alright, little guy," I teased as we waited for our food.
"Two Albread specials!" Alfred announced, placing the meals on the metal table.
I smelled the aromatic meal, asking. "How much would that be?"
Alfred looked confused as Ash interjected. "You idiot." He added, pointing toward his I.D. "You need to show your I.D."
"Oh, I see," I said, taking out my I.D., showing it to Alfred.
Waving, Alfred began chopping more herbs.
"Let's sit here," Ash said as we both sat down.
Slurping the soup, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. It was good!
Ash glanced at the soup, taking a sip. "This is kind of good!"
Gulping down the food, we both relaxed in our seats.
"Did you check out the C.A.?" Ash asked, rubbing his stomach.
Hands behind my head, I stretched my legs. "Yeah, I also joined a group."
Rubbing his eyes, Ash narrowed his eyes. "Which organization did you join?"
Yawning, I placed my hand over my mouth. I sat up straight, fixing my posture. "Bertin's group, I'm also his apprentice now."
Falling backward off his chair, Ash got up, leaning his head forward. "B-B-Bertin?!" Ash exclaimed, running towards me and shaking me. "The BERTIN?!"
"Yes..." I said, pushing him off me.
"Are you stupid? No, more importantly, how?!" Ash gawked, holding his head in pain. He added, shaking his head. "This is too much for me to take."
"How come?" I tilted my head.
Ash approached me, a few inches away from my face. "Bertin is known for not accepting anyone into his organization. How did you get in?!"
"Skill?" I shrugged as I felt my wristband shaking.
Rubbing his eyes, Ash chuckled. "I must be dreaming."
'Was it really that big of a deal?' I doubted, standing up. "Anyways, I have to attend to some important business." I walked forward, tapping Ash on the shoulder. "Also, clean up my mess, thanks!"
"Sure," Ash nodded, staring at me in disbelief.
'Looks like it's time for this science business again,' I yawned, walking towards the portal.
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