《The Devil Returns》5. The night is long


Chapter 3 (The Nightmare) continued...

The sky was strangely dark, gloomy, dusky and silent without a hint of light. The wind blowing past the leaves made an eerie sound along with the crunching of the dried up leaves.

Whoosh. Crunch.

With each passing step, the twigs snapped, tree trunks creaked and the breathing grew heavier. The wolves howled, fox yipped, a menacing aura draped against the whole forest. A grunt of pain could be heard but the being kept on running as if his life was on the line.

Tree branches scraping against the window cut into his sleep. Lucifer rolled over to his other side, frowning, even more, frustration visible on his face. The unresolved questions still haunt him, his mind refusing to shut down. The face of the man was engraved in his mind, the emotions still vivid.

'Ah! I couldn't sleep a wink' Lucifer muttered. He tossed and turned around the bed, his mind filled with chaotic thoughts. He turned his body, now facing the mattress. Putting a pillow over his head, he began counting backwards.

'100, 99, 98,......,3,2,1' surprisingly his eyelids became heavy and his mind relaxed.

'Finally, some sleep' Lucifer thought to himself while lifting the pillow off his head and gently placing it on the edge of the bed. He scanned the sheets for his blanket, ready to finally get some sleep, but alas! he couldn't.

"Haaa... can't I have some peace here? now, this blanket also had to fall " he grumbled, his eyes dull and tired. Even though his mother was beside him, he didn't want to wake her up for such a trivial thing. Lucifer got off his bed, reaching down in the darkness until he was met with the soft silk-like fabric.

What he didn't know was that the room was filled with a white mist containing an enigmatic fragrance.



A gentle breeze blew past him. He froze, a slow chill ran down his spine, as his heart thumped. He gulped, unsure if it was simply his sleepless paranoia taking hold.

Huff. Huff.

Lucifer's eyes widened. Even though he couldn't see, he could hear it. He could hear the sound of faint breathing. Someone was there, he was sure of it. In the curtains of darkness, a pair of fiery red eyes were staring right back at him; an eccentric being with a piercing gaze and sharp fangs.


He fell back on his butt. Instinctively he knew it was a predator's gaze looking at his prey. Every inch of his body screamed to run away, to be far away from the being. His unfocused shaky eyes darted through the surroundings as he broke into a cold sweat. He wanted to scream but he couldn't move his lips, nor his body, as if paralyzed. In the darkness, the red fiery eyes twinkled, the being with small careful steps made his way towards Lucifer.

Step. Step.

'No! I will die. He will kill me. I can't die...mom dad what about them? No!' Lucifer's mind was a mess. He felt like his whole body was going to be ripped. Now, the being was right in front of his face, staring intensely. Lucifer could feel the piercing gaze as if looking right through his soul.

'I will die..' His instincts screamed. He shut his eyes tightly.

"Oooooohh! oh my! ohhhh you are quite handshome?" The being scratched his chin with twinkling eyes and smirked while exposing his brutal fangs. " But shtill can't beat my beauty" The being puffed up his chest and crossed his arms. He took out a mirror from his pouch and stared at his reflection. With a goofy smile, he exclaimed " Ohhh! I can't get ushed to this face, shoooo handshome...kekeke" while laughing out loud.


"Huh?" Lucifer blurted out in bewilderment. The menacing aura had long subsided when the being exclaimed to himself. But he couldn't find words to say in this outrageous situation. He didn't know to laugh or cry. His mind was already chaotic due to the frightening nightmare. As if a sleepless night was not enough another problem had come to his threshold. Just a few moments ago this being was excluding a murderous intent and all of a sudden he changed into a narcissistic praising his own self. The situation was indeed weird.

"Ohhh! Ahem! my name ish Ubel" he cleared his throat and declared his name with a hint of pride. ('Ubel' means 'Evil')

"Y-yeah, I'm Lucifer...but why and who are you Mr?" Lucifer asked while scratching his head, he couldn't believe the situation, he was interviewing a stranger who wanted to kill him not long ago.

Sniff. Sniff.

"Hmmmm indeed I wash right, this shmell... it'sh definitely from you" The being caressed his snout as he nodded his head in satisfaction.

'What the heck is this blockhead talking about?' Lucifer thought to himself.

"Kekekeke...I'm shoo shmart, Keke I found him, am I not the great one?" nevertheless the being was just busy admiring himself.

Frustration took the better of him. Lucifer barked at him, literally flipping the table of the prey and predator, "You dare barge into my house? and what nonsense are you spewing to yourself? You better give an explanation or my parents will better deal with you!" Lucifer huffed his chest, he was at his limit.

But what followed was a deadpan silence. Lucifer immediately regretted it and closed his mouth with both of his hands. He was afraid the unknown being will lose its temper and lash out at him.

"Ohhhh! indeed you are the one, quite bold of you...hmmm but you can't call your parentsh, thish white misht with fragrance caushesh one to fall ashleep hehehe" Ubel laughed out loud.

"What have you done to my parents? " Lucifer's voice came out hoarse.

"Ohhh! don't worry they are shafe, they will wake up next morning, but aren't you curioush why you didn't fall ashleep and who really am I?" Ubel questioned with a wicked smile, his voice low that could give the chills.

Lucifer gulped, he was curious, but he felt like knowing something unnecessary would give him even more headache. But nevertheless, he nodded his head in agreement.

"Hehehee right choice..." Lucifer felt a chill from Ubel's voice.

" I...I am a Kobold" Ubel whispered.

"Haa...the night will be long " Lucifer sighed as he wrinkled his face even more to frown.

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