《The Devil Returns》8. Lucifer is Dead [ 2 ]


Five people sat around a rock carved into a flat surface like a table. There was a deadpan silence and no one dared to make a noise.

Amidst the cold and twisted silence, Lucifer asked in a cold voice devoid of any emotions, "So you are saying the village is....no more?"

Ubel swallowed the heavy lump stuck in his throat and answered while stuttering, "W-well you shee...th-that'sh true..."

It will be an exaggeration to say that he was scared, rather he was astonished. What he saw the other day was something beyond his expectations. He foreknew Lucifer to be not like the regular humans since he found 'HIS' smell on him but what he saw with his own eyes, left him baffled. ('HIS' refers to a being, that will be introduced later )

'Is he really....?' Ubel thought to himself. He shook his head while holding his temple as if it gave him a headache. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the three brothers, no! he looked at a particular someone through the corner of his eyes. 'I can't say everything in front of them...', Ubel darted his eyes towards Lucifer, ' He doesn't look good ' he thought. Even though this kid was special, he was barely 7 and had to go through so much. Humans are fragile creatures both mentally and physically, that's why Kobolds didn't like humans at all. But this kid was different, he would have never approached him if it wasn't for the sake of his village and if he didn't get 'that being's ' smell from him. Lucifer had bright red hair like burning flames, a smooth pale white flawless skin, a sharp nose paired with big golden eyes, he was like an angel straight from heaven. But this little boy had the power to turn everything into ashes in an instant. 'What a frightening power ' Ubel shivered unconsciously. It didn't appear like he was blind unless one notices his pupils flitting back and forth in other directions as if they didn't know where to look at. ' That's not important...I have to show him rather than tell him, but how? ' he thought while he heard Lucifer.

"What happened that day? Why did I faint? And...why..?" Lucifer clutched his fists so hard his nails dig deep into his palm. From birth, he only wanted to survive in a world that told him he was not worth living. He was disabled; blind. But that didn't mean he wasn't allowed to dream. A magic wielder, a magician, he dreamt every day of becoming one, even if he couldn't use magic now he believed if he studied hard he would be able to do overcome anything. Was that just an innocent wish that was practically impossible? He didn't have a memory of when his parents found out he was blind but he was sure that they were very disappointed. His father tried all means to find a cure but what was the use of wasting time on spilt milk?

(There's an idiom that says, “it's no use crying over spilled milk,” the phrase means that there's no point in being upset over something that has already happened and cannot be changed.)

It seemed god had forbidden him right from birth to use magic. Why? well, now he knows...is it because he is a devil? He smirked.

The triplets flinched, for just a moment it felt like a menacing aura was squeezing them. But Ubel saw, he saw Lucifer's gaze burning like flames of hell with fury and anger like that of a reaper who foretold death. 'It was the same as that day..' He recalled the incident that took place....



'Kobold' what kind of beings were they? There was only one word to describe them - Bootlickers. They were simply creatures that will always side towards the strong, but it didn't mean they didn't have any pride and just fawned anyone, wagging their tail in between their legs. They simply were like lackeys to stronger beings since ancient times like - The Dragons. They basically worshipped dragons like Demi-Gods and sided with the strongest ones. The instinct of following the strong was simply to survive in this world and that's how it had been for ages. But a thousand-year ago a world-shattering war took place, which didn't only cause havoc to humanity but all kinds of living beings on Earth. A war, a devastating at that. The details were unknown to date but every single child knew one thing, the war was like a one-sided rampage by - The devil. He had many nicknames like 'The red-haired Devil', 'The Traitor', and ' The first Magician'. Yes, the first Magician - The man who swore to protect humanity with his life, the man who first discovered the use of the golden particles- Mana, the man who reached the realms of being 8th level, was said to have become too greedy for power and made a contract with a Demon King and wiped out half of the living beings on Earth. Although Humanity was victorious the price of that victory was severe, and the casualties were heart-breaking, where all the Dragons- 'The protector of Humanity' and 'The messengers of God' became extinct. Some Dragons were old and died ages ago, some abandoned Earth and went to other planets and some went hibernating God knew where.

Since that time it had been hard for Kobolds to survive, just when they gave up on everything they found a way to live on and that was simply - Alchemy. Alchemy is related to both magic and a little bit of chemistry, in ancient times it was like a power to create and change things. Simply put, it was similar to creating chemicals/ drugs/ medicines but in a more advanced way. The so-called medicines were Elixirs ( A magical or medicinal potion) and could create miracles. To make High-end elixirs one needed lots of research with many trials and errors, but the end product was worth the hassle. That was what was called Alchemy, hope to the dying, a boon to the strong. With the use of Alchemy, the Kobolds managed to create a potion that could make them invisible, and that is how they have lived so far, they were able to avoid the predators although people thought them to be just a myth now they were indeed alive in hiding.

Ubel, was the younger brother of the former Kobold Tribe Chief, as such, he never had any interest in inheritance he went to travel around the world in search of advanced alchemy, little did he know he would discover a Dragon's Lair. The lair was surrounded by dimensional magic, he knew if he stepped inside, death was inevitable and thus he decided to return to his hometown to deliver the good news. But the moment he stepped into the village he became devastated to know that his Big brother - The Tribe Chief was no more and the tribe was in a dire situation with being the target of several predators. He had died of chronic disease, the village doctor said. Ubel refused to believe, how can such a strong being have a chronic disease? but his sudden death and the sudden attack of predators didn't add up to the puzzle and thus he decided to take over the position of Chief, fortunately, his nephews didn't object except Addison the Second one grumbling a little bit. But the elders were the problem. They refused someone like Ubel who was a geek and not strong at all to be the Head. That was his story until one day he found 'His' smell. ( 'His' refers to the Dragon's smell where he found the lair)


Ubel due to years of research in alchemy had a sensitive nose and thus recognised it Asap. The problem was his instincts were saying to hurry up and find the origin of the smell. That night he ran like his life was on the line and what he found was a small cottage that looked like it was about to crumble at any moment. In the end, he couldn't believe his own eyes, what he saw was a young human child more or less 6-7 years old with Red hair, grumbling about how he couldn't sleep a wink.

At first, he doubted his senses, " Did I shmell wrong?" he questioned but there was no way a geek like him could be wrong. He decided to observe, but no matter how he looked the child seemed ordinary and nothing special.

"Why doesh he shmell like 'Him' ?" he couldn't understand.

The boy got down to pick up his blanket, and Ubel decided to release his aura( A pressure exerted to determine the power of the other being), Lucifer naturally felt his pressure and fell on his butt, but Ubel became astonished. The child was releasing an equal pressure on him, his eyes widened in surprise. It didn't look like he knew about his powers because despite releasing such pressure at such an age he was covered in a cold sweat and had a horrified expression like someone near death. Ubel decided to withdraw the pressure and met his eyes, golden in colour. 'A magic wielder?' he thought but soon after he realised the poor soul was actually blind.

Just then chaos broke out, where people were screaming for the little boy to get killed.

' Puny Human beingsh that don't know their place...tsk tsk' Ubel clicked his tongue as he thought to himself, ' How foolish!! ...they think jusht becaushe thish kid hash red hair he hash the blood of the devil, even if he hash, do they think they can kill him? foolsh'

Ubel decided to just spectate, what more could he even do? he was not strong enough to fight, all he had was alchemy. The situation didn't seem favourable, Lucifer's family was getting humiliated and beaten up, and Ubel could only watch as the situation unfolded in front of him.

But, never in his worst nightmare did he dream of seeing such a sight. A tremendous menacing aura could be felt, which sent shivers down his spine. The villagers froze like statues unable to move as if paralyzed. Lucifer's gaze was like burning flames of fury. Ubel tried to call him but what happened next made him terrified.

'I am shcared? ...of a human?' he couldn't believe he felt that way but it was true. Lucifer's whole body was covered in red hot flames but astonishingly he was not burning, the expressions of the villagers were a sight to behold, not because of Lucifer's state but the state of their homes! They were burning into ashes.

"L-Lucifer what did you do?" Ubel said which only Lucifer could hear. But he was already unconscious. And then...


"Ubel?" Lucifer shouted to make Ubel who was deep in his thoughts for 10 min or so back to reality.

"Only you know what happened that day, I beg you please tell me what happened.." Lucifer requested with his hands joined together.

"Alishon, Addishon and Arion could you three pleashe excushe ush, I have shomething I want to talk to him alone," Ubel said as he glanced in the triplet's direction.

"Why should w-" Addison rebutted when he was cut off mid-sentence.

" Yes we will, Let's go Addison and Arion, we should just trust uncle" Alison said calmly.

"Hmph" Addison huffed his chest, as the three departed.

"Do you know what Alchemy ish? " After Ubel reassued that the triplets were gone and couldn't hear them anymore he asked Lucifer as he shook his head.

"Alchemy?..well I know what it means but never did I practice it" Lucifer answered.

"That will do...sho Lucifer lishten carefully to what I'm going to shay and if you have any queshtionsh, shave it, ashk after I finish. Ok?"


The long story continued. With each passing second, the temperature of the cave fell like Lucifer's demeanour. He was rather calm, for someone to know that he may have the blood of a traitor or someone to possess such frightening power albeit he couldn't control it and this power was only triggered when he was angry according to Ubel's hypothesis.

"And then I created the illushion with my alchemy that Lucifer Fernandez hash died," Ubel said.

"So,for everybody.... I am dead?"

"Yesh.." Ubel said worriedly.

"It's better this way..." Lucifer answered with an expressionless face. Even if he went to his village people will want to kill him and harm his family, it was better if everyone thought he was dead. His parents will be heartbroken but at least they will be safe. The villagers won't meddle unless it was something serious so at least he was sure they will be safe. It felt like he had surrendered to his fate and didn't even want to rebuke.

"Hahhh...the village was burnt to crishp, but don't worry the past week I made shtrengthening and shpeed increashing potionsh which I secretly mixed in their food, the villagersh have more or lessh built as many cottagesh as posshible and there ish shome good newsh about your parentsh..."

Throughout the story Lucifer sat there with an expressionless face as if his soul had been sucked out, like he didn't even bother to know what happened anymore, but as soon as he heard 'parents' his ears perked up.

"So....congratulationsh your mother is more or less 2-3 monthsh pregnant. You are going to be a brother." Ubel said with a warm smile.

"B-Brother?" Lucifer said in surprise, he didn't know how to react by the sudden announcement

" I-I am going to be a brother, a brother....." He repeated several times to make himself settle the truth.

"How are they...My Mom Dad and....the baby?" He asked as if he got back a ray of hope to live.

" I checked her state myself while she was shleeping, the baby ish fine, though you know she believesh you are dead....sho of courshe she couldn't care any lessh. Your father is taking care of her, he showsh himself shtrong but I shaw him cry all by himshelf. They shtill love you, they shtill have not gotten pasht the shock of your death. They will know someday but before that you have to become shtrong Lucifer, to protect your family, yourshelf.."

Lucifer closed his eyes shut as he repeated with tears in his eyes " Don't worry baby, your brother will return stronger, I will become stronger to protect you, I will....." He clutched his hands into fists as he promised himself.

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