《The Immortalai》Winning At A Cost
Reinlas went to bed after declaring war but he didnt sleep, he couldnt, after the valley city sleep doesnt come easy now, before the glimpse at them shook his sleeping with nightmares now even awake he sees the death and destruction but as morning came his body was feeling better than the previous day much like how it was the day before the valley cities destruction but upon testing, his magic still hadn't returned. He gets up putting clothes and then armour on and he goes to the throne room he feels fine making that walk so he believes hes physically back to his normal self.
"Feeling better Reinlas?" Kylorn asks
"Yes though my magic still hasnt returned" Reinlas says
"Troubling" Kylorn says concerned
"Indeed" Reinlas says
Laraka enters the throne room and walks over to Reinlas.
"My king, you seem better today" Laraka says
"I am though what I'm about to say might make you think otherwise" Reinlas says
"And what is that?" Laraka asks curiously but also concerned
"We should go on the attack, Keireens had enough time to probably mount a new attack but if we attack now he might not expect it" Reinlas says
"I agree, though we will have a smaller force than him as the volunteers are still getting full combat training" Laraka says
"We must work with what we have" Reinlas says
"My conjurations might be able to help, ill try to get other soldiers whos main magic is conjuration prepared to aid with numbers" Laraka says
"Right, good idea" Reinlas says
Laraka leave the throne room but can be heard barking orders yo some people nearby.
"Certainly does as he says" Reinlas says and walks out of the castle and looks over the lands before him and sighs
"If this ends badly we may very well see these lands burning" Reinlas says
"Indeed Reinlas, lets hope it doesn't come to that" Kylorn says
Reinlas can only nod before the hours pass and Laraka walks over with some soldiers.
"My king, I have brought some soldiers that have conurbation as their main magic, your forces as per your orders yesterday are already at the new borders so it shouldn't take much to get them rallied and marching towards the enemy" Laraka says
"Then let's go, teleport us laraka" Reinlas says
"Of coarse my king" Laraka says
Laraka teleports to the borders with Reinlas and as far as the eye can see are soldiers, many look towards Reinlas.
"Laraka, channel your magic through me and to their heads as linra did yesterday" Reinlas says
Laraka nods and does as told.
"I know many of you are scared or worried for what's to come but we have heard for years of the horrid things Keireen has done in his wars, yes it will be done to us but we will win unlike those before us! Today we must march into their land and take it! Diminish his power and increase our own so that he can pay for all he's done!" Reinlas telepathically shouts
The soldiers shout their agreements.
"Then let's go give them hell!" Reinlas shouts
"Formations!" Laraka shouts and the soldiers move into formations and as Reinlas starts to walk the soldiers march behind him
The march is more symbolic as them moving towards victory and they know it as magic users begin to teleport the army further into land nearer the closest villages and cities so they can liberate the citizens of these places but when they teleported to their new position everyones eyes widened simultaniously as they saw an army at least 10 times bigger than their own.
"Oh no...." Reinlas said before the enemy army charges forward with war cries a plenty
Sheild and spearmen quickly rush up infront of everyone else and dig sheilds in and close them tightly against eachother with small spaces for spears to poke through, thankfully with their quick reactions they managed to get the first few waves impaled. The mages were even faster, a little too fast the enemmy saw the spikes go up and stop their advance on the sides and decided to wait till they could either charge the front or for the mages to run out of magic.
"Laraka, get yourself and the other conjureres further back, teleport further back and hide your presences and begin conjuring everything you can and coem in in force" Reinlas says then puts his hand on larakas shoulder
"I know you wont fail me" Reinlas then says and takes his hand back unsheathing kylorn from his scabbard
"I wont fail you my king" Laraka says and he gathers the other conjurers and teleports away and soon become unsensable
"Nor will I, Reinlas" Kylorn says
"I know Kylorn" Reinlas says
Huge fireballs come rocketing through the sky to fast for anyone to react to and they crash into the ground killing thousands in seconds the agonising screams of people as their flesh burn away.
"WATER MAGES IF YOU SEE MORE OF THOSE COMING TURN THEM TO STEAM, ICE USERS TURN THEIR STRATEGY ON THEM WITH GIANT ICE SPIKES, FIRE MAGES IF ANY OF THOSE FIREBALLS GET THROUGH ABSORB THEM WE CANNOT RISK THEM GETTING THOUGH AND TAKING MORE OF OUR NUMBERS!" Reinlas shouts and as the next wave of fireballs come and the mages do as they were commanded to and the ice spikes worked wonders especially as the mages made it so after the spike hit the ground the spike exploded sending ice shards into more people
The enemy take a minute and then send the shapeshifters in and they shift into horses, their armour even shifting to work with the new body and they rush though the enemy army towards the sheild wall at great speeds aided more with magic and they target the middle of the sheild wall and barrel though quickly shifting back to their normal forms and start literally burning a path through the sheild wall so that soldiers can pour though.
"SHIT! COME ON EVERYONE FIGHT FOR YOUR LIVES!" Reinlas shouts as he charges with the closest soldiers into the fight going for the mages first as much as he could as the rest of the shield wall begins to crumble
Laraka and his men start to rush over the nearby hill to the side of the enemy army with millions of conjured soldiers and catapults and ballistas moving up as well firing constantly into the enemy army throwing them into dissary while they try to now refocus their heavy hitters on the conjurers. Reinlas when he sees the enemy army get distracted orders hsi men to push and for archers to start raining down as many arrows as they can onto the enemy while they're distracted this causes much death on the other side as well as many injuries.
"TAKE OUT THEIR KING!" One enemy commander shouts as he points towards Reinlas
"You can certainly try!" Reinlas shouts back keeping up a strong appearance to aid his soldiers minds the further this goes on
Some soldiers rush towards Reinlas and He quyickly adopts a defensive stance and grabs two daggers throwing them with pinpoint accuracy towards the slits in a couple soldiers helmets taking out their sight with a gutteral scream as he then locks swords with the closest soldier.
"We're going to win, you must see this" The soldier says trying to push is blade closer in the lock
"You may but we'll go down fighting" Reinlas says as he lets go of kylorn letting kylorn stay locked as he floats shocking the soldier before Reinlas grabs the soldiers neck and snaps it quickly and as the mans body falls he grabs kylorn and goes to fight another soldier
Laraka is with his soldiers and conjured soldiers fighting still and hes cutting though some soldiers pretty well and thinks and gets an idea he has a conjured catapult shoot near hsi location and mvoes out of the way giving him a moment to de-conjure some soldiers and re-conjure them as a giant soldier that starts stomping on large parts of the enemy army but with their sheer number of bowmen and mages its soon destroyed.
"Fuck that didnt go so well" Laraka says and moves out of the way of an arrow flying past his face but that arrow finds another target in the man behind him taking the mans left eye causing him to scream in pain and grab it about to pull it out
"Stop, let me help you" laraka says as he pulls it out making the man scream and he starts using healing magic on the man
"Thank you" The man says in a pained voice
"Thank me by either getting out of here or if you can heal yourself and keep fighting" Laraka says
"Right" The man says getting up and starts healing himself and leaves quickly but he leaves his conjurations behind to keep helping
Laraka changes hsi conjured soldiers so that msot of them become archers and uses fire magic to make their arrows light on fire and they begin shooting into the army lighting them on fire. Some enemies teleport behind laraka and his conjurers and attack from behind.
"SHIT BEHIND US" One conjurer says as someone charges him picks him up and slams him on his knee breaking his back before throwing him to the ground and bringing a battle-axe down cutting him in half
Larak turns around seeing this and gets angrier and mroe worried about their position and he charges them bringing some of hsi conjured soldiers over to help him fight and one enemy soldier swings his axe hitting laraka in the gut, breaking through hsi armour and hitting into hsi stomach, laraka begins healing and grabs a dagger stabbing the man in the face after he punches his helmet off.
"Shit" Laraka says and he makes hsi conjured soldiers surround him to protect him while he kneels down to take the axe out and keeps healing but hsi armour is startign to crumble
"Im not giving up, not failing the king" Laraka says to himself as he gets up and de-conjures one sooldier and conjures new armour on and he starts to fight again though he gets more injured over time
A female soldier rushes over to help laraka fight.
"I'll be fine, worry about yourself and your conjurations, they're holding the western front" Laraka says knowign she was about to ask if he needed help
"Your not fine, your bleeding alot, not healing the best and your own front here is falling, my conjurations have it for now" The soldier says
"Fine" Laraka says swallowing his pride and they fight back to back starting to take on seemingly impossible numbers but with their conjuratiosn they manage though barely
Reinlas sees them and looks at some mages.
"Channel some more magic to them if you arent currently in combat!" Reinlas shouts
The mages nod and start to do so helping laraka and the woman fight better with their boost in magic.
The commander who ordered soldiers to try and kill reinlas looks at mages near some cages behind their own lines.
"What the fuck are you waiting for!? THROW THEM" The commander orders and the mages levitate the cages and throw them into reinlas's forces crushing some but the cages fall apart and poison claws coem rushign out and start attacking reinlas's army inflicting many deaths or injuries that will lead to death quick and severely demoralising everyone with the ungodly screams of pain
Reinlas sees this and he runs over saving some of hsi soldiers from a poison claw attack shoving Kylorn into the poison claws mouth and up through its brain making the creature fall limp on kylorns blade with its mouth nearly down to hsi hilt. Reinlas pushes the creature off and orders the mages to focus fire magic onto the poison claws if they can making the creatures run without trying to attack anyone or if they try to attack they burn quick. Some poison claws arent near any mages though making the ungodly screams continue further away the men havign to physically fight the poison claws even at risk of painful death. Reinlas sees some of the shapeshifters moving to a new position so and gets some soldiers and runs over to try and cut them off when one of them shifts into a dragon and he turns quickly smacking reinlas and his soldiers hard with his tail killing or knocking out the soldiers and sending reinlas flying far enough that he goes up the hil and crashes into one of larakas conjured catapults, he groans in pain trying not to shout at the pain for his soldiers sake.
"Fuck that hurt so much" Reinlas says as he gets up and he looks at his left arm and sees its broken
"Perfect" Reinlas mutters and he kneels down and grabs a dagger and puts it on his arm and ties it to his arm making it stay straight
"Best I can do till I find someone with the magic to heal me" Reinlas says as kylorn flies over and into his hand he runs over to laraka and kills a soldier to his right
"My king? That WAS you? I thought I was going crazy" Laraka says still fighting as best he can with the female soldier to his back
"Laraka I need you to focus the catapults and ballistas fire on the shifters, one just shifted into a dragon so we cannot risk any more shifting like that" Reinlas says helping them fight
"Of coarse" Laraka says and he does as he was told
The shifters see the giant boulders and the ballista bolts start to rain on their position and they try to destroy them with their own magic before they fall but its to fast and was far to quick a response to their shift in position than they expected causing them to be crushed or impaled but the one who shifted into a dragon had hsi head be crushed by a catapult boulder plattering blood across the ground and skull fragments flyign out of his head.
"Good work laraka" Reinlas says
"My king your injured, let me help" laraka says
"Your magic is waining as it is laraka, focus on yourself I'll be fine" Reinlas says and he kills some more soldiers and rusn to hsi previous position as the catapults and ballistas shoot towards the enemy army as they did before
Keireens army even after this fighting so far has already shown to be better fighters and have better strategies from their years of warfare that Reinlas and his soldiers simply dont have have. Millions of Reinlas's soldiers are being killed or injured to bad to keep fighting.
"We may have to retreat at this rate" Reinlas thinks to himself as he slashes one mans helmeted head hard enough to peirce through the helmet and lodge kylorn into the soldiers head killing him
Reinlas whistles a signal to some of hsi men and they begin using magic too make the ground quake on the enemies side btu it still affects his own armies stability.
"START MOVING BACK!" Reinlas shouts and others say his order back to others who couldn't hear and they all start moving back
They start getting into new positions and bringing all the wounded to the back for their safety and while some tried to tell Reinlas to do the same he refused.
"Im with you all to the end or I am no king, now I believe all the shifters have been taken out so they cant do what they did before with the horse charge so GET ME ANOTHER SHEILD WALL!" Reinlas says and mroe sheilds come up and tightly put their shields down together
Laraka and the female soldier as well as hsi conjurations moved over as well and laraka walks over.
"My king whats our plan?" Laraka asks
"Reposition the catapults and ballistas over to our left with the archers and start raining everythign you can on them any that get close our soldiers who are still up can take them down whiel our healers can get our wounded up again, we will try to hold out till we absolutely can't" Reinlas says
"Right" Laraka says as he gets his catapults and ballistas over to the archers side
Keireens army then manages to stop the ground from quaking and get up and start charging but then the catapults, ballistas and archers begin firing at the front of keireens army halting their advance and if any do get through its significantly less than they charged with initialy.
"Others of the first forgive me for I may not win this battle or even if I do I may not win this war, I'm sorry" Reinlas thinks to himself
The sky soon darkens and lightning streaks across the sky unexpectedly and Reinlas as well as many other realise its magic doing it. Then Reinlas and hsi army hear a voice in their heads.
"Did you think you wouldnt get reinforcments after this foolish attack?" Linra says telepathically as she charges forward with a HUGE army shes been gathering since finding out about this battle
The reinforcements charge in and clash with the enemy at points where the catapult and archers cant attack. Lirna teleports to Reinlas.
"Where did all these people come from?" Reinlas asks
"They volunteered remember? And also more volunteered when they heard about this battle, they heard you were fighting they wanted to help more than before due to all you've done for them" Linra says as she sees hsi arm and begins healing it
"How many are properly trained?" Reinlas asks
"Not many but right now we need all the numbers we can they've been taught everything they can be telepathically but not in practice" Linra says
"It'll have to do" Reinlas says as hsi arm gets fully healed and he unties the dagger from hsi arm
"Want me to help?" Linra asks
"Yes" Reinlas says
Linra lights the dagger on fire and reinlas throws it into the enemy army and it explodes.
Everyone gives a war cry and hold firm at their positions fighting.
"Was it you who darkened the sky and had the lightning strike?" Reinlas asks linra
"No it was actually a man named Gragnior" Linra says
"Farenhale mentioned him a few times but never really said to much, said gragnior prefered to keep some things secret" Reinlas says
"Well im pretty sure those things he kept secret are no longer secret" Lirna says and then points to a man on the front lines flying and calling down lightnings strikes on huge parts of the enemy army with his eyes ablaze
"His magic is strong, extraordinarily strong" Reinlas says
"Indeed" Linra says
"lets go" Reinlas says to linra and linra draws her blade and they run into fight along side their army
About two full days of fighting later the land is a sea of bodies and wounded on both sides but reinlas, linra, laraka and some others are standing but less than 50 are relativly uninjured and up trying to help others. Reinlas and hsi people won but at a heavy loss including that of gragnior over use of hsi stronger magic tore his soul to shreds killing him. Reinlas and the others are trying to help the injured those with magic use healing magic on surviving mages so they can heal more after a full day of healing they have suffered more deaths from the wounded but they have enough mages to teleport everyone home so they can heal everyone properly.
"Everyone teleport us home now" Reinlas says and the mages nod teleporting everyone home
"I had known the wars were costly but this, its insane" Linra says
"Indeed, but we have much more to go sadly" Reinlas says
They return to the castle and order for more healers to go help the wounded and when they can they'll try to get everyones bodies to get them buried and secure the place they had just fought at. The war has only just begun and they know death is now a heavy possibility.
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