《Larystaro》Chapter 6- Invitation


Emelia Fellwood? I haven’t heard of any powerful person with that name.. Maybe I can…

“Miss Emelia.. I am an Elder of the Divine Cult. The great Goddess of Death and Wisdom blesses our cult. As a reward for saving a student of the cult we offer you a position in the cult which will come with all the benefits of being in it of course!” Gorden held out a token and held his head down.

An awkward silence paused over the group for a couple of minutes. Gorden felt his hand become lighter as he could no longer feel the emblem.

Emelia looked at the emblem with some surprise. Isn’t this our Fallen Universities identification? The emblem had a woman looking up with a purple halo and black wings expanding to cover the rest of the emblem.

“This symbol is very beautiful, where did you get the inspiration to make it?” Emelia inspected it closer and found a #803 on the back. I wonder what the original number is..

“You like it? Our founder and ancestor told us that he had seen the same illusion as the Pope, but instead of the white-winged angel he had seen a black-winged angel instead, because of this, the two religions have been fighting since the founders’ age.” Gorden smiled as he explained.

Emelia nodded with a smile and began walking towards the wolf.

“Where are you headed to now miss?” Gorden spoke as he saw Emelia walking away. “The Capital.” She quickly replied.

“What a coincidence, we just finished our mission so we are also returning to the capital!” Gorden clapped and walked towards a bush.

He grabbed it and pulled to reveal a black wooden carriage with a red knight emblem. He opened the door and laid Kalene onto the bed-like seat. He slowly crept out and closed the door quietly.


He around but couldn’t find Emelia, all of a sudden he felt a breath of air and saw Emelia sitting inside of the carriage and the wolf running away.

“Miss Emelia! Your wolf.. It’s runn--” Emelia hand up a hand and shook her head. “It’s fine, it has done its job.” She put her hand back to her lap and didn’t move anymore.

Gorden stared at the woods where the wolf had ran off, worried for the creatures inside. Eventually he just sighed and went to the drivers position.

“Yah!” The carriage began moving towards the road, and from the road to the capital.


A week had passed on the journey to the capital. Kalene was always bothering Emelia, asking questions that were never answered, and answering questions that were never asked. One could say that Kalene looked at Emelia as an idol or a friend.

“Emelia~~ remember that boy, Zhang Wei, I told you about? Well~~ he told me that if I finish this mission, he’ll give me his sword. You know that sword? His sword is the Dragon Sword! Only the Emperor's relatives and close friends get that sword! I’d love to see his face when I come back!” Kalene giggled to herself maniacally, when she saw that Emelia was paying no attention to her she just continued rambling.

“So, my dad is a Duke, yeah? He’ll probably give you some reward for saving. Hey! Do you wanna stay at my house? My family will definitely welcome you! If they won’t let you I.. I won’t talk to them!” As she thought of this her eyes sparkled at Emelia.

“I plan on finding my own home. Money would be appreciated.” Kalene looked down at her blue dress, her eyes downcast. “Yeah… Oh! I know! You can move into a house near us!” Life filled her eyes again.


Emelia opened her eyes for the first time in hours, adjusting her vision to the light. She looked at Kalene. “Sure.”

“Yay!~~~ Teacher! Did you hear that! Emelia said she’ll come live near us! I can’t wait!” Kalene started bouncing up and down, taking the carriage with her. As she was jumping around she saw massive walls outside the window. “We’re here! Emelia we’re here!” She looked over at Emelia and saw her nod.

As they approached the gates a guard dressed in snow white armour protecting his whole body walked towards them.

“Count Gorden? Welcome back from your journey.” The guard quickly let them pass once he saw Gorden. He nodded and drove inside.

When they entered, Emelia could instantly hear many sounds and smell many scents. She saw troops patrolling the streets and vendors shouting. Merchants and shopkeepers also took part, making as much noise as they could to attract potential customers.

“Look Emelia, see that wall over there? That's where the noble district is. That’s where we live!” Emelia followed Kalenes finger to see a giant wall.

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