《Land of the Destined》Chapter 11 - Rules and Rumours


Jayden was in a deep sleep when Elizah made her way back to the pond. She looked at his peaceful face to decide on whether she should wake him up or let him sleep.

He was relaxed, and his hair was the usual mess, but he looked calm after a long while.

She smiled as she sat down in the grass, set the basket beside her on the grass. She put her hand on a small bud that seemed to be ringing out to her. She stretched her hand over the bud and just watched it. There was something strange going on.

After a few minutes, she gave a grunt of frustration, which seemed to startle Jayden awake. He took her hand into his own as an action to find his blade.

“Calm down,” Elizah said as she removed a slice of bread from within the basket.

“You came back. I didn’t really expect that to happen. I just thought I was dreaming everything that was happening at that point, but I guess it was true,” Jayden said as she slowly took the slice from her hands.

“Well, it did,” she said, and her smile only broadened, “So what will we do about this little secret with the destinies and magic?”

“We’ll have to hide it. That’s what makes the best solution for us to live for now, at least,” Jayden said, and he slowly nibbled at the slice.

Elizah said, “I guess it’s for the best that way.”

“What happened at home,” Jayden asked, and surprisingly, Elizah’s face grew gloomy.

“Micah is slowly getting better, but until then, the house feels empty,” Elizah said and placed a hand on Jayden’s free hand.

“Would you mind telling me what happened?” Jayden asked, and Elizah sighed.

“Micah lost his lover. The captain of the squadron he was a part of,” Elizah said.

“They loved each other?” Jayden asked, and Elizah nodded while Jayden looked bewildered.

“They were going to get married, but there seem to be rules that make sure they can’t,” Elizah said with a sigh.

“Oh, that is odd. Maybe one day when I’m king I can get rid of these strange rules,” Jayden said, and Elizah smiled.

“One day, hopefully by then magic also can be used more freely so that people don’t die like William,” Elizah said.

“He died because of magic?” Jayden asked, and Elizah nodded rapidly.

“It’s not uncommon. When you don’t use your magic for a long time it can kill you. Speaking of which, when did you last use your magic?” Elizah asked

“I don’t really remember. It’s been a really long time,” Jayden said, and he looked thoughtful.

“Please be careful about it. It’s just an assumption that magic can kill, but I’ve seen people die who had magic and just didn’t use it,” Elizah said.


“When--,” Jayden began to say but decided this was one of the many other kingdom secrets he just never saw anything about.

“I’ll train every day, Liz,” Jayden said and looked into the grass.

“How do you know my nickname?”Elizah asked, startled by the pet name that Micah and Roxanne used.

“I just figured, it makes sense,” Jayden said as he fiddled with the grass.

Elizah smiled, “ You can use that name just as much as my mother or brother can, its my apology for earlier. Rest, I’ll keep watch for a while.”

Jayden couldn’t help trying to persuade her to take a rest. First, she wouldn’t change her idea, and soon Jayden gave up and fell fast asleep on the grass.

Elizah aimlessly played with the growing grass. She looked over the pond with its reflecting blue surface.

“He’s asleep already. I hadn’t really expected that to happen,” A voice whispered behind Elizah, and she could help but to jump and take out her dagger.

She held the dagger at Micah’s chest. He looked stunned by the blade at his throat and observed it momentarily.

“That’s an imperial blade, where did you even get your hands on such an expensive item?” Micah asked while he still observed the blade.

“It was a gift from the young man sleeping down there,” Elizah said calmly, “You surprised me. I hadn’t really expected anyone to just show up around here all of a sudden, not to mention you.”

Micah took a closer look at the boy sleeping on the ground, and then he realized who it was as if a bolt of lightning had hit him.

“That’s the Prince, don’t tell me that you kidnapped him today, I’ve had enough to do today. I just wanted a peaceful walk and I didn’t expect to see you here,” Micah said with surprise in his voice.

Elizah laughed at what Micah had expected her to do.

“No that’s not what I did,” Elizah said as she still laughed and sat back down in the grass.

“Then explain why he’s knocked out on the grass over here and you have an imperial dagger,” Micah said and settled in the grass next to her.

“He isn’t knocked out, he’s only asleep. More importantly, how are you feeling?”Elizah asked softly.

“I’m better. Felt like I could use some air, so I came for a stroll,” Micah added, and his eyes didn’t seem so upset any longer. Elizah noticed something tied on Micah’s neck.

“Is that your ring from William?” Elizah asked and pointed to his neck, and Micah nodded.

“Figured it’s the best way for me to remember him,” Micah said with a nostalgic gaze, “But enough about my life. Why are you here in the middle of the night?”


“He’s my friend. We’ve been spending time here for a while now,” Elizah said calmly, “He didn’t want to go home, so I offered to look after him here.”

Micah’s eyebrows raised, and he smiled, “I’m glad he has someone who will look after him. He always seemed scared and lonely when he checked up on our squadron. He has a kind heart, though.”

“You’ve spoken to him before?” Elizah asked, and Micah nodded.

“He helped convince me to return. He cares about you a lot,” Micah said and looked in his sister’s direction, “What do you think about him?”

“I’m not sure,” Elizah admitted, and Micah patted Elizah on the head.

“There’s no hurry to figure it out either,” Micah said, and Elizah grumbled.

“Why are you asking about my relationships when you never told me about your own,” Elizah said with a slightly annoyed tone.

“I need to look after my family. Isn’t that what my job is?” Micah asked with his chest swelling up with pride.

Elizah playfully hit him in the chest with her fist. Micah looked hurt momentarily but smiled at Elizah soon after.

“Don’t be such a mother duck. I can care for myself,” Elizah said with a bit of laughter in her voice.

“Well, anyway, his nature is quite similar to yours, quiet yet determined. He maybe isn’t the strongest Prince but, probably the first with a heart and is also smart enough for all of us,” Micah said as he looked at Jayden.

“So you don’t mind that I’m spending time with him?”Elizah wondered aloud.

“He needs someone to look after him, and I wouldn’t suggest anyone better than you to help him,” Micah said as he stood up and brushed the grass off him.

“I’ll give you two some peace. I need my own sleep as well. I’ll see you in the morning, Liz, out on the fields,” Micah said and walked through the shrubbery surrounding the pond.

“So you’ve decided not to return to your post,” Elizah said to herself with a sigh. She was happy that Micah was slowly returning to his old self but also felt bad that he didn’t want to return to the troops because of how painful it would be for him there.

Elizah watched him vanish and remained on high alert until her eyelids felt heavy. She thought it would be best to wake Jayden to ask him to keep watch. Still, at the moment, it seemed like it was more important that he rested. It was the dead of the night, and the highest possibility was that no one would ambush them this late.

Elizah went and sat next to Jayden and watched until she decided that she’d rest and fell into a deep sleep.

A man stood casually in the depths of the forest. He watched every move of the Prince and the girl near him. He was well trained in espionage and couldn’t turn down an offer that would pay him well since he had been a part of the king’s secret services. His informant trusted him to get the correct information.

He couldn’t help but feel disgusted when the Prince almost kissed the girl, knowing how high his standards should be and how he was reducing himself to something so low.

As soon as the girl fell asleep, the man took his leave from the place, knowing that it was time to meet his informant.

He rode off with mixed feelings as he was confused about whether what he was doing was right or wrong. His conscience told him that his loyalty should be with the Prince and not with the informant.

But before he could think anymore, there was someone in his path in front of him. They were dressed in black from head to toe. Their face was covered with the cloak that they were wearing.

The man dismounted and stood in front of the person. The informant had a torch in their hands and stood like they had been waiting for the man.

“So what took so long?” the informant asked with agitation in their voice.

“They’re resting in the forest, the girl only fell asleep now,” the man said casually.

“Who’s the girl?” the informant asked, even though they knew who it was.

The man had anticipated the question and answered quickly, “Elizah Cohen, Liran’s daughter.”

The informant gritted their teeth in evident frustration.

“What else happened?” the informant asked.

“They both have the same destinies, to bring the sources of magic back for equilibrium once more. They seem to like each other as well,” the man said nonchalantly.

This only made the informant angrier that fire flew out of their palm.

“Is that all?” they asked. They were so angry that they could go and shoot a ball of flame at the Prince for being so foolish.

The man gave a scared nod, “My payment, please?”

He knew it was a mistake to even dare to ask the informant that question.

“What do you want now?” The informant asked and put the flame at the man’s neck, “If you fulfill my wishes you’ll get everything I promised. If you value your life you’ll obey what I say.”

The man gave a solemn nod and rode off as soon as the informant extinguished the torch they were holding and disappeared.

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