《Era of Venture》Hiatus for Some Revision and Refining


Hey everyone!

So I'll be editing a lot of the chapters a lot more than what I've previously done. Yes, this is because of the recent review and because my grammar is atrocious.

If you are not caught up yet... well sorry for the inconvenience. If you haven't started I would recommend putting this story on "save later" and then coming back after a while.

Some stuff will get removed and a lot of events will be added. The word count should be around the same but if necessary you may come back to find an extra chapter.

The plot will not be changed. Just the way the story is worded and what is happening.

I'll be changing everything until I feel like this story has a "good base"

Some Changes:

Only 1 POV per chapter

I'll give the story more direction

revising and re-writing some confusing parts

also I felt like the mysterious start was too cliche so it will be changed too. I will create a new chapter when the edits are done.

hopefully, it's worth it :P


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