《These days,》Chapter 6 - 'This synthesis,'
Everyone rose.
Everyone bowed.
“Alright everyone, good work, make sure I have all your assignments by tomorrow. Dismissed.”
The bell rang just in time, its melody sung over the ears of the class, its song marking the end of the day. Shinozaki and Kaede left quickly for some after-school shopping. Ran made her way to the gym for track practice. Needless to say, some people’s days were far from over. And in Rea’s case, it was just the same. The teacher casually turned to her before asking a favor.
“I don’t have time to make it to the office, would you mind bringing these papers down for me?” He darted out the door before even hearing her answer.
“Uh, sure!”
Rea took the job eagerly. There was no reason for her not to. Shuffling the stack of paper forms in her hands, she says her ‘see-you-laters’ to Megumi before leaving the classroom, making her descent into the school office. Light on her feet, she arrived faster than she expected.
“Hello! I’m here again!”
“Ah, hello Rea, indeed you are. Are those more forms for us?”
“Yup yup!
She skipped around the office, handing papers to the appropriate recipient, stopping to make light conversation which each of them. What should have been a ten minute job became a thirty minute ordeal.
“Wow, she’s really pregnant? When did you find out?”
“How’s your book coming along, Mr. Satou?”
“You’re already planning your vacation? Hawaii or Paris? How could I choose?!”
“Hmm, I’m not sure where I’m going high school next year, actually.”
“Okay, I’ll remind her when I get a chance!”
After having their fill of gossip -or perhaps even the office staff had their fill of her- Rea takes off. She left with as much energy as when she entered. Sore legs hardly hindered her as she floated up the stairs. She blinked, and she finds herself at the door already.
By now the classroom was empty, with only Rea’s belongings sitting on her desk. Having always preferred a high view, she strolled over to her window seat in the back corner. “La la la, I’m glad I got this seat, so lucky, so lucky,” she hummed to herself. Her tune rings in the empty room, echoing what little sound it could. She picked up and stuffed her coat into her bag latched on her desk’s side, and soon after removed her blazer, tying the arms around her waist. “Ah, it shouldn’t be that cold today.” In a second she was all ready to leave. She never noticed the girl standing at the door.
“Oh! Umm…” the mystery miss managed to mumble.
Rea made her way to the door at the head of the room, where the stranger stood in front of. She looked to be fair but standard, like some side character in a story, Rea thought. Like any other girl in the background. Well, she is kinda cute. However, she did stand out with her dazzling green eyes. Like marbles of jade. The green color simmered in the light as the sun still peeked into the windows, not ready to descend into twilight just yet. It was soothing simply to gaze into those emerald eyes, glowering with intensity as they continued their focused watch and-
“Um… is everything okay?”
“Wah! Oh, yah, of course. Hehe…” Rea guiltily scratched her chin.
Both girls grumble nervously. Rea looked back up hesitantly to get another look at her. She noted her beige brown hair, styled into a bob. That particular shade seemed a tad familiar to her. Rea took a moment to regain her composure before finally questioning the girl.
“So, I don’t recognize you from my grade, what’s up?”
“Oh, I’m actually a first year,” the girl said, “my sister is in this class though.” First year? Rea thought, dammit, even she’s taller than me!
“Hmm, is she?” Rea quizzically rests her hand on her chin. “Who could that be?”
“Huh, that sounds familiar… Then you must be…?”
“I’m Midori Ayase. Pleased to meet you.” She bowed politely. Rea clumsily returned the favor.
“Ayase? I don’t think your sister is in my class.” To emphasize that point, Rea waved her hand, shooing the very thought of the two sharing a classroom.
“Eh?! Well, that… that can’t be right! I mean, I-” Ayase shuffled fretfully in place, her hand digging into her bag for something. Rea, being the ever observant detective she is, only now noticed that Ayase was running her hand up and down the strap of her schoolbag their entire conversation. Not wanting to leave her underclassman in distress, she tried her best to calm her down.
“I’m sure it’s just a simple mistake. I make them all the time! Are you trying to meet up with your sister?” Her animated movements make Ayase more tense instead.
“No, no, she went home already. Oh, I can’t believe I messed this up so soon!” Rea too began to share in her worry, what the hell is she so concerned over then?
Ayase now started juggling between searching through her bag and looking around the still-empty room. “Oh no, I thought those were Miss Akiyama’s,” she continued her fussing. “I hoped she would still be here!”
Akiyama? I wonder… The surname is one that Rea is awfully familiar with, though she hasn’t called them by that name in years. She tapped at her chin before questioning Ayase again.
“Do you mean Lilly?” She jumped at the mention of the name, confirming Rea’s suspicions. “Right on the money, huh?” Rea chugs along at her train of thought. “… Oh! That Ayane.” Her finger now pointing straight at the little sister, startling her.
“She’s in Class 3-A with Lilly, this is Class 3-C. You actually look a lot like your sister,” Rea said. A simple mistake, but Ayase appears more humiliated than she should be. Whatever this was about, it had to do with Lilly, naturally it peaked Rea’s interest.
“Well, I’m like her best friend, you can tell me what you wanted from her!” she said casually. This doesn’t ease Ayase in the slightest.
“I mean, it… It was something I needed to tell her myself. My sister told me what happened during her gym class today, the relay…” Rea winced a little remembering that race. “I wanted to congratulate her, that’s all.” The brown bobbed girl shifted her posture, still standing at the door. Her eyes stay fixed on the wooden floor, not giving any eye contact.
“Ah, word spreads around doesn’t it?” Rea said. She stretched her arms to relax. “She did great, didn’t she? Even surprised me. Of course I bet she doesn’t like all that attention-"
“I know! I… know. I’m kind of a fan of hers. I’ve admired her for a while.” Rea stood shocked at this reveal. “She gives off this really cold vibe, I bet she must be hard to approach.” She’s just shy, Rea silently answered. “But that’s what makes her so cool to me. I’ve wanted to talk to her for the longest time, but I’ve never worked up the courage to do so.” Ayase shivered some more, now finding what she was searching for in her bag.
A small envelope. A red circle sticker sealing it shut. She held it delicately against her chest. It didn't even take a second for Rea to guess what the girl was getting at.
“Oh…” was all Rea could manage.
Ayase raised her head, just at that moment meeting Rea’s eyes. Brown eyes stared back intensely. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry! I can’t believe I just said that!” Embarrassment written across her face, her hands moved in a blur to try and cover up that fact. “You must be so angry, I’m sorry!”
What look was I giving her? “Hey, wait a minute, I’m not mad!” Acting as a one-man diffuse squad on a bomb of emotions, Rea was. “Ah, girls really are too much sometimes!” Rea whispered. Inexperienced as she was, she lets her mouth run off to find some words that would help. “It’s not a big deal, I swear! Eh, don’t worry about it… Um, if it’s not a lot of trouble, I can deliver your letter for you!” Eh?
Ayase quiets a bit. “You’ll what?” I’ll what!? Rea cursed her ramblings. She stepped forward to hold Ayase’s hand in hers. Making sure to act quickly to not scare her off, Rea looked her in the eyes.
“Okay, I’m no mind reader,” she paused to chuckle to herself, Ayase tilts her head in confusion. “Anyways, it’s clear you like my friend a lot. I do too. How about I give her your letter for you?” She attempted to tug at the envelope, but the other girl gripped it more firmly. It’s clear she isn’t ready to let go of something so close to her heart.
Rea prods on. “You’ll be in good hands, I promise. It’ll be like, what do you call it? Taking care of a maiden’s heart? I think.” She squeezed her hand for emphasis. “I’ll let you know when she’s read it so you can talk to her.” Tiptoeing carefully to prevent them from both exploding. Heart pounding, Rea hoped that was enough for the girl.
Ayase heart was pounding all the same, if not even more. But she relented. Releasing herself from Rea’s grip, she left the envelope in Rea’s possession. She observed it carefully. Bodies slacken. Exhaling, Ayase fixed her shoulder bag before turning away from Rea, hiding the smile that reflected the feeling in her heart. She heads to the door.
“Thank you very much, it really means a lot to me, um…”
“Rea, it’s Rea.”
“I appreciate your support, Rea. I’m happy I ran into you here.” Briefly she revealed her beaming face before waving and exiting the room, leaving Rea by herself. With eyes like those, she was no longer a faceless girl in the background. Rea looked again at the envelope, one that held a letter inside, one filled with the hopes and fragile emotions of a young girl. It suddenly felt a lot heavier in her hand. She sighed with worry.
What am I doing?
Zzzt. Zzzt. Rea reached into her pocket for her phone. Three unread messages. One from Lilly. The others… Rea read solely the name on the header. The phone returned to her pocket.
Rea walked back to her desk to examine her window seat view. Sky still blue, sun light still sitting on the tips of the trees, not wanting to leave yet. It still had so much to do. So much to give light to, and so much to illuminate in its radiance. It won’t submit into the night so easily. Rea lets out another breath.
With the school day about to end, many were keen to relax and head home. When the bell sings its last merciful note, many students do just that. Waiting patiently at the school gates, Lilly was among them. Though cooler than this morning, the heat was still enough to break into a light sweat. Standing there, the desire to go home grew with each passing second, but she persisted. Soon a small crowd of people began their exit out the school, passing her at the gate. Part of her wants to be in said crowd. But no, she should stay at the very least for her sake. To pass the time, Lilly opened her bag and pulled out a book. Volume 3 of some series. She quickly got into the rhythm of the novel. A girl, by herself, intensely reading a book while waiting for someone, ought to give off the air of ‘Please leave me alone’, but respectfully. Which she hoped. She was wrong.
“If it isn’t Lilly? What’s up, girl?” A girl approached, backed by her posse of another girl and a guy. Lilly lifted her eyes from the page. Huh?
“Saori,” Lilly said. A girl from Class 3-B. Popular, spilling with outgoing energy. Fashion sense so flashy it was a miracle she hadn’t been reprimanded for standing on the edge of the uniform dress code. Not afraid to speak her mind or talk to anyone. Her fluffy twin-tails smelled and looked of lavender, and stood out along with the bright accessories she never seems to abandon. Give her a few more years and she’d be a fully-fledged gyaru. For Lilly, she considered her sociability a weak point. “Did you need anything?” she bluntly asked.
Saori flicked her wrist. Colorful bracelets clang against each other. “Nah, I feel like we don’t talk a lot anymore!” She wrapped her left arm around Lilly, who became stiff at the gesture. That’s because we’re like water and oil… “Watcha been up too?” Sharp hazel eyes focus in on Lilly. The way her eyes are shaped, and that playful grin she always carried, gives her the impression that she’s planning something devious. Lilly cannot escape Saori’s grasp.
“N-nothing, I’m just waiting for a friend,” Lilly hoped that was enough for her. Really, you’re too close, Lilly thought.
“I see, that ‘Rea’ girl, right? You’re always hanging out with her, aren’t you?” Saori loudly stated the obvious. Her boisterous voice rattles the both of them as she talked. She flashed that sly grin once more. “Hey, great job at the relay, you surprised even me, you know? I’m glad all three of our classes had a joint gym class today, we all got to see you rip into that track!” Repeatedly she poked her elbow into Lilly’s side, taking no notice of her wincing.
“Ow, ow, it’s not a big deal…”
“Oh yeah it is! Who knew a loner like you was hiding such a talent? That’s really selfish of you, y’ know?” she laughed louder. “You should’ve joined the track team, I’ll bet they’ll still take you even now!”
“Stop, I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” It seemed Lilly couldn’t get away from all the attention since her winning the relay earlier that day. Between Lilly and Rea and Saori’s classes, it was all they talked about. That was three hundred percent more people fixated on Lilly than she wanted. Dodging attention becomes progressively harder, and more tiring, when one becomes the center of it.
Saori continued regardless. “I know, we’re about to head to an arcade right now, you should totally join us!” Using her free hand, she pointed her thumb to the boy standing among them. “Haru especially wants you to come.”
“Wait, what? No way!” Suddenly self-conscious, the boy shook his hands wildly in denial, his face red. He looked like he wants to run away as soon as possible. “I didn’t say anything like that, that’s-"
“-not what you meant, right?” Lilly cursed the buzzing surfacing in her head. The other girl in Saori's group giggled in response.
Haru made no effort to hide a dejected expression. Though he tried to brush it off. Luckily, or unluckily from Lilly’s perspective, Saori kept up the momentum. “Aww, he’s just being a softie, c’mon Lilly, join us for a bit!” She ignored the boy’s groaning directed towards her. This girl’s brand of teasing knows no bounds, no gender, friend nor foe.
Thick eyebrows began to twitch. Shoulders tense as rock. Saori too dense to recognize Lilly when she’s irritated. “No… Really, I should be waiting here.” She held on to her courteous tendencies even still. “Now if you could please…” Lilly returned to her book, her definition of being rude, but it would have to do for now.
That smirk never left Saori. “Wah~ Lilly, you are too cold, you know? You were never this bad in elementary school!” She pulled in Lilly even closer, not seeing Lilly’s fuse at its end by a few millimeters. It was close enough to sense the aroma of perfume and makeup radiating off of Saori. “You know what? If you don’t wanna come with to the arcade, how ‘bout meet-"
“-I am not going to a café either.” Lilly silently cursed that buzzing again.
Puzzled, though Saori doesn’t hold on to the feeling for long. Chuckling aloud, she concluded their conversation by releasing Lilly from her grasp. Thankfully… in Lilly’s case. “This isn’t over Akiyama Lilly, you’re hanging out with us one of these days!” She left Lilly at the gates, Haru and the other girl accompanying them. Going to said arcade that would apparently benefit from Lilly’s presence. She stiffly waved goodbye as they walk out of sight. Well, at least she’s genuine, Lilly thought.
A chapter. Another. Two more. For sure Lilly has a penchant to speed read, but her nose was in her book longer than she expected. I’m sure waiting… Maybe another chapter before she considered worrying. Maybe she'll send a message to her just in case. By this time the school entrance was already sparse with students, only the noise from the athletic clubs practicing reach her ears. That, and the sound of her foot tapping on the concrete. Lilly’s patience was beginning to dwindle, but her will must be iron. Paying no attention to her sore legs, she waited a minute more.
Crap, I’m late, she’s waiting! Faster-faster!
Lilly’s head perked up from her book, looking towards the school. She’s recently wanted to avoid using her ability at all, but this voice couldn’t be ignored. Of all voices, why was hers always the most clear?
Rea dashed to her waiting friend, comically frowning as she gets closer. “Lilly! I’m sorry I made you wait so long!” Lilly braced herself for the inevitable tackle-into-hug. “Oof!” Lilly managed to prevent them from falling over from the momentum. After regaining balance, gently pushes Rea out of their embrace.
“Hah, that was pretty good, but you’re no sumo, Rea,” Lilly hurried her words, so not to admit any wind was knocked out of her. She checked if her book got bent. Doesn’t look like it. Satisfied, she carefully placed it back into her bag. Right after she starts fixing her uniform to rid of unwanted creases. Rea follows suit.
Rea laughed aloud. “Next time I’ll get you for sure then!” Lightly she hits Lilly on her arm. “C’mon, let’s get going.”
Relieved that she no longer has to wait, and that her friend is finally here, Lilly nods. “Sure.” With the school behind them, waiting for their return the next day, they head off.[/size]
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Rebirth Of The Commando
Rebirth of The Demon's Synopsis ( Updated Synopsis 26/11/2015 ) ****IN THE MIDDLE OF A RE-WRITE****---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“To think that I, Li Feng, a member of the Jade Dragon Group would die by committing suicide.. This is ludicrous..†Those were the last words of Li Feng as he drowned in a sea of blazing flames but little did he know that what comes after wasn't the afterlife but a gifted second chance. Awaking back on Earth, in a body that does not belong to him was what he hadn't expected. What would Li Feng do? Live another life that was just as bleak as the previous? Slaved to an office job from nine to five?Memories of the past! Memories of the present! Fusionnnn-Ha! With memories of both lives intact, join Li Feng as he treads down this treacherous journey known as the future!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapters submitted so far : Eighteen [ 18 ]Proof-Readed Chapters : Ten [ 10 ] ( Not 100% error free as I'm not a machine unfortunately )Total Words : 73603 ( Author's Notes and ETC not included )Updated As Of :-26/11/2015 – Uploaded Chapter 14-28/11/2015 - Uploaded Chapter 15-29/11/2015 - Uploaded Chapter 16-30/11/2015 - Uploaded Chapter 17-2/12/2015 - Uploaded Chapter 18---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WARNING – MATURE CONTENT ( You have been warned! )Additional Tag/s : Modern World Setting [ Earth ], Wuxia , Probably Xianxia in the future, Blood, Gore, Sexual Content---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Author's Note : Please forgive my crappy sypnosis, for anyone that is reading this, but please give this fiction a read before you actually drop it ïŠ Please drop some reviews so that I may know where I have erred and will try my best to improve!Chapter updates / uploads / releases have no timed schedule but if it does get updated, it will definitely be three thousand words and above so do not worry :D---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are simply products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locations or people, living or dead are purely coincidental and should not be taken seriously.
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