《Countdown to Inferno》Chapter 11: Hallowing Stage
Victory against Rabka’s uprising in Aramathi was received well in Dalreida, and even without a triumphal march by its key figures, the people were quite satisfied that the reports can be verified as true. However, the Assembly is taking time to approve any plans to stabilize the situation, especially as the province has yet to have its new leaders officially designated.
Until now, Kayapa serves only as an interim governor, and Zandoc as his temporary replacement as Pasco’s representative, as per the dictator's recommendation. Thus, even if Zandoc were in the capital at this time, he would have been more of an observer than an actual participant in the proceedings. Meanwhile, what he would have observed today might not be satisfactory for their tastes.
Inside the Assembly Hall, Hundo’s exhortation can be heard, “Honorable representatives, I hope there’d be no conflict on this recovery plan for Aramathi and…”
Nepos, who just finished fixing his golden hair with a comb, struck his gavel, “The issue isn’t about the recovery plan! Sure, we want to have better conditions for Aramathi, and I’ve no doubts about Honorable Taraga Kayapa’s capabilities, should we choose to formalize his position. What we can’t condone is your taking action without formal Assembly permission!”
Perolus stood up to back up Nepos, “That’s correct. Assemblyman Hundo, we know of your jurisdiction as one of the representatives in Kandara, but organizing the entire Kandara armed forces to the Aramathi border?! You’ve dangerously put our defense against Berania in peril!”
“Members of the Assembly, if I may,” the Kandara representative said with some irritation as he was pressed, “The Beranian border is currently quiet, but it’s an overstatement saying I removed all troops from the Beranian border. I left a good number of 10,000 trained soldiers in the border, and this statistic doesn’t include the locally organized militia. Besides, we’ve already dedicated much of our forces up north! Even if we did move troops in Kandara, with the situation destabilized in Aramathi, Berania can simply bypass Kandara to take a sizeable part of Aramathi! Can Dalreida afford to take that hit in the gut?! Also, I must stress, this move is done in coordination with Aramathi! I acted in good faith, not only as an elected representative, but also as the commanding officer of that front!”
Metrica entered, “Shut your mouth, Hundo! You say this, but it’s still against protocol. Besides, you can use those big data as much as you want, but it’s still riddled with your little lies. Really, I tell you! Why do all men have difficulty admitting mistakes anyway?! That’s why women always get the better of you. I say, women should take more of the lead around here!”
After speaking, Metrica winked at her boyfriend Retini, who had a puzzled look at his face. Meanwhile, the representatives began to talk with each other in hushed voices. Most of the female representatives seemed sympathetic with Metrica’s last statement, yet some of the male representatives think women are better at leading in bed than anywhere else. This caused some indecent talk between them about their escapades that involved such women “leaders.”
“Irrelevant. It’s not about which gender undertakes it,” Hundo replied before looking at the podium, “Honorable President, are you saying you won’t approve Kayapa as governor until I return the troops to their original dispositions? Don’t you realize the potency of Rabka? Kayapa’s already ordered every Aramathi border to be sealed to catch Rabka, and in my view, we’re only doing our part in Kandara. If you’ve something against me personally, then say so!”
Metrica was about to lob something at Piso's friend until the Assembly President struck his gavel a few times to call for order. As the representatives try to settle down, Arton stood up to address them.
Metrica stopped her plan as she sat down and mumbled, “Here goes Mr. Quicksilver again.”
Looking at Hundo, and then to the entire Assembly, the war hero said with a strong voice, “Honorable representatives, Aramathi needs us now more than ever. Let’s heed the call of our easternmost province with much fervor, and I believe we can only do so if we settle the matter now.”
“What do you suggest, Honorable Vice President?”, the seemingly skeptical Nepos interjected.
“Thank you for asking, Honorable President. I’m about to get there,” Arton replied after a slight bow as if signifying the culmination of a theatric performance, “If Honorable Assemblyman Hundo can’t organize the Kandara armed forces due to the limitation of his civilian powers as a representative, then what explains the obedience of our troops at the front? As a soldier myself, it’s my duty to follow my commanding officer, not just anyone who wears fancy and claims to be somebody. We know when we’d obey or not, and the reason why the soldiers in Kandara followed his orders is because of the chain of command. Honorable Assemblyman Hundo speaks truth when he emphasized on his position in the armed forces. This throws into our faces a bigger issue we’ve been ignoring… the issue of overlapping military commands.”
Perolus stood up once more, this time to speak against the Assembly Vice President, “I see where you’re getting at, and I don’t like it. We all know how you always wanted to dismantle the private armies!”
“Perolus, you speak as if you’re guilty of having your own.”
“It’s not about me, Arton! We need the private armies simply because of the very incompetence of soldiers like you! Overlapping commands? Hah! It only displays how inefficient the Dalreidan armed forces have become, and now you want to integrate all under them?”
“Honorable representatives, this division in the ranks explains to us the rise of Rabka and other rebels who rose up against the republic! Remember Crespos Milios who capitalized on this inherent weakness and almost perpetuated himself in power. What have you all done? Nothing! It’s us in the armed forces who flushed Crespos Milios out of the palace!”
“Has your mind become rusty? Rabka managed to convince most of the Aramathian soldiers to conduct the coup! It was Kayapa’s private army that helped win the day for Dalreida. As for Crespos Milios, you military men only turned against him because he didn’t keep his promises.”
As Arton hastily searched the documents with him to rebut Perolus, the Assembly President cleared his throat before speaking, “Assemblyman Perolus has a point, Honorable Vice President. I sympathize to the need of better organizational structure, I really do. But keep in mind that it’s difficult to counter tradition, and it’s the tradition in our republic that military and civilian affairs get entangled. Have you forgotten how war heroes like you and Assemblyman Hundo gained their tickets to the Assembly primarily because of your excellent military record?”
“Wait, Honorable President,” Arton responded, “Do you mean to say you will allow the fragmented state of our armed forces to continue?”
“Perhaps until we’ve ample resources in our hands to reengineer the organizational structure. With all the wars going on, you have to admit, Honorable Vice President, that it works for us today. There’s no need to fix what’s not broken, don’t you think so, too?”
Arton sighed, “For now, I suppose so… But that also means you can’t prosecute Assemblyman Hundo for acting in good faith under this setup. At the least, give him a chance to rectify if he has done wrong in accordance to Assembly standards and explain this decision to our troops.”
Nepos was taken aback, but after fixing his hair, he answered, “I… Maybe we can arrange that.”
After excusing Hundo with the condition that he would have the troops return to their original positions, the Assembly voted for the election of Kayapa as governor, and of Zandoc as his replacement to the position of Pasco’s representative. Next in their agenda is the situation of Deiroc, one of the islands comprising the Province of Triskaide Archipelago.
While at present, the situation is not as grave as that of Aramathi, worries have risen in Dalreida concerning the upcoming Deiroc Conference. This is especially so with talks of Cashera’s incarnate being present in the island for the first time since Dalreida colonized the island.
“As you may know,” Nepos introduced, “Deiroc holds the belief that their goddess sends her avatar during appointed times throughout history, and usually it meant when the island needed her most. While Cashera’s followers proved to be more peaceful than that of Rabka’s, we don’t know how long it will hold true. The last time their avatar was reincarnated, they fought ferociously against Dalreida to maintain their independence. Who knows…”
Before the Assembly President can finish, the five Deiroc representatives began to protest the doubt their allegiance to Dalreida, threatening to walk out of the Assembly if such line of speech continues.
“Walk out if you want then, you vicious islanders,” Metrica jeered, “You’re all replaceable members anyway!”
Nepos struck his gavel once more, “Asssemblywoman Metrica, that’s no way to treat Deiroc’s representatives. Ladies and gentlemen of Deiroc, our concern goes only to the state of public safety and security in your island abode. Understand, there’s no need for such a reaction.”
Arton looked sharply at Nepos when he sensed the Assembly President’s change of tone. He immediately thought that Nepos was trying to appease the Deiroc representatives, who are officially non-aligned with neither the administration nor the opposition blocs, to fall under his wing.
Unwilling to have the Assembly President take the momentum, but still reeling from his humiliation earlier, Arton subtly motions to any of the oppositionists to speak up. Makrel took Arton’s signal, albeit Arton did not see her as the best person to articulate what he wants to convey to the Assembly.
“If I may speak, Honorable President,” Makrel said after sizing up Metrica.
Nepos replied, “Yes you may, Honorable Assemblywoman of Barba.”
“Speaking from experience, we in Barba practice Gedraz worship without much hassle from the authorities, and many in Dalreida have incorporated elements of our local religion in their daily lives,” Makrel continued, “This is something to be thankful for in a republic such as ours. Religious tolerance isn’t observed well in neighbors such as Cingis and Cerana. I believe that religion is primarily an instrument of peace. To cast a revolutionary shadow on Cashera worship because of the Rabka fiasco is unfair not only for Deiroc, but for her followers everywhere. You said it yourself, Honorable President. It’s tradition, and we can’t do much about that, can we?”
Arton was wide eyed with Makrel’s speech. He already imagined a fistfight or a duel of sorts to begin, which was usually expected when Barbans are trying to make a point, but it was not so. Meanwhile, the Deiroc representatives began to settle down and agree with their fellow representative's words.
“Do you have a motion in mind, Assemblywoman Makrel?”
“Indeed, I have. When weapons are outlawed, only outlaws will have weapons. The same goes for religion. If we continue putting a tight lid on religious practices, we wouldn’t see the last of uprisings such as the Aramathi Coup. I propose that we create a formal law on religious tolerance. For the longest time, religious freedoms always depended on the rulers in charge. Compare Lord Piso’s policy with his predecessors. I say we institutionalize it for good.”
“An interesting analogy, Makrel,” Metrica enters the discussion, “It reminds me of the weapons Barba has smuggled to Cingis for an enormous profit! What do you say about that blondie?!”
“Rumors are just rumors. Besides, Barba alone doesn’t possess the capacity to produce as many weapons,” Makrel answered, “The issue at hand is granting religious freedoms.”
“Right…,” Metrica shot back while imitating a run in place, “and then what? Freedom to run around naked?”
Makrel saw it as an attack to one of Barba’s local practices which allows people to be nude in public to celebrate the Festival of Creation. After all, is there anyone born with their clothes on?
In a way, it is seen to empower people in becoming true to themselves and their bodies. However, it goes against Dalreida’s conservative policies on appropriate public etiquette. This caused Barba’s Festival of Creation to be celebrated within designated closed spaces only.
Makrel bit her lip, trying to contain the witty remarks she had quickly thought to counter Metrica, before speaking once more, “I see that you’re confusing freedoms and civil rights.”
One of Deiroc’s representatives, an elderly red-haired woman wearing a dress of distinct provincial designs overlaid by a stola and toga bearing Deiroc’s colors, raised her hand to get attention.
“You may speak, Assemblywoman Kaerina,” Nepos said with a strong voice to overwhelm Metrica’s, who kept on talking with her neighboring representatives.
Speaking with some pauses that displays her speech difficulty, Assemblywoman Kaerina tells the representatives, “I beg your pardon for my speaking, fellow representatives… Now, I go straight to the point. Assemblywoman Makrel here may be going to a good direction… Not only Cashera’s followers have endured persecution. I should know with my age…”
“Hmph,” Metrica interjected with a stomp as she got impatient, “Get it over with, Kaerina!”
“That’s uncalled for, Assemblywoman Metrica… Where was I? Right. I was saying, a law on religious freedoms, may it be targeted to Cashera worship, Gedraz worship, or even Rabka’s… It’s something long overdue, don’t you think so, fellow representatives? How long has it been that we’ve been forced to hide underground, being closet worshippers? We can’t be forced to worship the three gods of Dalreida. Religion is first and foremost a relation… You can relate to it… you are hallowed by it… so you just do it.”
“There’s only one truth. And it follows there’s one religion, too, Kaerina,” Metrica rebutted, “If we allow all these religions run amok, Rabka’s going to be the least of our problems! Generations upon generations of Dalreidans are going to fight and die for their gods. For their beliefs. And then for what? A golden ticket to Heaven? Or a burial in the mausoleum of lies?!”
While removing her hairpin, Makrel rushed towards Metrica, “Do you want to bet, Metrica?”
The hairpin proved sharper than it actually looks, and she pointed it against Metrica’s neck.
With the tip touching Metrica’s skin, Arton covered one of his eyes while muttering to himself, “Oh, no... Here we go.”
Sweat formed in Metrica’s face as Makrel hold was strong enough to keep her in place. Then, the restrained assemblywoman felt a sudden pull away from Makrel. It was Retini, who caught the unbalanced Metrica in his arms. Meanwhile, a few of Barba’s representatives tried to stop Makrel from following.
With a flushed face, Metrica weakly said to her boyfriend, “T-thank you, dear.”
Retini confidently replied, “I guess you still have a soft side, don’t you Metrica? After all, that’s the first time in a long time you called me that. Maybe Makrel should’ve another go at you…”
Metrica slapped Retini, which strength was enough to resound in the entire hall, and when she got up to return to her seat, the Assembly was full of murmuring, as well as a few laughs.
“I believe there are merits to granting a compromise for our religious minorities,” Nepos declared, “but crafting such law to institutionalize their legal freedoms would take time. We’ll have a break from the session, and let’s continue working on the rest of the agenda until then.”
The representatives leave as soon as Nepos strikes his gavel. Nepos himself went outside the hall to gather some of his allies in the Assembly. Meanwhile, the oppositionists remained inside, the Barba representatives in particular throwing Makrel up with much enjoyment.
“Hey! Cut it out! Guys,” Makrel pleaded, “Put me down, it’s embarrassing.”
One of them answered, “No way Jose. You’re some lady boss out there a while ago! Rawr!”
But when Arton himself came down from the podium to meet them, the Barba representatives stopped their act, dropping Makrel in the process. Hurting her bottom, she spoke some curses in Barban while trying to feel where it is most painful. The Assembly Vice President stretched out his hand to help Makrel stand up, and she accepted his aid, albeit with hesitation.
“Thanks, Makrel. Really, it exceeded my expectations,” Arton said, “You’re quite inspiring there, if I may say so myself.”
Makrel gave a smile, “You’re welcome, Arton. I suppose you can say I’m pretty inspired.”
“Uh, right… You could let go of my hand now.”
The assemblywoman snapped her hand away, and twirled her hair as she tried to put back her hairpin. The Barba representatives looked at each other mischievously, and then pushed Makrel towards Arton. Not only did the Assembly Vice President catch Makrel, he also caught her falling hairpin without a scratch. After handing back her hairpin, Arton then looked with seriousness at the oppositionists.
“Is there something to celebrate, huh?!,” Arton thundered, “We almost lost the opportunity…!”
The Deiroc representatives, led by Kaerina, walked to them before the war hero can finish speaking.
With a bow, they said almost simultaneously, “We express our utmost gratitude, our friends.”
Arton turned to them, “Honorable representatives. There’s nothing to thank for just yet. We still need to push this legislation through, as goes for the rest of our pending laws.”
Kaerina stepped forward, “Yes, Honorable Vice President, but a single step is better than none taken. Therefore, to ensure that we’ll see this through, Deiroc decides to join the opposition. We’ll also talk with our fellow representatives from Triskaide to shift their official support.”
The Assembly Vice President gulped, “Do I hear you correctly, Assemblywoman Kaerina?”
“Oh, Honorable Vice President, I don’t have to repeat myself,” the Deiroc assemblywoman replied with a giggle, “We also seek to invite you as our guest of honor in the upcoming Deiroc Conference.”
“I don’t believe I deserve that honor, Honorable Assemblywoman. The one you should have in your hallowed conference is Assemblywoman Makrel.”
Kaerina frowned, “You mean, the woman who’s clinging to you all this time?”
Arton shouted in surprise, “Makrel! I didn’t even get a feel of your presence here!”
“That’s not the only thing you can’t feel…,” Makrel whispered to herself as she moved away.
“What did you say?”
She looked at the Barba representatives, and then to Arton, “Nothing… I said, they might push me again so I stayed here.”
“Honorable Vice President,” Kaerina entered after looking at Makrel, “Please reconsider our invitation, but if you can’t come… I suppose we can accommodate the one you recommend.”
With another bow, the Deiroc representatives excused themselves. Meanwhile, the war hero resumed his litany on the remaining oppositionists, who saw reason in Arton’s points. They cannot take out of consideration that Piso’s competition is wide open, and the opposition have limited time to prove that any one of them is worthy to ascend in power. After the break, the deliberation on the Assembly agenda continued.
What kind of religious freedoms might be granted by this law? With the opposition growing in numbers, how can Nepos maintain his super majority? Why do followers of Gedraz have a tradition of nudity during their Festival of Creation in the first place?
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