《Countdown to Inferno》Chapter 19: Every Victory A Tear


Meeting little obstacles along the way, Pratuzga managed to commandeer a boat large enough for sea travel to facilitate her escape at least to the next island. While she could have hoped to use any of the larger ships from Deiroc, she figured a small crew would be sufficient, considering her limited supply of powders to accompany her spells that require them. She makes one last look at Telo with some heaviness of heart as her hometown is being threatened by Cashera of darkness and utter destruction, and with tears in her eyes, she orders the crew to set sail.

Meanwhile, at the temple, there appears to be nothing who could appease the raging avatar. The audience becomes divided. Some continue to support the fair Pratuzga and expects her to defeat Cashera. Others began to waver in their faith to the Oracle. The few Cashera followers among them began to kneel and chant along with the Order’s members present. This was the scenario Hadomai encounters upon his arrival to the temple.

“72?! Is that really you?!”, the Great Priest exclaimed as he saw Hadomai in purple.

He looks at the old cleric, and then to Clio, “There’s no time to explain. The Oracle’s escaped the island!”

It sparked violent reactions from the audience, while the media was having a field day. They protect him from the purple robed militiamen who angrily try to throw him from the temple while shouting about how he betrayed the Oracle of Telo.

“Is that true? Lady Oracle has backed down from her own challenge?”

“Yes, I’m an eyewitness to her betrayal. She’s planned to leave Telo without saying goodbye.”

“Where is she going?”

“I don’t know, but I’m sure it’s far from here. She talked about building a new cult elsewhere.”

“You’ve first learned it here, Dalreida! The Oracle of Telo is out of contention!”

They did not take Hadomai’s word for it at first, but when others began to confirm the same report, the people cried aloud, stripped off their clothing, placed the falling ash on their bodies, and prostrated themselves. The purple robed servants and militiamen of the temple removed their hoods and laid down their weapons. They began to see how Cashera has clearly won the contest, but it did not give them any consolation since she has announced and has been undertaking the devastation of their island anyway. It was too late the hero as far as they are concerned. When Clio saw how the people turned away from their old ways, she felt compassion for them. She spreads her arms, and the spiraling lava spreads out as well, resembling extremely large wings.

Then, the lava flies from the volcano’s peak to the sea, where it hardens and forms an immense sea wall, closing every sea lane into and out of Telo. Pratuzga and her crew was not spared from the capture. Fortunately, no seafaring vessel was destroyed when the sea wall made of lava was created. The volcano suddenly stops from releasing ash and magma, revealing its peak reformed into a cone shape. The remaining ash in the skies swirled, and then expanded rapidly and thinly, until it was no more. Soon enough, a cool breeze touched the people, as if assuring them that the worst has indeed passed. After witnessing all these, the people praised Cashera with their loudest voices, claps, leaps, and even slaps.

“Seize the Oracle!”, Clio shouts, “I shall…!”

She was unable to finish her sentence as the gleam in her eyes flickered, and then vanished. She lost consciousness and all sense of her surroundings. Her levitation was quickly losing power, leading the people to scramble in order to catch her, some of whom bumped against each other out of the confusion because they did not bother looking before moving.


She was falling faster than expected, bottom first, and from the height she has reached, an injury might be the least of the damages she will receive upon descending hard to the ground. Seconds felt like hours as no one was entirely certain that they could save the avatar. Before the crowds realized it, she has already been caught, and it was in the sturdy arms of her agent.

Clio blinks and tries to familiarize herself with the scene, “W-where am I…?”

That agent turns out to be Hadomai himself. Catching someone falling from such height and speed caused shivering from Hadomai’s head to toe while his feet slightly penetrated the ground he has been standing on.

She clutched his tunic, “Sweet… No, Hado-kun?”

Since he has not yet fully recovered, Clio’s sudden touch caused his body to tremble once more. This time, his arms failed him, dropping the avatar despite his best intentions.

The people crowded Clio while the Great Priest and the members of the Order struggle to keep them at bay. From the sea of people, Hadomai disappeared. Meanwhile, a rather large and bearded man, clad in two elegant togas crossed over his tunic, golden cuffs, and rings all over his fingers, emerged with an impressive entourage.

After a classic bow, the man spoke, “Simply amazing, Lady Cashera! Please, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Drizhan, Governor of Triskaide. It’s an honor to finally meet you, my lady.”

While still reeling from some pain, Clio attempts to put up a strong front, “G-governor! Is that right? I’m also honored. But if you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing here?”

“My men right here,” Drizhan replies as he moves his hands in front of the guards accompanying him, “I’ve already tasked them to capture the rogue Oracle for you.”

The Great Priest narrowed his eyes, “Excuse me, Drizhan. What trick are you trying to pull? We’re taking custody of that fake Oracle!”

The governor snapped, “Excuse me, too. That’s Governor Drizhan to you now, oh so Great Priest. Besides, am I talking to you, huh? I’m conversing with Lady Cashera here, so zip it.”

“My lady,” the Great Priest whispers to Clio, “I strongly advise you not to trust Drizhan.”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Drizhan interjected, “You don’t try influencing policies here. You’re in no position to take into custody a Dalreidan citizen. Let the civilian authorities handle this.”

Clio smiles at the old cleric, who did not hide his dismay, and then to the governor, who seemed more than happy with this outcome.

“Governor,” the avatar says coolly, “I’m no politician, but I believe you authorities know what you’re doing. Please, do as you must. But before you take her, can I have a short talk with the Oracle?”

Drizhan rubbed his red beard, “If you insist… who am I to resist, my lady? I’d give you a lift if...”

The Great Priest pulled Clio, “That’s gone far enough, Drizhan. We have our own carriages.”

It took time for them to break free of the crowds, who all wanted to have a moment with the victorious Cashera. But perhaps even a greater victory that day was the conversion of many people as Casherites. Night already falls in Telo when they arrived at the port, where the customs office was converted into a temporary prison to hold Pratuzga.

“Someone’s here to visit,” the port manager hissed as he opened the room where she is kept.

Pratuzga was angry to see Clio and the Great Priest, but her fiery feelings were somewhat dampened when she saw Drizhan with them. Soon after the port manager left, they took seats in front of her.


Pratuzga also sits, and crosses her legs, “Let me guess, you’re here to take me prisoner?”

None of them seemed too keen to reply immediately, and so the Oracle continued.

“Alright, alright. You got me. There’s no divine inspiration for my miracles. It’s all science and calculated probabilities. That’s what you all want to hear, correct?”

Clio sighed, “That’s what all the people wanted to hear… You deceived them.”

Pratuzga looked at the governor, and then to her adversary, “Yeah, is that so? But I’m a reformer with results. I wouldn’t have gained as much following in the first place if your followers behaved and represented your teachings well.”

The Great Priest was about to answer, but his goddess stopped him.

“I admit,” the avatar said, “you’ve got good points to ponder, especially on how things are run with Cashera worship, and so, regardless of our past rivalry, I’m here to forgive you.”

Pratuzga sneered, “That’s rich, coming from you. You almost destroyed Telo!”

The governor interjected, “Ladies, what’s been done is done, and I applaud Lady Cashera for her magnanimity. Still, Lady Oracle, you’re coming with me to be tried in the mainland…”

“Wait up,” the angry cleric wailed, “why do you have to take the fake Oracle to Dalreida?! Triskaide’s courts are enough to give her a sufficient sentence worthy of her crimes!”

“Clearly you’ve been misinformed,” Drizhan calmly responded, “We’ve been watching the Oracle for some time, and we’ve unearthed evidence that elevates her case to a higher court.”

“That’s quite true,” Pratuzga followed up, “I’m being watched by the Triskaidean government.”

The Great Priest looks at Clio, who then replies, “I’m no earthly judge. I just hope justice is served in this world, because if not, maybe it would be in another. May I ask one last thing?”

“What is it?”

“Would you happen to know where a guy named Hadomai went?”

“What are you implying, my lady?”, the Great Priest asked, “That 72 has been abducted?”

The Oracle laughs, “You silly old goat. Hadomai came here out of his own volition. But sure, if you really want to find him so badly, why not try looking at Anfang Lake?”

As if easily recovering her strength from learning that lead, the avatar tried to hide her excitement, “We haven’t yet. Thank you for accommodating us.”

“Psh! As if I have anywhere else to go to. I bid you farewell, Lady Cashera.”

Clio and the old cleric leaves, but the governor remains in the room. After ensuring that no one else was around to eavesdrop, Drizhan slams his fist a few times, his cuff bracelets making a clanging sound.

“You failed miserably, Pratuzga!”, Drizhan thundered, “I gave you everything and you blew it! Gone with the wind, useless slut!”

“What are you so mad about?! Even I can’t believe it,” Pratuzga shot back, “You’re not the one in trouble here! I am! Do you think I can still find work anywhere in Triskaide after this?!”

The governor gathered himself for a few moments, “All those years at Hogwarts, wasted!”

“I didn’t study at Hogwarts. And you didn't pay for my education either. I worked hard for it.”

“Oh. Pigwarts? Boarwarts?”

“I’m a UC graduate, baby. The University of Carga.”

“Hrgh! I must be thinking of someone else… Which goes to show how rattled I am just now!”

“There may be a spell that can help you…”

“No thank you! The crew you just put under a spell can’t even spell anything until now!”

“A minor side effect. But seriously Drizhan... What am I to do now?”

“Here’s the plan. We’ll fake an incident while you’re en route to the mainland. Just do your vanishing act after that. I don’t want to hear any more of the Oracle of Telo again. Do you understand?”

Her suspicions heightened, “Wait… You’re not planning to kill me, are you?”

“Kill you?! That’s ridiculous! If I want you dead, I could’ve done it already. Besides, I can still come up with more ways than one where I could use you,” Drizhan suggested with some winks.

“Yes, it's all utility for you, right? You’re a shady businessman who etched his dark path to the governorship. How can I trust you?”

“In business, it’s all about efficiency and effectiveness. As long as you’re useful and working, we’re good.”

The governor made two snaps with his fingers, and suddenly his guards charge inside the room. Taking the Oracle by surprise, the guards overwhelmed her with strength in numbers. They tie her hands and her feet, as well as putting a cloth to prevent her from uttering anything.

Seeing a struggle would be futile, Pratuzga tries to carry out one final ace in her sleeve. She widens her eyes, which pupils rotated and changed in color, to trigger a hypnotic spell on Drizhan. It seems to have worked with some of the guards who did look into her eyes, but as for the governor?

“Really now,” Drizhan shrugs, “Those eye techniques won’t work with me. I’m not narrow-minded. Cover her eyes, men! Even those are dangerous for you.”

After blindfolding her, the guards who were not dazed put her in a sack, which they secured with ropes from her head to her toes. She initially wiggles, but then gives up any attempt to break free. The governor stared at the sack for a while, as if being sympathetic for a while, and then orders his guards to kick it repeatedly and ruthlessly until there was a response. When he heard sniffing from the sack, he was confident that Pratuzga remains inside.

Drizhan smiles, “Good work. Take care of the garbage, will you? But be careful of her tricks.”

The guards saluted their governor and went with their orders to permanently dispose of the fallen Oracle.

The port manager enters thereafter, “Are you sure about this, Honorable Governor? Won't her discouraged followers seek to destroy her themselves?”

Without looking at the manager, Drizhan replies, “Yes, I am. The slut’s worthless to us now, so there must be no trail tracing back to us. Not for whatever reason. But alas, we’re in square zero all over again.”

“Don’t you mean square one?”

The frustrated governor throws up his hands, “Whatever it is, I need to consolidate my control of Triskaide. After the Aramathi Coup, the republican government is all eyes on Triskaide than anywhere else. I might have no other chance to prove myself again throughout this longest term.”

“Indeed, Honorable Governor.”

Drizhan thought for a moment, and then talked once more.

“That new avatar. She just gave Telo a seawall to make your island safer than ever. A tourist attraction even. Having a better look just now, I think Cashera can be our new cash girl if we play our cards right.”

“By Celesiates! Cashera’s been long the symbol of hope for the rebel movement!”

“I know, and Cashera’s quite famous in Dalreida, too. I must endeavor to transform her into a symbol of acceptance. I’d become the republic’s hero, and I’d also make money in the process.”

“Excellent course of action, Honorable Governor!”

“You don’t say. And may it never be said that I'm not generous to my allies, eh?”

Drizhan laughed, and so did the port manager. As the shrewd governor finishes his business in Telo, Clio can be found at Anfang Lake, searching frantically for Hadomai along its shores. The Great Priest insisted to provide escorts for her, but Clio firmly rejected. She figured that seeing others from the Order accompanying her might drive away Hadomai.

For hours during the evening she searched, and Anfang Lake begins to appear larger than it actually is. Soon enough, she was exhausted, and thus made no resistance to her urge to sit on the lakeshore. Upon sitting, she heard a crack. She thought it was a bone or a piece of wood. She was startled to see that it was Hadomai’s mask.

Clio gasped, “Wait, Sweet Mask is broken. So, it is true…”

Then, she heard rustling from behind. When the teary-eyed woman turned to look for its cause, the man she was searching all along was there. She was speechless. All that can be heard were the peaceful creatures roaming the Anfang Lake. Noticing that awkward situation, Hadomai decided to finally speak.

“Lady Cashera, I would like to congratulate you for your victory… But forgive me,” he lamented, “I can never be in your service again.”

While still holding the fragment of his mask where she wrote the words Amai Kamen, Clio stood up to face him, “Hado-kun, I know everything. But please, don’t be so hard to yourself.”

Hadomai backs away, “No, my lady! I betrayed you for that fake Oracle! I don’t deserve to be…!”

“Forgiven? Everyone deserves so, okay. No matter the offense, we can always choose to forgive, and that’s what I choose. I choose you.”

“Exactly! That’s what lost me any credibility I ever earned in the Order! You made me your most favored, and now everybody hates me for it! Lady Cashera, I may be out of line here, but I have to say it. I’m cursed by your blessing, alright?! So please, just stop… Just get it over with and…”

Her hand holding the fragment quivered, “Oh, is that it? You’re giving up because you think it’s all you against the world? Well, news flash! It’s not just you. I’m here for you, Hado-kun!”

“That’s what they all say, but what is truth?”

The fallen agent silently looked away from Clio, being unable to keep eye contact with her.

“All you care for is what you feel,” Clio continued with a shaking voice, “How about me? I crossed seas, crashed temples, and fought an Oracle just to see you again, and you don’t know that! How about us? Did you know how far I’ve gone just to be with you again? I don’t care whatever you and that Oracle did! Your past doesn’t have to define who you will to be!”

Hadomai blinked, “What are you saying, my lady? Do you know who I was?”

“Yes! Yes, but you don’t have to be stuck in the past, okay? Look at me. Hey, look. I didn’t have much of a good life either, but now I’m Cashera’s avatar. The present, that’s all that matters!”

“Your words are like sweet music to my ears… but no, it still doesn’t persuade me. Kindly excuse me, my lady. I’d be off to find a new journey.”

As he walks away, Clio stuttered incomprehensible words, and then runs towards him to hug from behind. With tears in her eyes, she buries her head on Hadomai’s tattered robe.

“No, Hado-kun. Please, don’t leave. When I first came to this world, I lost hope, just like you. But there you are, clothed with kindness and maybe some audacity, too. From then on, I always believed that the new journey we’re both looking for to begin… It’s our journey. Together. Call me weak and unfit for the feminist ideal to even fail in such a matter like this, but…”

“I have no identity, alright? Don’t be delusional, my lady,” Hadomai firmly replies while trying to break free of the avatar's hold, “Life is no fairytale. There’s no Hopeful Romantic. There’s no Dalreidan in Distress. There’s no Mercenary in Shining Armor. There’s no Prince Charming. There’s no Turtle Bunny. And there’s no Queen of Bereta. Now, kindly take your sacred hands off me! I can’t be caught violating your body in this manner!”

Clio tightens her hug as she moves her head side to side, wiping her tears on his robe, “I know that! I know that already! But I’m not delusional! Faith can be disloyal! Hope can be dashed! Yet one thing remains... The greatest of them all. You know what? That’s love.”

“What does love have to do…?”

“Hate can’t exist without love, Hado-kun… So even if the whole world hates you, know for sure there’s still one out there who loves you through and through… One who approves you even if you don’t approve of yourself…”

Despite his best efforts, Hadomai also begins to burst into tears.

“Lady Cashera, what have I done to deserve all of this? Why do you regard me so?”

“That’s just it. Nothing. Rien du tout.”

“You mean… you mean to tell me… I can still be accepted… for who I really am? Is that it?”

“I do… please, accept yourself, too…”

As if all his strength was sapped from him, Hadomai melts on his knees, and Clio falls to the ground with him. Instead of struggling to remove Clio’s hug, he slightly raises his trembling hands in front of him, staring at them with eyes blurred by his tears. Slowly, her hands inched through his arms, and then to his hands. She holds them, weakly at first, feeling the texture of his hands with her fingers, before becoming firmer, enveloping her cool hands over his warm hands.

With this, Clio begins to feel comfortable with their position, resting her head on his back. Hadomai took longer to begin enjoying the comfort because of his hesitation. On one hand, he should be no longer bound by the sacred texts if he discards Cashera altogether. Besides, Clio was the first one to hold him. On the other hand, if he still sees himself as a follower of Cashera, he is therefore violating her holy body as long as this keeps up.

His thoughts cleared when he saw how relaxed the esteemed avatar was with him. If by being with her, as she has requested anyway, he renders his service for Cashera, it just might be overlooked as an offense. Whatever revolved in his mind, they stay so for seconds, and then minutes, but it certainly felt like many hours for them, seemingly making up for the time they lost. The sensation radically differs from his past experience with Pratuzga, or for any other woman for that matter.

“True miracles do happen,” Hadomai softly says as his tears faded, “Thank you, Lady Cashera.”

“That’s the power of love for you,” she replies with a smile, “It’s pretty wondrous indeed.”

From the forest, the Great Priest managed to witness part of their personal discussion. While deciding not to interfere, since he was unable to hear any of their words anyway, he remained uncertain about sustaining his perspective on Cashera’s avatar being increasingly involved with an unreliable Secret Ops agent like Number 72.

“How nostalgic,” the reminiscing cleric thought, “It reminds of me and Laizidana… But then, we have traditions to keep… This could develop into a difficult issue to reconcile with. But what can I do...?”

“Great Priest, where is the mistress?”, the Priestess of the Sun asks, taking him by surprise.

“Is where the mistress, Great Priest?”, the Priestess of the Moon immediately follows up.

He turned around and tried to cover the scene by spreading his arms as if he was about to preach.

Visibly sweating, the Great Priest answered, “Priestesses! Don’t worry, she’s in good hands!”

The priestesses sized him up as they both step forward to be nearer him.

“You be sure about that, Great Priest,” the Priestess of the Sun said with a fiery glare, “Anyway, she might as well be safe as long as she’s not with you!”

“Anyway, as long as she’s not with you, Great Priest,” the Priestess of the Moon said with a cool gaze, “she might as well be safe for you to be sure about that!”

The old cleric nervously laughs, which the priestesses choose to ignore. As soon as the priestesses return to the carriages, the Great Priest takes another look at Clio and Hadomai. This time, another train of thought occupied his mind, hoping that everything happening to this point turns out well for the promised time.

What has happened to Pratuzga? How will the Order of Cashera deal with the aftermath of the showdown with the Oracle of Telo? What is Drizhan plotting as he dips his hands in the religious affairs of Triskaide Archipelago?

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