《The Hereafter》New Beginnings, Part 2
I wafted into an abyss of obscurity as the shadowed anonymity clutched onto my legs. The anonymity held onto me, dragging me further.
Squirming around and thrusting my body forward, I broke out of its clutch. The darkness followed me as I ran, but I kept running until It grabbed me. Clasping onto my feet, it undeviatingly took me distant.
Giving up, I let it drag me, taking me wherever it pleased.
'Am I dying again?' I cried as the darkness took me further. 'Will I receive an additional chance at life if I die again?' Tears began fluttering down my cheeks. "I don't want to die."
Abruptly light penetrated the once hopeless darkness, causing me to shudder off the dusk. I frantically grabbed out towards the light, both my hands repeatedly reaching out. A soothing eeriness penetrated my body once I cliched onto the light.
I gasped for air when I heard an enigmatic sound. "Godo monring." Forcing my eyes open, everything I perceived was murky, but the light reassured me.
I became eased as my face grew a perception of relaxation. "I'm still alive."
I glanced around, distinguishing an uncouth man in front of me. It took me a few seconds to realize the man was Alren.
Alren appeared to be smiling, which was out of the ordinary. My short time with Alren was one of turmoil, so why was he smiling? Alren offered his hand, continuing to smile.
I grasped onto his hand and propelled myself upwards.
Alren tugged his lips, developing a solicitous expression. "Wryn, I'll be blunt. I expected you to either use my method or give up. In all honesty, I anticipated coming back and witnessing you performing push ups. The technique I taught you doesn't cause this kind of self-harm. I don't sense much magic in you other than your core, so what did you do?"
I expected agony after waking, but I was surprisingly fresh. Since I was in an exceptional condition, I reckoned It would be simpler to show Alren than to explain.
I began my process, initiating Alren's technique, causing lightning-like material to encompass me.
Alren stood there, doubtful yet intrigued, as his hand remained on his chin.
Imagining a magic particle, I shot it towards an area, but I missed. Without thinking twice about failure, I imagined multiple particles and applied my rapid-fire technique. The misses weren't as painful as before since I recovered.
Finally, after a hit, I perceived magic momentarily.
Alren grew even more bewildered, seeming like he was about to speak but returned focus on me.
The moment allowed me to perceive magic, so I knew I had to continue hitting that area. I repeatedly began hitting that section, the course of hitting became more natural, almost like throwing water. Continuing to hit the region, I waited until it felt like the water was naturally flowing. After a few minutes, I perceived magic without fretting about maintaining it since the flow naturally occurred.
I gaped at the orangish spheres that glittered around the room, causing me to remain awestruck. Multiple orange spheres scattered the room, slightly moving.
Alren grew a devilish smile, raising his right eyebrow. "Explain your process to achieve such a state."
Puffing out my chest, I smirked. "Your method was helpful, but it simply didn't pan out as planned. You required me to imagine extraction near my eyes which didn't work the same as extraction through my hands." Pausing, I tapped my head. "I went through multiple ideas and concluded: I'll extract through my hands, but then I'll act as the magic, repeatedly manipulate the magic, and eventually hit my barren areas. Also, I learned that I can shut off my magic circuits by imagining an obstacle cutting off the circuits."
Alren remained smiling as he tapped his wristband, and a bag came out.
I squinted at the bag, creating eye contact at his wristband. "How did a bag come from your wristband?"
Alren calmly smiled. "The complexity of magic is quite bothersome. Still, the limits are a toy for us mages to disarray! You see, Wryn... Many mages are proficient with elemental magic such as water, fire, earth, wind, and the other deviants or even divergent. But, out of all that magic, how can a mage create such a thing as my bracelet? Well, it's simple! Some mages are proficient in the manipulation of pure magic." Closing his eyes, he yawned. "Any questions?"
Shaking my head, I continued to stare at him. "Please continue."
Alren added. "Do you witness buoyant orangish material? If you do, you are proficient in the manipulation of magic." He grew a solemn face, looking away from me. "It's more of a burden than a gift."
"Is the orange material magic?" I questioned, waiting for a reply, but instead, Alren continued his tangent.
"Growing up, I desired to be a competent mage. I so badly wanted to be substantial for my family. Being bestowed with healing magic doesn't help that goal." He stopped talking, grabbing a scroll out of his bag. "This scroll is similar to the bracelet, but I made it myself. Mages like myself are manipulators."
Lowering my eyebrows, I gazed at the orange spheres. "Why are manipulators a burden?"
He smirked, laughing. "Why are manipulators a burden? We're generally weaker at our elemental magic, and our uses as a manipulator on the battlefield are worthless. This scroll took me eight months to make when I was a child, and If I were to do it now, it would take at least a week." Looking down at me, he tittered. "Impressive, right?" He looked at me smiling, but his smile turned into a neutral expression. "No! What is the point of having manipulation if you can't effectively use it? All manipulators are repressed by the amount of time manipulating takes."
My prideful expression turned sullen. "I can witness orangish material. Does that mean I'm a manipulator as well?"
Alren remarked. "Yes, but you can also use deviation magic: lightning."
I tilted my head in disbelief, questioning. "I can use lightning magic?"
Alren took a deep breath. "What else would be forming around your body, you fool."
I was astonished! It didn't occur that the lightning-like material forming around me was lightning...
"I thought it was magic," I rubbed my neck, whispering.
Alren persisted unamused, resuming his conversation. "Manipulators are restricted because of time, which means most of them have to operate in non-warfare professions. Manipulators help advance technology, and my bracelet is a direct outcome of the advancement concerning technology." He snickered, looking at my hand. "The bracelet you are wearing is also a similar device to mine."
I quickly shifted my gaze towards my bracelet, almost forgetting when we bought it at the market. It felt like it had been ages since that day.
Staring at the wall, I was reminded of the Goodes: I wondered how Allura and her family were.
Alren clapped his hands once, garnering my attention. "We have a lot of catching up to do. I won't be repeating myself, so try to keep up." He shifted his eyes towards my own, inhaling through his nose. "You'll be undergoing a strict regimen during these next five months."
"Five months?" I abruptly asked.
Ignoring me, he signaled me to stop talking. "Firstly, you will be training with Llram Daerora, and before you ask who he is... He is a talented mage and fighter who can teach you quite a bit. Secondly, you will be under my strict supervision, so don't think you can slack off. Thirdly, you're not allowed to learn magic from me or anyone else. The headmaster believes that your combat skills must take priority. Fourthly, the headmaster is currently battling for your rights to be recognized as a mage and not a lowly rat." He stopped talking, looking away, then back. "Wryn, to be blunt, your future is unclear, so the next five months have to be maximized because they could be your last. The incentive to work should be clear. After all, if you want to keep your family content, you have to comply."
Why were expectations befalling me? I never wanted such a pressured life as I believed my new life to be a blessing: one where I could finally right my wrongs. All I wanted to do was live a life of peace. A life where I would only experience joy.
But A sense of duty was too familiar to the one of my old world. Working for others was quite a noble act, but what about myself?
Slowly stiffening up, I closed my eyes and opened them. "I already consented! Whatever you want to put me through, provide me the path, and I'll follow."
Alren nodded as he reached out towards his bag and placed it into his wristband. He then continued by conjuring out two swords from the bracelet: one sword was quite big, the other was smaller in comparison. He held both the swords, dropping the smaller sword onto the floor.
"I want to spar with you, so grab the sword."
I tilted my head, staring at the sword. "I'm not in the condition..." I shook my head, not saying another word because Alren grew impatient. He tapped his feet on the floor, reminding me of a spoiled brat.
He pointed at his left wrist, a clock-like wristband encompassing his wrist. "Any day now."
I neared towards the sword on the floor — the silver sword encompassed with a leather grip made it denoted manlily. 'How hard can swordsmanship even be?'
Holding onto the grip, I lifted the sword, but I halted when my arms felt as if they would latch off. My neck veins popped out, sweat dripping down my face as I tried picking it up.
Letting go, I took a few breaths. "I can't pick it up."
Alren promptly picked up the sword with ease. One hand was enough for him to hold the sword and place it back into the bracelet. He proceeded to bring out two daggers from his bracelet. "Shall we begin?" He then almost laughingly shouted. "Surely you can pick up these daggers."
Nearing my hands towards the daggers, I firmly clasped them. I gaped at Alren as intimidatingly as a teen could, lifting my chin. "Let's begin."
I paced my breath, breathing in from my nose and out through my mouth. I kept calm, stepping away from Alren, getting a good view of him. Reassuring myself, I thought. 'I'm used to street fights with knives, so how onerous could daggers be?'
The dagger was composed of a silver blade and pommel, and the crossguard was built from black stone material, while the grip contained brown leather making it natural to clutch. The daggers weren't sophisticated, but they damn well made me look manly.
In front of me stood a grown man who had a body made for fighting, and here I was, a child. Sweat developed from clasping the daggers, making the grip loosen ever so slightly.
Alren grew impatient, tugging his lips to the left. He gripped his sword with immense force, staring down at me and tapping his foot on the ground.
Ignoring him, I looked at his sword, which could denote the title: gaudy. The pommel and crossguard shined brilliantly, composed out of gold material, and the grip was built from a dark red leather substance. The fuller was darkish silver, whereas the remainder of the blade was a polished silver that could be mistaken for a mirror.
'Learning a few things from the den seems to have helped...' I thought, trying not to think more of that place.
Alren shook his head in a manner that depicted he messed up. "I forgot to mention, but the orange magic you see will be troublesome for tasks. You mentioned you could cut off detecting magic, so I'd suggest you do so because it will get stressful to keep viewing while in combat. I'd teach you how to make the magic disappear, but we don't have the time for that, and I'm not allowed..."
I nodded in agreement, creating a theoretical barrier, barricading the circuit flow towards my perception. As if a light switch flipped, the orangish material in front of me disintegrated into nothingness.
"Anyday, Princess," he yawned, placing his hand on his mouth.
Gritting my teeth, I twitched my right eye, looking at the man. The whole day was one of hardship, and now here I was fighting a grown-ass man. It didn’t take a scientist to realize how the fight would end!
Positioning into a running stance, I moved my left leg slightly behind my body while my right ahead. "I'm ready."
Smirking, I scraped the daggers against each other, causing Alren to wince at my actions.
This allowed me an opening, and without any second thoughts, I dashed forward. My left leg pushed down on the ground, accelerating me towards Alren.
Since I only stopped my magic perception, the lightning around my legs immensely helped my acceleration, causing me to go even faster. Clasping the dagger in my right hand like one would with a kitchen knife, I neared it towards his body.
My dagger connected with his sword, pivoting to his chest, but he remained still, not even moving an inch. Laughing, he began showing off by doing tricks with his sword: he circularly twirled his sword in the air as if he was trying to impress me.
"Damn," I mumbled.
Suddenly, I dropped the dagger in my left hand as the recoil from the blow made my left hand numb. It left me shaking as I gaped at the dropped dagger.
Alren licked his lips, closing and opening them. "Hey kid, is this the best you got?"
I dropped down to the floor, realizing how impossible it was to beat an adult.
Alren laughed. "Giving up, are we?"
Oh, how badly I wanted to cut that sly smile off his face, but how could I as a child...
Grinding my teeth, I cocked back my arm, holding the remaining dagger. I instantly propelled it forward towards his sly smile.
I quickly grabbed the other dagger on the floor while I jumped up. I ran forward, knowing one thing. 'I don't want to lose...'
Alren deflected the dagger reaching near his face, and additionally, the attack wouldn't have even done damage as the pommel would have hit him and not the blade.
But because he deflected the dagger, it allowed me another opportunity.
Alren quickly got into a stance, but it was too late. I was within the vicinity to strike him.
My blade neared him as I propelled my body force into the attack, nearing his hip.
Alren used the dull side of his sword, hitting me backward. Causing me to slide against the ground, but I remained on my feet. I gripped the dagger with all my force, causing my lightning to envelop it.
"Quite impressive, but we'll end this joke of a spar now. I've gotten all the information I need," Alren closed his eyes, shaking his head.
Without any warning, I threw the lightning-encompassed dagger at Alren. Though the lightning dissipated as it approached Alren, the momentum of the dagger increased the speed.
The dagger created an ear-piercing screech, causing my ear pain.
Alren remained in his amused position, not ready for the hit, but he gracefully dragged his sword upwards, hitting the dagger downwards as it closed onto him.
The dagger shattered upon impact, creating shards that scattered the area.
I slumped to the floor, but now, I had no intention of retaliation.
Alren plodded near me, shifting his head downwards, casting an irritated eye down at me. "Are you done with your temper tantrum?"
"Why me?" I fumed, slamming my fists onto the floor. "Why me!"
I clenched my teeth and raised my eyes out of anger, gazing at Alren, almost like I was reading his soul.
Even Alren took a step backward, thinking I was about to do something idiotic.
I wept. "Why do I... barely a teen have to..." I couldn't mouth the words, so I began whaling out of pain. Clenching my heart, I felt as if it was being melted. I had held all my emotions inside, and the defeat only helped shatter that hold. No, that wasn't why... I was given a new life, but what about my old one? I'd have never been able to resolve that...
Alren grumbled, but I ignored him. I let the agony consume me, as a burning sensation caused me to grip onto the floor. 'I'm all alone... No one would believe me if I told them the truth. And with the slight chance that they did, then what? They would abandon me.'
'What if I'm just dreaming,' I thought to myself, laying down on the floor. I slammed my fists onto the ground again, tears running down my cheeks. I began coughing from the whaling, tears still running down my cheeks. Biting my already bloodied lip, I thought. 'Was thinking about my old life causing such a reaction.'
Alren advanced closer, smiling and sitting down. "I overlooked you’re still a child. I'm sorry if this is too much to ask for." He lifted me from the ground. "You will benefit Fech, not only technologically but also military-wise. You will help society by figuring out how to produce mages from non-mages. This brings forth the question of why should you need to learn magic and combat? Truthfully, you will provide data on how far a non-mage can take their abilities, and if your abilities are subpar, then the whole project will be discarded."
I regained balance on my feet, I had the urge to punch him, but I resisted. "Is it so wrong if I want to live a comfortable life? I'm not asking to be an all-powerful deity like a king, nor am I asking for power, and I'm not asking for anything inconceivable," I insisted, whipping my tears. "All I ask for is a life where I can live comfortably. A life where I can enjoy... A life I can ENJOY without worrying about problems like money, being a mage, and even helping this damn country. All I want is to help MYSELF. So I ask again, is it so WRONG?!"
"Wryn, you talk as if you've lived a life of hell, but I assure you, this is nothing! Children around your age are currently training to be mages. Every non-mage desires magic, but they don't know the hardships that come with magic. Young mages are forced through vigorous training, and even as we speak, children your age are training. Be it theoretical studies, they still are training." Alren shook his head, pointing at me. "I'll stop with the bullshit. Who cares about all of these resources we've given you. Why care for them if you could obtain them for yourself, so that's exactly why I'll bestow you with the choice: live your own life by using magic to your advantage."
Not knowing how to respond, I looked at him, asking. "If I gain proficiency in magic and combat, will I be capable of achieving independence?"
"Power is everything, and If you gain proficiency, you will only go as far as your capabilities. It's upon yourself; you determine your future."
My thoughts ran rampageous. 'Of course! Of course! Of course, It all comes back to one dividend. If my old world relied on money, then this world relies on power! I'm a slave to something, yet again...'
Alren snapped his fingers, drawing my attention. "I feel for you... If I had the choice, we all would be living peaceful lives. A world where children and adults don't have to worry, but that's just a wild fantasy of mine. We both need to wake up to reality." He clenched his fists and admitted. "Wake up to reality, this world is a hell hole, and you've barely ventured into it. Here you are, already beaten..."
He told me to wake up to reality, but which reality?! The reality of my old world or the new one? Breathing in and out, I shook my head. 'He knows nothing about my past! I already ventured into the hell hole that was my old world! Who the fuck is he, telling me to wake up to reality.'
Damn it, I had to keep moving forward, but I wasn't about to let this man tell me what to do.
I was about to utter some quirky remark, but before I could...
"It's okay," He hugged me. "I'll be here for you."
I tried pushing him off. "HUH, what the hell are you doing?"
The silence of the moment spoke a thousand words. Was I too judgmental before? I had no idea what kind of past Alren faced, so who was I to judge him...
I coughed. "Enough! Enough! You're squishing me to death!"
Alren quickly backed off, growing flustered, but he quickly cleared his throat. "Enough with the mushy shit, back to business." He signaled me to follow him. "These next five months will be tough, physically and mentally. I think you realize why learning combat is important..."
"Why can't I learn magic? If you want to test how powerful a mage can be, then not teaching me would be contradictory, no?"
Alren placed his sword back into his wristband, jesting. "You've got quite the tongue. Try not to talk rudely to me, but the reason is quite simple. What good is magic if you lack a fundamental? No one's stopping you from using magic, but you're not allowed to learn it. I hope that resolves your questions."
The answer didn't help... The response Alren gave was counterintuitive. 'Wouldn't using magic also help learn it...' I shook my head and sarcastically remarked. "Thank you."
We treaded upstairs as I stared at Alren the whole time while heading upstairs. At the top of the stairs remained two maids, and unexpectedly, Alren pushed me towards one of the maids. "Get Mr. Radcliffe tidied up."
Both the maids began to usher me towards the stairs, but Alren commanded. "One maid is enough to clean him up. The other can get dinner ready for myself and Wryn. Also, have the other Radcliffes eaten?"
"Yes, and they have departed to their rooms for some time. Also, we successfully delivered your message to them. They, at first, wanted to wait for Mr. Radcliffe, but we pleaded for them to eat without him. They abided, but they seemed quite hostile," the maid closest to me answered.
Alren ignored the maid's worries, declaring. "Hurry up and do your job! I have a lot of work to do. Now, if you would please call me when dinner is ready." Alren glanced at his watch. "It's late... hurry up and get everything prepared! I'll be waiting!"
As we walked up the stairs, I couldn't help but be in awe. I was able to really appreciate the house, and it was magnificent...
"I wonder which room is mine," I whispered, staring at the multiple rooms.
The maid promptly answered, turning back and looking at me. "You'll see soon, Mr. Radcliffe."
We finally stopped, the maid holding the door open to one of the rooms. "After you."
"Thank you," I whispered, entering the room.
- In Serial28 Chapters
The Arduous Path
Life has never been kind to Alex, but today, today was just one of those days where life sought you out, bent you over, and had her way with you until nothing but a jumbled mess remained. Today was one of those days. Just as the small housewarming party for one of Alex's friends was taking place in the dead of night, the starry sky opened its cosmic jaws and thrust upon the world its wonders and terrors. Frantically trying to make heads or tails of the situation while not dying is going to prove itself much more of a challenge than Alex ever expected to encounter in his miserable but safe life. Still, behind all the adrenaline and danger of this fateful event, Alex feels there may be more awaiting him than simply a grim future, and he will not let this opportunity escape his grasp. P.S - I'm aiming at making this a pure cultivation story, so no blue boxes, I'm sorry. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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The Throne Of Beginnings
I couldn't believe my life, I was given another chance at saving my loved ones, another chance to fix my mistakes. I would cry, but the hard part has just started, first wave crashes tomorrow and its the best time to prepare. Fuck! The runes that throne carved into my arm is starting to hurt again what could it mean? I don't have time to worry about it right now, weapons and armour. I will make things right, everyone I care for will come out alive and I will make sure of it.
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FAROUTPOSTS is series of very short science fiction stories: 500-1000 words. Think of them as flavors of the future. Often an unexpected glimpse of a very near now.
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Panacea Possession (Worm)
Panacea is a conflicting person. She hates healing, but spends her whole life doing it. She resents her adoptive parents, but tries to live up to Carol's expectations anyway. She fears her power, but longs to use it at its full strength. She loves her sister, but feels guilty for it. She refuses to change, but change is exactly what she needs to prevent herself from snapping under the pressure.It's a good thing I'm in the driver's seat now huh? ---- Authors Note: You can also find my story on Spacebattles and and Sufficient Velocity, both under the username Frickin Fedora.
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The Eraquest
In the distant future, a new world emerged after an almost certain exctintion! All thanks to the 7 Heroes. However, there was a big price to pay. Humanity no longer knows what it is like to be human! And the only salvation? An item left long time ago by a man called "Doctor. X". This is a story of a man that thought knew everything, until he knew something, What caused the exctintion? And how did those 7 heroes save the world? Who is Doctor x? And what is this item he left for humanity? All of this and more, in "The Eraquest"
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So try and love me while you can [Zacky Vengeance]
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