《Return of the Soldier King》Chapter 7 The Shooter is Found


"But how did you see it? Don't tell me you’re clairvoyant too." Murong half-joked staring at Ye Fei.

"I wish I had that ability."

Ye Fei was a little sad, if he really could forecast the future, the Falcon team would not have suffered such a miserable end.

"I rely on skill. Everything I say has a scientific basis; it’s not my intuition."

Ye Fei pointed to his eyes: "When I was a child, my grandpa forced me to practice knife-throwing. To improve at knife-throwing, I had to practice my eyesight. Staying in a dark room, I would stare at a candle until my eyes hurt, even until I became temporarily blind. After a lot of practice, I now have vision as sharp as an eagle’s.”

"Oh, so that's why your codename is Eagle Eye." Murong suddenly understood.

"My skills all stem from my eyes. I can tell whether a fly a hundred meters away is male or female. For me, a video sped up thirty-six times is not a problem." Ye Fei slightly raised his head with a conceited appearance, "With my insight, it is easy to see there’s something wrong about this man."

Murong thought Ye Fei was just bragging. Never mind 100 meters, most people wouldn’t be able to even see a fly just 10 meters away.

Murong replayed the picture five times, but she still couldn't see anything unusual about that man.

"The general public doesn’t have access to Soviet SVD sniper rifles. The man must be a professional killer from abroad and is likely a military veteran. If I remember correctly, only a few mercenary groups in the five warzones in Africa use this kind of sniper rifle these days. Looking at this man's tanned skin, he must have recently come from somewhere very hot and sunny - like Africa," Ye Fei said seriously.


Murong wasn’t convinced. "What if he was just born with dark skin?"

Ye Fei shook his head. "No, you can see patches on his face. That’s not natural. This is probably because he didn’t use sunscreen evenly and was frequently exposed to the sun."

Murong still had doubts. "What if he just came back from sunbathing on a tropical beach abroad? This doesn't mean anything."

"Hey, do you see something hanging on his waist? Do you know what that is?" Ye Fei pointed to the man's waist.

Murong got closed to the screen and studied the image for a long time. There was, in fact something tied to his waist. It looked very heavy, not like a purse, more like a… sandbag.

"Who would tie sandbags to their waist? That really is strange. However… he could still just be a fitness trainer trying to strengthen his abs." Murong continued to contradict Ye Fei’s theory.

"It really is a sandbag, but it's not just for training. In foreign countries, every professional sniper carries a sandbag, also known as a cushion bag. It is standard equipment for any sniper. There are several postures for sniping. The prone position is the most stable, but the surface is not always necessarily flat, so the sniper uses sandbags for support."

There was no doubt in Ye Fei's tone.

"I see, then he must be the shooter.” Officer Murong jumped up happily. “Ye Fei, are you sure about this?"

"I’m sure," Ye Fei said.

"Well, then I'll call the captain, send the photo to the detective team, and add it to the city’s wanted list." Murong already picked up the phone.

Ye Fei stopped her. "Don't tell anyone. The two of us are enough."

"The two of us are enough? You mean you're afraid someone will steal my credit again? I said I am not in it for the credit; I just want to find out the truth for Qingwan. What's more, we only know his appearance. Without help from other investigators, how can we find him in a huge, populous city like Shanghai?" Murong said angrily.


Ye Fei replied calmly: "The shooter is a professional killer and a veteran with good camouflage skills and heavy firepower in his hands. Your criminal investigation team is too clumsy. He will definitely see them coming, not to mention, it may cause unnecessary casualties. I'm capable enough to handle this situation."

Fei said the people of criminal investigation team were clumsy. Officer Murong was very bitter about that, but compared to Ye Fei, they really were clumsy.

After thinking for a while, Murong opened her mouth, "Well, thank you."

"As for how we’re going to find him, we just have to think it over for a while. I’m sure we’ll come up with an idea." Ye Fei had Murong bring out a map of Shanghai. "Think about it - if you were the shooter, where would you hide?"

"Well... I would find a hotel to stay in; definitely a five-star hotel. I would stay at the top floor, with a glass of red wine in my hand and a cigar in my mouth, and look over the whole city," Murong said with a serious expression.


Ye Fei looked doubtfully at Murong. This busty police officer wasn’t the smartest; no wonder the others thought she was just eye candy. She must have had an influential backer to enter the police force.

"Why are you looking at me like that? All the movies show assassins acting like this." Murong's face went slightly red.

"Well, an armed shooter who hasn’t killed his target will not go too far. He must still be nearby. He was probably smuggled in and has no ID, so there is no way for him to stay in a hotel. So, where can he go?" Ye Fei coughed.

"Will he just stay on the streets?" Murong reluctantly said.

"Yes, he can only stay on the streets. You should put on something sexy, we’ll go catch him together as soon as you’re ready."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "But first, you were going to buy me a bowl of noodles."

Murong reluctantly, went to her office to change out of her uniform. Her skirt was very short. She examined her outfit for a moment and decided to add black stockings and high-heeled shoes before coming out.

"Wow. You look hot."

Ye Fei's eyes brightened. Murong wore a light pink shirt and a black miniskirt. She had big breasts and a thin waist, so her translucent silk stockings made her legs appear more straight and slender. She already had a slim figure, but when she stepped into a pair of white high-heeled shoes, she became even more mellow and graceful. She really cleaned up well once she got out of her police uniform.

The most eye-catching thing, of course, were her extremely stunning breasts.

"Tsk-tsk, 34 D’s and she’s not very good at her job…of course."

Ye Fei's eyesight was perfect. With a single glance, he correctly guessed her bra size.

Murong invited Ye Fei downstairs to eat noodles. Ye Fei asked for two big bowls. During the meal, Murong made a phone call to Lin Qingwan, "Sister Qingwan, how are you?"

"Sister Murong, if Ye Fei is with you now, please hand him the phone." Lin Qingwan said hurriedly.

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