《Return of the Soldier King》Chapter 4 The Sniper


Ye Fei swung his hand and the knife flew out, aimed at Chief of Security Zhao Tie’s throat.

Zhao Tie was a veteran. He had been to the battlefield and had seen life and death, but at that moment, he was unable to respond. The bright tip of the knife was inches from his face.

"I’m dead." Zhao Tie's hope was gone. Only those two words were on his mind.


Lin Qingwan screamed, covering her eyes, not daring to look upon the bloody scene.


Ye Fei suddenly moved, overtaking the knife mid-flight. He solidly gripped the hilt, stopping the knife just as it made contact.

A drop of blood fell from Zhao Tie's throat. He was barely scratched.

Everyone was stunned, looking at Ye Fei. Could a man catch up to a throwing knife mid-flight? It was obviously impossible, but Ye Fei was the exception. He caught the knife he himself threw. He was faster than a ghost. It was terrifying.

Zhao Tie almost died of shock.

His knees buckled and he collapsed to the ground, his entire body trembling.

Lin Qingwan opened her mouth wide, gaping at Ye Fei, whose expression was indifferent.

"Shame on you! Who let you use a knife? What if you’d hurt him?" Ye Fei made Lin Qingwan shudder.

"You said not to be merciful." Ye Fei made an indignant face, then winked.

"No, no!" Lin Qingwan shouted angrily. "This time you can't use the knife. Unarmed combat!"

"There is no unarmed enemy on the battlefield. Even children and women may have a bomb hidden on their person," Ye Fei retorted gravely. "Of course, I can give him another chance."

"No, I give up," Zhao Tie said, still trembling on the floor.

Lin Qingwan did not understand, but Zhao Tie instinctively knew. He did not think the young man was a capable fighter at first and even had a little contempt toward him, but when he threw that knife, Zhao Tie knew he was wrong. This man could kill without flinching, and he was extremely fast. Even if they fought ten times or a hundred times, Zhao Tie would never beat Ye Fei.


"Zhao Tie, why are you such a coward? I command you to get up, or I will fire you!" Lin Qingwan stomped her foot angrily.

Zhao Tie shook his head. "Miss Lin, life is more valuable than money. Feel free to hire someone else." He would never fight with Ye Fei.


Lin Qingwan pointed to Ye Fei, then to Zhao Tie. She was so angry she couldn't speak anymore.

When Lin Qingwan thought of the 50,000 Yuan a month, she felt like her heart was dripping blood. "No, no!” she shouted, “Even if you’re a good fighter, I have no enemies. I do not need a bodyguard worth 50,000 Yuan a month."

Before she could finish, Ye Fei suddenly rushed towards her.

She thought he wanted to attack her – he seemed impulsive enough - and screamed.

Ye Fei leaped at her and knocked her down to the ground. His hands pressed on her soft breasts; his one leg rested between her thighs, so that her lace underwear was a bit revealed.


Lin Qingwan freaked out, slapping Ye Fei with all her strength.

A clear handprint immediately appeared on Ye Fei's face.

Fei was completely unmoved, as if he didn’t feel anything.



A bullet pierced the huge panoramic window, shooting through the spot where Lin Qingwan was just standing.

If Ye Fei had not knocked her down in time, the bullet would have penetrated her body. He grabbed Lin Qingwan's slender ankle and dragged her behind her desk.

Ye Fei overturned the huge desk and didn’t stop there. He threw himself over Lin Qingwan's body, held onto her, and rolled them both across the floor until they reached the doorway.

More bullets whizzed by, almost hitting them. The gunfire stopped when Ye Fei and Lin Qingwan rolled out into the corridor.


Lin Qingwan's small face was pale. She was so scared she couldn't speak. The employees of the company, seeing such a situation occur, didn’t dare do anything.

Ye Fei opened the door a thin crack, looking past the broken glass of the window. Through the glass he could see the situation on the opposite side. The shooter was hidden on a higher floor in the building across the street.

After a while, Ye Fei stood up and said, "It's all right now."

Lin Qingwan was terrified. Her body was numb and she simply couldn't stand up. She still lay on the ground with an embarrassed expression.

"The shooter has run away, but we have to call the police immediately. Ask the police to come over and deal with this matter."

Ye Fei rushed back into the office and dragged out Uncle Hu and Zhao Tie.

Uncle Hu was lucky. He wasn’t hurt, just a little scared. His legs were too numb to walk.

Zhao Tie, however, wasn't so lucky - a bullet hit his leg. Fortunately, it was only a glancing shot, otherwise it might have taken off the limb. Even so, he was losing a lot of blood. He was strong-minded, gritting his teeth, but his forehead was covered in sweat like he’d just come out of a sauna.

Ye Fei took out the fruit knife and cut Zhao Tie's trousers to have a look at the wound.

Although the wound was very deep, the bullet did not hurt the bones or meridians. Other than losing a lot of blood, he should be OK.

Ye Fei was a sniper, not a medic. His basic first aid skills were insufficient in this case. All he could do was tear off his shirt and use it as a tourniquet to tie around Zhao Tie's leg.

It was not long before the sirens sounded and the police finally arrived.

Several policemen rushed over. Lin Qingwan was relieved, supporting herself on the wall to stand up.

"Qingwan, what happened?"

When the female officer, Murong, saw Lin Qingwan’s pale face, she hastily rushed over and helped her to a chair.

These two women clearly knew each other and had a good relationship.

"Sister Murong, I almost didn’t see you there..." Lin Qingwan cried out.

"Qingwan, what happened? I received a report that said there was gunfire here." Murong looked around and suddenly saw a familiar figure - Ye Fei.

"There are assassins trying to kill me!" Lin Qingwan sobbed into Murong's shoulder.

"Assassins? Was it this man?" Murong coldly pointed at Ye Fei's nose.

Although the Central Leader said Ye Fei was a hero, Murong still believed this man to be a terrorist.

What’s more, Interpol’s arrest warrant was still in effect. Wasn’t it possible that this man was, in fact, a terrorist?

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