《Rune》Prologue (Part 2)
Half a month later on the continent of Anijre, birthplace of the faeries and demons, sat an army encampment on the border of the two kingdoms. On one side the domineering dark forest of Tenebris with it's gray fog and foreboding aura. On the other side the unique violet plains of Sceleratis waving freely in the wind. The encampment was erected by the Demon empress to accommodate the vastness of the three armies. Fifty thousand orcs, five thousand demons and one thousand elite dragons formed this army, with the demons and dragons acting as support for the orcs.
In a large hut acting as a temporary headquarters, were the leaders of this joint expedition. They were going over the battle plan a final time in preparation for that night. Sitting at a large rectangular table overlooking battle plans was Tabor, he was acting his role as Chief of war. He wore slimming black leather armor that clung to his figure snugly. A hooded cowl hung from his shoulders in preparation for his mission. On his back lay a lone sheathed sword that curved upwards.
On one end of the table to the right of Tabor sat King Vena who donned a full set of red and black armor. Covering his bulking shoulders sat pauldrons taking the shape of dragon's claws that seemed to clutch themselves to his shoulders. Resting on the table was his helm that gave off a chilling aura. It's serrated teeth clenched in a vicious smile made sure that enemies cowered before him as they embraced death. Leaning against the table was his trusted great sword, that stood just half a head shorter than himself. He passed the torch to Tabor who spearheaded the operation.
"As the night roles in it will signal the start to our operation. We will go over each of our roles once more as to be certain all of us to 'perfectly' understand what we are to do. Tabor, take over."
"Yes, your majesty" Said Tabor as he nodded respectfully towards the king.
Taking his stand he then proceeded to arrange pawns on the map before him.
"As soon as dusk is upon us we'll start our trek towards Tenebris. What would normally take a full week to traverse will take but a moment thanks to Empress Vedasto and here troops. After we make the jump across the void, the battalion leaders whom I've already briefed, will position their troops. The fifty thousand troops Lord Magnus has provided will be split into fifteen-thousand in each battalion. As well the thousand draconian troops will be split between the three acting as support for each battalion. The final five thousand orcs and five thousand demons will be lead by Lord Magnus, King Vena and Empress Vedasto. The battle will start when King Vena declares the signal, of which will be heard by all our soldiers simultaneously thus bringing confusion to our enemy for a short time. After the signal is given the three battalions will strike the north, south and east gate drawing the enemies away from the west. At this time the three of them will go along with their squadron and start to evacuate the civilians of the west distract. After which they will act as relief for the other battalions. Meanwhile I will be leading the draconian elites, consisting of Ria and her sisters to infiltrate the Palace. We will be gathering information and acting to exterminate the ones responsible for this vile plot. Are there any questions?"
After completing his speech he took a look around to find a hand raised beside lord Magnus.
"Yea I have one... Why not have your lord over there take his legendary dragon form and proceed to wipe out the opposing forces in one fell swoop?"
"Sorry Rahim, my daughter here is still very impatient and apparently more naive than I thought. Especially if she believes this conflict can be so easily resolved."
This was Donatos Magnus, the King of the Orcs. He sat opposite the dragon emperor in rather grand looking armor compared to his humble kin, whom favored functionality over aesthetics. He wore plate mail that was pitch black from head to toe. His helm was also placed in front of him. It looked rather simple in contrast to King Vena's, it had wide slits for his eye's that were glazed over in a bronze glass-like material, this mimicked his unique eye color. Two white horns protruded from the side of the helm curving forward. In all he looked to be a hair under two meters and displayed the red skin Orcs were known for. He had white hair that was pulled into thick dreadlocks seeming to stretch his already giant forehead. Two tusks about two finger widths wide and a thumb long jetted out from his mouth, albeit one was chipped to half the size of the other.
Beside him rubbing her bruised head was Quinn Magnus, his last surviving daughter. It was a result of an attempted coup planned by his son's, it lead to both their own deaths and his eldest daughter's who died protecting Quinn in the chaos.
She had the same eye catching bronze eyes and white hair as her father. However hers was a little past shoulder length, straight and tied up in a pony tail. Her frame was the polar opposite of her dad's hulking figure. She was slim but toned. If her father was the epitome of strength, she was that of flexibility and agility. She was about two heads shorter than her father and not an ounce of fat was present as her tone muscles wrapped around her alluring figure. She had the making of a beautiful woman once she reached adulthood, however she was just sixteen as of a few months ago. Her face had strong and dominant features, however there was a touch of fragility mixed in do to her delicate nose and thin lips. She wore thin leather armor that glinted dark brown in the light, on her waist hung two daggers.
"What's the big deal pa, you drag me along with you to a war zone and I'm not allowed to ask questions about the battle plan?"
Due to the failed coup Lord Magnus has been... let's say a little overprotective. Things related to taking her wherever he went and even getting his most trusted guards to stand by her sleeping quarters. (Of course they were woman, had a man even thought of going in the same corridor of the castle as her when she slept; then no matter what the circumstances or who they were, they'd be nothing but charred remains by mourning). He reasoned that the safest place for her to be was beside him.
"If you've got a question make sure it's not plagued was you're childish woes, and show some respect towards the royalty of another race why don't ya."
"Che, these geezer's are more ancient than you old man, I'm sure their past the point of caring for simple formalities."
"She's a rather feisty one isn't she Donatos? Are you sure you won't reconsider giving her to me, I'll make sure she's made into a 'proper' women." She said as she licked her lips, ridding herself of the crumbs of a biscuit.
This women who sat at opposite Tabor, was the Demon Empress Liliana Vedasto. Her straight hair hung low to her waist and was pale blue in color, a trait of the demon race. Signifying the royal bloodline flowing through her veins were two ocean blue eyes void of irises or pupils. Her face framed her elegant nose and her full tender lips. She wore a white one piece dress that accentuated her collarbone. The roundness of her shoulders put her breathtaking lavender skin on display as her form was the very definition of seductive. From her modest perky chest, fragile waist or to her tempting long legs that flowed from underneath the white dress. She boasted a carefree attitude as she ate her biscuit over the war plans in question.
"Lily, I wouldn't dream of sending her over to you. I made that mistake with my eldest daughter and watched as you 'corrupted' her."
"Now, now corrupted is a strong of a word. I like to think I opened her mind to the wonders that us fellow women have to offer."
"Not happening." He said matter-of-factly.
"That's a shame. Quinn, if you ever want to rid yourself of your overprotective father, my door's are always open. If you're with me you'll be free...in more ways than one." She said as she threw a wink in Quinn's direction.
A shiver went through her spin. Her sister was known to bed the most beautiful women throughout the kingdom, whether they be single or married. She had a way of entrancing her 'victims' with her woes. No doubt ran through her mind that she'd learnt it from this women right here.
The temperature in the large hut skyrocketed as Lord Magnus stared daggers at Empress Vedasto.
"Alright, alright. I'll take it as my loss for now." She said raising her hands in defeat. "However my over still stands."
"Well she won't need that offer, for if i don't approve of her partner... whether that be a man or woman then it's not happening." He resigned while sighing.
Quinn sat there in uncomfortable silence.
"Why don't we start taking this seriously Lily, a whole race is on the line after all." Said King Vena as he chimed in.
"Oh my Rahim, have we finally embraced your feminine side? To finally let your retainers call you 'King Vena', I assume Prim is getting a tad overbearing in her late stages of pregnancy?" She said sneering.
A sharp bloodlust was directed towards Empress Vedasto, the source... Ria.
"Oh my..." She said acting surprised.
With the flick of her wrist she vanished in a purple haze and reappeared behind Ria. She started to caress her figure hidden underneath the robe.
"You're so cold... Ria won't you finally let me have a peek under that mask." She said with a seductive edge in her voice as she took her thin fingers and started to slightly tilt the blank white mask upwards.
The air around the room swirled as Ria released her full killing intent. She abruptly swung around and instantly growing her razor sharp talons swung them in a viscous sideways arc. When it struck Empress Vedasto instead of leaving a blemish on her beautiful skin, what her hand met was the empty air. The same violet haze from before formed where she once stood. Empress Vedasto was back in her seat grinning wickedly.
"That was the best reaction yet Ria, perhaps my advances are finally working."
Seemingly flustered Ria took a step toward the empress only to be met with King Vena's booming voice.
"Enough!" His voice although quiet sounded through the large hut with a threatening tone.
"You've had you're fun Lily, now let us get back to the problem at hand."
"Yes, yes, Oh!..." Seeming to have remembered something she gazed toward Quinn. "My dear Quinn, regarding your previous question, about why Rahim over there doesn't take his dragon form. The answer is simple, they are not worthy." Throwing away her playful attitude she spoke with a blunt tone, getting straight to the point. "I wonder..." She cast an inquisitive gaze at Lord Vena. "It has most likely been five hundred years since he's taken his true form. Was it when you fought with the previous orc lord, or was it that over bearing human?"
"Leave the reminiscing for another time Lily." Lord Vena said, cutting in.
"Tabor, continue."
Standing up yet again after patiently waiting for the commotion to settle, Tabor took the reigns.
"Like I was saying, this plan minimizes the casualties both sides will endure. To further provide an answer to your question young Quinn" He made sure to emphasize the word 'young', seeming to want to correct an immature viewpoint as someone once did to him. "If the three Lords her and the faerie King were to fight with all their might, the kingdom of Tenebris would be no more. You must take into account that once someone uses their full power right away the other side will do the same to combat it. Now when Empress Vedasto mentioned the enemy not being worthy, she was referring to principle not power. An opponent must be worthy not only in strength but also in cause for our kind to utilize their true forms. This is a rule King Vena had established after the war five hundred years ago. Remember this." After it seemed that Quinn got even more red, he continued recounting the plan.
"Now getting on with it, our sources say the faerie King is to be giving a special announcement in the festival square. We can assume this is when he will enact his plan. From our information the plan of the royal family and nobles involved is to plunge the citizens into darkness. On this eve it has been known that the Queen will give birth, thus won't be at the ceremony. If this has anything to do with the plan of the royals we do not know. However we know the faeries are unstable and powerful at this time, should one of them not just be corrupted but fully fallen, then they can forcibly cause those around them to as well. Should we be too late and he has indeed succeeded, then we will fall back and shift our focus from evacuation and suppression to extermination. None of the corrupted must leave Tenebris."
Silence ensued as Tabor finished. Everyone had a rather solemn expression.
"Now I'm not going to say this plan will be perfect. But we have made the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the citizens and troops we evacuate. Expect the worst, pray for the best. That is all."
Dusk, outside of the allied encampment.
"Soldiers. Orcs, Demons and my Draconian brethren, we are faced with an oppressing evil that threatens the peace of this continent. Some of you are eager to go out and combat this evil, some have been conscripted but choose to follow this specific expedition for one reason. This evil ... no all the evil in this world, If left alone will fester, will grow and multiply faster than our minds can comprehend. This evil, these atrocious acts are for now, isolated on this continent. But should we fail, know that it will reach our shores, it will reach your homes, your families and what has happened here will happen to them. That is if we fail. BUT ARE WE GOING TO FAIL!???"
"NO!!" The army yelled in unseen. The air around them swirled as the thick bloodlust of over fifty-thousand troops seemed to materialize in the air.
Ear deafening cheers and the pounding of feet on the ground and those pounding on their shields rang out across the once quiet landscape. Tabor having given his speech to rile the troops up signaled to Demon soldiers to open the void portal. This portal used the combined strength of five-thousand demons of the void. Even then it would only allow a thousand people a minute to pass through and thusly drain the demons of their stamina, thusly the reason they will be focusing on evacuation at first.
As to why not more troops from the Demons have been arranged, that is do to the chance of failure. Should they fail, the remaining demon army will hold back the corrupted and contain them for as long as they can while troops from the other nations send reinforcements. King Vena convinced the allied nations to let the orcs, demons and his kin take charge. Though if you excluded the Elves and ancient Treants the rest of the nations did not seem to care. They seem to think, this evil does not concern them, that it can never reach their shores. The younger races and nations are indeed as naive as King Vena said.
Roughly and hour later in the dark forest, just outside of Mutus the capital of Tenebris.
The forest was devoid of light and sound as the three battalions set out to their respective positions. The orc's lit the way with dim flames as to avoid detection, while the draconian’s hushed their footsteps. No one was talking or spoke a word since going through the portal, to much was at stake. They made their way silently toward that approaching battlefield. As the the capital city of Mutus came into view so did the black walls that reached into the sky surrounding the city.
"It seems they've done some remodeling since we've last been here."
"Fifty years is a long time Magnus."
"Indeed, long enough for the entire faerie race to go into seclusion and commit vile acts on there own people."
"A tasteless jest, however true it may be." Voiced Magnus as she replied to Empress Vedasto.
"Alright. The battalions are in place. Give the signal when you're ready Lord Vena." Said Tabor.
King Vena gazed around at the soldiers behind him and his fellow leaders at his side. Giving them a brief nod the air around him began to swirl. It increased in intensity as his feet finally left the ground. His was floating higher and higher into the air at a slow pace, until right as he was about to clear the wall he seemed to exploded high above the capital. Floating a good distance above the capital he held his hand out and he closed his eyes in concentration. In front of his hand a visible disturbance in the air was seen.
A a clear bubble the size of marble formed in front of his open palm. It floated there patiently until Lord Vena slowly closed his palm. The bubble jetted forward and stopped right above what looked to be the middle of the city. The air around it swirled as it was getting sucked into it. An unbelievable amount of air went into the marble size bubble as it kept compressing until finally Lord Vena opened his eyes. He abruptly opened his hand and this action seemed to have popped the bubble. What happened next was the air around it was suddenly sucked in for a moment and then it seemed to disappear. The air around it caused the bubble to implode on itself causing an earth shattering sonic boom. The glass in countless of the buildings below was heard shattering as the wave spread out. Even kilometers away trees rustled in response.
The signal was set, bringing the start to the battle upon them.
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