《The Explorer's Guide》Chap. 3.5 - The birthing


(Orvar son of Oden's P.O.V)

I sight as i wait in the corridor for the midwives to be done with the birthing of my child. ‘My first child!’ i yell in my head with happiness, while a smile creeps across my face as i think of what gender it will be as we didn’t want to know. Of course, my dear wife Signy wants a baby girl, but i can’t help to wish for a strong and healthy boy, but i truly do not care as in our society any births are considered almost miracles as we have long-lasting lifespans but for some reason low fertility rates. I pace in the corridor from one point to the other and touch my ring given to me as a child to channel the spirits on my left hand. I’ve always worn it on the thumb, but when i married Signy i changed the location as to make it my wedding band.

I suddenly turn as i hear a crack coming from the wooden door of our room and Freya, my wife’s younger sister comes out.

"She has birthed a healthy baby boy, Orvar!" She beams me a smile. "Come in, she is waiting for you."

I enter the room and see my pale wife’s skin, fear gets a hold of my heart as i readily approach her.

"Are you hurting my dear wife? Is there anything i can do for you?" i ask.

She smiles weakly and says. "Yes, you can hold our son for the first time."

I turn to where she was looking and find the midwife a couple of steps behind me looking disgruntled and tired. Then for the first time, i notice the bundle she carries, so small and looking so fragile that i fear to pick it up, but non-the-less i approach and take the bundle into my arms. An indescribable feeling of love feels me as i watch my son’s eyelids dart and his mouth open, im mesmerized by him and when he reaches for my finger a wave of reality hits me. This is my son, i made him, i created life and now that life is in my very arms.


I have to contain myself not to cry as i watch such miracle sleep soundly, then my wife speaks with a weakened face. "Love, come, bring him to me..." She suddenly gasps for air and her face turns cramped as she seems to be in tremendous pain.

"QUICK! The healers!" I am thrown out of the way by the midwife who was constantly controlling my wife’s vitals through the portable bio-machine.

Freya escorts me out of the room and hurries back inside as i am in a dazed state, i aimlessly end up in our spare bedroom, painful thoughts assault me and my knees begin to shake making me lay my son on the bed. After what seems like an eternity i regain some of my bearings and prepare to leave the room but as i am walking towards the door i hear gasps from the bed and turn at my newborn son and i freeze. ‘ I’m Orvar son of Oden, the one known for his strength and unwavering character!’ I sit restlessly near the bed as i wait for news of my wife while staying vigilant for my son.

Thirty minutes pass when i hear rustling and the voice of Freya call to me. "Orvar, the healers are finished and she is fine!"

I run towards my and Sig’s room with my son in tow and sight in relief as i watch my wife conscious and weak face.

"Give him to me Orv." She gently requests. "He looks hungry and smells bad."

I finally realize what a poor job i did whit taking care of my son and reprimand myself for it. I gently lay the bundle in the gentle arms of Signy and watch her change our son and feeding him like an expert.

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