《The Hereafter》The New World, Part 3
*POV: Theodore Petlar*
My colleague rubbed my head with her elbow, laughing. "Congratulations, young buck!"
I eased my composure, slightly letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank you." Growing a smile, I laughed. "I'll need it! The military was rough."
I apprehended that serving as a guard for the Boundless Forest was a dream for many. However, now that I was living the dream, why did it appear so monotonous?
"Is this job as magnificent as they say?" I curiously mumbled, lowering my head.
"Yes and much more, half of the time, we loaf around in a guardhouse. During the second half, all you do is switch out with your colleague and roam nearby looking for threats that never arise."
I let out a profound sigh of relief, tugging my lips up. "You're making this so much easier. Thank you for being so supportive, Merial."
"No problem, young buck, anyways, it's about time that I go off to duty," she shot me a wink, exiting the guardhouse. "See you in a couple of hours."
Merial marched out of the guardhouse, leaving me all alone. I didn't mind it since it allowed me to feel a tad more comfortable. The presence of a powerful mage was vexatious.
Guards are placed to protect citizens from threats: beasts and rouges. Yet, beasts never showed up to civilization. The AOB — Agency of Beasts — helped keep the number of beasts that roamed the forest to a minimum. Retired mages also worked at the AOB since they had an incentive: selling dead beasts for their materials.
I was a failure. I was only twenty-three and already doing a job that most would be considered for retired mages...
A loud explosion echoed the area, causing a shockwave.
"THEO!" Merial yelled, the sound even reaching inside, despite the other noise.
Jolting my head, I gripped my scabbard, running as fast as I could out of the guardhouse. What I witnessed was blood-curdling. A beast stood in front of me, eating at a piece of meat.
It was a beast eating a piece of meat...
'It was Merial's leg,' I thought, gazing at the giant scorpion. It possessed many quill-like hairs, shimmering from the sun's rays. The eight-eyed scorpion gaped at my soul, thrusting its clawed mouth against each other.
Letting go of my scabbard as my jaw dropped, I stood still. Merial was under the beast as the beast pushed her forward with its legs.
The beast got off her, and now Merial was inches away from the beast's mouth, saliva falling down on her bloody face.
I needed to intervene, but... The monster's presence had to be one from at least a B-class beast. I needed to run! That's the only way I could survive.
The scorpion shrieked, driving its pincer towards Merial's throat.
I grabbed my scabbard, carrying out a sword. "No!"
I conjured water, honing off the tip of my sword. "Burst!" The water neared the scorpion's face, striking its eyes.
'Not even a scratch, what the hell,' I thought, nearing the scorpion, drawing all my magic into my sword.
I forced all my weight onto the sword, propelling it towards the scorpion. The water formed around the sword, creating a sharp layer of water. "Water shot!"
"QKKWAAW," the scorpion shrieked, veering the blast away with its tail.
The block caused water droplets to rattle around the area, enveloping the vicinity with mist. The sun reflected off the minute beads of dew, creating an artificial rainbow, forming a beautiful scene.
Yet, beyond all this beauty, a deadly beast laid ahead.
Trying to conjure more water, I let out a barbaric yell. "DIE!"
Before I could do anything, the beast ran towards me, extending its tail towards me.
I blocked the attack with my sword, causing it to break.
The scorpion launched its tail at me, letting out another screech.
I pivoted to my right, dodging the beast's tail, allowing me some time to coat water magic onto my blade.
Creating a blade with water extending off it, mending it usable, I forced my magic blade into the beast's leg.
Now that I was closer, the beast didn't seem to be in the best condition as two of its eight legs were missing. Not that it mattered as the beast headbutted me, forcing me to fall. My magic blade caused no damage to the maniac monster, not even managing to dent the beast.
The scorpion let out another terrifying screech, proceeding to crawl towards me. The beast's claws reached towards my neck, closing in and letting out a hiss. "HISSS."
'I'm going to die,' I opened my mouth and closed my eyes, accepting my faith.
"Sorry about that! I accidentally let one of the beasts escape," someone said.
Opening my eyes, I witnessed a brown elf no older than a teen on top of the once mortifying beast. The beast now was a heap of blood and fragmented remnants.
"My name is Llarm Daerora, and don't worry, I'm not a rogue," he said, walking off the beast, blood all over his lower half. The boy held out a badge, notating FA, indicating he was from the academy of Fech.
Gaping at the remains of the beast, I asked. "Why would the academy allow you to venture into the Boundless Forest alone?"
The boy quickly responded. "I wasn't meant to go to the forest. I had permission to go to the MOB — mountains of beasts."
That couldn't be! How could a boy barely of consent age be allowed to venture into such territory? The AOB — Agency of Beasts — was why most beasts sought refuge in the various mountains that appeared beyond the forest. How could he be allowed to venture into the mountains by himself? Not only could someone easily get lost in the forest while getting to the mountains, but they could also die. But to reach the mountains by yourself and to kill beasts! How?!?
Shaking my head, I remembered. "Merial!" I forgot to tend to Merial's injuries, but to my surprise, the boy was already wrapping her up with a piece of his uniform that he ripped off.
"She acquired a sting, and the poison will kill her soon, so getting a healer is pivotal," the boy said, tightening a wrap around Merial's leg.
Blinking, I cleared my throat and asserted. "Who granted you permission to wander the Mountains?"
The boy rolled his eyes. "Headmaster Vafaren, Sylvar Vafaren of Fech Academy. After all, I'm his apprentice." He paused, standing up. "Are you new here? You should probably check the communication relic in the guardhouse."
With a stunned expression, I stuttered. "T-T-T-HE HEADMASTER OF FECH!"
I wanted to quit. The life of a mage was too hard for me, and all I craved for was a simplistic life. Slumping my head, I motioned the boy to follow me. "Enough, follow me."
"Great job leaving your partner on the floor," he mocked, following me.
There was nothing more I could do for Merial; I needed to call for Healers.
We swiftly moved into the guardhouse, I quickly reviewed the communication relic, and the boy was truly granted permission to venture into the MOB. The boy departed from Coribi and now arrived at Evamea, explaining why we didn't receive notification of such a boy.
"Thanks for wasting my time," he said, waving at me and walking out of the building. "I'm no doctor, but she looks like she's going to die. You should probably take your partner to a healer."
My train of thought was left in a state of bewilderment. I bit my lip, using the communication relic to notify other guardhouses about my injured partner.
A healer and reinforcements progressed their way towards us.
Falling to the floor, I cried...
*POV: Wryn Radcliffe*
Mr. Dray shouted, placing his head out the window. "Eos, halt!"
The carriage landed on a platform, provoking the stairs to appended slowly but mesmerizingly to the floor. We were greeted by many soldiers, and they all seemed more than welcome to help us, but Mr. Dray refused their help.
"Welcome, Commander Goode," a female soldier smiled, trying to avoid blushing.
I didn't even get an opportunity to question what Mr. Dray had been referred to when suddenly Allura grabbed my hand. She started to drag me and complained. "Stop idly standing!"
Narrowing my eyes, I stared at her as she dragged me. "Okay, Okay!" I thought Allura seemed like the shy type, but I guess I was wrong.
We all shuffled through the busy crowd of crazed shoppers. Allura stood close to me as we pushed our way through the zombie-like crowd. While we made our way through, I started noticing a peculiar trend. At first, I thought nothing of it, but it became egregious as I continued walking.
There were three different people: regular people, long-eared people, and short people. Could they be Elves and Dwarves?!
'Would they be considered a different species,' pushing through the crowd, I thought. I mean, surely they would! In my previous world, even different skin colors caused people to call others a different species.
Such a revelation should have surprised me, yet I didn't feel any sort of emotion. Possibly since I had undergone a rebirth, fought children for entertainment, witnessed magic, and flew with a winged lion eagle hybrid. Besides, was something as insignificant as different physical features important? I guess in the grand scheme, it didn't matter, though it was a little agitating.
The idea of provinces struck my head, and perhaps, different species lived in various provinces. It would also explain why most of the rats from the den all came from Darka. 'Should I act normal or ask my parents about the other species?'
But before I could make up my mind, Allura interrupted. "Wryn, we should go here," she said, tugging me towards a store.
Both our parents looked in awe and nodded their heads in agreement, a grotesque smirk uprising on their faces.
Ignoring their childish thoughts, I smiled. "Sure."
Entering a lavish jewelry shop filled with luxurious decorations, we were met with guards greeting us.
One of the guards had their eyes wide open, bowing towards Mr. Dray. "Greetings."
The other guard quickly followed. "Greetings."
The shop was packed with customers, but that soon changed. One of the guards yelled. "Make room for the Commander." These words caused everyone to move out of the way, clearing a path for us.
Instantly, we were greeted by employees and the owner of the store. The owner smiled, nearing Mr. Dray. "What does the Great Commander Goode desire from my humble establishment?"
Mr. Dray replied, directing his attention to Allura. "Allura, do you see something you fancy?"
Allura grew a sharp-cut focus, observing all of the merchandise, walking to one of the plethoras of glass tables.
The owner asserted. "Lelah, come here and help the great Commander's daugh-"
Mr. Dray shook his hand up in the air, insisting. "We will be looking around. For now, you can just leave us be, thank you."
The owner bowed his head. "As you please, Great Commander."
My parents were wandering around and viewing the various jewelry and miscellaneous items. The Goodes were trying to do the same but were occasionally bombarded by greetings and bows.
I was with Allura...
Allura had let go of me when we entered the shop, but if I didn't follow her, she would look back and wait for me to come.
One of the female employees chuckled. "Are you two looking for something in particular?"
Why did I feel like the lady was insinuating something?
Allura ignored the lady, so I was forced to respond. "Nothing in particular." I paused, looking at the merchandise. "Is there anything for a gentleman?"
She shot me a wink. "You're quite manly indeed! You should get a bracelet and maybe even a matching one for your girl over there!"
Shaking my hand in the air, I rubbed my temple. "We aren't..."
"Oh, then surely getting her some jewelry will fix that!" She joked, scanning various jewelry through the glass tables.
Allura was too busy observing jewelry, meaning she subconsciously ignored the lady. I was relieved since I didn't want her getting any ideas from what the lady had just said.
"Follow me," the lady said, pointing to another glass table.
I nudged Allura with my elbow, garnering her attention. "Sure, where are they?"
The lady directed us towards an area of luxurious necklaces and bracelets. She opened the table and picked up two pieces of merchandise, offering me a bracelet and Allura a stunning necklace.
Allura appeared as if she wanted to interject and reject the necklace, but it was rather obvious to see she fancied the necklace. The necklace was made with a golden chain attached to a golden pendant. The most impressive feature was the black stones that surrounded the gold pendant. The necklace seamlessly glittered, shining brighter than any necklace I had seen before. Allura wore the necklace, making it look even better as if she was a princess...
The bracelet was somewhat masculine, it fit my wrist perfectly, and it also had a feature to adjust how tight I wanted it. The bracelet was made out of a non-metal material; basically, a leathery material twisted up three times around the base. The outer twists were black, while the middle twist was dark gold.
'Calling it a wristband is more appropriate,' I thought, moving my hand towards Allura, and showing her the wristband. "Do you like it?"
She nodded her head in agreement, developing a smile but restraining it. Allura looked like she still wanted to reject the necklace, but she accepted that it was perfect for her.
'Would my family even be able to afford this wristband?' I shrugged my shoulders, calling out Allura. "Allura, let's go buy these."
We walked towards the counter, noticing our families were already there. Neither my parents nor the Goodes had anything to check out, so I presumed that meant nothing they fancied was available, but for my parent's case, I assumed they couldn't afford it.
Oh well, I wasn't going to worry about insignificant things. I had already dealt with such problems in my old life. I was done worrying...
Allura flaunted her necklace to our parents, puffing out her chest, displaying the necklace. Likewise, I proceeded to do the same with my wristband.
Both of our parents nodded in approval, visibly happy with our decisions.
Mr. Dray took paper cash, getting ready to pay, but the owner interjected, nearing us. "Those pieces are quite elegant and great choices! Just because they look wonderful on the children, they will be on the house."
Mr. Dray countered. "No, let me pay for them."
The owner interjected, crossing his arms. "Commander, you must move. The line is getting bigger."
Mr. Dray closed his eyes, letting out a sigh. "This is a battle I cannot win. Thank you."
The owner dipped his head and waved, entertaining another customer as soon as we turned around. We were on the verge of leaving the store when suddenly the soldiers at the entrance bowed their heads in respect.
We exited and started to walk against the plethora of crazed shoppers. The number of people was so great that I even attained a blow to my stomach. Maybe it was a knee since I was short, but it knocked the wind out of me.
"Ah," I whispered, using both of my arms to support myself against a shop's wall.
The rest of the group kept moving forward, but my mother noticed. "Wryn, are you alright?"
I needed a few seconds to catch my breath, but after three deep breaths, I muttered. "I'm alright!" I quickly rejoined the group with my mother, finally making it to where we desired: the food court. The food court was built where all the food markets circularly surrounded the seating areas. Whoever made the shopping center did it amazingly since it was very similar to my old world's malls.
While walking, as what seemed usual, we were greeted by many folks — mainly focused on Mr. Dray. We walked towards a peculiar booth; a chubby old elf resided behind the stall.
Mr. Dray rubbed his head, laughing. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen." The elf remained neutral, so Mr. Dray quickly added. "How's it going, my old war buddy?"
The elf presented a blank expression, replying. "I'm going to assume you want your normal order. And, by the looks of it, six orders."
The elf and Mr. Dray were reasonably friends since it was the first time someone didn't respect Mr. Dray...
Mr. Dray gave the elf several coins, which reminded me that I still needed to learn the currency system of the new world.
We all sat down at one of the various tables for hungry shoppers, allowing us a much-needed break from standing.
The adults began talking, leaving me and Allura silent. Breaking the silence, she tilted her, looking at me and asking. "Have you eaten pumpkin pie before?"
In my previous life, I loved eating pumpkin pie. However, considering I hadn't eaten it before in this life, I shrugged. "No, how tasty is it?"
Allura displayed a mouthwatering face. "Very tasty!" She pointed at a male rushing towards us. "You'll soon find out!"
A small elven boy brought our desserts on a tray to us. In a clearly flustered state, the boy stuttered. "H-h-h-here you go, Commander!"
Mr. Dray smiled, his eyes gazing at the boy. "Thank you."
"No problem," the boy turned around, running away and leaving our group alone.
"Time to dig in," Allura's mother exclaimed, grabbing her plate.
Everyone grabbed their plate and began eating.
I eagerly declared. "Bon appetit!"
Allura dropped her fork, looking at me and twitching her right eye. "Excuse me?"
'What did I do now?' I thought, tilting my head at Allura, awkwardly smiling.
Pressing her lips together, she repeatedly blinked. "You don't even know what you did wrong." She picked up her fork, staring me down, whispering. "You just insulted millions of Xatus people."
"HUH?" I scratched my head.
"You sure are stupid," she narrowed her eyes, adding. "Appetit bombed Xatus! Thus the play on words bon or should I say bomb appetit. Whoever taught you that was messing with you..."
Left stunned, I stuttered. "I d-d-didn't mean to."
She laughed, taking a bite of pie. "No worries, I had a feeling you didn't mean to."
Luckily, the adults were too busy eating to hear what I had said. Keeping a mental note, I decided never to speak French ever again...
Staring at the pie, I licked my lips. 'Time to dig in!'
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