《The Second Divine》6) The finale or not - ARC ENDING -
in ryugas apartment a few figures faded in like lights suddenly appearing and forming an image
"anyway why did we go to that god forsaken universe?"
ryuga said while scratching his head on half materialized
silence fell and the other three looked at ryuga with amazement whether it was at the fact that he was so forgetful or because of the fact that he despite being almighty despite going through all that forgot.
"you really are hopeless."
"human you were supposed to help me and give your power to Lord Arneus"
"the rock king? he is your lord? but you both live in different dimensions"
ryuga looked on with a confused look on his face
"not that fool, the true divine Lord Arneus.. remember it next time"
"ohh him, i was supposed to visit him right? can it wait?"
"well then i have no choice, lets summon him here, i will need to borrow his image though so leona, here kitty kitty"
"when did you become so playful ryuga?"
"i keep changing, reasons"
"which are?"
yuki let out a sigh
"whatever just come here"
"fine, if it will help me complete my quest"
ryuga put one hand on leonas head and a second later a figure appeared in the apartment
a confused figure appeared he was nearly twice as tall as ryuga and appeared to hit the ceiling, luckily or unluckily he was summoned while he was sitting on a seat reading a newspaper with his pants half down, the seat itself looked like a box, a complete white box with a small support to lean on, obviously the toilet wasnt going to look like a human toilet and obviously the females would avert their eyes. although ryuga wasnt surprised Arneus himself was left speechless. maybe it was because of his sudden abduction or maybe because he was revealing his intimate places (please dont show them on camera and illustrations they would make everyone including me uncomfortable)
i think its time i told you what he looked like. he looked like a shadow. a completely black shadow, but a shadow is transparent and flat, this was what made him different he was blacker he was black as space and like space he had small lights flickering on his body which kept moving rather randomly it was like someone took space and wraped it on a 3D model used in movies displays
"ok i see whats happening, lets rewind time shall we i need to get ready"
said Arneus as he flicked his fingers and suddenly everyone found themselves back to their old conversation
time was rewinded
"hey whats wrong human why do you look so serious?"
"maybe i was wrong, anyway time appears to listen to him as well"
"forget that leona i think i get what he looks like and where he is"
ryuga summoned Arneus again who was in the process of pulling his shorts up. the shorts which were he only piece of clothing he wore
"this is slightly better. yes better"
"you are different from what i imagined but nice to meet you Arneus, i am Ryuga and thanks to your minion, slave, pet or whatever you call her here. i decided to visit you"
"so why am i here when you were the one who was supposed to visit?"
"cause i thought it was be funny?"
"joking aside i believe you have something i want?"
"ohh but you cant have it."
"then i shall take it. leona did that dagger break?"
"Y..Yes Master.. Arneus"
"it cant be helped. that dagger was just something i made to test him. normally it can cut through anything it touches. normally"
"anyway i will have my divinity back"
"divinity? i thought you wanted my playstation. listen wanna play a game"
"so you brought me here to play games? how could someone like you be any sort of divine"
"ofcourse i dont mean on a console thats too boring of a fight between gods, besides you got my hopes up after that time travel gig. you better have more than that though"
"so what kind of game do you want to play human?"
"lets see, how about planetary wars?"
"planetary wars?"
"we will travel to a universe with no life forms and then play using the newly formed planets, ill be sure to restore them so what do you say?"
"ok i will play along, but what exactly will we be doing?"
"well let me test something before hand"
"test what?"
"can you be hurt, or more specifically can you die?"
"i should ask you the same, well i have divine protection so i cannot"
"i seriously wonder how you got it, the tree said only one divine could exist in a given time period"
"maybe thats proof you still are not a complete divine"
"if so i really wanna get rid of the divine part"
"throwing away a gift? how foolish. well i would be willing to take you up on that but you cant get rid of what you have but you can lose it. i consumed the last of the lifeless fruit and then ate the small portion of the god that the first human so foolishly or should i say clumsily left behind"
"so thats it, you sure you wanna tell me that?"
"yes, it would make it so much easier for us to fight without holding back"
"so basically we are fighting for the trees favor, whoever wins gets the others divinity"
"and you want to lose yours dont you, perfect for you isnt it."
"the tree wont accept losing on purpose. besides although i want to lose the powers but for now living is more important after all i have some people depending on me and besides i have an eternity to decide dont i"
"as you wish, well then lets visit the tree"
"before that let me explain what exactly we will be doing"
"go on"
"were playing planetary wars, but its not going to help us if we try to kill each other or take the others army. we could just think each others armies dead couldnt we"
"your point is"
"have you heard of soccer?"
"no i havent"
"its a game, i dont have the time to explain so get the knowledge you have 1 second"
"already done, its a sport isnt it"
"yup but instead of balls we will be using planets. ofcourse each planet will have its own characteristic and there can only be one in play so we will each have a turn to think of what kind of tricks the planets will have"
"sounds interesting, i can see why leona likes you so much"
"Lo..ord.... Arn..e.e.eus... I d..dddont... likkke... tttis... human"
"i believe your people call her types tsundere?"
"yup, and shes got cat ears and tail. i can see thousands of men treating her as their god"
Arneus laughs
"its a shame we are enemies"
"really is"
unable to follow the conversation yukari, yuki and leona sat down and stared at the two
"anyway lets go to the tree"
"ryuga before we go there tell me will we be using a team?"
"i dont see any reason to"
"ok then"
ryuga and Arneus teleported to a completely white realm. white as in the color. there was no light but its was like instead of the color black which envelopes our universe the color white was the color of darkness there. a withered tree alone stood in the vast emptiness but the tree itself was billions of times larger than both Arneus and Ryuga combined. so big that a normal human eye couldnt even see a small fraction of it.
"great tree, we shall fight for your favor please choose wisely"
"why art thou bothering my slumber? does thee not know i chose ryuga"
"yo tree, i think this is a fair way to give a non human a chance"
"he has nor the knowledge nor the enlightenmend thou attained through years of solitude"
"years? i only spent a few days"
"i am talking about the original time line, which thou changed"
"i will hear more about it later but for now please let us fight"
"very well, prove to me that thee are indeed better suited to be called a divine"
"as you wish great tree"
"also old tree, next time hide your fruits ok?"
"i shall take that advice to heart now leave me be"
"see you later, old friend"
"goodbye for now great tree"
ryuga and Arneus now teleported to a completely empty space completely black with no source of light but using their divine sight they managed to see even in the darkness of space
"well there is nothing for us to destroy here, lets set the nets up"
"how much should the distance be?"
"no matter how much distance we put into it, the gap would be immediately filled with our speed and power so lets see, around 100 miles"
"like i said, from here *setting up a goal net* to here *setting up another net"
"this is my side, you can have the first conjure in return"
"ok then i choose this planet" said ryuga and he conjured a planet onto his fingers, it was a normal earth sized planet but those two enlarged their bodies right after teleporting so it seemed like a normal football
"whats its trick?"
"thats a secret"
"so it is"
the match started and the winning point was decided to be the 3rd ryuga immediately kicked the ball as soon as the illusionary whistle blew. they set it up so that it could blow for fouls or goals or kickoffs. basically the general refree whistle without a man blowing it
the ball flew right towards the goal with a speed exceeding light but as soon as the ball got near the goal arneus caught it with his hands ofcourse he could have used his feet to stop it earlier but he chose not to. he saw a figure running towards him although normally he would be fast enough to run through all of the universes including the newly created ones (i will explain in the end) in less than 1/x a second but through arneuses eyes he was running with normal speed. he prepared to throw the ball towards Ryugas goal as soon as he came close so that he wouldnt be able to react as fast and in his mind strategized to run towards the ball after throwing it to ensure a goal but as soon as ryuga got close the ball immediately shrunk to the size of a tennis ball and ryuga seized the chance and shot it in the goal.
"crafty, and timed shrinking planet which starts its timer after being hit huh, i am up next"
Arneus said as he conjured a completely black fluffy planet
the whistle blew and he kicked it towards the right of the goal, knowing ryuga would stop it he got behind ryuga who shot the ball towards arneus's goal but to his surprised his feet passed through the ball Arneus using this chanced arneus got down to the floor and immediately kicked the ball towards ryugas goal who tried stopping it again but the ball passed right through him into the goal
"isnt that cheating? i mean the ball phased through whenever i kicked it but was fine after you did wasnt one of the conditions that the balls would treat both sides fairly"
"the ball was supposed to phase through every other kick or touch, but since the kickoff didnt count as either it didnt phase through you trying to stop it"
"i see."
"ok then next ups"
Ryuga conjured a huge ball even compared to them. it had a hole in its middle and a path
Ryuga kicked the ball in the air and flew straight into its hole. the ball was about 100x their size. ryuga followed him through the other end of the hole. inside a tunnel with a diverging path was laid out ryuga went left and then another diverging path appeared ryuga kept going left and on the third path he saw a brown ball attached to a spike and Arneus running towards it. he immediately faced backwards and kicked the ball and then ran towards the brown ball the giant ball travelled against ryugas direction and towards Arneus's direction in such a way that ryuga got closer to the brown ball faster while Arneus has to double his speed
ryuga kicked the brown ball right through the giant one in the direction of Arneus's goal although the giant ball was moving towards ryugas who immediately got out and kicked the ball in a way it would keep spinning delaying Arneuses escape who had to bust through the walls. although it was not that hard but thinking of doing it required some time and ryuga scored.
"ok then allow me to have my turn"
Arneus conjured a blue planet and kicked it towards the goal
cautious of the trick of the ball ryuga kicked it back and so did arneus the ball got faster and faster with each return and eventually it no longer got faster. that was the limit. the limit of speed in the specified universe the speed was the same as the speed of Arneus and ryuga running. although they could go faster the universe would immediately break if its laws got broken so they did not run faster the last kick was made by Ryuga Arneus stepped back and let the ball enter his goal but to ryugas surprise the ball disappeared before entering the goal and he saw the the ball was actually lying in his goal
"i see. misdirection but why bothering kicking it back?"
"to make it faster, or you could have easily stopped it"
"my turn"
ryuga conjured a black ball and kicked it towards Arneus who wasnot infront of his goal
suspicious of this fact he let the ball go thinking it was a trick. to his surprise the ball curved and entered his goal. earning ryuga the win
"its called a curve. the ball curved and its actually quite the normal thing. you got beaten by a normal non divine, unspecial skill. hehe"
"impossible, thats trickery"
"i thought that was the whole point of the game"
"i wont accept it,I WONT ACCEPT IT, I CANNOT LOSE"
"anyway, i will be going home."
"you cant stop me, i already figured out your divinity is a lie to get me to agree to a match, i even gave you a handicap and chose a universe with ability caps"
"It..It... can..t be. you saw through it?"
"yup, did you think i wouldnt know about your species and besides if you really were divine you wouldnt have been stupid enough to try and have someone kill me."
"Damn it all, damn it"
"goodbye Arneus, iam stripping you of all your powers"
"i wont let you"
said Arneus as he summoned a giant blackhole about 10billion x the size of our sun and threw it towards ryuga
"*sigh* you couldnt even reach the ability cap"
said ryuga as he flew right through the blackhole which dispersed as soon as he left it
"dont be childish Arneus"
"Please, please let me go. ill do anything. give you anything, let me keep my powers"
"sorry but i have decided"
as soon as he finished the sentence the words echoed around them and Arneus suddenly became unable to fly, conjure or even talk (space. no medium for sound to propogate)
(will i die here)
"almost forgot, here you go. Iam sending you to your home planet"
(what? but they will tear me to shreds. i betrayed them for power but now iam powerless and they will kill me)
"i know, you reap what you sow Arneus"
(damn it, he can read my mind too?)
"yes i can though i prefer not to, but in this case it cant be helped. we wont be meeting ever again"
ryuga teleported arneus to a completely black planet where beings that looked like arneus lived. Surprised to see Arneus his kind grinned while moving towards Arneus who with a face full of fear kept backing up even after he fell until finally his back faced a wall and he was torn limb from limbs
ryuga teleported home
"Welcome back master"
"iam home"
"What happened to lord Arneus, did he lose? human did you kill him?"
ryuga told them exactly what happened
"No..No. NOOOO. NOOO. your lying, Lord Arneus was the true god you fiend i will never forgive you" said leona while shouting
"its ok if you dont but Leona blind faith in anyone will only hurt you, i know all too well" (remembering his trip to the forest)
"Iam leaving, iam going home and, and ,and iam going to come back with an army to make you pay" (while crying)
"that wont help you know" ryuga said with his "not this again face"
"Then what am i supposed to do? what am i supposed to believe in now huh? Lord Arneus turned out to be a lie and my entire race depended on him to lead them who will do it now?"
"you still have yourself, since you probably cant betray yourself you should believe in yourself, and i could create a leader to lead you but that would only cause you more suffering work with your people and do what most of the universe does and create your own leaders not just power crazed corrupt priests"
"anyway iam not your dad so do whatever you think you must"
leona started crying and yuki hugged her, ryuga just looked away the day passed by
in the end leona ended up going back home to deliver the news. one month later she came back with a small white ball in her hands
"leona what are you doing here didnt you leave for your home" yuki
"they told me to keep an eye on ryuga and decide if he should lead us, i think he shouldnt but iam to record everything and bring it to them in a year" (hence the white ball which is probably a camera like thing)
""Ryuga" didnt you used to call him "human scum" or other names?"
"yeah yeah, but i think he isnt so bad anymore but you know he was nice to me and helped me and when i was depressed he even consoled me so hes not so bad"
"could you be?"
"like i said he doesnt seem to be so bad, dont misunderstand i dont like him"
said leona while blushing obviously a tsundere but hey i dont live in japan and i certainly dont know what types of people there are
"oh your back dumb cat"
"dont call me "dumb cat" idiot"
leona while angry
"so tell me ryuga what exactly happened with Arneus"
"like i said i teleported him back to his home planet, since he was a wanted criminal there as he stole their most powerful artifact in order to become more powerful ,they probably killed him or worse"
"or worse? whats worse than death"
"to live for an eternity being tortured and all alone, well that artifact also made him immortal enough to live longer and i didnt take that away as punishment"
"but he was so nice to us when he ruled us"
"leona thats politics, he was feigning innocence" ( nekokabutanu meaning feigning innocence. japenese pun)
"and you said a newly created you went to a new universe did you create it?" yuki
"why would i do that? you see humans still have a bit of divinity and every choice and every thought of theirs creates a new universe according to it. for example if you had a choice between yes or no a completely identical universe would be created in which you chose the other option whether you chose yes or no and if you thought up lets say some sort of story in your head it would automatically turn into reality in a different dimension, honestly i am now fully sure how it works myself"
"ohh so basically if i fantasized about you loving me or me being all powerful, would that happen?"
"yes and yes, althought all powerful only in that universe. that you would still have to eat dirt if i went there to fight you"
"Master may i ask you a question?"
"sure yukari"
"what happened to the people from my orphanage"
"they have probably been taken in by the water princess since i made a request, although iam sure roughe is disappointed he isnt the ruler of the city even though he worked hard on it, now hes forced into being a rebel fighting a greater threat"
"WHAT!!? so all that work we still didnt get him the city?" everyone else but ryuga and yukari
"shut up your being too loud, i noticed roughe just wanted to rule so i didnt tell him but, no king ever gave away conquered land to anyone, kings are supposed to be greedy for their people but unfortunately its only living nature to be greedier for oneself than others"
"so in the end everything isnt ok"
"i wouldnt say that, i didnt bring the water princess for another reason. I was sure she would do what she can to ensure betterish governance"
"ryuga you know wouldnt a happy ending be good once in a while?"
"well it cant be happy for everyone, thats the rule. the universe is neutral if you are happy than someone else must be unhappy to compensate"
"cant you change it"
"are you telling me to give up on living normally and go power crazy?"
"i didnt say that"
"then dont say anything, anyway any more questions?"
"no thanks, we have got enough of reality" leona
suddenly someone teleported into the room, it was a human with long dark black hair tied in a pony tail, white skin above average boobs and a busty figure followed by a male with yellow/gold hair split from the middle facing different sides the left hair was combed to face left and the right side faced right he wore a bow tie and a tuxedo
"so you finally managed to convince him val"
"you have no idea how hard that was"
"i got a smooch from my love, thats all a man needs to do anything"
"you kissed him? i was sure hes be ok with a simple hug. french or cheek?"
"cheek obviously. sometimes ryuga you really are rude"
"sorry, sorry so how long do you plan on staying?"
"until you return from your next travel"
"but we wont be going anywhere soon, but who knows"
"thats ok i will stay"
"ok then lets end the day by sleeping and before you get any funny ideas flame demon, we will be sleeping in different beds especially you, your going in a different room"
"anything but that ryuga, atleast let me sleep in the same room as the girls"
"nope they sleep in yukis apartment, your in mine"
"iam not into men, human please" flame demon while pleading
"ok fine you can sleep in the dog house infront of the apartment?"
"no thanks iam fine with your room" flame demon realizing his situation wont get any better
and they all lived happily(ish) ever after -dont expect a happy ending in the second volume. seriously i need to kill someone off soon or my pride as a gore maniac would suffer-
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