《Villager C & The Princess》Chapter 3, Part 1: Panther's Friends!?


"Um, Today will be joining us two students. Please come in."

Said the young and handsome home room teacher.

The whole class was surprised. It was the middle of the school year and mid-terms were around the corner.

The boys hoped that the newcomers were beautiful girls. The girls hoped they were handsome boys ...except two, 'Lydia Marks' and 'Alex Thompson', they were busy worrying about a certain blunt-looking young man who has not come to school since the roof happening, about a week ago, He was Tomas Hopes.

After hearing the teacher's call, two young men entered the classroom. And then, silence descended upon it; the girls gazed upon their figures with the eyes of a maiden in love, and the boys also gazed upon them, but with eyes full of hatred and envy.

The first one was a 1m 80cm tall young man with a semi long glassy black hair, his eyes were extremely sharp, like those of an eagle on the hunt, his face was well refined, he was a handsome young man.

The other one was approximately 10cm shorter than the other young man, his hair reached his shoulders, and it randomly dyed, you could see blue, pink, yellow and other colors in it, but it was mostly light blue, he was also a handsome young man, but unlike the mature aura of the black-haired young man, he gave the impression of being childish.

"Introduce yourselves"

Said the teacher timidly for some reason.

"Hey! My name is Maxwell D. Hurdler the third, you can call me Max, and I am, proudly, Tomas Hopes BFF."

Said Maxwell while waving his hand, and when he mentioned Tomas' name he puffed his chest out in proud. And to that name Alex and Lydia turned their eyes toward Maxwell.


But the rest of the class didn't recognize the name, except a certain trio, the bullies.

And to that reaction said the black-haired youth with a low voice.

"At times like these that I wish I had a pair of glasses."

And continued with his regular cold voice.

"Good Morning everyone, My name is Sebastian Amir, I hope we all get along... And by the way I'm also Tomas' BFF."

'Who the hell is Tomas Hopes?!!' The female students thought. And unlike them, two girls moved their gaze from Max toward Sebastian.

'Jackpot!' Thought Sebastian.

"Oh! You are Tomas' friends, do you know where had he been? He didn't come to school for a week or so."

Said the teacher.

"Actually, he is quite busy with his part-time job, hopefully he will comeback soon."

Said Maxwell while smiling cheerfully, to that answer the teacher didn't ask any further. And only added:

"There is two empty seats at the back, go set there."

"Oka~y!" Replied Maxwell cheerfully.

"Okay." Replied Sebastian with utter seriousness unbeffiting of such a young man. As they walked toward the back.

Maxwell winked at the two girls, Lydia and Alex, as he passed by them.


The school's bell announced the end of the second period and the start of the break.

As soon as such a sound was heard, the newcomers headed out to somewhere.

Lydia followed them, and Alex made the same decision.

The young men looked at each other and nodded as they entered the roof. The girls followed suit.

After they arrived to the middle of the roof they stopped and turned around, toward the pair of beautiful girls hiding in the other side or the entrance.

"Hey! Come in don't be shy!"

Said Max cheerfully.

Lydia and Alex entered the roof stiffly. They were caught.

"So, What do you want?"

Said Sebastian coldly.

""How Do You Know Mr. Hopes?!""

Asked Lydia and Alex simultaneously.

"Haha, Speak one at a time,'ka~y."

Said Max.

"How do we know Tommy?... We told the class, didn't we? We are his best friends... And why do you ask about him in the first place? it was because of you two that he stopped showing up, you know?"

Said Sebastian as if blaming them.

"What do you mean?" asked Lydia with a curious gaze.

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